Deer Demon Race

Chapter 306: Nissin Doujin

After the last demon king got up, the deer demon put away You Yang.

After the sea monster and the seven demon ancestors of Sacred Ape Mountain had all come down the mountain, Yaoyao leaned over and looked at the two deer demon and the seventeen mothers obliquely. Sister-in-law, don’t call my junior brother again, or the little master will make trouble!"

Does this kid have an opinion?

"Okay, Yi"

The deer deer just wanted to answer, the petals of the peach petals flashed, and he appeared to the west and tapped Yaoyao lightly: "I want to rebel if my mother is not here?"

Yaoyao touched her head: "Is my old lady back? I played with him!"

Putting the rest of the words away, the deer deer asked West Wang, "Master, how come you have time to come over?"

Seventeen Niang hurriedly looked west to give salutes. Bai Ze saw it on the pavilion, and she smiled and nodded and bowed.

Xiwang didn't respond, only to Yaoyao: "The brother my old lady is looking for for you is okay in everything, why can't you get along with him?"

Yaoyao replied: "After talking about jokes, Rihua can pick it up. How can you not like such a great skill?"

Seeing that he was speaking insincerely, West Wang sighed a little, and he was about to say a few more words. Yaoyao already cried out, "My mother, I will go to the bottom of the mountain to play!"

The other side of the Chisha River is busy now. With Yaoyao's heart, it is normal to go to the fun, and within the scope of the response to the conch and indispensability, Xiwang is relieved, just saying: "My old lady, ask a demon king to accompany you!"

He spread the sound through the air and asked a demon king to wait for him at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing Yaoyao flying down the mountain, which is also quite a demon general, the deer demon asked West Wang again: "Master, but Dahuangshan has a response?"

Xiwang whispered: "The Great Sage of the Sea of ​​Disturbance came to see it personally before, and he has already agreed! A few days later, my old lady will go to Lao Wei's house to try again, but he has a grudge with the **** Zeng, and the sand demon said that he is a character. I am irritable and have no descendants, so I don’t expect much!"

Lu Yao's secret words returned: "Master, just try it, it won't change the house, we are not begging him!"

Xiwang nodded lightly, and then said: "I have been to his house, after a while, I will go to the volcanoes to find the old phoenix!"

To be exhausted from running errands outside, the deer deer couldn't help but care: "Master, be careful, it's separated from Lao Huang's house by the desert!"

Xiwang couldn't help laughing: "My old mother is not easy to die, and if I want to run for my life, it will be difficult to keep the demon saint. How afraid? It is not like the one killed that day, just causing trouble and resentment everywhere!"

She complained, the hidden holy ape grinned bitterly.

After a few more chattering words, Xiwang said to the deer deer: "You have a lot of work, just go ahead, and your daughter-in-law will go with you. Don't worry about the old lady!"

Ren Xiwang was at ease, the White Deer Demon and Seventeen Niangs flew down together.

The deer deer Yulu said: "Lady, you will have to make heavy moves in the future."

Seventeen Niang covered her mouth and smiled: "Don't blame the slaves behind your back!"

The two are separated in front of the tea garden.

After practicing Shura's combat skills, he quenched his white robe, big antlers, and four hooves after dinner. After a nap, he went down the mountain to do business in a tea shop.

There are so many demon kings and demon generals gathering by the Chisha River under the ridge for a ride. Few people who have dared to come to find his stacking artifacts recently, most of them are still waiting and watching, but now they don't worry about not having any customers at all.

Taking advantage of the sun to gather the sun is to lay the foundation for the future to join hands with the monks. It can only be used as a public welfare. The numerous benefits of the Dragon Palace have been received in the early stage. Those demon ancestors will go to fight the autumn wind every year, the white deer demon I'm not ashamed to open my mouth on this matter.

In this world, there has never been something that only takes advantage and does not suffer.

You can't earn any elixir from You Yang, so you can only find supplements from other sources.

He is a landlord's family, so naturally there are many ways to get money.

The easiest way is to build a straw-roofed shop on the north bank of the Chisha River, rent it out for other families to make a living, collect land fees, and build the holy cave and the welcoming cave. The construction of the ding has already begun, and it is still going on.

The construction speed is too slow, and the thatched houses built are simple and simple. Huang Huaniang first took out the elixir and rented the vacant land directly. Her family recruited massive peaks from the Wanhua Valley, and built a huge beeswax house in two or three days, and began to build a unique house. Business.

Her unique business is to transfer the beautiful female Bodhisattva from the mountain farm and collect elixir to attract guests.

King Zhu Mi also rented a cottage to sell wine, which is also very good for marketing.

In addition, starting from yesterday, the honey from the Wanhua Valley, the nuts from the King's Family, and the Ferns from the King's Family from afar, have all demon from afar willing to try them. After the monsters arrived, several of them all increased their prices.

These few are taking the lead. So many Demon King and Demon will gather, and those who work in Pingdingshan and Zhongtushan all the year round also smell it. The sea monsters have come to ask for a place before they arrive.

The Bailu demon heart is black. The monthly rent for each thatched house is a yellow middle product, and the stalls will receive a yellow lower product a month, so that many demon who are used to the free stalls at the ancestor’s house will curse, just curse, and look at the business opportunities. Huge, most of them are still rented out.

This is due to the ancestors of the 21st being embarrassed to fight for rent.

Pingdingshan sent some demon slaves from the original Immortal Cave to resell the first-class spiritual food, and the business was booming.

Yesterday, the Dragon Palace Sea-Monster arrived, adding five hundred uncles who collected Japanese flowers and thousands of demon servants who were waiting. The north bank of the Chisha River was even more lively.

There is no shortage of bright minds among the Krakens, and they also rent thatched cottages to sell seafood!

And Bailu Yao's own family also does two new businesses.

The first job is called Ban Xuan to lead dead ghosts, head jackals, and open a family gambling shop.

Anyway, the business of the gambling shop is in the afternoon and evening, and it is convenient for those who do not have to sleep at night.

This matter made the on-duty Su Ji and Jin Hao very dissatisfied, and they all wanted to change with Ban Xuan and the others, but Master Lu did not allow them.

Banxuan is only a demon, and the demon king and demon generals can't speak in front of them. The deer demon asks King Jinyu and Dajiao to help them slightly, and occasionally invites the ancestor Bai Ze to sit down.

The ancestor Bai Ze only asked to avoid Lang Lang's rotation in the tea garden and to give Ban Xuan a hand. He went to find the wolf demon and brag at the monk at any time. It was cheap, and Master Lu agreed.

The Banxuan guy is a player who must lose every gambling. The deer demon strictly forbids him to participate in the gambling. The gambling house only allows the winner to kill the Quartet, and half of the rake is taken.

Half-percent rake sounds small, but how many rounds does the gambling house open in a day?

Among the profits, Huang Huaniang, who has been called to solicit customers, was blushing, yelling that it is faster than her family's making a living.

Su Ji and Jin Shui Zi also often go to the gambling house. Unfortunately, they can only stare. The bets of the demon king and the demon general are not inexplicable. Huang Xiapin is rare. How can his two poor ghosts participate? rise?

Fortunately, the Sea-Monster brought thousands of demon servants yesterday, and they will finally be able to join the gambling game.

The second business is Qingluo and Tianxiang who are responsible for purchasing raw materials from the North Bank and selling a small amount of finished artifacts.

Master Lu's business is simple and rude. He has to collect raw materials from his own house. Anyone who comes to collect raw materials will not rent any land to give him a chance. He will let them all go out, and he will have an exclusive monopoly.

Anyway, those monsters who collect raw materials are only profitable until they are sold to the realm of monks, and the Bailu monster will not feel uneasy in conscience.

The new sea monsters carry very different raw materials from the mountain monsters. They don’t have teeth, horns, and claws, but they have richer fur and more bones. The various types of jade, fine gold, and gold obtained by human monks through mining Silver, black iron, sky copper, there are also many in the sea, only one day yesterday, Qingluo received some.

The price of the raw materials of the equipment, regardless of the mountain monster or the sea monster, the price is low.

Dafengling is now rich in wealth, and the gambling shop is also making a lot of money, so it can afford it.

I just hate the fact that I don’t have enough skills to make a clone, and I can’t make many magical weapons.

Snakes are all complaining that the warehouse is not enough, and the construction is busy. Is it possible for the warehouse Ding Xiao Yao to do it?

It's all to blame for the **** fifty-year gambling agreement, so that Lao Lu dare not delay, so much less elixir to earn!

Of course, the visitors from all over the world bring not only wealth, but also other benefits to the White Deer Demon.

For example, supernatural powers.

Mountain monster, sea monster!

Demon General, Demon King!

It is destined to be another great opportunity to collect magical powers!

It’s not easy to come to collect Rihua, just like Da Ni Wang’s Powan, there are not too many monsters with unique magical powers!

What the deer demon should do now is how to let them obediently dedicate their magical powers.

Now, Yuzhu took Diaozuan and Qinghong outside the gate of the teahouse, and introduced to various demons: "The master of my family’s mountain master described the magical instruments, and the price is not low. Now they are only limited to ten pieces a day, but the master Having said that, if you don’t join hands with the elixir, you can let the magical powers be used for the elixir, which is not counted as ten per day! The little monster-level magical powers are worth a yellow middle-grade, and the demon-ding-level magical powers are worth a yellow upper-grade. The general level supernatural powers are worth five top grades of Huang, and the demon king level ones are worth fifty. There is nothing as good as this in the world!"

"The general wants to directly exchange magical powers for elixir? That's OK! But my master said, after you get started, you should report the magical powers first. Wish! Dragons? Sorry, unless the general is also a foreigner, I don’t want the Dragons’ magical powers!"

From the Seventeenth Lady, the Deer Demon had long known that the magical powers of the True Dragon Clan, such as "Yinjie" and "Dragon Yin", were stranger than any other monsters and monsters.

The outside room yelled, and the inside deer demon was already wrangling about the magic weapon of the first client.

Today's first customer is Powan again.

The deer deer regretted it very much. He made a slip of the tongue that day, and was caught by this servant. He was a thick-skinned man who didn't want to, so he stared at him.

At that time, in order to see his supernatural powers, the deer deer spoke quickly and spoke very carelessly.

"If my brother is willing to teach the magical tools for his own use in the future, if you find me to add magical uses, you will not receive your elixir!"

Which instruments are considered for personal use? My old leopard got a new good tool and wanted to refine it for personal use. Brother help add magical effects?

The notorious demon general, shouldn't he be so shameless, how can he be a bite and not let go?

Putting down the whale skin robes that he had added for leisure, and took over the magic weapon he brought today, it turned out to be a very long vertebra, which looked like either a snake bone or a keel bone.

The deer demon sighed and said, "I heard the little demon say that my brother sold magical instruments on the North Shore yesterday?"

Powan said in a serious manner: "That one took two days and didn't go well, so I changed the keel and got it. Thinking about it, I only asked my brother to give it a magical effect!"

Deer deer is not familiar with him. Every time he sees him talking, he never laughs, he is very serious, and his face is naturally fierce. How can he tell lies?

Deer deer race

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