Deer Demon Race

Chapter 336: Jade Claw

It took eleven days for the sacred apes to go to the volcano group to meet the old phoenix.

Like the old Osprey, he said nothing, but seeing was believing. The old phoenix bird came back with the holy ape couple in person, and visited the Baishi Valley for a few days. He paid close attention to the glorious and vivid abilities, and asked Bai Lu. When will Demon Youyang rise higher and illuminate more demon crowds, then quietly left.

The only thing that made Great Sage Fenyan dissatisfied with this visit was that he had to wait a few years before his demon crowd could benefit. The Little Demon in Doufengling was asked to give way first, but the White Deer was unwilling to live and die.

A large number of monsters can't come, so they just say yes. His most favored great-granddaughter is a minor phoenix monster.

No matter how many places can be squeezed out, the Bailu Demon should accept it, but the "control fee" must be charged.

I heard that other families are like this, and Lao Huang has nothing to say.

The volcanoes were far away, and there was a stubborn old beast in the middle. Before Lao Huang left, Mrs. Xiwang gave him a snail that was recently sent by Dragon Palace. ", within this continent, you can talk to the female snails from a long distance.

For long-distance communication, the human race's psychic paper is the same, but I don't know the key, and I am afraid that the information will be stolen by the cultivator, so I have some on hand and dare not use it.

The Old Phoenix Saint, the Great Sage Burning Flame, came secretly and then quietly left. Only Bai Ze and Bai Lu demon knew about the driving range, and only the old beast in the desert felt a little bit outside.

Lao Huang went back to pick up his great-granddaughter, and another demon saint followed one after another, the great saint of jade claws invited by the old Osprey.

This jade claw great sage was the old eagle who was invited by the old osprey from the sea to occupy the holy ape mountain. However, he couldn't fight the holy rhinoceros and was seriously injured. It occupies an island to live, that island is much smaller than the White Lion Valley, and there is only one demon ancestor under the door, and there are some descendants and the little demon who serves, except that he is a demon saint himself, and his influence is extremely small.

The sea area originally owned by the Great Sage Jade Claw is in the southeast and has been swallowed by the Donghua Gate. When he fought with the Donghua Gate Hua Shen Yuanyang, in order to save his life, the two magic weapons he possessed were destroyed, and he escaped by himself.

Hearing his miserable confusion, Mrs. Xiwang couldn't help sighing: "Unfortunately, the two magic weapons of the Xuantian Sect who robbed them were distributed to the demon ancestors under the sect. Otherwise, I will lend you one if it is useless!"

Two magic weapons? Can you borrow one from your own?

Has the Yaozu ever been so rich? Lao Diao hardly believes in his ears!

Both the descendants and the underlings were in distress. After being rushed out by the Donghua Gate, he ate a lot of old eagles who had no magic weapon to lose.

When Sacred Ape Mountain was still called Sacred Mang Mountain, he was invited by the old Osprey and came to occupy the mountain and changed the name of the mountain to Sacred Eagle Mountain. At that time, the Tao demon looking west was only a demon general. Did not know the next.

The old eagle has snow-white feathers and is quite a horseman. He was once nicknamed "Haitongqing." How does the foreign minister discuss life, how to be pretty? No matter how good the color of the colored finches and Swifts is, they are only eating before the demon is transformed. Does the finches know that the eagle is ambition? Don't be self-conscious, it is better than the color of the coat?"

After being scolded by him, the old Osprey focused on promotion.

The original mountain lord died at the limit of his life. One eagle demon, one eagle demon, and two little demon eventually went to each other, getting farther and farther apart, but they all had good luck. They were robbed of thorns and thorns all the way, and each became a demon saint, too. Very rare thing.

It was not until the Jade Claw Great Sacred Sea area was engulfed by Donghua Gate and the old eagle fled to the northwest, before he met the old osprey again. When they recognized each other, both were greatly surprised. The old osprey still remembered what he said back then and comforted him: " Does the Chaffinch know the eagle's ambition! So today, my brother does not have to be discouraged. It is better to save his life than everyone else, when there is a turning point!"

Since then, the old snake of Shengmengshan died in the catastrophe, the old osprey invited the old eagle to occupy the land, thinking about mutual aid to each other in the future, standing hand in hand in the world, and persuaded him to recruit the enchanting girl and keep his descendants.

Unexpectedly, the old rhinoceros under the door of the old osprey had a chance. Taking advantage of the old osprey not at home, he was promoted as a demon saint and rushed past the sacred eagle mountain, called the old eagle branch. Kill the pregnant eagle fairy.

When the old osprey came back, he became furious, regardless of Shengxi's argument, fought with him, and drove him back to Shengxi Valley.

The magic weapon was lost, and even a new demon saint couldn’t fight it. The old eagle frustrated and fled back to the sea. After that, except for the descendants, he only concentrated on raising the magic weapon into treasure. The old osprey met several times and he should not , Only said that such a weak demon saint, who has no face to go out and occupies a large area, will cause death and injury to the descendants, and the magic weapon will not be achieved, and he will not be able to leave the island.

In the next 30,000 years, the Great Sage of Jade Claw has been refined into two magic weapons, but the original Holy Mang Mountain and Holy Diao Mountain have been renamed twice before and after. After being called Holy Bear Mountain and Holy Ape Mountain, they are all masters.

There is no open space. I heard the old Osprey say that the enmity holy rhinoceros hides in the lake and is difficult to kill, for fear of harming the descendants and grandchildren. He has been wasted so far, but he was the first thing the Osprey thought of if he wanted the Alliance to fight against the monks.

Among other things, now it’s changed to the territory of the White Lion Valley. There is a holy ape in the east, a holy owl in the west, two great demon saints protection, and there are foreign aids such as the North Sea Dragon Palace, the Virgin of the Sea Spirit, and the tidal saint. The descendants hide This place is definitely safer than my own isolated island!

Long son, Longsun, and several demon saint descendants, are willing to entrust them here. Old Diao thought of the previous lesson that the eggs should not be put in a basket, so as not to cut the roots if something happens, he also agreed to send the younger generations who valued them first.

There is no demon saint in the White Lion Valley, and the demon deer does not want to live on another sniper. He did not invite the Great Sage Jade Claw to move in. He only agreed to take one of his direct descendants and go for a ride on the mountain. Seeing him fall, he has always asked for money. The fateful White Deer Demon didn't mention the "control fee" this time.

When Great Sage Jade Claw left, he also took a Proxima snail without alerting the other monsters.

On the day Lao Diao left, the demon white deer invited his wife to wait to replant the waste fairy plum tree in the back mountain.

After the demon, the human form is complete, and the demon race itself can swallow the aura of heaven and earth. Compared with the monks with the practice, the amount is not that huge, but now the demon who picks up the sun in the driving range is more than two thousand, and it is regarded as the Shanghai demon servant. There are nearly 10,000 big and small monster races who are here to make a living! In addition, the white deer demon moved from various places in the valley to the Huangshangpin Lingzhi, and how can it be maintained without filling some spiritual roots?

Fortunately, my old deer has the ability to grow his own spiritual roots, and he has plundered many waste immortals from the Xuantian faction!

The apricot tree near Xingtan is now a yellow middle grade, and other yellow top grades consume a lot of energy.

In the mountain field there is also a little bad guy who has been unable to bear to go out. They are all big people who eat spiritual energy. The White Deer demon decided to be more aggressive this time, planting him seven or eight hundred waste fairy seeds, and transforming them into spiritual roots!

Last time I was deceived by the white deer demon to eat Longlinke essential oil. I was confused and obsessed with it, so that he almost succeeded. More importantly, he lost his face in front of the sixteenth sister. It really made the seventeenth woman angry and go for a ride. Pingshang taught a lot of lessons, and put on a cold face for a while.

However, the Bailu Demon's face was really thick, and the hippie smiled on the subject, and after the full moon night with the intimacy necessary to borrow the rhino horn to gather the moon, he finally coaxed back.

After being coaxed away, the territory that was accidentally lost last time can no longer be defended. She can only defend the last level and prevent this guy from succeeding. When the matter is urgent, Qingluo and Zixia will be called to relieve the siege. , Ran away from home.

With such a well-rounded husband on the stall, the Seventeenth Mother was helpless.

On the back mountain, Goubao, Qingluo, Tianxiang, Shiliu Niang, Yaoyao, Zixi, etc. all helped plant a discarded fairy plum core.

Planting the last plum core in his hand, Yaoyao shouted: "The peaches and plums are sour and astringent on the Drifting Ridge. You only need to plant peaches and plums? Why don't you find other good fruits to make up?"

He was beaten a lot, and his parents were determined not to help. After Ryuba Lang was driven away, Yaoyao changed a lot. At least he knew the necessity of obedient feeling in front of the White Deer Demon. Dare to leave, and learn to please flattery.

There is only one purpose right now. Next time there is a demon going up the mountain, don't use him as a raft and hit the little saint to scare away the demon!

When he was free, he started blowing around the White Deer Demon. Now, in the driving range, Long Changsun Lun's identity is the most noble, but he looks like a fake, he must be a lot of bad water, and he needs the brothers to teach the rules!

Distressed, stumbling is the primary goal. In addition, the two grandchildren of Baipi, Shishi, and the old Osprey family have not let go. They clearly mean that I am not good enough, and my status is not enough to scare the demon, so the seniors look for them.

Listening to Yaoyao’s words, he didn’t feel pain in the back, but he was so pitiful and sour. Bai Lu Yao said in a huff: "I'm just a demon general. Apart from this waste fairy seed and a different kind of spiritual root, how can I have the ability to live?"

Sixteen Niang was nearby and asked him aloud: "Nearly 800 plum nuclei are planted on this small piece of sloping ground, and the face is not small. Can brother-in-law's magical powers come over?"

The deer deer replied: "My old deer makes up for work. It takes a few years and it should be done!"

A large number of small chinchilla eggs laid in the Rhino Lake can be regarded as a solution to the endangered status of these little creatures. Eliminate the good fortune of the seventeen mothers. The little half of the white deer's income can be absorbed by the word "Rui" to cover the area. It's a big circle, but it can only be used once a day. It has big ambitions. There are so many waste immortal seeds that are planted today. I am afraid that it will take several years to become spiritual roots.

It would not take much time to go after the mountain brushed once every day, but the White Deer still felt that the fortune of heaven and earth was not enough and not enough.

In addition to treating Xiwang, a few more powerful demon king supernatural powers must be generated, and the hope of saving your life during gambling and fighting is great! Not to mention that the blessings of heaven and earth can increase the chance of spiritual birth with magical instruments. Once spirituality is born, it is a magic weapon!

Learning the magical powers of the Demon King in advance is just to save your It is not too urgent, you can leave it to your own Demon Queen, so you don’t need to waste more fortune. If you want all these magical artifacts refined by Xinghui to become a magic weapon, the hope lies in luck!

If not, just relying on the long years of warming up, when will my old deer have to wait before he can use the magic weapon? Can talents be a magic weapon?

If you think about it this way, the Xuantian School Yuan Ying Zhang Laosan who takes the human fortune as the main road, if it were not for the good fortune, it would not be possible to block too much. Backed by martial resources, I don't know how many magic weapons can be created! Nine years ago, the robbery was divided among the twenty-one and the endgame. Maybe it was he who used the human blessing to urge the spirituality to be born and left it to the martial arts finale!

ps: The mistakes and omissions in the first two chapters have been replaced. Some book friends haven't read it yet, but you can read it back. I am so guilty that I am too guilty, and I dare not scold the book friends' subscription money.

At the starting point, there is finally the first leader, thanks to sense8's generous rewards. It should have been added in return, but the tiger demon was forced by life, and it was too busy these few days, and I didn't have the manuscript on hand.

There is one more chapter, but it will be very late.

Sincerely, Tiger Demon Death Ghost.

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