Deer Demon Race

Chapter 404: Lei Zhu and Xuan Tou Pen

In the evening, the White Deer Demon had used real ambergris to make up the spirit four times before humming again in his nasal cavity.

The previous "flock" has expired, and the "vitality" that has been sealed for more than 90 years has not yet been exhausted, but the remaining essence and blood is not much. "Boiling".

He Yilei squinted in midair.

The demon White Deer launched the blessing of the physical supernatural powers, which probably meant that the Four Tribulations Ring was about to come out.

During the battle, there was no verbal communication with the two predecessors of the transformation of the gods, and they couldn’t tell whether their faces were good or bad if they took the time. However, the old ape and the old osprey went to Liliyuan to participate in the battle. The predecessors are afraid that they will tell you secretly, and calm their hearts. The result has not been announced so far, most of what they have received is bad news, and they don't want to distract themselves from gambling.

In addition, there are two battles in the volcanic land and the sea area of ​​the old poisonous scorpion. Since the monsters are prepared, every additional moment in the holy ape mountain is more dangerous. Why does Heitantou really want to spend a long time?

Just wait for this time to come!

In his thoughts, Bailu Demon's head finally made a "bang" three feet above his head, the void exploded, and the ring of four calamities flew out!

The monsters can seal a magic weapon, "Don't have a hole in the sky", and the duration is so long that the spectators are shocked!

Not far behind Yaoyao, King Shanyang wanted to cry without tears: "I still gave birth to this deity with supernatural powers. In the beginning, the'dongtian' can only be used for a short period of time, and I invite the sky to take advantage of the sun to quench the body for decades, and the body has changed. Strong, the supernatural power has to be maintained for an hour and a half, and it will be proud of it for many years. I don't want this guy to be able to use it for more than four hours, totally unreasonable!"

I also thought: "I am the same as the Demon King. I am still a young man. He is only a newcomer. He has only picked Nikka for nine years more than me. Why is it so hot?"

King Shanyang didn’t know. For him, the White Deer had two other things. One learned from the supernatural powers of the Jingping Mountain general, the Black Bull, which was "strong". , But with the time of harvesting the sun, the flesh body becomes stronger everywhere, which can increase the power of other magical powers; second, after the "steel bone" magical powers, the black tiger demon death ghost spreads the bone and quenches the bones in the driving range. Fa, the Bailu demon suffers hardship, but now as a master, it’s hard to lose face in front of the door, so he only conducts private experiments in private. Under the severe pain, he can’t do the same as a dead ghost, and he can’t concentrate on his consciousness to temper himself. My own bones, it is impossible to overlap the characters, so I was whimsical, borrowing my own "ma" sympathy to alleviate the pain, after extracting the bones, called Banxuan, Biyan, Necromancer, etc. to help temper with the stars, but it is a pity that the human form, the original skeleton There are a lot of demons who will be able to use the "Vientiane Starlight Technique" in Daofengling, but Master Bailu can only extract one bone at a time, and the time is short, so the effect is not too obvious.

If not, why does the demon general's cultivation base kill the Demon King Lili?

How can such demon king Shanyang who only enjoy the benefits of picking Japanese flowers compare? And the third eye that originated from "There is a hole in the sky" is Shura's eye, which is something outside of the body. Although it is useless to superimpose on it, how can it not let the underling help to borrow Xinghui? Tempered? The gap between other supernatural powers may not be that big, but "Dongtian" is stronger!

The cave sky shattered at this time, releasing the Four Tribulations Ring, which was still the result of the Bailu Demon's initiative!

As the Four Tribulations Ring flew into his sleeve, He Yilei raised his hand, and a beam of thunder shot out again.

An ingot thrown by the White Deer Demon just flew, and in the blink of an eye, there was no trace of the black charcoal head in the air!

"Thunder Escape" again!

The monks and monsters who watched the battle knew that they were about to start a dangerous short-handed encounter again!

The White Deer Demon also expected that two thunder halberds appeared instantaneously, and the left hand slashed down towards the black charcoal head in the induction, and the right thunder halberd swayed, and Shura's combat skills started again!

The monk's body is not as powerful as the demon race, but the body of He Yilei Yuanying is not fake. When he stops and shows up, he chooses to experience the combat skills of the White Deer Demon Shura!

The white demon demon's right hand thunder halberd smashed the right shoulder of Heitan's head. Under this gravity blow, He Yilei's Taoist robe was directly cut through, and most of the top-level vestry was abolished. The lower collarbone, straight into the meat!

Hei Tantou was completely unmoved, he only sneered coldly: "Close!"

Under his command, the thunderstorm rain that kept dripping around and regenerating spontaneously turned into stars and dots of light, and all gathered on Heitan's head.

The Bailu Demon wouldn't be idle, so at such a close distance, he opened his mouth: "Puff!"

The "Arrow in the Mouth" was launched, and the horns shot from the head!

This horned horn, the first magical effect of the White Deer Demon, "Tearing", is almost complete. It has been tempered with divine consciousness for 60 years, plus the three magical effects added, and it is tempered by the stars. Needless to say, if he really wanted to be shot by it, He Yilei would be seriously injured if he didn't die!

It is difficult for Heitantou to launch "Thunder Escape" again in a short period of time. The horns flying from such a short distance are almost inevitable!

He really killed Heitantou, contrary to Zhang Meigu's previous request, but the opponent is a strong enemy, so how can you keep your strength in such a critical battle? And Bailu Yao believes that it can't help the other party only with horns!

At the same time the "Arrow in the Mouth" was activated, the word "Yue" on his robe flew out, turning into a small mountain phantom, and on his left wrist there was another immortal rope that swam out like a snake!

The word "Yue" is bestowed by the holy ape and can be used by the Bailu demon by the power of the mountain, but the power that can be borrowed in the demon state is not too much. Now he is promoted to the demon king. Tehe Yilei couldn't breathe well, and when he flew to the top of his head, his knees began to bend!

And the immortal rope that swims silently!

The Bailu Demon used all the methods in the blink of an eye, but the black charcoal head in the precarious situation was not afraid of it. Before the thunder halberd force smashed into his shoulders, he had lightly said in his own mind: "Lei Zhu , Hedan!"

In his body, the newly formed golden core and the magical treasure thunderball merge like water, and finally become one, with the thunderball outside and the golden core hidden inside.

When the horns shot quickly, the word "Yue" was piled up and pressed down, and the immortal ropes swam over, and his thunder rain had already been collected, and he said to himself again in his spiritual thoughts: "Thunder in the sky!"

In an instant, the white deer demon's sight was completely incandescent!

In the most central part of the incandescent, the black charcoal head and his vestment were all burned. His limbs, chest internal organs, head, all bones and muscles, and even the hair on top, turned into thunder and lightning!

Lei Zhu is the top magic weapon of the Thunder Element. It fits perfectly with He Yilei Avenue. It has been warmed up for hundreds of years. In addition, he also added the thunder and lightning accumulated in his dark flesh, and the thunder mansion rain shelter that was just recovered. The power of magical magic!

Countless strengths are gathered, this is the full blow of Heitantou!

The terrifying thunder and lightning gathered together, all with dazzling blue and white light, where He Yilei originally stood, instantly became as dazzling as the scorching sun!

There are countless sharp voices neighing and roaring!

The thunder bead is powerful and exudes the force of rebuke. The horns are fixed in the air and cannot enter the slightest inch. The power of the mountains is pressured, and the resistance below is not inferior. The immortal rope is tied according to the spirit of the white deer. , But he couldn't reach He Yilei's body!

Then, the neighing blazing thunder light spread, instantly hitting the flying horns and the immortal rope, shattering the character "Yue", and swallowing the white deer demon!

The land shrouded in blazing white light, the grass and trees fly ashes, and the sand is broken!

The power of thunder and lightning inside is almost endless. With the strength of the white deer body, the moment of contact is also scorched by electricity, and the hair is upright!

Under the terrifying thunder light evoked by this magic weapon, the white robe and the gray robes were completely useless, and they suffered more damage than the horns and the immortal ropes!

The corners of Zhongchun's mouth twitched, and he wanted to curse.

Du Tian Shen Lei was really enlightened by Dao Xuan's disciples!

That is the fundamental Dafa of Lei Zhenmen. There are only three Yuanying disciples in his school who can really comprehend. Now they are spread to other families, and future generations are mixed like this. How will they have the face to see the ancestors and ancestors in the future?

The incandescent thunder light spreads too fast, and the numbness of the limbs made Bai Lu Yao not feel much pain, but his mind paused, and he hurriedly started "flashing" again.

These expanded thunder and lightning rays were not as big as the previous thunder and rain, and the white deer demon flashed to the outside smoothly.

After standing still, he realized that there was a lot of thick smoke in his mouth and nose, which made him want to cough a few times.

Blue smoke on the charred body was repeated, the meaty smell and fragrance overflowed, the skin and flesh fell off, and the scarlet blood gushed out!

In addition, the deer soul in the sea of ​​knowledge is also a little sluggish!

The ghost Zixia was at a loss, she failed to advance with her master, and the opponent's Lei Fa was extremely aimed at the soul, and it was difficult to get involved in this level of competition.


In He Yilei's voice, the electricity that had been released by the Lei Zhu seemed to have been recovered.

The White Deer Demon hadn't found out the situation of the damage, and a drop of white beads had flashed in front of him again!

Behind the white thunder bead, a human figure that was so dark that he couldn't distinguish his facial features appeared. It was He Yilei with bare flesh, but as dark as the white deer demon!

Really like black charcoal!

Lei Zhu's movement method is also Lei Guang. Although the second launch of "Lei Dun" in a short period of time will cause a lot of physical damage, but if you want to defeat this white deer, how can you not pay enough?

He Yilei didn't believe that only a magic weapon that fits his own avenue could kill the Yaozu Star. He was prepared!

Unlike the more free-spirited spells, it is impossible for any magical powers to be cast uninterruptedly, there must always be an interval!

It is impossible for the White Deer Demon to flash away again, and this opportunity must be seized!

Hei Tan appeared in front of him along with the magic The White Deer demon started and waved the thunder halberd and slashed again!

Lei Zhu turned weirdly and walked away.

The thunder halberd was drawn down, and Heitan raised his hand, and the Four Tribulations Ring appeared, "dole" and "dole" were placed on the halberd teeth, and the white deer demon's body was anchored!

"It's all thundering!"

The incandescent dazzling power and terrifying thunder and lightning light rose again, and then spread out, swallowing the white deer demon!

At the same time, the wandering Kuixing pen let out a soft moan, transforming into a peacock-like huge green bird, and rushed to the battle place!

The Kuixing pen is just a collective name. It is also called the "Judge's Pen" by martial practitioners. This magic weapon borrowed from Lingshan Temple by Dao Xuan, whose real name is Yuantou Pen, is practiced with a vertebral head.

There is no other poison in the world!

Then the White Deer Demon "Dong Tian" reappeared, sealed away the Four Tribulations Ring, so that the magic weapon could hold the Thunder God Thunder which was sent out by the Thunder Ball, and made him unable to escape the poison of the roaring birds!

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