Deer Demon Race

Chapter 399: Demon King

The thunder halberd slashed straight down, and when the two hit each other, most of the thunder light dissipated.

The pair of antlers refined into thunder halberds are connected to the body of the white deer. In addition to the dragon horns nourished by the mother-in-law’s house, they have also been tempered by the demon body with him for so many years. The power of thunder and stars is hidden inside, and the power is extraordinary, but unfortunately limited by the realm of the demon general, there are only three magical functions that can be overlapped.

The two thunder halberds on the left and right, the three magical functions are "Armor Breaking", "Sturdiness", and "Smashing Method".

The thunder halberd fought against the thunder light, and the "shattering method" was activated. He Yilei's thunder light was dissipated in an instant, and the rest fell on the thick-skinned white deer monster. Doesn't cause much harm.

The White Deer Demon has the magical power to "ward off evil spirits", and He Yilei's reaction is not slow!

Before the thunder halberd hit, Hei Tantou had noticed it, stopped his figure immediately, and escaped from the thunder light.

The sharp thunder halberd teeth almost wiped the tip of He Yilei's nose!

When his figure suddenly appeared, he sneered coldly: "Thunder!"

With this shout, a purple light flew out of He Yilei's body and quickly dispersed in the air.

In the blink of an eye, thunder and lightning fell like rain within a radius of one hundred meters, and it was almost endless!

The torrential rain formed by the wisps of thunder is so wide that it almost covers the entire vacant battlefield!

The scattered "Thunder" is a magical power that all creatures of the six races can comprehend!

In the midst of a large thunderstorm, the White Deer Demon quickly noticed that the first two drops of thunder light that fell on his body did little damage to the demon's body in the sound of the first two drops, but they all contained power against the soul!

Just two drops made the Bailu Demon's soul burn!

After preparing for this battle for many years, the power contained in He Yilei’s decree’s supernatural powers is specifically aimed at the divine spirit and consciousness. Everyone knows that this is the weakness of the Yaozu!

Heitantou first gave out the thunder light, which was locked out by the White Deer Demon and then split out. You must know that the White Deer Demon has the demon general level supernatural power from Filling Water B, and was locked in position by the opponent. Said that the difference between the two sides is not small!

After being cut to the foundation-building stage by the master, the Nascent Infant was broken and the golden core was broken, and there was no way to use the method, but regardless of the divine consciousness and the magic, He Yilei was not comparable to ordinary foundation-building!

The magical powers released at the beginning of the battle specifically aimed at the weakness of the demon clan’s soul weakness, which was Chitose Yuanying’s fighting intuition!

Between the lightning and the fire, all the pores of the Bailu Demon's body were filled with black flames, and his white robe was instantly dyed!

It's like coming from Jiuyou!

The white deer demon wearing black flames, in the eyes of the little saint Yeyao of the holy monkey mountain, really fits the title of "Deer King"!

Watching the game, Zhang Yifu's chest was stuffy, as if blocked by something.

This Ming Yan is the same as the Master Uncle Cat Demon Town House, it is clearly a benefit taken from his own Xuantian Sect!

Ming Yan, which can burn the soul and protect the soul, is Daoxuan's ability to find the Netherworld Moji fruit before deciding that his soul will go to Jiuyou!

The White Deer Demon didn't have the ability to refine Ming Yan. This was released by the ghost Zixia who hid his divine consciousness after sensing that the rain-falling thunder light was hurting the soul.

This Mingyan cannot last too long, but Bailu Demon and Zixia believe that, no matter what, the Black Tantou monk is now just building a foundation, and the rain-like thunder light consumes a lot of spiritual power, and it can't last too long!

If the thunderstorm is still there when Ming Yan is extinguished, then consider jumping out of its envelope and fighting, the White Deer Demon is not without other means!

After Ming Yan protects the soul, the demon white deer opened his mouth: "Roar!"

In the roar, the thunder halberd in his left hand disappeared, and the next moment it suddenly emerged from He Yilei, piercing his lower abdomen!

"Hang the corner!"

The two are not far away, and He Yilei is within the scope of the "hanging angle"!

The magical powers of the White Deer Demon are no longer the same level as those possessed by ordinary demon generals.

Even if He Yilei's body was once the body of Yuan Ying, but after being reduced to the foundation, he would never underestimate the magical power of the Great Demon General, nor would he dare to face the thunder halberd that "breaks the armor" with his body over 80 stacks. !

That was the thunder halberd after decades of tempering with Xinghui!

Supernatural power is composed of two powers, the physical body and the demon energy. After collecting Rihua for so many years, there is no need to question the physical strength of the White Deer Demon. After obtaining the Demon Saint-level Mochizuki Rhinoceros Horn, the speed of spitting out the Moon Spirit is also greatly increased. Both are added at the same time. How can the power be small?

In the sound of "roar", He Yilei was shocked with blood, and another thunder beam shot at the periphery, he flashed away from the place in an instant, and by the way, let go of the sharply stabbing thunder halberd.

The thunder halberd stabbed by the "hanging horn" has not yet been collected, and the white deer demon has an extra gold brick in his hand. The "exorcism" sensed that He Yilei's "Thunder Dun" would end his footing, and then threw it out.

"Bill Stone!"

Before touching the real object, with the help of the thunder light that activates "Thunder Escape", it will not stop going straight and can go straight forward, but today is not the speed of flying, and the thunder light has not left the thunderstorm range, so He Yilei's body will be out of the thunderstorm. Escape", will show up.

But Bailu Demon's gold bricks became bigger and bigger when they were thrown away, and they became bigger and bigger in the flying hit, and finally became comparable to a millstone, and they were smashing into the place where He Yilei settled!

The White Deer Demon is operating as a tool at the bottom of the driving range, and his ability to overlay characters has risen to this day, and the worst magical effect is close to 80 folds!

In addition to the “ruyi” with varying sizes, this gold brick also has three types of “locking town”, “broken bones”, and “gravity”. Among them, “locking town” makes He Yi who has just shown his body shape. Lei Nan will be removed in an instant!

He Yilei's body was stagnant, and he was still about to deal with the big golden bricks smashed by the howling, the other party "flashed", and the white deer demon, braving the dark flames, appeared to his side instantly!

Standing in front of the unstable black coal head, the white deer demon raised his thunder halberd in his right hand.

Shura combat skills "cooking the sea"!

The left-hand thunder halberd that was stabbed by the "hanging horn" has not had time to recover it!

The strain was almost instantaneous. At this time, the white deer demon's gold bricks had not yet hit, and the echo caused by the roar among the mountains had just returned!

From the many demon kings captured by Liliyuan, only six have survived so far. The rest of the dead have been turned into the white deer demon's experience progress bar. After decades of life and death, the demon can be called the demon in actual combat. Old-fashioned, no less than half a point in comparison to Yuan Ying, who has lived much more comfortable life!

Even if it is the body of the Nascent Soul, the physical body is always the monk's shortcoming!

He Yilei targets the Soul, while the White Deer Demon only needs to fight in close combat, with the same purpose, all of which are to exploit their strengths and avoid weaknesses!

Being "locked" by the BRICs, He Yilei could hardly escape for a while, but he couldn't easily catch it. Hei Tan head stared at the white deer demon who was close at hand, and shouted: "Dang!"

With this drink, the wisps of Lei Mang and He Yilei, who fell like rain, co-existed with a huge repulsive force, and instantly pushed the foreign objects outward!

The grass and trees are bent, the earth and rocks are flying!

The gold bricks are stopped in the air by the repulsive force! The white deer demon's flesh was pushed outward by a huge repulsion!

The "Boiled Sea Style" was only activated for a small amount, and the trajectory of the thunder halberd was deformed and forced to terminate, completely extinguishing the power that it was about to trigger.

Affected by the huge repulsive force, the white deer demon's body slid back, getting farther and farther away from the black coal head He Yilei!

He Yilei snorted coldly: "Bailu Demon, see you are only under the Demon King's sill, you are only under the Demon King, and you build the foundation with the Demon General. I am afraid that it will be difficult to tell the result for three days. Let's get promoted and fight again!"

The opponent was originally from the body of Nascent Soul, but now he only competes with the demon generals. The White Deer demon fearlessly opened his mouth to catch the golden brick that flew back, and agreed: "Yes!"

In fact, after the trial, Bai Lu Yao disagreed, and He Yilei was going to be promoted. Hearing his response, Hei Tantou was even more happy, smiling and waving, "Okay! Aura is coming, gather golden core!"

The thunderstorm suddenly stopped, the strands gathered together, and quickly changed back to a "thunder" character, and flew to He Yilei.

After that, Hei Tantou whispered: "The four dragons and snakes are stung by thunder, and the anger of Kyushu will be a pill!"

This poem-like sentence was chanted, and He Yilei's body had a golden core forming in his body, and then he drew the aura of the world around Hongfeng Mountain, all rushing to him!

Not only the surrounding auras, but the clouds in the sky are gathering in a whirlpool shape, and the center is the top of the Red Maple Mountain!

He Yilei wants to achieve Jin Dan on the spot!

He was originally Nascent Soul, and he was no stranger to the Golden Core Stage. Even if the White Deer Demon was promoted, and if he fought again thereafter, his experience would be much cheaper than the newly promoted Demon King's White Deer Demon!

Besides, He Yilei is conceited. For today's battle, he did not prepare magical weapons like the White Deer Demon. He only has three magic weapons.

Knowing that it is not good for him to be promoted at the same time, but three or two can not solve the opponent, at this moment, the White Deer Demon can only bite the bullet to keep up!

Before, I was thinking about the Jin Demon Yin monk, but how did you know that the opponent used the body of the Yuan Ying to bet, and now he is more dominant?

Really shameless old miscellaneous hairs and little miscellaneous hairs!

Fortunately, I insisted that the gambling time was 50 years later, and I had to nourish so many demon pill, my old deer also reached the standard of being promoted to the demon king!

The opponent started to gather the golden core first, received the flying left hand thunder halberd, and the white deer demon gave up the attack. The refined and liquefied evil spirits converge!

The three converge in the middle dantian, which is originally three distinct powers, but the great opportunity contained in the character "Rui" in the back waist then merges into it, ignited like sparks, and there is a loud "bang" in the divine consciousness. Not only did the pubic field explode, the sea of ​​consciousness also became a vast expanse of whiteness.

Dare to advance to the ranks, it is this white feeling that is only a moment, the spirit of consciousness, evil spirit, essence and blood, after the instant explosion, chaos in the middle dantian into a pot of porridge!

After that, there was a slightly rotating vortex at the very center, and the vortex was moving, revealing a wispy but irresistible force, dragging back the bursting divine consciousness, evil spirit, and spirit of blood. Slowly Gather slowly, and finally form a crystal clear thumb-sized circle pill!

That is the original form of the demon pill!

With the exploding white sea of ​​consciousness before, it is back to the same as before—there is a secluded sun!

With the great opportunity of "rui" and decades of preparation, it is not difficult for the Bailu Demon to advance!

The demon pill took shape, and from then on, he was the demon king!

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