Deer Demon Race

Chapter 168: Joyride Ridge

  Xuan means black. Panda takes the name Half Xuan. Does it mean "half black"?

   Banxuan put away his original appearance, turned back into a short and squat appearance, and looked at the deer demon pitifully: "I am really poor now, I hope Brother Deer will help!"

have to! Just because you are a national treasure, I will help you!

It’s not a good reputation. There are so many monsters in Wanhuagu who want to eat and pick up cards. It’s just that, and it’s not so conspicuous. NS.

   "Never mind, just recognize the surrounding geography by the way!"

   Baibao finally nodded, and the demon was overjoyed, and his honest face was put away, and he urged him to go on the road.

   Deer demon is not in a hurry. He first confessed to Gou Bao, and started off first, imitating the magnificent appearance of Jingping Mountain in the old days.

   After Goubao responded and was about to set off, the deer deer remembered something again and said, "Yuanxiang went to the peak and replaced the blue eyes. I will take him out to see the world!"

   The musk demon took his command and rushed to the mountain.

Before the blue eyes arrived, please wait for the giant panda demon. The deer demon dug two shallow pits beside the new deer cave and poured down the two peach-core-linked urine that had been soaked overnight. After the word "Rui" was activated, After filling the soil, he instructed Dog Bao not to forget to water, and the small mountain spirit came down and told him to apply fertilizer several times.

   His "rui" decree automatically snatched Zhang Yifu's Fuyun, which is very weird, but at present, it is only the scope of influence has become larger, and no other abnormalities have been seen.

  After a while, the frog demon rushed down the mountain. Ban Xuan was already waiting anxiously. Seeing the waiting little demon arrived, he urged away again and again.

   The deer demon responded with a smile, and finally hit the road.

   While walking, he first confessed a few words to Biyan in a secret language, and then the deer deer curiously said: "The little demon under the elder brother had lost his elixir for forty years. How did he deal with it later?"

   Half-xuan replied helplessly: "What about those unscrupulous pit masters? After paying the flowers, peeling cramps and punishing them for ten days, they will all be driven out of the mountain!"

   The deer deer listened, secretly sighed that the Ten Thousand Flower Valley law was too loose. If such a demon fell on Jingping Mountain, there would definitely be only one ending!

Regardless of whether the demon king is going alone or the demon king is divided, there are very few demon generals occupying the two peaks as the mountain field, and most of them are enough for only one mountain. Many miles away.

This hill is occupied by a bull demon general. The half-profound leader Baibao and the little demon have just arrived at the gate with blue eyes. When the little demon guarding the mountain gate saw it, he said bitterly, "Master Banxuan, you came to my house three years ago. Miles!"

Banxuan glared back at him: "Keep your eyes brighter, is the master such a scumbag? How can you come twice in ten years? This is my new entry demon in Wanhua Valley, so I don’t know the way. Bring it here!"

   Looking at the little demon with a bitter face, Ban Xuan hummed again: "Dare to say that your general is not at home, and the big ears will reward you!"

  貊妖 At this time, how can there be half a honest look left?

   is completely a bullying rogue who oppresses kindness, and unfortunately, he is still an accomplice in his peers, and the deer demon can't laugh or cry.

Encountering a regular visitor from Jingxiaomen Road, the demon guarding the mountain gate couldn't get away, so he had to ask the flying demon of the same value to go up the mountain to report. He led the half-xuan master to climb the mountain. On the way, congratulated the deer demon for getting into the mountain gate. After asking for his name , And welcome Master Baibao to come often in the future, but his general is very sick and travels far away, so there is really little time in the mountains.

   The little demon was determined to call for another debt collector in the future. Hearing his words obediently, Baibao didn't take it seriously. Anyway, he was in the midst of it, and he only followed the mountain climbing.

   The mountain lord Niu Yaojiang here is already waiting in front of the cave. After seeing Ban Xuan, Le Haha greeted him first.

   Banxuan, Baibao followed the demon and talked into the cave to sit, while the blue eyes mixed into the group of little demon.

   The host and the guest in the cave drank tea for a while, and Banxuan bluntly said that the Baibao brothers were new to Wanhua Valley, and came to ask for a gift.

   The cow demon will congratulate twice, and then continue: "It should be! It should be!"

   Sure enough, he wiped out two impervious strains from his pouch, and handed them to a demon who accompanied his guests, and the demon sent them over.

   The deer demon took it, thanked him, and put it away.

I wanted to drive a few more mountain farms, but Yao Yao just said goodbye, and Lu Yao said, "Brother, don’t worry, General Niu’s family is still new to me, so I should get close, ask about mountain love, and sit for a while. Go again!"

   If you don't use the name of the deer demon, other mountain fields can't get oily water. Baibao doesn't rush to go, so Ban Xuan has to wait patiently and sit and chat with him.

   After more than an hour, the Bull Demon General, who had a good face and practiced well, was a little impatient. Assuming that the Frog Demon should be finished, the Deer Demon stood up and thanked him and said goodbye.

   The frog demon was summoned back at the entrance of the cave, and when he saw him shaking his head, the deer demon turned around and said thank you again, and then went down the mountain.

After going out of this mountain gate, the deer demon divided the gift he received to the demon demon, and said: "My hometown is by the Chisha River. I want to go to the riverside to see it. My brother might as well take it to the mountain field first. present?"

Dumpty Dun just waited for the deer demon to collect all the gifts from the surrounding mountains, and it was enough to divide the money to exchange for a yellow lower grade. I don’t want the deer demon to be the first one. If the deer are divided like this, wouldn’t it? Get half?

  Looking at this white deer demon is generous, it just changed the order of the left and right directions. The deer said with a grin: "You are free, my brother will lead you to see the river first!"

   originally said that he would bring him to ask for gifts, so he changed his name to his own brother. This panda is forgetful?

   Baibao understood the semi-mysterious character of this demon.

The demon changed direction and took it to the northeast for more than two hundred miles. It was night before he pointed to the opposite row of peaks and said, "There is the Wangjia Mountain Field in Da Ni. If we are not able to pass, we turn to the north. Find it by the river!"

  The deer demon has nothing to do, and then curiously asked: "Brother, what is the true nature of King Dani? Why don't you live on the mountain instead of living by the river?"

Banxuan replied: "I heard that it was the demon king who was cultivated by the giant salamander, who was born to like the water and lived on the north bank of Chisha! His family has many good bastards, but unfortunately the best ones are only the Xuan-level inferior ones, and there is no benefit from the Danian king's own family. , It's far inferior to the queen of flowers, we all demon can't look down on it secretly, but it doesn't show up on the face!"

   Giant salamander? Isn't that the baby fish?

   The elm demon of Zhaxi Mountain is actually very high-sighted. The two demon kings introduced, the Ruyi King and Huanghuaniang, can replenish the demon energy by relying on their own mountain fields, and their strength should be stronger.

   The deer demon secretly calculated, followed Banxuan north for a while, and finally rushed to the Chisha River.

   Under the night, the river flows swiftly eastward, and the river surface is a hundred meters wide.

   This side is not far from the Sacred Ape Mountain, and the current has been divided too much along the way. Compared with the section of Crazy Bull King's house downstream, the river surface is also not wide.

   Banxuan pointed to the river channel: "You have to look at the river, the mountain field north of Chisha River, we will save it first, and go west first!"

  The deer demon observed for a long time, and could not guess the number of small chicks in the river. When the sky turned white and the river water was also reddish, the deer was led by the demon again, heading west against the current, and visited the demon general mountain field all the way to ask for gifts.

   Every time he went to a place, the deer demon would have to delay for a while, waited for Biyan to see the little demon in the same way before leaving.

There is only one flying little demon under the gate, no matter whether the little demon is on duty or flying mount, you really need one. The lazy little demon in the mountain field and the wise flying bird, the deer demon doesn’t look good, this time he wants to find it. A good one.

   Where can I find the ready-made good flying demon? Of course, it is the surrounding mountain field where the half-xuan eyes are only staring at the benefits of the elixir, while the deer demon waits for the blue eye to find a good flying demon before it will truly export the card.

   Such a delay will naturally take a long time, but the deer demon will be divided into the demon demon when he goes out to ask for the gift.

  , heading westward against the Chisha River, the first ditch was opened to the south, but the ditch was directly passed through the mountain. I don't know if it was the big monster casting the spell or the little monsters trying their best.

On the fifth day when a mountain field came, Ban Xuan pointed to a giant black mountain dozens of miles away to the northwest and said: "Climbing the Cycling Ridge is a place that the flower queen can’t take care of. I don’t need to go anymore. We cross the river to the north to discuss present!"

   The giant mountain referred to by the demon, looking at the mountains from a distance, is scorched and black, it seems to be a land where no grass can grow, only the valleys at the foot of the mountain have some greenery.

   Blue eyes accompanied him. It was simple when he crossed the river. He was already an old little demon. He had transformed the nature of the mountain frog into a huge Babao and Banxuan stepped on them, and crossed the river without touching the water.

When I went to the high mountains to the north, I turned around and saw the huge and majestic mountain that the demon pointed to. From here, there is a waterfall hanging high on the mountainside. The water flow is not too small, and it flows down into the Chisha River. The deer asked curiously:" The mountain is so big and there is no shortage of water, why can't there be vegetation growing?"

Banxuan replied: "I heard that Doufengling is also one of the five thousand peaks of the sacred apes. Originally, a demon king hedgehog occupied the mountain and lived on a mid-level mysterious apricot tree. It was stolen by thieves two hundred years ago. Ling Xing Tree, the Hedgehog Demon King chased the thief’s house, and the thief escaped. He went crazy for a while and killed the little demon all at once, and took the Ling Xing Tree back to the mountain. If you still have the future and joy, there will be a catastrophe. He came down and smashed him together with the Ling Xing Tree. None of the creatures on the mountain escaped. The earth and rocks were all scorched. After two hundred years, it still looks like this, with only a little grass growing at the foot of the mountain!"

  The power of the heavenly calamity is as good as Si?

The deer deer couldn't help being stunned. After a while, he suddenly remembered: "I forgot. The Xuantian sent that Luo Yijie once killed the monsters and monsters including the Fox Demon King, and then renamed the mountain as Jingping Mountain. Mountain monster, how could he not be robbed of heaven?".

   I didn't understand this matter, and I was a little far away from my home. After thinking about it for a while, I threw it away, and became interested in opposing the driving range in the distance.

As I saw along the way, the demon generals only had one or two hills as the hill field. After he was promoted, he could only choose one or two hills in order to be unobtrusive. They were all preempted by the Demon King and the Demon General. In the distance of the driving ridge, looking at the valley at the foot of the mountain, it would be twenty or thirty miles, and it was within the range of Huanghuaniang's influence, next to the Chisha River!

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