Deer Demon Race

Chapter 196: Painstakingly

When the little demon came to report, there was a tea-changer at the gate of the mountain. After Biyan hurried to Gu Yingsheng, the deer deer thought that the demon formation can help the demon general's ability. drill.

Huang Huaniang wanted to participate in the war, her strength was too weak, she could not find a safe way to survive, the deer demon had to order the sparrow demon not to fight recently, and strengthened guard with the carved demon White Shoulder, Peng Demon Xiaoqu, and Yufeng, four police mountains Ding's flying little demon was sent farther away, and they were called Ban Xuan and Steel Bone, and then rushed to Zhaxi Mountain to listen to the news of Wang Ruyi's family.

   One month later, the half-mysterious and steel-boned returnees, King Guangmang, King Shura, and the newly joined King Dangkang, led an army of monsters in the four mountains and places to seek out the house of the King of Anni, while the King of Ruyi sat in Ruyi Mountain to serve as logistics.

   Just before the expedition, King Ruyi asked the flying monsters to pass on the demon kings of King Dani. If he withdrew then, he would wait for his brothers not to be an enemy.

  The demon kings who went to help the battle had been prepared for a long time, but they ignored it.

When the monsters from the expedition arrived, several monsters were dispatched to the nearby Zhu Weiwang’s house and Huanghua’s mother’s family mountain field. All the monsters that were not removed from the mountain field were severely injured, and the monsters from far away were poached away. Elixir, destroying the cave.

   After Baibao learned of it, he was helpless, and no matter how reluctant, he had to lead the more than one hundred monsters under the door, and then returned to the Ten Thousand Flower Valley. Only a small song and a few flying monsters were left in the driving range, and they were told to flee when they saw the enemy.

The wild tea tree is not distressed when it is dug away. The purple golden potato has not yet reached the long vine season. If it is not the demon king’s visit, the spiritual roots are not easy to be detected. The big shrubs came to plant aside, hiding the apricot saplings in them.

Fortunately, a few days later, Xiaoqu reported that the demonstrating monsters of King Guangmang did indeed go to Doufengling. However, Doufengling was really huge. I heard that it was only a newly opened mountain field for two years. I saw the tea house and some wild tea trees that were not valuable and difficult to move. I cursed the poor and picked tea all night, but then withdrew it the next day. The apricot tree sapling was not discovered.

More than ten days after retreating to the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, Huang Huaniang took the time to come back and talked about the battle. The three on the opposite side formed a lot of demon formations to help. However, King Shura was more difficult to deal with. Every demon king who fought with him would become true. It's pure hand-to-hand combat, and it is often only two-to-one to beat it, but the others are fine.

   Asura and Asura are indeed different from each other, no wonder the monk loves abduction to be the protector of the Dharma.

When Huang Huaniang came back from this trip, she also told a message: Twenty-one ancestors let out the wind on Pingdingshan, and when the matter of the Holy Rhino Valley subsides, he will personally go to the mountain field to praise the demon generals who have made great contributions to the outside world. If the Demon King dared to make trouble again, it was against his Kuli ancestor.


"Yuanxiang, the old man has complained to me a few times, and the little demon in Fenglingling is too troublesome. I pick things up all day long. After I leave, you will be in good control, regardless of the demon or the little demon. Demon, if you make a mistake, you will be punished severely. Don't be merciless. Don't lose my face!"

After the musk demon nodded, the deer demon turned his head and said to Gou Baobao: "It's not that my brother won't take you, but Yuanxiang is a difficult to control the demon. If you don't look at it, I don't worry! I only go there for twenty days at most. If something happens here, I must make the little demon come and look for me around the Jinyu King's house!"

   said to the sparrow again: "I walk with steel bones, so I don't need you two to break your intestines. Goubao can't save it!"

   confessed the past one by one, and Banxuan screamed at the side with a bitter expression: "Master, he waits for you not to take if he wants to go, I really don't want to go!"

   The deer demon hummed: "You are the least worried. If you don't take it away, will you leave it to Goubao to cause trouble?"

   Yao Yao looked aggrieved: "When did I cause trouble to the master?"

  The deer deer thinks about it, it doesn’t really seem to be a big deal at the moment, and he said: "I won’t get into trouble by my side, I can’t tell you with Goubao!"

   Yao Yao's eyes suddenly wetted: "Master, you have to speak with your conscience. It's not good for me to be so wronged for no reason!"

The deer demon ignored him, watched the seeing off the demon again, threatened and exhorted: "I only go for twenty days, and each will be safer. Yuanxiang will keep the account, otherwise the master will come back. It will be a hot day. If you change the skin, you will be punished twice as much for the open noodles that should be peeled."

   If Master Lu is guilty of nagging problems, I'm afraid it will take a while, Ape Demon Black Face impatiently urged: "Master, they all know it, please go on the road!"

   The deer deer stomped his feet, and then rushed to see off the crane demon general said: "These people under my door, please give me a look at the army for one or two. After twenty days, no matter what happens or not, I will come back!"

   Jiugao smiled bitterly: "These uncomfortable people in your family make trouble everywhere, and it is really not easy to take care of them. For that mountain opportunity, you have worked too hard!"

   The deer demon sighed lightly: "For my mountain field, and also for my many years of heart knot, I have to try it!"

Chong Jiugao gave another salute, stepped on the steel-bonded Peng's back with Qiu Yao and Biyan, and the three rat demon golden slappers, black **** ape black face, and unicorn goat demon Kaitai with bags on their heads went to Yufeng. On the back of the Peng, the two Dapengs who used the "bulging" magical powers fluttered their wings and took off, heading southeast.

   Baibao went here, thinking of the evil lady looking for Luoxiaguan's bad luck.

   The situation in the Dani King’s family was at a stalemate. The opponent's three demon kings attacked the mountain field, and there were several demon formations to help out.

   The King of Ruyi still wants to stay at Ruyi Mountain. In terms of the displayed strength, King Guangmang is definitely not a match.

But when the deer deer thought, Wang Guangmang was really crazy, and the three families of Ruyi, Shura, and Dangkang would not accompany him. At this time, the stalemate did not retreat, and the posture of fierce fighting should be delayed, slowly separated, and persuaded. The demon king who retreated to help.

I really found out that the four monsters led by the three monster kings, apart from robbing King Zhu Wei and Huang Huaniang to separate their houses, and wounding some monsters, but did not actually kill them. That is, there is still room for the two monsters. When Wang talked, it was probably the same for several other companies. Only in the end, those who are still determined to help the King hide themselves in a real fight.

Let’s not talk about the others. After all, the wine of the King Zhu’s family was loved by the twenty-first ancestors; Huang Huaniang, a well-known female bodhisattva, is really crazy and even more terrifying. Far from being comparable to the King of Anemone.

Huang Huaniang was only single to help the battle. The five branch offices have all withdrawn, so the deer demon is not there, and there are eleven demon generals guarding the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers. This lineup, the demon will not be enough in the future, even if the opposite party really ignores that. In the frontier battle, a demon king is attacked, and the eleven demon generals can always support Huanghuaniang.

   Hearing the news brought back by Huang Huaniang, the deer deer suddenly understood that the chaos caused by the stubbornness, the rule of the twenty-first ancestors was to prohibit the demon king from stealing the spiritual roots of the demon generals with meritorious service.

Thinking that if he can squeeze into the ranks of meritorious people, the possibility of his own driving in Lingling will be stolen again, the deer demon is immediately moved, but he has no hatred for the holy rhino valley demon general, and the war there is almost over. There is no credit for going to Dingding at this time.

  The demon ancestor only talked about foreign wars, but did not fully specify that it should not be the Holy Rhinoceros Valley!

  The deer deer has often heard in recent years that the evil lady is unruly, often stealing across the border to kill the demon Ding and the demon commander. King Jinyu tried to take her several times, but failed to succeed.

   Besides, Master Luo Xiaguan, it is said that she is not far from the realm of Jin Dan.

  Wait for her to become a golden core monk, how many years will it take for her to vent her hatred?

The evil lady's notoriety is very famous on the southeast border. If she can be killed, it will be worth several ordinary demon generals. If you ask Huang Huaniang to deal with it, you may be able to rank among the 21st ancestors. Will's number.

   This is two birds with one stone. It was originally determined to take revenge, and it has such advantages. The deer deer decided to get out during the battle of the mountain lord and have a fight with the evil lady.

Since I learned that the wicked lady of Luoxiaguan would sneak across the border, thinking that she wouldn't have to be an enemy of the entire Luoxiaguan, the deer demon originally planned to wait until the riding ridge becomes more stable, and her skills can grow a little bit before he will fish her again. , But the opportunity is indispensable, even if it's not two years since the newly promoted Demon General, I want to take the risk and give it a try.

   He was not at home, and he was afraid that the demon who stayed behind would cause trouble. Except for Biyan, he brought out all the ones who had bad temper and love to cause trouble.

   With that wicked lady's arrogant appearance, it shouldn't be difficult to fish, just think carefully. After all, it's been forty-four years, and everything is possible.

For fear of bumping into the monsters of King Guangmang and King Ruyi’s family, they urged the two Peng monsters to fly faster. The 21st Ancestor’s realm has been together for these years. The approximate locations of the Monster King’s mountain fields and the safe flight paths are all Knowing a general idea, I'm not afraid of flying wrong.

   The two Peng Yao exerted their power, more than 1,500 miles, and only took two and a half hours to fly to the edge of the lost forest.

Jinyu Wangjiashan outside the field The deer demon will say to the seven demon who came: "You will know what I am going to do, and ask you to wait and follow, and don't wave the flag to cheer. , Second, I don’t help each other, but you have to do some trivial matters in equal parts. After I have visited King Jinyu, I will talk about the results!"

   called six monsters to wait, and he took the steel bones to go to Jinyu Wang’s Mountain Gate to see him.

After hearing his self-reporting, the gatekeeper asked in doubt: "My grandfather and Huang Huaniang have no friendship? I haven't heard of any contacts, just listen to the rumor. Isn't she helping the Dani Wang family to fight? You? Since she is the demon general of her family, why would you come to see my great king?"

   Deer demon smiled and said, "It's because I have some personal matters to see you, so please tell me all about it, saying that I want to clean up the big sister of Zixiaguan, and I'm here to ask King Jinyu for help!"

   The little demon was even more suspicious. He and Gang Bone looked at him carefully before asking, "How many demon generals have you come? Can you hold the evil lady?"

   I can’t guarantee this. Lu Yao smiled bitterly: "I have an enmity with her, I have to try!"

   Hearing what he said, the little demon cheered up and exclaimed, "Wait, I'll report to you!"

   The flying little demon who was on duty was also staring at the demon white deer dead. The one who asked the question before took off with joy and turned to the mountain, and then screamed all the way to this mountain.

   Seeing its flapping two wings, it seems to have a cheerful atmosphere.

   Jinyu Wang Family, Ku Luoxia watched the evil lady for a long time! !

   After waiting for two quarters of an hour, the little flying demon came back, jumping and shouting, "You can't lie to me, Grandpa King told you to go in!"

   The deer deer took the Peng Yao again, and the flying little demon led the way, and flew straight to the Jinyu King Benshan.

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