Deer Demon Race

Chapter 271: Killing the Lord

Outside the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, the Huang Huaniang who was called out kept gazing at the white-shirted dragon girl beside the deer demon, and said: "Your whole family is also the demon king. If she is there, why do you still ask the queen for help?"


The deer demon shouted: "The boy and I have no great feud, I wanted him to suffer a loss in front of Laozu Mountain, so that he can stay in the holy ape mountain without a face! It's just that there is a good demon general, so no I am willing to let go of revenge. After a few days of getting out, he still refuses to leave. He wants to stay in the ancestral realm to find a living. I am afraid that I still remember my old deer's revenge. Don’t worry. If you don’t succeed, you will have to leave! If not, he will find the spiritual roots to honor the ancestors on the Ancestral Day next year, and the ancestors will have to protect them, so it's not easy to do it again!"


   Huang Hua Niang hummed: "You ill-born, quietly set a kiss, the woman is still a demon king, really did not come to show up behind this?"


   Lu Yaoton called Qu: "It's just a marriage, how do I see it? When you get married, please spend a drink later!"


   Huang Huaniang blinked, cupped her chest, and sighed softly: "I have forgotten all the affection of the old days? I have to invite the queen to have a wedding wine, don't you put a knife in the heart of this queen?"


  The deer deer was stunned, and after a while he said in a panic, "I am not wronged after the flower, I am wicked!"


   I'm not ashamed to say that when I was wronged by you, I might have to be beaten twice more when I went home to fight!


   peeked to her side, there was no joy at all on Seventeen Niang's face, as if it had nothing to do with her, she hadn't heard it.


   The more it is like this, the darker it is when you move it thick!


   Huang Huaniang didn't think it was enough, she glared at him, and then groaned: "You forget your love overnight, you have so many games with you in vain!"


   Deer deer smiled bitterly: "Grandma after the flower, is my old deer unwilling to succumb to death?"


   Huang Huaniang said: "Otherwise? You have an extra demon king on the mountain field. My old lady has lost hundreds of years of annual tribute out of thin air. Who can I ask for?"


   The deer demon hurriedly said: "I have been arguing with the lady, and at any rate I have to pay the annual tribute for 10 to 20 years!"


   "Bah!" Huang Hua Niang tweeted at him: "If you really want to bring the seeds, you will have to pay for a hundred years! Is the tribute of ten or twenty years so rare?"


   is about to pay a hundred years of tribute to her mouth. Lu Yao shouldn't be too excited by her. She changed the subject and said, "After the flower, I should be able to do it, and I have to help!"


Huang Huaniang "humph", and said softly: "Peng Sheng also bears the heart, so two Jiao Di Di, both call to help you fight? The other party is also the Demon King, in case you are forced to explode in a hurry and hurt your home The lady doesn't feel bad, and she doesn't feel bad after she hurts her? Where is the deal?"


   Why are you here again? The Deer Demon hadn't answered yet, and the Seventeenth Lady who pretended to be irresponsible by her side finally couldn't help but said, "My sister doesn't want to go, so my husband will leave! Actually the slave is here, so there is no need to ask for help!"


Huang Huaniang glanced at her, and then said to the deer demon: "You Hun Family was originally a joke? I will tell you later, I will help you this time, and then avoid the annual tribute. The love I owed you before will be clear, earlier. Come and plant peaches to pay your debts! In the future, your mountain farm will come back to Wanhua Valley. If you are the master of the family, you will follow the usual favors. If you want to ask for friendship, you must come to the door in person!"


The deer deer was a little confused, but the seventeenth mother understood, and hurriedly bowed to her, and said: "Isn't it a slave, I don't know that although the husband and the Huahou name rule, the friendship is unusual. It is not intentional to collide, please Don't worry! The husband is still the master at home, and I don't know how long it will take to give the slaves!"


   Huang Huaniang's face reappeared with a smile: "Where is such a delicate? Just collided? I don't know if you don't like to joke, but it's a concubine, the same demon king, just call the Queen Huaniang!"


Both of them understand each other's temperament a bit, they are not the same with their own, but they have nothing to say. Lu Yao hurriedly said: "Let's go! After the flower, rest assured, thinking about doing it, I still rushed. He only went out after refining the magic weapon that trapped him, so if you hit him, you won't be able to explode!"


   The seventeenth mother said that the husband must deal with the buddy. I saw it once a few decades ago. It's really not a big deal among the Demon King. There is still a magic weapon at the bottom of my press box. Why not hit him? Afraid to explode?


   The one who hides in secret, the sage of the heart is embarrassed to let others know, and protect you secretly to go out and kill the demon king, throwing a demon to death.


Speaking of it, the deer demon really hated the old master’s house of filling water B, and there is not much insoluble hatred, but when he asked Big Horn, he still insisted on avenging the unjustly killed black bull. Between Filling Water B and Big Horn, Of course, I choose to help the bull demon. When I have the ability, I don’t want him to bear the humiliation and wait for hundreds of years. Maybe he will die at the hands of the pangolin. The second is from Longgonghuidoufengling. The stay is not long, but the dragon girl Come to train her husband, in order to show that she will not lose the slightest ambition of the sparrow monster, she will chase and flee in the Doufengping every day. It's better than staying at home depressively.


   In front of the foreign demon, this fierce lady still gave Lao Lu a lot of face.


After hanging under Pingding Mountain for a hundred days, even if the monsters under the sect were scattered and scattered, there were no more than a few monsters left. Filling Water B did not feel embarrassed and left Sacred Ape Mountain. Instead, he grabbed the rest and grabbed a family of lone monsters. In the mountain field, he went around to explore the way to make a living, and he was still preparing to settle down. He was hung to watch the Cheng Zu Festival. After being put down, he personally asked from the twenty-first place what the demon king gift was received by the ancestor.


   Twenty-one said personally, as long as he received the gift of filling water B, he would shelter him.


Of course, after waiting for the New Year, after the news that the ancestor of the ancestor of the Holy Ape West Wang took the White Deer Demon as a disciple and became married to the Dragon Palace spread widely, Filling Water B was afraid that it was very likely to abandon the Holy Ape Mountain and ran elsewhere. To make a living.


   For the deer demon, the result of filling in the water and walking away is acceptable, and it can be regarded as the general Black Bull who breathed a sigh of relief, and the idea of ​​having only big horns is not accessible. While Filling B was still hanging, the Deer Demon asked Biyan secretly, and Dajiao said that if he couldn't find an opportunity, he would not change his worship to the mountain gate.


   In that case, Big Horn would also leave the Sacred Ape Mountain, and the Deer Deer had to help him.


   I heard that I wanted to avenge the general Hei Niu, and Gou Bao wanted to come too, but unfortunately he was just a demon, and the demon king didn’t look enough in front of him, so he just stayed depressed in the riding ridge.


The deer demon rides on the steel frame, and the Huanghuaniang turns into a small worm and attaches to the 17niang. When she enters the pangolin demon king’s new mountain field within a hundred miles, in the water-filled second divine consciousness, one demon king and one demon will be in the low air. , Fly straight towards the mountain field!


  Filling Water Yi flew into the air, also called Dajiao, Fushan Guard!


   Now that he is under his sect, Fushan is still loyal to follow, and there are only three or four demon ranks left.


   When I look at it clearly, the flying Banshee King is a bit familiar, and the servant riding on the bird is even recognizable when it turns into ashes. It is also the main reason why Fill Water B chose to stay. He also wants revenge!


   "Hundred Treasures!"


   Filling the water, burning in anger, roared and roared!


   One demon king and two demon generals, don’t be afraid of him!


   Seventeen Niang coldly snorted, and suddenly speeded up, throwing off the Black Wing Peng, and hitting the demon king that the husband wanted to kill!


  Filling Water B took out the golden melon hammer, and flew towards the Banshee King, always repelling her, so as to kill the White Deer behind!


   Flying closer and closer, where has the Banshee King seen?


   The Pangolin Demon King was still in doubt, the seventeenth mother flicked both hands, and the thin threads of ten dragon whiskers flew straight and shot straight, and at the same time took out the big white snails, and blew on the mouth!


   The other party’s sound attack, naturally you have to get close!


   The King of Filling Water flashed away from the thin line, and then flew a few steps closer, lifted a pair of big gourds, ready to smash down by gravity, after the opponent avoided, then flung out and smashed!


   Big white snail?


   Yes, my golden hammer is related to her!


   is the dragon girl back then!


  Filling the water B had not had time to exclaim, the sound attack from the white snail had gathered into a line, and hit the body first, causing his blood to vibrate violently, and the blood seemed to be spewed out!


   Babao, how can I invite her to help?


   The ten dragon's whiskers that he thought to get out of the way have been placed on the scales, and branched out quickly, spreading to the whole body!


  Filling Water B instantly recognized reality, it would not be this dragon girl opponent, and the word "escape" suddenly appeared in his mind!


   On the dragon girl, a small bug flew up, flicked at him at very close range!


   A tail stab flew out. It was originally very subtle, but it grows when it hits the wind. When it hits his chest, it will be as thick as a chopstick!


   Two demon kings!


   Babao’s servant is calculating me, to kill me!


   Just after this thought flashed through, the thin thread sent by the dragon girl was suddenly tightened, binding him and the gourd hammer together!


The thorn is very poisonous, which makes Filling Shui Yi's heart painful; looking at the extremely thin yellow line, the force is unexpectedly large, and it can't struggle; the dragon girl's large white snail has changed its tune, and the blood pulse has stopped, but it is again Dizzy, light and heavy, it's the feeling of drunkenness and powerlessness after drinking!


   It seems that after being drunk, the spiritual mind is dull?


   Do you want to explode...




   The vest is in severe pain, who stabbed me behind? Can it pierce the scales of the Demon King?


   In the same dull five senses, Fushan seemed to be screaming: "Great Horn!"


The small worm that issued a dark arrow has grown bigger, a slender, tender, and all-kind foot on his chest, watching with just a light tap, but the huge force coming makes him retreat suddenly, breaking his back. The sharp weapon pierced into the heart!


   The two golden hammers let go weakly, the vitality is passing, I want to explode, is the tied yellow thread weird? Or the sound attack? Why doesn't the demon pill obey?


   A horn knife that came afterwards slashed on his neck again!


   This knife also failed to cut through the neck of the thickly armored Demon King, and another beautiful leg, which was the same as the jade foot that had been placed on his chest before, came again, and then lightly tapped it on the back of the horn knife.


   Then, the head flew up!


Behind    Dragon Girl, the voice of the White Deer Demon came: "The steel bones of Gouri, you are faster. Master, I have two magical artifacts that are useless!"


   Seeing that the head of Filling Shuiyi has been flying, the deer demon let out an angry cry, hurriedly spit out another eyeball, and settled in his own eyes.


  The eyeballs set outside just came back alive, turning to scan the body and head of the fallen corpse.


   At this moment, the bones of Filling B are all revealed!


  Why didn't you see the colored jade bones that the Shura girl said?


   Moved his gaze slightly, there is a small piece of hyoid bone and throat bone under the tongue coating on the seventeenth mother; there is a section on the tail vertebra of Huanghuaniang!


   Look at the body of the Pangolin Demon King, there is really no poor ghost!


   took a peek at Big Horn, no, poor ghost!


   In his slander, Dajiao shouted at Fushan who was about to flee: "Don't run away, don't kill you!"


  PS: After reading the book review, several book friends expressed that they could not accept the protagonist's brutal domestic violence. Here are a few words.


  Before I wrote this book, I always wondered, what should the world of monsters look like? Thinking that it should be mainly fighting and fighting, it should be "demonistic", it should be evil, and it should be completely different from the human worldview, and then the outline of the idea was started. In fact, these are not enough, but the Internet environment is such that they are afraid of touching the line of harmony. It is too evil and dark and I dare not write, and suffering from domestic violence is only part of it. If I write as a loving and harmonious couple, do I really look like a demon?


The book friends who left a message don’t know if they’re unmarried or not. They have strong self-esteem, but for the author, and I, who have been married for seven years, I must admit that I am afraid of a wife before anyone. According to the book, it’s a day. Long Bao, so I don't feel much pressure to write, and the protagonist is not a Rilong Bao, he is fighting.


   The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. This is my general idea of ​​writing online articles. This will not change, nor will the plot change in the future.


   I apologize to the genuine book friends who really can’t accept it. You have spent money to read books in the early stage. I hope you can get together well and don’t slander!


   (End of this chapter)



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