Deer Demon Race

Chapter 381: Learn from each other

After the White Deer was promoted to the Demon General, he never discussed with the demon. Now Gou Bao's ability must be tried in person before he knows the depth.

Goubao Jin Yaojiang's gift magic weapon, the green kingfisher just sent it out, but before the two started, they said they were not using magic weapons, they were only better than magical powers and spells.

Without weapons in his hand, the White Deer Demon didn't even use Shura combat skills.

In the first match between the Queen Gou Bao Jin Demon General and Master Deer, the demon crowd from this mountain all came to watch on the windmill.

Big Horn still has dark blue eyes, and he is still turning the eight-character step; Po Nan still wears a shameful animal leather cover on his head, and has long taken a favorable position.

The diligent little demon moved to the wicker chair and asked the grandmother and the little grandmother to sit and watch. The black and white tapir also brought a package of fried chestnuts, and the small mountain spirit mixed chestnuts with the two sister-in-laws.

The little mountain spirit has also digested the first drop of the water-free spirit, and he has not grown tall, with only one extra hair on the top, and he has been promoted. The Bailu Yao seems to have forgotten what he said before and didn't really push him out.

Yu Wei stood beside the two grandmothers. He hadn't seen his own man being beaten for many years. Today, he guessed that he could not escape. He wanted to ask the grandmother in charge of the Dragon Palace medicine to use.

Yuanxiang and Biyan stood on one side and looked at each other.

Lang Lang followed Biyan, full of emotion. At the beginning, it’s hard to compare the five steps to death, but Goubao is already so hot, and he is promoted to the demon general. Yuanxiang and Biyan are also about to be two. They have been delayed for forty years, and they have just been promoted to the demon. Three decades behind him!

It's all to blame for the dog's... monk!

In the middle of the field, Gou Baohan smiled and said: "Master, start lightly, don't take me as a semi-sense fight, and I will talk about supernatural powers tomorrow morning. The little monsters don't look good in front of you!"

Bai Lu Yao shook his head: "If you really fight, how can you stop it?"

Master Lu refused to release the water, Gou Bao smiled bitterly, and stopped talking nonsense. He stamped his feet, and a wall of soil appeared in front of him, which instantly hardened into a stone wall, standard magic defense.

Master Lu never hides his own secrets from Goubao, and the magical powers he knows, except for the demon general level, have not had time to originate. Other dog treasures are basically metropolises, and they are still proficient in the stone method, which the deer master cannot.

Goubao has magical and magical powers, and the earth-rock method cannot be simply described by the word proficiency. The antlers and thunder halberd with the magical powers of "shattering method" are not used, and it is useless if it is not close.

Nowadays, even the Demon King has been killed and forced to explode a lot. The Bailu Demon has no shortage of various coping experiences, humming in his nose, and when the "swarm" is ready, his knees sink slightly and "leapfrog" as usual.

When he jumped to the stone wall, he punched his right hand and broke the wall with brute force!

Now Goubao casts spells so fast that he beats the big horns, and stalagmites emerge from the stone wall instantly, piercing the deer demon's chest!

This stone wall, stalagmite, and the supernatural powers of the "hard stone" are very different from the others. The White Deer wants to try the hardness first, then slightly change the direction of the fist, and blast towards the tip of the stalagmite.


After the "bang" sound, the stalagmite was directly interrupted by a heavy punch on the tip of the stalagmite.

But on this stone wall, there are so many hard rocks in the soil that can evolve according to Goubao's mind. The first stalagmite is interrupted, and the entire stone wall is like a stimulating porcupine, with hundreds of stalagmites spikes. Furious together, stab the deer demon.

Try to bombard the previous stalagmite directly, and the epithelium of the fist was not broken at all, and his body was hot day by day, so there was no need to be afraid of it. The white deer demon "magicized" his arms, and both fists blasted forward at the same time!


Two fists as big as a dustpan bombarded the rock again, but this time it was a hit, and both fists were pierced!

The previous first stalagmite didn't have much "hard stone" effect at all. Gou Bao knew that Lord Deer had a hot body and a tough style of play, which was specially designed to deceive him.

This time the two giant fists on the left and right blasted to the ground at the same time. The stalagmites were not as fragile as the previous ones, and there were so many. Under the collision of the two forces, Juhua’s double fists were immediately torn apart, exposing the flesh and blood, and then many sharp stalagmites. Unable to withstand the tremendous force, the roots were broken.

The deer demon still has "regeneration". A few injuries can be recovered in a short period of time. There is no need to deal with it. However, the stalagmite tip that pierced into the flesh is instantly thinned into sand, and it is attached to his wound and does not fall to the ground.

Juhua's hands returned to their original state and they were covered with sand. The deer demon tried to shake his hands, as if he had to adjust the demon energy to get rid of it.

The evil spirit gathered on the back of the fingers, trying to get rid of the fine sand, and at the same time leaned forward violently, hitting the stone wall with his shoulder again!

After being hit by him several times, the stone wall broke.

The stone wall collapsed, Master Lu "brutally rushed" in, and "Gou Bao" threw his fist straight.

It was not Goubao's deity, but a humanoid stone with a similar appearance to Goubao, which was created by simulating his own shape.

The deity Goubao was no longer in the sight of the White Deer Demon, and he couldn't detect it with his spiritual sense.

Do you know that it's hard to shake, deceiving my old deer can't "petrify" and hide in the ground?

Some doubts flashed, the demon white deer and the stone man punched, and at the same time slammed their feet, "shocked and trampled"!

There are many ways to restrain the "soil escape" without "petrification"!

Facing the stone man of fist, the deer deer also knew that it was a spell that Goubao had practiced many years ago. It had been drilled for a long time and was extremely hard. A right punch did not shatter its stone arm!

The bad thing is that after the fist, the right hand can't be shaken off!

The stone man condensed by Goubao spells used to be a stalagmite stab with his fist in a fight, but this time it’s not like that. The fists are fused together, and they are tightly attached to his flesh and blood, and they are not allowed to be separated.

A lot of sand on the stone fist came alive again, spreading and wrapping the white deer demon's right fist tightly!

Now, it's even more rare to get rid of it!

And under the "shock trampling" of the "juli", the surrounding soil is controlled by the demon spirit of the dog treasure, and he will be affected by hiding in it, but he has not noticed any movement at all!

Not underground, where is my general? Carrying my new hidden magic?

Just a little bit puzzled, the connected stone people stomped at their feet, and suddenly there was a loud noise around them!

All the mud and sand in a radius of more than ten feet were rolled up like waves, three or four feet high, and swept toward the center with a whistling!

This is to bury the stone man and the white deer demon, and then the sand explodes or heavy soil!

It is a large-scale spell deployed by Gou Bao when he borrowed the deer master to break the stone wall!

Gou Bao's luck is not good. He has developed so many supernatural powers, but his own Jin Yao general has not gained any. The "blazing heat" passed down by the Black Bull back then is a demonic general supernatural power. No matter how hot he is, it is impossible for him to develop within three or four days. Come out, otherwise, the scope of this spell will be broader, not just this!

At the same time, the upper part suddenly went dark, and a giant meteorite whizzed down!

The surrounding mud tides covering the height of three or four feet, and the meteorite falling on the top of the head, are all spells laid in a few breaths. The momentum is so great that the monsters who are onlookers for the first time are speechless!

In the center, Shiren's free hand was already punching again!

If you can't get rid of the stone man, the "flash" can't be activated, and the antlers of the "defoaming and transposition" were not arranged in advance!

The white demon's knees sank slightly, trying to drag the stone man into the air with brute force, and then "tiger jump" to avoid the meteorite.

I don't want the stone man to suddenly become extremely heavy, so he can contend with the power of the white deer demon for a while, making him unable to jump!

This is definitely not a spell, it is a "heavy" supernatural power!

No matter how subtle Goubao controls the stone man, it is impossible to call it magical powers!

Master Lu reacted now!

This boring **** knows everything about his own methods and mentality, and he really knows how to calculate!

But if you understand it, it's over here. Your grandma, Big Horn and other monsters are all staring at you. How can the lord really be disgraced by you?

The mud tide came, the meteorite fell, and Gou Bao dragged him down again. How to make a quick fight?

Gou Bao has learned "Wu Cry", and the word "same sympathy" is invalid. Otherwise, no matter how early the general's spiritual consciousness is manifested, he will never reach the standard for promotion to the demon king, the deer master who is still digesting the demon pill!

The six characters "painful and refreshing, spicy and hot" on the body are definitely a powerful weapon for the creatures whose consciousness is not as good as the Bailu Demon, and the winner can be divided in an instant!

Gou Bao borrowed that layer of stone skin to block his eyes, and the "scorching soul" of "Bath Day Tongyou" would not be used!

In addition to "same sympathy" and "bath day through the quiet", the deer deer and Goubao fought against each other, and "roaring" was not easy!

Don't want to be too shameless, since the fight, the demon generals, demon king-level supernatural powers that Goubao can't know, and the white deer demon have never used it!

Then the most stupid and easiest way is to work hard and supernatural powers!

In an instant decision, the White Deer Demon kicked the stone man with a heavy kick, and at the same time, it flew with its head, "head mallet"!

Come head to head!

Gou Bao also knows himself. He is far from being an opponent, but he drags his master to stay and waits for another breath or two. When the mud tide reaches, the meteorite falls, and the "heavy soil" and "sandstorm" do not need to be released, leaving the master's white robe stained. Go to the soil, even if you are satisfied!

But now, Master Lu has much more experience in fighting against him, and he has a quick response. With a single foot and a hammer, he has mobilized all the demon energy and supernatural powers that he can use!

Lord Deer's body and strength are stronger, and he also blesses "juli", and Goubao can't resist it!

Gou Bao's demon qi rushed into the covered stone skin frantically, hardened with all his strength, and then launched the "unloading force" before he dared to "juli" his upper body and kicked it back.

A small stalagmite emerged from the outer layer of stone skin's forehead, and then with the same "head mallet", it greeted Master Deer's head!

At the same time, there was mud gathering on the ground next to it, and it was about to form the stone man who was really composed of spells, and wanted to drag it again.

All kinds of methods, just to stop the deer master one or two breaths, drag it until the inverted mud wave drowns!

Between the sparks and flints, the White Deer Demon continues to recklessly!

There were more stalagmites on the head of the stone man Gou Bao pretended to be, and he flew it with a "head mallet". Not only did the Bai Lu demon not evade, he injected some strength and slammed into it!



Both of them are very powerful monsters, and the two clashes make Shichiniang, Qingluo, and Yu Weiquan watching them feel sore!

Big Horn stroked his forehead and gasped.

The stalagmite breaks after piercing the flesh, and the sequelae caused by the double-headed collision, even the white deer demon is a little dizzy, in fact it is a concussion!

When he was met by a stalagmite, the flesh on his forehead was broken, but the skull with the “steel bone” was able to withstand it. It is indeed the first bone tempered during the demon’s time. Yes, it's so hard that the stalagmites condensed by magic can't be pierced!

Under this violent impact, Gou Bao's dizziness became dizzy, and the stone layer attached to the epidermis started from the head and feet, and it broke and fell in pieces, which could no longer be maintained.

Easily break free of his fist, Master Deer "flashes" instantly!

The whistling mud tide just covered it.

When the mud and sand in the sky retreated, seeing the flesh on the forehead of Master Lu quickly recovered, and then flew over, Gou Bao hurriedly raised his hands: "Don't fight, I surrender!"

Ps: I wrote two points last night, the last two hundred words and corrections were missed. I was too sleepy to change it. The calibration was changed after school in the morning, and it was updated only now, sorry.

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