Deer Demon Race

Chapter 409: Demon nature

The demon Bailu asked: "Master's sympathy with the world for hundreds of miles? How many times are the ancestors who have joined together?"

Mrs. Xiwang smiled: "It's the same for learning the Starlight Technique, you just want to compare with my old lady, you're very embarrassed!"

The demon Bai Lu scratched his head and smiled: "How can disciple shame Master?"

Regarding the matter of not wanting to join the Jin ancestors, Xiwang did not look down upon the group of demons: "My old mother lives long, but she is dragged down by the peaches, and her demonic spirit is much dissipated, and her communication is slow! When she first promoted to the Demon King, she had a strong heart and occupied three hundred miles around Yuanshan Mountain. It took nearly three thousand years to gain power through sympathy, but harmony did not succeed! Later, I didn’t dare to be like that. I honestly only sympathized with Baili Tiandi. Each time it took more than 700 years to complete than other Demon Kings, um... I joined the Dao eight times, and I was still anxious to catch up with the Heavenly Killer. I gritted my teeth and tried to get lucky!"

Master has joined the Dao eight times, the first time it took nearly three thousand years, and each time it took more than seven hundred years?

It took eight thousand years to succeed in becoming an ancestor, and he deserves to be a 70,000-year-old monster!

Bailu Yao's face turned pale.

My old deer can't form elixir to disperse the demon energy, but the ordinary demon king uses the power of the world to communicate, and it takes four to five hundred years to join the Dao once, and more than three thousand years for eight times!

In addition to the wood demon, dragons and other special blood demon kings have such a long life. They have "vitality" to increase their lifespan. The Jin Demon Queen also has a life span of more than 2,000 years. It must be successful in four times. The ordinary demon king No matter how fast, there are only two or three opportunities to join the Dao!

The White Deer Demon was frightened, and looked to the west before humming: "My old lady is dragged down by the peaches, and her demon spirit is limited. She has only been several times harder than the other one. You must have vented your ambition! Do you know how many times your teacher has been in harmony?"

Baibao shook his head, and looked at the corners of his mouth lightly: "The King Kong Iron Gibbon is born with a different species, and it is also a sympathy with the power of the world in a radius of three hundred miles. It can be done once in 800 years! In this matter, you must compare with your master! "

"Master, my life is limited, how can I compare with Master?"

Xiwang stared, "Xumishanzhou human race will eventually be played out. No matter how fast you advance, you will become a demon saint? At the time of the war, only the demon ancestors were cultivated. It was not hot enough to be useful? You take the sun to temper your body. Although the age of the demon is short, it is expected that the moon rhino horn can help gather the moon spirit. If it is not better than the King Kong Iron Gibbon, the demon crowd gathered in the Drifting Ridge will disperse as soon as possible!"

What she said is indeed reasonable. In the future life and death battles, I am afraid that the gods and demon ancestors will fly in the sky. No matter how hot the day is, the demon king will be of little use. Cherish the opportunity, and hurry up to get along once or twice before then.

The demon Bai Lu smiled bitterly and asked, "Is it not enough to just sympathize with the world, to be able to use the stars to form a form, and to have the master's ability?"

Xiwang hummed: "You don't need to put gold on the face of the old lady! In front of the **** of transformation, the old lady does have a little self-protection, but how can he be a real enemy? Today Liliyuan, including the lioness, has a **** of transformation Ten, demon saint twelve, in the future?"

"My old mother is also cultivating desperately, looking to become a saint before the war, to contribute to the demon race. After you become an ancestor, you have the ability to be like an old mother. What's the worth?"

"We all believe in the demon clan, the demon king Jinzu, luck is the most important when you are in harmony! How many spiritual roots are planted in the front and back of the mountains in the Daofengling Mountains, and the spiritual roots are also luck under heaven. Are you afraid of lack of luck? Huang Huaniang brought that Several demon kings, are willing to abandon the old place where they have been in friendship for a long time, and all move to the White Lion Valley. In addition to the benefits of Nikka, is it not that the twenty-one realm has less spiritual roots, hoping to get some luck with you? It's not credible to say that you are also a powerful person, and you are the disciple of the old lady. How can you not fight?"

Master does not know that Huang Huaniang, King Dan, King Shan Jian, King Gull Demon have all learned "vitality" to increase their longevity in Idoufengling. Abandoning the old sun in the sea area is no longer a loss, let alone still Pick Rihua.

The scope of communication must be expanded and completed over a thousand years. A powerful demon ancestor that is more spicier than Xiwang can be achieved with one harmony, and it will only be useful in future wars!

You can only give yourself one chance, you must be ruthless!

Mighty chooses himself, countless countless monsters count on them, so how do you cherish your life?

The deer deer was silent for a while, and replied, "Master, I know it!"

The old Tao Yao nodded: "You are specialised in spirit, don't like spells, and others are not easy to teach. The second one will let you look at the magical powers of my old lady!"

I have learned magical powers from many demon kings, but the demon ancestors and above have not yet had this blessing. Listening to her say this, the Bailu demon immediately rejoiced and asked urgently: "Demon ancestor-level magical powers, can my old deer originate with fortune? "

Xiwang shook his head and explained with a serious face: "There is no such thing as a demon ancestor-level supernatural power. My demon clan is talented, and the highest is the demon king level. Let it go from the inside out!"

The Bailu Demon opened his mouth: "I'm only at the Demon King level. Before gambling, why didn't Master teach me?"

"You learn to be self-sufficient, and my old lady is not good for fighting! It's your master, the gifted and supernatural power of the King Kong Iron Gibbon, I didn't ask you to see it either!"

The White Deer Demon couldn't help wailing, thinking and knowing that although the innate and supernatural powers of the Great Sage Moving Mountain are only at the Demon King level, they will never be inferior to "Dong Tian" and "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi". They were not taught before the life and death gambling!

If you learn the magical powers of the old ape, it is still so difficult for Douhe Yilei?

It was my old deer who thought that the demon general could not learn the magical powers of the demon ancestor, and the two great masters did not ask for advice, but how could he not take the initiative to mention it?

If I don’t teach, I still know that I cheated in Lao Lu’s gambling shop and did shameless things in exchange for supernatural powers!

Really speechless!

Are you afraid that my old deer will be killed or captured by the monks?

The demon saints and demon ancestors who came to the Rhino Lake to take a bath, they missed it before, and they must squeeze out all their supernatural powers when they return!

Xiwang seemed to understand what he was thinking, and chuckled: "Old miscellaneous hairs are all good calculations, but you have such a great ability to save your life and you have no shortage of magical powers. What should Ze Neng foresee, why should he care? You can't admit defeat and pay for some useless Taoist books of the Yaozu. What is it worth? The love that killed that day was stunned, and you saw that the sky called my family Yaoyao, he would think Tell you? Hide and look at the joke! The other saints and demon ancestors were skinned by deer to get a lot of benefits, and the **** confessed, which one is not happy to say that you joke? So your husband knows you don’t like being a sun dragon Bao, I wish the Dragon Girl would hold on to her majesty for a few more years, so she wouldn't be pierced!"

The demon Bai Lu said angrily: "How much more sensible Yaoyao is than before? My old deer also helped his master to add another heir, and it is hopeful that the King Kong Iron Gibbon will reappear! How can I not remember it well, but only remember my old deer's hatred? Only the needle tip is big!"

When these words were spoken, the old ape's cold voice came from behind: "Really?"

The demon Bailu did not show any weakness, and turned his head and rolled his eyes: "Master is more sincere. Is it too big to play tricks on a demon commander like this?"

After Yuan Fu became an adult, he still had to use the white deer "Rui" to draft with the female ape, hoping to give birth to more blood of the King Kong Iron Gibbon, and then reproduce a clan. Will not lose, continue to face coldly: "You say so, don't think you have a big heart!"

"Speaking of business, we are going to travel far, and it's just useless!"

Interrupting the two of them fighting each other, Old Tao said demonly: "Don't delay, just watch the supernatural powers!"

Xiwang has only one demon king-level supernatural power worth learning. It is indeed useless to fight. It is called "hidden track". The best hidden deed is the supernatural power she deliberately originated in order to conceal the truth. It is also the one that relies on entering the Xuantian Taoist Palace.

After seeing the "hidden ruins" and looking west, the old ape reluctantly let the Bailu Yao look at him. It is the bloodline ability of the King Kong Iron Gibbon. The boosted power is not much stronger than the Little Demon-level "juli", but the origin is also more complicated, and it is extremely difficult to learn. In addition to the skeletal muscles of the arms, the gallbladder in the internal organs, and some essence and blood are the main body, there are also A few connections that I can't figure out for the time being.

"Learning this magical power, the strength is greatly increased, and even the power to move the mountain, but the monk has always been cunning, how many are willing to work hard with you? Then He Yilei, you will not be able to beat him even after you have learned the'loading mountain'. It took time and I didn't show it before the gambling. I really thought that my old man had a heart like you?"

Seeing Lao Yuan’s unhappy face, Bai Lu Yao turned away from the topic: "Master, like He Yilei, it is difficult for a monk to fight melee. Can other saints and ancestors have magical powers that are beneficial to close combat?"

West Wang shook his head.

The deer demon couldn't help sighing: "On the physical body, the spirit is strong, and the blood is abundant, there are not many demons of the same rank in the world like me. But today, the Jin Demon King, how can he not have magical powers, and be able to chase him? How much time does it take to save He Yilei’s supernatural powers?"

Xiwang thought about it, and replied: "Before you called the Little Demon Jin Demon Ding, he felt the nature, Fang Yisheng's pro-law and supernatural powers are similar, and he acts in accordance with the demon way and nature. Only when the big event comes and he has a wish, he can get good fortune and godsend supernatural powers! If you hadn’t been so **** your knowledge of the sea before, when the monk curse appeared, you would be terribly frightened, and you have the power to help secretly, I’m afraid it would be difficult!"

Demon way is natural?

Like the pro-law and supernatural powers and spiritual roots, should we pay attention to nature?

"Bathing day and quiet" is considered an accidental result, only when being a wild deer is extremely afraid of injury, the "rebirth" generated is in line with the natural nature of the demon?

Old ape interface: "You deer, you are actually cautious and timid, over-diligence, not to say that you need to pick up the sun to quench the stars, you still have to practice carving, combat skills, and superimposing characters all day long. From morning to night, you can’t rest for a while , Like the old human farmer who is worried about the harvest, he has no desire to play, how can there be a demon? It is no longer like a demon, how come the demon is natural, and want to get god-given supernatural powers?"

Could it be that it is a sin to entertain my old deer again, diligence?

I don’t want to even look west this time and nod his head: "At the current predicament of the monster clan, the disciple is eager, and there is nothing wrong with diligence! And you can get the right results with perverted reasoning. Other abilities are also well developed, and you don’t need to care if you can’t regenerate magical powers!"

The deer deer refused to accept: "Even if there is too much art to press down? The master also said that the monks are cunning and really fight. Few are willing to work hard. He Yilei still has such a thought. Shouldn't it be a pity for a monk? If I can't learn this magical power outside, my old deer will definitely give birth to himself!"

The body of the monk is much weaker than that of the monster race. The more advanced they are, the less they choose to fight personally. In addition to the body protection of the primordial infant and above, there are many skills to keep the monsters from getting close, such as blindness, repulsion, and escape. Lack, enough to make the white deer demon, who is the most good at hand-to-hand combat, have a headache, and Wu Ji Men Wu Ji Men no reason and other warriors promoted into the gods are only a handful of them.

The old ape said impatiently: "When you become a demon ancestor, the magic weapon has to take a blow from Xinghui, and it is inevitable to turn the gods and avoid them. How anxious?"

I don’t know how long it will take to condense the Dharma, and with the strike of the stars, it will only take once a day?

Tiepixin's eyes are too small, my old deer won't argue with you!

To regenerate magical powers, you need to follow the demon way naturally, just like other monsters are as eager to play?

Do you want to be natural in everything?

Having been a demon for so many years, maybe it's time to get loose, but there are so many things on the driving range...

Well, after all, now the carver is already a master; Shura's combat skills can also be slowed down; the easiest way to borrow the Xinghui Quenching Artifact is the easiest to choose the third batch of demons who learn the "Universal Xinghui Art" when you return to the mountain. After a few years of work, you can distribute all your own magical instruments.

In addition to the two magical powers of "hidden ruins" and "danshan" that have just been seen, we must start preparing for the Jin ancestors and add the homework of enclosing the land to sympathize with the world; besides, there are still Cairihua and teahouses. The two things of making magical artifacts are irreplaceable.

It doesn’t take a long time to collect Japanese flowers, and it takes half a day to trace the magical instruments every day, which is the most time-consuming!

The superimposed characters have also reached the stage of relying on hard work to not increase their proficiency, but so many monster races have needs, in order to enhance their own strength, this matter can't stop!

In the foreseeable future, the Yaozu’s demand for crafting artifacts will not stop. Is my old deer destined to work hard?

There is no Yaozu who can learn characters, and even those who love literacy can't add incense. The superimposed characters are only monks...

Only monks?


In order to spontaneously produce god-sent supernatural powers suitable for high-level melee combat, and to free himself from the hard work of more than a hundred years, Bai Lu demon frowned and thought for a while. Xiwang couldn't wait, and asked aloud: "We are leaving Can you say something else?"

The deer White Deer woke up and hurriedly shouted: "Master, please talk to the saints again, the monks of the vassal sect of Lingshan Temple, all those who are willing to surrender will open the table. You can change the elixir and the position of picking Japanese and Chinese!"

How can you forget the three nasty monks caught by the King of Wind Chaser before the battle on Lingtao Peak? There are not many monks who are afraid of death, and they know more or less repetition. The monks of Lingshan Temple dare not accept them, and those who belong to the vassal sect are not either?

I would like to drop all the low-cost monks. The level of overlays is limited. The magical tools of most monsters are not very demanding, and they can solve most of the problems. Is it not easy for me?

Only now I think of the captive monk taking the magic weapon.

There are a lot of weird things about the White Deer Demon, Xiwang did not decline, and spread the word to the participating parties. This time, it was not for nothing.

After passing the words here, Bai Ze also passed over: "The old Daoxuan miscellaneous hair craftsmanship may not necessarily be completed in a hundred or twenty years, so beware of the holy ape master!"

Bai Ze informed that among the things he had foreseen, there was also a weapon refined by Dao Xuan, which had a serious problem with the old ape. It was also foreseen that the old Za Mao had to close the door to the Xuantian Sect for a hundred and twenty years.

Xiwang hummed: "After doing this, the damned one will return to the White Lion Valley to heal their injuries, and they will not be allowed to come out alone in the future, they will always be able to avoid it!"

The old ape nodded: "According to the old lady!"

Bai Ze just reminded, the demon Bai Lu shouted: "Master is in charge of some masters, and he will return after hitting the family. You need to prevent the monks from stealing the White Lion Valley!"

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