Deer Demon Race

Chapter 172: Mo Qisheng

   Huang Huaniang heard something wrong: "What do you mean, you actually dislike the queen?"

The deer deer shook his head into a rattle, and argued: "If the queen of flowers is willing to admire, she is the blessing of the little demon, why would I not want it? Just escaped on the way, but I met a monk named Miao De, and arrested me. A little demon under the door forced me to take an oath to teach the Dharma, otherwise he would not let it go! The monk said that if you want to teach the Dharma, you must not be close to the female sex, because I am afraid that the old deer can't hold it, I cast a'visible curse' and passed it. His curse, when he is happy with a woman, he will show his true shape, I am afraid that he will show his true shape when it is important, and if he is angry, he will slap him and lose his life!"

I heard that the "manifestation curse" will demonize the deer when it is critical. The Banshee King couldn't help but shudder, and let this ugly monster crawl on his body, but he could barely endure it, but if he became a deer at that time, Really will slap to death, think about it or forget it.

After replying, looking at Bailu Yao's eyes with some pity: "Poorly insightful, after being cursed like a monk, which female Bodhisattva dared to get close to you? Don't enjoy the taste, you don't think there is much to be alive. Fun! The monk is really hateful, he can't do it himself, and no one else is allowed to do it?"

   The wolf demon white belly interrupted and said: "After the flower, it is not difficult to do so. Ask him to go to the wild to find a doe to draft, turn it into reality, and he is right!"

Huang Huaniang chuckled softly, and the deer said: "This wolf is stupid, so empty and skinny, and filled with dung in his head, how can he be served by the queen of flowers? If the queen of flowers doesn’t think it’s important, he will show his money. I’ll fight the wolf’s brain dung out, and come to be close!"

Huang Huaniang shook her head: "Although the empress is greedy, she really can't bear this. Go and find a female bodhisattva who can let go! Let the two of you fight, but in the back, the ugly deer demon is really not allowed to trouble the empress again. I heard that I have settled down in He Twelve Peaks? It's so good, I called Shou Ling, the house of Zuihuaju, I won't keep it for you in the future!"

   After the order, watching the deer deer flexing his fists, the wolf demon smiled grimly, with a look of eagerness, the Banshee King said again: "Don't worry, I said three things before, and there is one more thing!"

When Baibao stopped, Huang Huaniang thought back: "What's the first thing? Oh, the tea garden is yours. Ten bowls of tea are distributed to you every year. You should, but only until you become the demon general. He made up his mind to be separated. There is absolutely no reason to be a master outsider, and come back as a master! Is the demon king out of his body, what do you want? Is there a limit?"

   The deer demon hurriedly replied: "The Queen of Flowers said that with ten bowls of tea every year, I will be in front of the demon general! The thing that the demon king gets out of his body is made by the dark green child, and Fengrui takes the lead!"

The Banshee King thought about it and shook his head lightly: "A hundred years ago, there was an Ugly Demon King. He sent a good fang to Ben Empress for a happy occasion, but it was a pity that he was taken to Pingdingshan to exchange it. Really created a tea garden. Here, although I think you are ugly, I don’t want to lose you here. Unfortunately, I don’t have any growth in my family. The demon king’s detached spirits left in the warehouse are just scales and single claws, which is not good. I'll exchange them for you!"

   The scales and single claws mentioned by Huang Huaniang are the kind of single scales used by the deer demon before. Because they are not complete and the spirituality is scattered, they are only the bottom objects in the demon king's body.

   There is no big danger in the near future, and the deer demon is not in a hurry. Hearing Huang Huaniang would like to get him a good piece on the Chengzu Festival, she was willing to wait and promised.

   Huang Huaniang waved her hand, and took Jiugao, Banxuan, and the handsome male pets out together, preparing to watch the two monsters fight. In fact, she didn't have much interest in her family, so she just joined in the fun.

When she went out, she changed her mind and stopped Baibao and White-bellied, and made a handsome demon next to Drunk Hua Zhong pass the pass, saying that the two demon at the door were going to fight, Huang Hua Niang personally sat in the village, the demon general and the demon wish Those who take part in the gambling, just come.

Seeing that little demon Bu Xiang’s face is still full of indifferent, Deer Demon said to his little demon: "Waiting is also waiting, who of you will teach that little demon the truth? The room in my deer cave is shabby, peel him off. It’s just right to pad your feet with wolf skin. It’s just finer. Don’t kill it. There will be an order after the flower. It will kill you!"

   Huang Huaniang just smiled and watched, but didn't stop it.

   Goubao and Biyan, who have been practicing with Master Lu for a long time, wanted to get ahead. By coincidence, Yuan Xiang, who came all the way to the west, shouted: "I worshiped the master, but I still haven't done anything, let me see!"

   The musk demon was born in the wild little demon, and he has been rolling over from life to death. At the beginning, he fought against him and his family suffered a lot. But the little wolf demon grew up in a comfortable nest, so there is no need to worry about it. Baibao nodded in agreement.

   The musk demon gave a grinning laugh, and when he stepped out of the queue, he immediately rushed to the little demon.

   A few little demons behind Bu Xiang, who also had good friendships, only saw Huang Huaniang present and didn't dare to help.

The little wolf demon roared and rushed towards the musk demon, but he has no magical powers and no magic skills. Because he is a white-bellied nephew, he did not hunt seriously when he was a beast. That's it, how could this cunning wild little demon ever be able to do it?

   The big hooves that suddenly appeared from nowhere, kicked him on the bridge of his nose with a "bang", Bu Xiang's tears and nosebleeds had just flowed out, the musk demon had rushed to his side, lifted his foot, and kicked his crotch violently.


   Bu Xiang opened his mouth and howled miserably, covered his hips and lay down on the ground. The musk demon stomped his foot, his position remained unchanged, and he stomped with his covered hand.


   was hit by this again, Bu Xiang's remaining horrible howling sounded back again, his eyes widened in an instant, his mouth opened, but he couldn't even make a sound.

   The little demon's hips were full of blood, Yuan Xiang's face was expressionless, he raised his leg again, and stomped his foot again, his position unchanged.


After this stampede, his lower body was completely broken, and Bu Xiang’s demon body could no longer maintain its human form, and finally turned into a gray wolf. The musk demon smiled grimly, took out a small dagger made by his own canines, and turned it over the dust. The wolf's back, stepping on the wolf's back with one leg, squatted down and picked up the skin of the wolf's hind legs and began to peel it.

   The Banshee King was present, the little demon singled out, and it was difficult for Witten to interfere. He just gritted his teeth and asked the deer demon: "Bai Lu'er, take it if you don’t see a good one, do you want to offend my uncle and nephew to the end?"

The deer deer hasn't answered yet, and the Huanghuaniang over there hummed: "You are waiting for the demon and little demon to eat and drink on the mountain field, relying on Huanghuaniang's name, usually just care about arrogance, and out of the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, how can you look at someone else? The mountain breeze is like this, I can't do it after I want to purge, tell you how ferocious the creatures outside are, no less than ten times eight times, but I don’t believe it at all, I have to wait until I hit the wall before I know I’m dead. It’s just right today! "

After hearing the rumor, the demon generals and demon diners of Drunken Flower and Curie went out one after another. The first ones who came out saw a little demon stepping on a wolf demon skinning, and the one behind only saw a little wolf demon lying with lost skin. On the ground, he couldn't make a sound, only the muscles were still twitching, showing that he was not dead. It was Huang Huaniang who stopped him and did not allow white belly to rescue.

   There are a lot of demons, I have never seen such a brutal situation in my life.

  The seven demon generals in the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, except for one who had already left the house, the others were all there, plus more than a hundred male and female demon, quickly crowded the front of Drunk Flower’s House.

   Feeling that it's almost there, Huang Hua Niang smiled and said: "White belly is going to fight with the new Deer Demon Hundred Treasures, and I will sit in the bank. The kids take a gamble and come to bet who will win!"

   A demon general frowned and said: "This deer demon came from outside. It must be ferocious, and the white belly will have a good skin. How can he be his opponent? After the flower, I have to sit in the house, and I will take out a deer and bet the deer will win!"

   "I also gamble on the deer and the demon to win!"

   "The deer wins!"

   There was the first one, including the deer demon's top boss Jiugao and the antelope demon general who had seen him, the demon generals all took out things, betting on the deer demon to win, and the bet fell on one side.

  The demon generals are like this. The demon are not really stupid. They come to participate in the gambling one by one.

Seeing a lot of bets placed in front of him, all betting on the deer demon, Huang Huaniang was angrily laughed: "You know that the white belly is no match for the foreign deer demon, knowing that the sun outside is hot, how can you refuse to do it on weekdays? Fight for your breath?"

   There was no monster to answer her, the scene was silent, Huang Huaniang was even more angry: "Take the bet back. You still bet like this. Do you really hope that you will die?"

  The demon generals took the lead and took back their bets. On the court, only the white belly was not convinced: "After the flower, I also went out to compare the law, how can I not beat this wild deer?"

   Huang Huaniang nodded: "Yeah, you have to hit the wall to find out! The Ugly Deer Deer doesn't need to look after Ben Hou's face, just let him know!"

The Banshee King took the opportunity to train the monsters. The Deer deer also wanted to stand up for power, so as not to be disarmed by the little demon inexplicably, he acted more violently. Like a nephew!"

   White belly also walked on the field with a gloomy face, raising his hand to draw a high earth wall first, and he said behind the wall: "Come on!"

   The deer demon grinned happily, and turned into the original appearance of the white deer with the words. There was no need to grow big, and he lowered his head and launched a "savage collision", directly knocking out a hole in the not thick soil wall.

   White-bellied is not really without any support. In fact, he is good at thunder method, so he deceives the deer newcomer. I don't know his details, and behind the wall is secretly ready to make a big move.

   The deer demon passed through the hole in the earth A thick thunder fell from the sky.

It's just that the wolf demon didn't know the danger of melee combat. The distance between the two parties was too close. The thunder struck down, and only an afterimage was struck. Then there was a wind behind his white belly. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the lower body, and the egg seemed to be broken.

   White belly clutched his hips, before screaming, he was kicked heavily on the tail vertebrae. Unbelievably the strength was that his vertebrae broke instantly, and his body was taken high and flying high.


In the blink of an eye, the wolf demon Ding Baibai was kicked far away by the new deer deer. His lower body was blood red. After landing, his vertebrae broke and he couldn't stand up anymore, and his mouth could only be "hehe" thick. asthma.

   "I told you to be the same as your nephew, but I didn't mean it!"

   The deer demon retracted his legs and hugged his chest and smiled coldly: "Yuanxiang helped the master to skin him, and when he went back, he laid his feet in the deer hole!"

   Yuanxiang smiled, and ran over with a dagger: "Chome, I am a little demon, you must not fight, if you can fight, my master will definitely come back to make up for your feet!"

  The handsome wolf demon Ding ignored the musk demon, but his body took the initiative to return to its original form, howling and cooperating, allowing him to peel off his skin.

   Seeing him obediently cooperated with being skinned, Huang Huaniang sneered twice and cursed: "It was an embroidered pillow, what's the matter? Don't get close to the back of this body in the future!".

   After cursing, he flicked his sleeves and returned to Drunk Flower House, and the other demon generals also dispersed. Only the demon demon pointed and pointed at the white deer demon from a distance, and whispered.

   Deer demon clasped his fists, and said to the surrounding demon: "My old Lu came a long way, afraid of being deceived, so I didn't want to play sideways in front of my brothers, but I also beg my brothers not to be embarrassed in the future!"

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