Deer Demon Race

Chapter 300: Dating a driving ping

Huang Huaniang put on a wry smile: "I know it, and I know that I was calculated by the fellow! It's just that he didn't know how much effort he spent, and he really found thousands of strange flowers to send them all together. The honey brewed by the queen is expected to reach the Xuanzhong product. I had to replace the red ganoderma for two seasons. In the future, I don’t need to separate the other demon kings. I didn’t hold back for a while, so I accepted them all. I owed the favor of the elders. If I don’t want other people, I asked for spiritual roots and killed the queen. ! From now on, keep your eyes open and never owe favors!"

There is no impermeable wall in the world, and King Dani has some skills. He went to Huanghua’s family a few times before and after he noticed that the spiritual roots had gathered together, and a number of them had been added a few years ago. The original owner, the disciple of Mrs. Sacred Ape, did not have the qualifications to demand, and knew that his family relationship was not enough, so he managed to make Huang Huaniang owe an adult, and she said when she lay on a bed, no other kind of return, as long as Huaniang's family was born a new life. The same spiritual roots.

The red Ganoderma lucidum planted in Wanhua Valley now has only four slices of old lucid meat. The more that stuff, the faster it will inhale the spirit, and the shorter the time it will produce. It used to be ruthless by Wang Ruyi, and it will take a hundred years to see it. output. Huang Hua Niang can be upgraded with honey brewing, adding another mysterious product, which is a great thing. There are things that will be distributed to the three families of Zhu Wei, Da Si, and Shan Qian. In the first two hundred years, the red Ganoderma lucidum was collected for two seasons and shortened. Finished product time in the future.

   With such a great benefit, she knew that the poison was hidden in the other party's sugar, so Huang Huaniang had to eat it and wipe it out first.

King Danis is patient, spends a lot of money, and is familiar with Huanghuaniang’s temperament. Many of the strange flowers he sent are demon generals and demon lords who are entrusted to make a living. There are wild mountains, deserts, and human lands. They have not been seen in the Sacred Ape Mountain. Since Huang Huaniang transplanted the red Ganoderma lucidum, she has been acting in secret. Sent.

  I had to owe love, Huang Huaniang couldn't do anything, so she gave up her face and wanted to grind the white deer to respond to her life and death.

   The Seventeen Niang, who was pushed on her head by the Bailu Demon, didn't make a sound.

Hearing what she said, the demon said: "I am willing to be the queen of flowers, but other people can't make it, and I can't support such a lot of demon kings! After the flowers, I owe the gods favor, and I can't call my old deer. Return the spirit root, otherwise you will reduce your friendship!"

   Deer Deer said solemnly, Huang Huaniang shed tears for a while: "The disease is so good that it doesn't care about affection, and I will treat you sincerely for many years after I was wronged!"

   Bai Lu demon suddenly had a headache: "Don't pretend to be, it's not the temperament of the queen of flowers, my old deer can't bear this!"

   Huang Huaniang really put away her tears, and glanced at him: "After all, it's a good thing?"

   Deer demon replied: "The benefits have not been figured out yet, after the flowers, look at them and give them!"

   Huang Huaniang shouted angrily: "It's better to understand, it's okay to owe debts, I am most afraid of owing favors!"

The deer deer still shook his head: "Explain to the queen of flowers that I will help the ancestor Bai Ze of the Yang Yang to move 12 of your spiritual roots from the Ten Thousand Flower Valley to the Dani King's house, and I will only make up for you in the future, no matter who asks, I Don’t recognize the benefits! You don’t need to worry about the benefits. You can give it to you. Alien species, honey, and red ganoderma.

   Huang Hua Niang glanced at the silent Seventeen Niang and Qing Luo, and said: "You have a thick waist now, and the old woman will join hands with her skin and flesh. If not, pay the debt?"

   The deer demon rolled her eyes: "My old deer is a vegetarian, so I don’t want meat!"

   Huang Huaniang stood up and stomped her foot: "You boy, I really hate my old lady!"

   abandoning this sentence, she went to the layman: "Walk away, don't give it away!"

   Waiting for Huang Huaniang to fly away, the Dragon Girl asked, "Why don't my husband want her to pay back? Hua Niang's sister is very handsome and fair and soft!"

   Qingluo was also laughing, and she rarely said something fair: "Grandma is not wronged again. If the master wants to be nice to her, he hooked up many years ago, how can he wait until now?"

   The deer demon boasted: "It's still Qing Luo'er with bright eyes and bright hearts. Madam, don't be jealous, we should learn from each other!"

   The seventeenth mother stood up proudly and went out of the cave, fearing that this servant would not care about her face, and would take her hand all the way, without waiting: "The slave family will go first!"

   The dragon girl flew away first, and the deer demon went out afterwards. He smiled at the door, and looked like a bag on the tail of the same demon next to it.

   Intimidated and added fragrance, the white robe "flying" magically activated, and borrowed the power of three tail feathers, the speed is not better than the demon king, but it can barely match the flying demon.

The role of Nikka body tempering is very obvious. With its magical powers, physical rigidity and magical weapons, the deer demon is no problem to escape from the driving flat now, but it is better than the demon king who has many methods and top magical weapons, especially this demon king. Still a real dragon, the road ahead is very long.

   However, the challenge can't be stopped, just be my wife's opponent after forty years, and practice hand skills with her!

   And the resentment accumulates a lot, the refreshment after overthrowing her, thinking about it will make Lu Yao excited, in this respect, it is more worth looking forward to than the opponent of the Xuantian faction in forty years!

   After the white deer demon flew to Doufengping, after a few years of fighting, there were not as many demon crowds watching the battle as they did at the beginning, but there were also two hundred people who had nothing to do.

   Old rules, Su Ji and Jin Shou Zi have always been in the bank, but today there are many semi-mysteries, and they also joined the bankers, and they made a sound together, bewitching the demon and the little demon to take part in the gambling, how long will the master Yalu be overturned.

   Xiaoshan Jing stood on the shoulders of Banxuan and hurriedly called: "Three brothers, I won the profit!"

Every time he bet, as long as he was on the mountain, he would have to tell the banker to win the profit, and if he lost, he would not help make up the capital. Although he only asked for one or two little demon detachments each time, he could only get in. Those who got out, accumulated a lot of things, and abducted a lot of things early. The golden hit child and the old disease have all learned well, let him call, and no longer respond.

   In front of Su Ji, there was a long and a short two sticks of incense sticks. The top of the short one was pitch black, which was spotted yesterday.

   Yesterday, grandma overturned the master and spent a half-hearted time. Today's gambling game will increase or decrease on this basis!

   The Seventeenth Lady was standing in the center of Doufengping, in a white shirt hunting and hunting, and she was as quiet as a lady.

   Beast mother, she is obviously a female Tyrannosaurus, why is she so beautiful?

   I think back then, my old deer had only suffered from the loss of a beautiful picture, and provoke the female tyrannosaurus to enter the house!

  The deer monster yelled: "Lady, I'm here!"

   Among the onlookers, the golden striker also shouted: "Burn incense, time!"

   The demon white deer sank, "leapfrogging" close!

  The magical powers are composed of both the demon energy and the flesh. The benefit of the Nikka tempering body and the deer demon rising is not only the strength of the physical body, but also a magical power!

   In the blink of an eye, the deer demon has appeared in front of the seventeenth mother!

   is also a "leapfrog" magical power, the speed is 30% faster than nine years ago!

   Bai Lu demon raised his right fist, greeted the seventeenth mother and smashed his eyes!

   Knowing that this husband has a hard skin and bones, and his brute force is not necessarily much less than the Demon King, such a brute force, if you win, you will not be injured, and there is no "regeneration" in her own family. Now the dragon girl is no longer fighting him!

   In front of her, a water man appeared instantly, his body trapped in the fist of the deer demon.

   The Seventeen Niangs flicked her ten fingers again, and ten thin threads of dragon's whiskers appeared, wrapping them all around the White Deer Demon!

   Taking advantage of the appearance of the deer demon's "stand-in" and getting rid of the dragon's beard line, she took out the white snail and was ready to play the "Drunk Fairy Song"!

   At present, Master Lu is afraid of her trick. He has tried it a long time ago, and it can't be prevented to plug his earholes!

The realm of    is one level lower, and the immune effect to this tune is too poor!

   The demon white deer who loves wine but has a lot of alcohol, the two generations together, the number of times that he really got drunk, has not heard this song as many times as drunk!

   If the song stops, there will be no more effect. Only if you interrupt her to play, will you have a chance!

   Deer Demon thought, "Remnant Shadow" was activated immediately, after bypassing the water man, before flying behind the dragon girl, the sky net suddenly cast out!

  After nine years of fighting, how could the seventeenth mother be unfamiliar with the routine of the deer demon?

The Tianluo Net is also a top-level magic weapon. The first magical item is full, and it has been preliminarily tempered by the deer demon with the star. If it is covered, the dragon girl is not easy to escape. It was because of it a few years ago that the deer was allowed to escape. For the first time, the demon escaped from Joyriding Ping!

   realized that the white deer was really throwing the net, a stone statue flew out of the seventeenth mother, and she turned back to the true dragon's true appearance, the long silver dragon flew away, and the big white snail was caught on the dragon's mouth!

   The stone statue was carved into a fork-lifting patrol yaksha, which grows when it hits the ground, stands up, and is covered by the sky net!

   The stone statue of Yasha seems to come alive, struggling desperately in the net, but can't get rid of it!

   The sky's net fell through, and the deer demon flicked his left hand forward, and a rope flew out from his left arm, chasing the real dragon!

This was the 70-odd purple silkworm cocoons that Xiwang distributed during the robbery of the Xuantian faction. Because the number was small, it was useless for other purposes, so the deer demon pulled out all the silk and blended it with the original black cow. Please fill it with water. The left hand tendon tied the soul to make a short immortal rope!

Although it looks short, it can be regarded as its own thing because of the left-hand tendons. The deer demon has fifty-two layers of "zhan" characters. The magical use of "zhanzhang" length can actually be as long as you want. Variety.

  Xinghui's tempering time is not long. The Seventeenth Mother is really **** by the immortal rope, and she can break free in only two or three breaths, but then, doesn't she seem embarrassed?

   In front of the demon crowd and the Bailu demon, is the dignified Dragon Banshee king shameless?

   The silver dragon flicked its tail, flew out a dragon tail fin, turned into a seventeen mother, the same supernatural power "stand-in", aroused the deer spirit, tricked the immortal rope to tie it up!

   "Woo woo woo"!

   In the mouth of the silver dragon, the white snail has already played the first few notes!

  The White Deer Demon is mostly capable of hand-to-hand combat, and it is not enough to be pulled away. The "Tiger Jump" is launched, and it will also chase the Silver Dragon upwards.

   is in the air, the deer demon grabs both hands, each grabbing a large antler that has not yet formed a physical shape, the antlers are "sizzling", with the power of thunder and lightning!

The deer deer chased, and the silver dragon turned his head. The four dragon claws first vacantly grasped forward. The two claws in the back activated the magic claws learned at least a little bit, and the two claws in the front drew spells, causing a hurricane in front of their own home. !

   completely fearless of this magical damage, the white deer demon broke into the hurricane, slowed down a bit, and slammed into the phantom claws that appeared out of thin air!

  At the same time, the big antler on the left hand of the deer demon suddenly disappeared. The next moment it appeared on the back of the silver dragon, and it suddenly fell down. It was the magical "hanging horn" from the demon of the antelope!

  The big white snails are still ringing!

  Miaoclaw phantom was smashed by the deer demon without hurting him. .

   rushed out of the hurricane, the deer demon started with the antlers on his right hand, and brought out the slightest heat around him, and the Shura combat technique "cooked the sea"!

   At the same time, the character "Yue" on his body also flew out!

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