Deer Demon Race

Chapter 318: Self-destruct

The demon ancestors could not chase it, the holy rhino did not rush to the wind ridge, nor did they bother as a clone, the two demon saints did not guard, ignore them, just biting and chasing!

Soon, a white giant dragon passed the holy rhinoceros first, and shook in front of him. The surrounding temperature was suddenly cold, and countless ice beads condensed, each with huge destructive power!

At the same time, Long Po shook his body, and the three magic weapons greeted the old rhino at the same time!

The first one was a white hosta, which flew out a long afterimage.

The second one is a rough handkerchief woven by a dragon tendon, which becomes bigger when it is shot, and puts on the head of the holy rhinoceros!

The third piece is the thunder hammer built by Dragon Horn, which contains countless lightning!

Behind him, the old osprey eagle "hehe" smiled, and his fascination was behind the sacred rhino. Both hands became huge yellow eagle claws. They grabbed them together: "Rhinoceros, thousands of miles away from the Rhino Valley, can you fly past me? "

The white dragon formed by Long Po in front spit out like a thunder in the sky: "The old osprey can't fly, can you fly a real dragon?"

Knowing that these two voices are intended to disturb their own minds, the holy rhinoceros completely ignores it, and with rapid speed, it transforms into a huge real rhino. It is a blue rhino. The Dharma and the real are merged into one, and the external Dharma is extremely huge. , Only avoiding the handkerchief that is not afraid of brute force, slammed into the ice beads in front of him, and laughed "Jie Jie" in his mouth: "Lun Fei, the saint is really worse, but only you two, can you really leave the saint? "

The thunder and lightning hit the huge rhinoceros. In the thunder and lightning, the old rhino shook twice, and the white jade hairpin pierced a huge hole. Unfortunately, it was constructed by the law and recovered in a blink of an eye.

A pair of huge eagle claws broke apart and landed on the body of the original form, and the ice beads in the sky exploded continuously. The holy rhino hummed, and the corners of his mouth began to soak blood, but there were only a few scratches on the rhino's hide, and the speed was not affected. , Cangqing giant rhinoceros was covered by a giant rhinoceros, and continued to fly forward.

The holy rhinoceros is originally thick and rough, but also blessed by nature. After immersing and tempering in the boiling water of the holy rhinoceros lake for thousands of years, it has already become extremely hard, and the huge magic image will be attacked at any time, and he is not afraid!

Among the demon saints, the speed of the holy rhinoceros is indeed slow, but now in the realm, it is hard to find another harder than his skin, and at the same time, with brute force, the single-horned magic weapon on the head of the original is invincible! When the holy ape is not at home, he knows the Buddha in the sea and crosses himself. Believing that the two demon saints join forces, they can't stop him from fleeing for life!

If these two left-behind demon saints don't know what's going on, they just chase their heads and wait for the old bear and old elephant to attack, the situation is also extremely favorable!

However, this thread of Buddhist thoughts is also a little uneasy. Baize’s elder brother walked away, and he was in the driving range. The Yaozu should have known that he still has two backhands, an old bear and an old elephant, which are thousands of years away. If the other party mistakenly believes that the two demon saints are just decorations, Lingshan Temple has not been activated? Or does Sacred Ape Mountain still have something to do?

Now that the opportunity is rare, do you want the old bear and the old elephant to retreat to Lili?

In the distant North Sea, Du Ji's clone just left, and the crab demon general who was peeping intently didn't notice it. Under him, a **** shadow rose silently in the sea. Then, suddenly the water splashed all over, and the ferocious black Big mouth popped out of the sea, biting and chewing him in one bite.

When the **** mouth is chewing, you can see it. The horns and mustaches are full, and there is a black dragon head out of the sea!

Soon, the black dragon dived into the sea again, as if it had never appeared except for the scattered ripples.

The dragon king called: "Dalang, lead these tens of thousands of monsters to Liliyuan, if this king waits for something to happen, he will go ashore to seize the land!"

Turning to the holy ape again: "Let's go!"

After this sound, the dragon king and the sacred ape two giant dharma flashed away.

Beating the big green rhino all the way madly, he coughed up several mouthfuls of blood, and finally escaped from the long distance!

Entering the Holy Rhinoceros Valley, Long Po once again flew to the holy rhinoceros lake at the fastest speed, leaving the holy rhinoceros aside, and stood on the holy rhinoceros lake.

Following her voice, Bai Bing appeared little by little from the surface of her feet, and quickly spread to the surrounding and downwards.

When the holy rhinoceros flies, it is already facing the entire ice-bound lake for hundreds of miles!

The bottom of the lake is boiling and extremely hot water, it is impossible to freeze, and it is my own home, which can mobilize some great powers of heaven and earth, and the combat power has increased. Nothing can resist my old Xi's determination to go home!

The holy rhino snorted coldly, and the rhino horns on top of his head rose several times. Relying on the slam of the old osprey from the back of the flesh, he gathered his whole body and slammed his head against the ice!

"Boom boom boom"!

I don't know how thick the ice layer was sealed by Long Po, but he couldn't stand his powerful blow. Starting from the center, the lake surface was breaking and shattering!

Saint Rhinoceros continues to hit the depths!

Back to the bottom of the boiling lake, no demon saint can help him!

Sheng Xi was very powerful, with thick skin and flesh. Long Po did not stop him, but only sealed the pierced ice again.

Then, she said to Sheng'e: "Dragon Osprey, I will go back to Gudoufengling, and you will play with this rhino!"

Saint eagle muttered to himself on the ice lake: "Stupid rhinoceros, the holy ape mountain and the great barren mountain are surrounded by two places, this sage sees where you are going to escape?"

In this holy rhinoceros valley, there are only a dozen demon kings, and there is no demon ancestor, and he will not kill.

The old Osprey's voice was not heard, and he sensed that Long Po was leaving, so he should turn back and go back to Baofengling, letting the monk Duji in the sea of ​​knowledge of the holy rhinoceros breathe a sigh of relief!

For today's situation, four demon saints have been involved before and after the holy monkey mountain, most of which are the power of the white deer demon and the sun. Then the servant can eliminate the curse, so why not relieve it?

The only uneasy thing is that there are really only four demon saints?

He spoke in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the holy rhino was at the bottom of the lake. He was hiding on the rhino demon king who dared not show his head in a certain valley. Once again, a yellow mist was rising and condensed into a monk Duji. He didn’t say a word, and soon Dissipated again.

After a stick of incense, a yellow mist filled the body of a demon in the south of Liliyuan, and after solidified into a fat monk, he hurriedly flew south for a while, and then shouted from the boundary: "Friends with an eyebrow, let’s talk a few words. !"

In Xuantian Palace, Daoxuan who taught Mei Gu's practice raised his head; to the southwest, a body full of thunder light appeared.

In the extra time, Du Ji had secretly informed the two holy bears and the holy elephants, and asked them to act on their own accord.

After leaving Liliyuan, it is the Holy Ape Mountain Realm, and then go for a ride!

Another two demon sages attacked, and this time the ten demon ancestors did not fly out to block, all of them stayed on the riding ridge.

Only a demon sage came out first, the Beihai Longpo who rushed back.

The old elephant snorted coldly, imaginary the way, lifted two big guillotines, and flew towards Long Po!

In Long Po's hand, the handkerchief made of dragon tendons was wrapped in the old elephant again, and the big guillotine cut it up, but it was only light and weak.

Old Xiong stared at the opportunity, and ignoring these two battles, he broke through directly and ran towards the Cycling Ridge!

Then, just like the holy rhinoceros last time, he sensed two more demon saints a few hundred miles away from the Drifting Ridge, and they were rushing towards him!

These two demon saints, a male and a female, have never seen them before, only judging from their breath, they are sea monsters!

It must be the Virgin of the Sea Spirit and the Great Sage of the Tides who took the door to the Dragon Palace to drink wedding wine!

damn it!

In an instant, the old Xiong knew Buddha Nian'er in the sea and understood that this was an ambush specifically for his Lingshan Temple forces!

Together with the sacred apes and the dragon king who acted in the North Sea Dragon Palace, there are six demon sages used before and after!

The Sacred Ape Mountain not only pulls the old osprey, but also uses the sea monster to pull the Virgin of the Sea Spirit and the Great Sage of the Tide to form an alliance!

When the monster race has such a strong planning and forbearance ability when acting? If the Beiju Luzhou Demon Race is allied, is it to be the same as Xihe Niuzhou?

This ray of Buddha thoughts through, the two holy ape and the dragon king, Ding also flew back quickly, with the purpose of breaking the old bear and the old elephant, or gathering the demon sages, to break into and leave together!

The layout of the demon saints, Saint Rhinoceros Valley is only the smallest goal, the real key, in fact, is Liliyuan!

If the old bear and the old elephant do not come out, the five or six demon sages will first encircle the Holy Rhinoceros Valley, and the old rhinoceros is also a dead end!

Holy Rhinoceros Valley is over!

In the flash of lightning, this ray of Buddha thought wanted to understand, and hurriedly called to the old bear: "Summon Lao Na's avatar to speak, you and the old elephant will have a long time, wait for the old rhinoceros to rendezvous, and then go back and leave the original!"

That old rhino, can't stay in the holy rhinoceros valley to die!

Buddha Nian'er wanted to understand that the holy bear was also awakened. There is preparation here, and the holy ape is coming back soon, how can he really get trapped in entanglement? He "pooh" on the spot: "My old Xiong doesn't want to fall here, you tell the old elephant to wait for him!"

Only one holy ape can reach two or three demon saints. They are too strong, and the dragon king is not weak, and my old bear is not stupid!

Being sacked from Liliyuan, the combat power will be lower, and being surrounded over there, there are still twelve or three demon ancestors to help out!

Abandoning this sentence, he folded and fled towards Liliyuan Fei!

Shake him with anger in the Buddha Nian'er of the Sea of ​​Knowledge!

This old Kumamoto has not been completely transformed, and the monk Duji is not in Beiju Luzhou, and his deterrent to the demon saint is too low. At this moment, it is not the time to make the old bear lose his resistance in pain!

Without the old bear and the old elephant, the holy ape will arrive at any time, and the old rhino dare to run a long distance away from the original?

It turns out that not only the Holy Rhinoceros Valley is finished, but also the Holy Rhinoceros!

In the sea of ​​knowledge of the old elephant, another ray of Buddha's thoughts screamed: "The matter is urgent, you also go! Call Lao Na's clone to speak to Lao Xi!"

In the body of the demon saint, it is not easy to get one of them, anyway, always try!

You come and go, demon saints, and occasionally fight against each other, and the surrounding aura fluctuates fiercely. Fortunately, as Bai Ze expected, the game set in advance did not affect the driving range.

As soon as the holy rhinoceros entered the country, West looked reminded that the monster gathering drum had already sounded, and the mountain monsters had gathered under the riding ground, and the little monster on duty had not stayed.

By the Chisha River, the sea monsters and mountain monsters also gathered for defense.

When the sacred eagle and the dragon po appeared, and the sacred rhinoceros retreated, the white deer demon cried out: "Steel bone!"

The two demon saints who suddenly appeared had already shocked the Black Winged Peng Yao inexplicably. Hearing this call, his guts were about to break, and he asked nervously, "Where is the lord going to fly?"

Glancing at his side, it turned out that before he knew it, they were all the demon king and demon generals who didn’t know when they came. They were Huanghuaniang, Da Niwang, Powan, and Big Horn. There was only one demon Dingwei, and that was hard for him to expect. Dog treasure on the back of the neck!

The Bailu Demon stared at him and asked for a long while: "He hasn't left you a curse. My old deer just wants to ask, I'm not too thin to treat you, why should I betray Fengfengling?"

Listening to the words of the master of the mountain, the mountain demon and the little demon who didn't know the inside story on the riding flat were all in an uproar!

One by one, looking badly at the steel frame!

However, the holy rhino came to but turned around and fled.

In the cold sweat, the Black Winged Peng Demon fell into the abyss.

Master Lu has a plan long ago. He is a heterogeneous black-winged peng, and it is impossible to escape. It is only a death left and right! After depression for a while, Steel Bone returned to his senses, raised his head, and said calmly: "When the God of Xumi Mountain Continent comes out, the creatures of all races can't compete with each other. I voted for that monk, and I wanted to live a long time!"

The answer was beyond the Bailu Demon's expectation. He was startled for a while before the nameless fire broke out and asked angrily: "I can't fight, I live for myself for a long time, but I am willing to betray the clan to be the enemy? How could the monster clan give birth to you? Alien?"

Steel Bone was silent again.

Bailu demon shouted angrily: "First peel the skin and cramp, then open the noodles, Manshan Demon Race, each taste his piece of meat!"

Steel Bone smiled bitterly: "I can always blew myself!"

In the Saint Rhinoceros Valley, the Saint Rhinoceros roared again: "I'm in a hurry, my old rhino blew himself up for the monkey to see!"

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