Deer Demon Race

Chapter 353: Can you fight

The Great Sage of Tides rushed to the sea area of ​​the old dolphin's house, and the Great Sage of Lunyin crashed down!

The old dolphin did not choose to blew himself up, but begged before his death to let his descendants live.

The demon saint and the **** of transformation are the most powerful blow in the realm. If he can decisively explode before his death, no matter how fast the four gods of the Antarctic Palace, Donghua Gate, Taihua Gate, and Wuji Gate are fast, they will be killed. Spread and injured.

It's a pity that the place of battle is above the sea palace of the old dolphin home. The demon saint blew himself up here, and the descendants and the demon crowd under the sea must be buried!

He begged before his death, Danyang, Wu Xian Xian head agreed, but unfortunately he did not swear by the way of heaven, but only to slow down the old dolphin's desperate ambition. After the old dolphin died, he regretted it. Descendants of dolphins.

When the tidal sage old yellow croaker flew there, he only met the five demon ancestors who had fled to the outside.

I can’t take care of it further down. The demon king in this sea area will eventually escape how many, and the demon general will have to race against time, scrupulous about killing evil and causing the heavens. The **** will not massacre the creatures below the demon general. , But it can be imagined that soon there will be Yuan Ying and Jin Dan leading the influx of low-level monks!

Before the five demon ancestors fled, they were famous for being loyal, but the Wujimen Huashen who fought in physical melee with bare hands was too weird for no reason. In the chaos, he only caught one of the descendants of the old dolphin, which is still the least useful, demon. The adult descendants of the holy have only a hundred years of life left, they are only the cultivation base of the demon general, and they have not yet found the opportunity to become a king.

The other four demon ancestors either only cared about their descendants, or fled empty-handed.

Behind the five demon ancestors, there are still the Taihuamen Huashen Sanren, who is walking on the jade, and the Antarctic Palace riding a scarlet gourd, chasing after the gods.

Seeing the Great Sage of Tide, Drunken God spoke up: "Holy Ape Mountain and Beihai Dragon Palace are enemies of my human race regardless of obedience and adversity. If you dare to deal with the human race, you must join forces to kill first. This Lun Yin The Great Sage is a precedent!"

Sanren said: "I wait for the monks, and I won't fight against other demon saints from now on, and will fight for the Dragon Palace and the Sacred Ape Mountain!"

Neither of them knew the Great Sage Tidal, so they left this sentence and just stared at him with a sneer.

The five demon ancestors all escaped in embarrassment, and the old yellow fish was speechless. He asked that the other party had four gods. The old dolphin had died. He was only one. The Dragon Palace and the Hailing Mother could not be counted on for a while, and the enemy was invincible. Had to save these remnants.

The Great Sage of Tides exited the waters of the old dolphin's house, and Sanren and Zui Youshen did not chase after him.

Taking out Proxima snails to ask a few words, the old yellow croaker flew to the Sacred Ape Mountain with the only strength left in the Great Sage Family of Lun Yin.

In this battle, all the top forces of the monks of the Northern Ju Luzhou tribe were dispatched!

This is the first time since Donghuamen landed on Luzhou in Beiju!

In this planned battle, when the gods discussed together, Yuanyang had set two goals, one low and one high. The low one was to occupy the Great Sacred Sea of ​​Lunyin, which had not yet formally formed an alliance with Sacred Ape Mountain and Dragon Palace, and at least drive away the old dolphins. Let the monks station in the sea, stand firm and deter the demon saints who have formed an alliance, and even more threaten those who have not yet formed an alliance!

A summary of the news collected by the monks of various factions over the years, in the north of Luzhou, the land and the sea, not counting the old bears and elephants that have passed through the monks, the old dolphins and the old rhinoceros that have fallen, there are sixteen demon saints left. Yuanshan and Longgong have already drawn a lot in the open and secretly, and Yuanyang means to show their fangs to stop the alliance!

If you let it go, you can only ask Xumi Shanzhou to come back!

The Lingshan Temple and Lei Zhenmen, which have moved over, don't want to have any newcomers. It's not good to share too much.

The high-level goal is to achieve great victories on both sides of the battle, and even the most difficult holy apes will be killed together, and another piece of land will be occupied!

The demon saints are not stupid. If one of the monks is too strong, they will surely flee, so the east and west two-line layout, the gods are not an overwhelming advantage. They can kill the great saint Lunyin and win the flesh and blood of the demon saint. It's also a surprise.

As for the Great Demon General of the White Lion Valley, although it is also a scourge, the realm is too low. No matter how powerful Jiehua and Xinghui are, they don’t know how long they will be the demon ancestors! Since Yuanyang, there have not been many Huashens who can see the eye. At present, it is only the private enmity of Lingshan Temple and Xuantian Sect. The other seven factions are only optional for whether they can be killed.

The final result was better than the lowest goal. The Great Sage Lunyin was killed. The highest goal was not reached, and the Lingshan Temple and Xuantian Sect had not reported their private enmity.

The most urgent task now is to divide the victory, and then guard against the Yaozu counterattack!

The east and west sides fought at the same time and captured the waters of the original old dolphin’s house. According to the previous agreement, the Antarctic Palace and the Taihuamen were divided. Home, soon all sentimental Yuan Ying will rush to preside over the division.

There is no Yuan Ying in Lingshan Temple, and it is a clone of Monk Duji.

And the four, Zuiyoushen, Wuyou, Sanren, and Danyang, must hurry and get out of the Xuantian faction, ready to carry a wave of counterattacks!

The sea area is wide, and the accompanying demon ancestors fly slowly. When the tidal sage brought the remnants of the old dolphin family to the holy ape mountain, the war here has ended for six days. He waited for the entry, and he greeted him: "All the great holy gatherings. In Doufengling, please go there too!"

Then fly to the White Lion Valley, the old yellow croaker is the last demon saint, besides the saint ape, the rest are the saints of the sea, the saints of jade claws, the saints of burning flame, the dragon king, the dragon po, the lady of the sea spirit, and The Dragon Palace secretly pulled the allied Great Sage Dinghai old squid, and they all arrived!

Shennian swept across the Dafengling Ridge, the most beloved grandson stone was on the mountain, and the old yellow fish was relieved when it was not affected.

After returning from the great barren mountain, the deer demon ordered all the demon who heard the monk chanting Buddhist scriptures in the White Lion Valley to come to Fengling Ridge for investigation. These few days have been delayed, and they have been busy purifying the demon first.

The clone of Monk Duji knew that it was impossible to hide it, and eventually flew south. The demon general who confided to the clone of the White Lion Valley at that time was confessed by the insider. The Demon White Deer ordered and killed the opening face.

When the Great Sage of Tide arrived, the nine Great Sages did not delay, and they began to discuss matters. The Great Demon General had to be present again. Except for the wounded Xiwang, the five demon ancestors of Bai Ze, Long Dalang and the old dolphin family were all gone. I can listen!

The sacred ape had a broken leg, but it was convenient to change the prosthesis, and the movement was not hindered. It was just that the demon body suffered a great deal of damage, and no one would not be able to raise it in a thousand or eight hundred years.

Before the injury healed, he couldn't try to borrow Xinghui for the second time within a day. If he borrowed more, he would really die.

After the old yellow croaker talked about the drunk and godly words, the old squid, old phoenix, and old eagle who joined later had to be a little drummed, and the old poisonous fish and old osprey didn't look good.

The demon saints were silent, and the White Deer Demon said to the west: "I beg Master, allow the disciples to spread the ‘Myriad Phases Starlight Technique’!"

The monk threatened to deter the Alliance, so the White Deer Demon threw a bigger bait!

The basics of the monster race, Nikka, Yuejing, and Xinghui are all available. Just look at the abilities of the sacred ape couple, and the "Universal Starlight Technique" can be imagined. It is more tempting than pre-booking the quota for the Japanese. too much!

Old ospreys and old squids only hate their own demon ancestors for not having this kind of luck before!

Only the great desert beasts who have no future and care about their lives will feel useless, but in this world, how many demon sages and demon ancestors are like that?

The more good things are, the more difficult it will be when they are taken out. I feel a little distressed when I hear the disciples want to open up the method. Fortunately, it is only a moment, and the demon sages nodded and said: "The old lady said, it’s up to you. Decide!"

Looking westward, the old eagle, the old yellow croaker, and the old jellyfish all cheered, only the Great Sage Burning Flame and the Shuangsheng Longgong lamented their grievances. The bloodlines of the dragon and the phoenix are overbearing and exclusive, and this Heavenly Demon Method cannot be learned!

The great sage of Dinghai, the old squid, has never been to the White Lion Valley before, and important descendants have not been sent for a ride. Before, I was unhappy that the White Deer dared to speak out in front of the demon sages. I now know that this demon general can really do something The master of a couple of sacred apes suddenly laughed from ear to ear: "The saint will send some younger generations after some time!"

Cai Rihua has no vacancies, and the temptation of supernatural powers is not too great, because his family has not sent off any descendants before.

The demon Bailu shook his head and said with a serious face: "The method of the sky demon must not be passed on lightly! Each demon sage has three descendants, and the demon who can learn must swear by the way of heaven. Let’s go for a drive, Lingyun, no spreading!"

"Currently, each family only allows three people, who must be like the late ancestors, so they can add them!"

If all were let go, what more exciting demon saints and demon ancestors would be able to use in the driving range?

There were descendants left in the driving range in the late game.

The White Deer Demon is also limited. Thinking about the Sky Demon secret method, it is indeed impossible to pass it cheap. Other demon sages have not opposed it. The old squid who has just arrived at this time has to recognize a demon general, and only weigh in his heart, it is important to which place should be given. Junior?

The Dragon King, Long Po, and Lao Huang thought, if they are not connected with the blood of their clan, then they will win over a few confidantes and not waste their quota.

The demon Bai Lu said again: "My The monks are already in a hurry. It really caused the Sumi Mountain Continent to come to a few more. It is even more disadvantageous for me! We will make alliances in the future, and we must take the lead in secret. So I sent the younger generation to go for a ride in Fengling Ridge, and also under the guise of another family's name!"

This is considered the first thing agreed upon today. Doufengling is willing to pass on the Heavenly Demon's secret technique, the "Universal Starlight Technique".

Today, gather allies together and take the revenge back. The holy monkey looked at the deer demon and asked: "According to your intentions, can we find the court?"

This master, as expected, has the most anxious temperament. He is so wounded that he only wants to take revenge!

After being attacked by a monk, she was seriously injured, and the old woman was also injured. The driving range where her life was in danger was in great danger. I didn't even think about breaking a strong endgame. The next ally, the old dolphin, died. The holy ape really couldn't swallow this breath!

The Bailu demon was chased and fled in embarrassment, almost wanting a dead ghost to die for him, and never want to meet these things again, purifying the demon crowd for a few days, in fact, it is the same as the holy ape's idea!

As the demon saints looked around, the demon white deer asked Xiwang again: "Master, if he has healed from his old wounds, how long will it take to become a saint?"

He looked up at the white clouds in the sky, and was silent for a long time, before looking west, gritted his teeth and said: "My old mother is really annoying, and she will be cured. If there are so many corpses as fat, we need a thousand. Only in the new year has the hope of becoming a saint!"

As far as knowing the matter of Lingtaofeng, you can't tell the truth!

The White Deer Demon didn't feel surprised, and only said: "Master is to heal the wounds, and it will take a few years for the right and left. For the enemy monks, in the long run, we will make a plan for a thousand years, and the holy masters will try their best to help me rule the master! When she is promoted to the sage, she can fight hard against the monks of Honzhou!"

In the old ape’s dissatisfied cold snort, the White Deer Demon continued: “From a closer point of view, it’s not easy to tell the monks to come and go as they want, bite in the east, and beat a stick in the west!”

Turning his head to look directly at the holy ape, the demon white deer asked: "Master is injured, can he still fight?"

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