Deer Demon Race

Chapter 149: court disaster

   The rolling rice waves behind me that spent two nights passing through are the big water holes in the mouth of the water?

   The heron king at the southern end of Dashuiwazi has been beheaded by the monk?

   There was only a little doubt before, but now it is finally confirmed as a fact!

  When he was in a good mood, Lu Bao pondered and asked, "Lao Zhang, has no one ever been to the Southern Desert?"

   The old man shook his head: "In our village, we have long since been confessed in the temple, and we have to go less on the Gobi. There are demons raging in the desert!"

   The deer monster was surprised: "The monsters are raging? Have you been to the village?"

The old man shook his head: "Listening to the masters in the temple, I don’t need to worry about the people. The demons dare not get out of the desert. The stupid monsters who have gone the wrong way escaped from each other. They were all stopped by Master Miao De and pointed out the direction to change. Go to Sacred Monkey Mountain!"

   "Master Miao De?"

   This master is a good man, and is he giving directions to the monsters? Shout and kill if you don't encounter it?

   The old man nodded and said with a pious expression: "It is this Grandpa Buddha, the Heron King who beheaded hundreds of years ago. Let my ancestors settle here."

   The eminent monk who can kill the Heron Demon King, at least a golden pill, still stays near this village? The deer deer was panicked when he heard it, and he didn't dare to count on his heart to show him the way. He smiled and said, "Thank you, Lao Zhang, after the little monk, Lin Zhongxiao, can speak again!"

Don't pass the old man, hurriedly jumped back to the depths of the forest and greeted the little monsters: "Walk a mile, go to the Gobi, and no one will be above it. Let us follow the Gobi to the west. When there are no more embarrassed monks, you can reach the Holy Ape Mountain! "

  The deer demon just figured it out, no wonder that the road leads to the holy ape mountain is very stable, and to the southernmost end turns to the west. There are few monsters in the desert, and there are no human beings. Isn't it safe to go all the way to the west?

   After speaking, he turned into a stag, and led the little demons to rush to the Gobi.

   Hearing that the road behind will no longer be uninhabited, Lang Lang originally had "sneak" magical powers, and he deliberately fell a few steps behind when he walked, and the leading deer demon didn't notice it.

   This master's small explanation, it took a long time, could it be changed to a large solution? After waiting for a while, the old man suddenly saw deer, musk deer, bison, wild boar, etc. jumping up the earth and stone hills in the distance. He was a little wondering whether his old eyes were dim, and suddenly a giant wolf came out in the forest and snapped his neck in one bite.

   The old man couldn't make a scream, so he was torn to pieces and swallowed by the giant wolf.

   Eating in a hurry, the giant wolf hit a few full hiccups, muttering to himself: "The taste is not much different from animal meat, so don't lie to me!"

   turned his head again, hurriedly chasing the front team.

   The three cows were previously stunned by the deer demon spirit. The old man was eaten by the wolf demon, and he would only bow his head and graze foolishly.

There is not much grassland in the Gobi. The old man walks a little far away from cattle. Usually, few villagers come here. Until the weather is getting late and the old man returns home, his son finds it. First he finds his own cow, and then he finds it. The blood stains and torn clothes on the ground, startled, anxious and panicked, ran back to the village to ask the monk in the monastery.

  The temple in Duanlu Village is not very big. The three bold words "Tathagata" are hung on the gate of the temple, and the rest are inconspicuous.

   Hearing that there was a monster cannibalism, the abbot did not dare to call the shots, so he hurriedly called the novice to wake up Master Miao De.

The monk was fat, round-headed, and thick-skinned. He was sleeping soundly in the room. He heard the novices report and said in surprise: "The monks in the desert have spiritual knowledge. Whenever a monster comes out, he can perceive it. Why is it today? Not aware of it?"

The little novice monk couldn’t answer, so Miao De sighed and said, “Being so close to the village, the monk hasn’t noticed that he wants to come and his cultivation level is not high. If it is the evil demon and the little demon who rushed in from other places, wait for the monk to catch him. Come!"

   then Yukong went out, first went to the place where the old man was eaten carefully, and then chased it out.

  Lu Bao just heard that there are monks above the gold core in the village, so how could he dare to stay for a long time? Leading the team to the Gobi, burying their heads and fleeing westward, without knowing that the wolf demon was left behind and eaten people, and then quietly caught up.

   is really the magical power of the wolf demon "sneaking", disappearing or appearing silently, everyone is accustomed to it, let alone the deer demon rushing forward, the little demon behind are also ignorant.

   This piece of Gobi, nearly one hundred miles wide, is now the junction of northern humans and southern desert. It is completely barren, and there are almost no creatures in sight except weeds.

   The Deer Demon Team ran west along the edge of the Gobi, no longer entering the human realm, and no longer going south, thinking that it should be safe.

  The south is the Great Desert. Although there are monsters in it, but according to the old man, the monsters are raging. Since there are many monsters in it, how can it be more comfortable than the holy monkey mountain in the mouth of the monkey monster mountain?

   If I go to the desert, it may be the same as Jingping Mountain.

   A few days ago, I had been hiding in the human realm, and it was rare to completely let go of the run. The running monsters all had some rare pleasures, especially the three mountain spirits, five steps, and blue eyes who rode on mounts.

  Because the snake demon climbed on the back of the cow, Biyan had changed to squatting on the back of the musk demon Yuanxiang, and never got too close to Five Steps.

   I ran happily for a day, and it didn't stop even after it was dark.

   Going west in the middle of the night on the Gobi, the deer deer who took the lead had a sudden stop, jogging to a halt.

   The little demon behind also stopped, without the deer demon's signal, under the moonlight, everyone had seen it, thirty feet away in front of him, lying on the ground with a basket of clothes.

   The deer demon looked at it vigilantly for a while, thinking that it should be an individual, not other creatures.

   But in the middle of the night, how can mortals sleep on this Gobi Desert?

   I mistakenly thought it was a stone before, and I found the opponent only when I ran very close. If it was alive, the sound of the previous hooves should have been heard, why did he still lie still?

   Is it a corpse? Still something weird?

   After hesitating for a while, the deer demon decided not to be troublesome, turned a little bit off, and continued to run.

   ran forward, paying attention to the person lying on the ground, but he lay motionless until he surpassed the past hundreds of meters.

   Until the monsters completely disappeared into the night, the people on the ground stood up, their bodies shuddered, their ragged clothes turned back to yellow monks' robe, the wigs melted away, and they turned into fat bald heads, the monk of Miao De.

   The monk glanced at the place where the monsters disappeared, and his fat body rushed into the black sky.

   The deer demon waited for a short while to run, and another merchandiser was found in front of him, daring to drive along the Gobi.

   Still feeling weird, the deer demon turned to the beginning, and the little demon leaders avoided the merchandiser.

   drove forward, and at dawn, there was a big, round-faced monk sitting in front of a huge boulder, beckoning to them: "The monster from afar, come here!"

The deer demon ignored them and wanted to move on, but this time the fat monk no longer let them go. With a wave of his hand, he flew the straight knife out and became huge in the air. The blade was two feet wide and fell from the sky. "Choke" straight in front of the deer demon.

   The huge straight knife that flew suddenly, the face of the knife was like a wall, but fortunately, the deer demon had to jump away abruptly without hitting the face of the knife.

   The little demon was one step behind him, but he had to stop.

   Seeing that he couldn't escape, the deer demon had to put away his panic, behave as a bachelor, transformed into a human form, and walked towards the fat monk sitting on the rock.

   Xiaoshan jumped eagerly and ran to five steps and so on.

   Far away, Lu Bao first exclaimed, "I wonder if Master Miao De is in person?"

   The fat monk said strangely: "You deer demon, how do you know the monk's law number?"

Deer Deer was a little relieved: "Yesterday in Duanlu Village, I heard the old man talk about the stupid monsters who escaped from the desert and went to Duanlu Village by the wrong way. Master still has to point him to Sacred Ape Mountain, Master. Compassionate, the little demon admires it very much, and only hates the difference between races, and dare not take the liberty to come and see you!"

Looking at the huge straight sword in front of you, you know that this monk is extremely hot. The deer deer replied, and the little monsters over there were a little uneasy. He said when he went out, Yuanxiang looked around, I don’t know if I want to escape first, and I don’t know. Can you escape?

   The little mountain spirit has ran into the ears of the old pig to hide, the pig demon's four hoofs began to dig the ground restlessly, the monk glanced over there, the big straight knife moved, and made a big circle around the little monsters.

   When the circle is completed, there are many yellow lights flying around, and the little monsters inside have no ability to rush out.

   Paint the ground as a prison.

   Encircled the little monster over there, and the deer monster had also walked in front of him, and the monk Miaode asked, "The old man who ran the cow told you the monk's name, so you would eat him?"

   Deer Demon was shocked: "Where does the master speak? I just went to ask for directions. After asking Lao Zhang, I knew that the master was driving in the village and was too late to escape. Where would I dare to eat people?"

   The fat monk stared at him, and suddenly uttered softly, "Don't speak arrogantly!"

   Eating him and sipping softly, the deer demon couldn't help blurted out: "I have been a demon for many days, not to mention cannibalism, no life has been hurt!"

   Miao De frowned and asked, "Who ate that?"

   This monk is very capable and can't expect to escape from his hands. Lu Yao hurriedly said: "After asking, I really led the little demons to flee west. I didn't even turn my head. I wonder if the old man was in trouble!"

  Miaode monk's yellow robe flashed, and he appeared again, standing on the hilt of his own straight knife, and asked some little demon: "Who ate the old man?"

  'S shouting brought his "not lying" effect again, and the other little monsters shook their heads, and the lone wolf monster blurted out, "I ate it!"

   It's rare to encounter a reasonable human monk, and he didn't want to hear Lang Lang's voice. The monsters were shocked, Yuan Xiang's hooves softened and he almost fell.

   Blue-eyed scolded first: "Dog Ri, forgot to tell the lord before going out? You killed him!"

   Five steps also gritted his teeth: "If you want to die, don't hurt your brothers!"

   The wolf demon replied aggrievedly: "I'm hungry, the master said that there will be no one on the road from now on, thinking that there will be no food!"

   Monk Miao De said: "The monk is a soft-tempered, it is not easy to kill, since you wait and don't know, the wolf demon resists, and the rest are gone!"

   This is really an extravagant favor. I was not implicated by the wolf demon. I was all fortunate that Lao Wen knelt down first and said, "Thank you, grandpa monk, God!".

  Besides him, Wubu, Goubao, Biyan, and Yuanxiang all knelt down, and even the small mountain spirit jumped out and kowtowed again.

   Over there, the deer deer has already rushed back, thinking that this great master is a rare and good-tempered monk, and boldly shouted, "Hold on!"

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