Fang Wencheng was silent and didn't speak any more, just as if he had never mentioned the matter.

Xie Ruhe tilted his head carelessly and lowered the window. The cold wind poured into the car in an instant, with thick moisture. He fixedly looked out the window, a little lost.

For a long time, Xie Ruhe opened his mouth, his voice was light and light, with a slight smile.

"When he dies, I will visit him."


In my impression, Xie Ruhe was beaten by his father Xie Ji not many times.

Others are spreading that there is a drunkard in the Xie family. He loses his humanity when he is drunk, and only beats his wife and children. The little house at the end was always drunk and cursed by men, the sound of things hitting the ground, and women's restrained crying.

Xie Ruhe felt that they were all right, except for the "beating wife and children".

Before the second grade, he had never been beaten by Xie Ji.

Only when Xie Ji is not there can there be a moment of peace at home.

In addition, the atmosphere is always depressing and dull, like a cage that makes people breathless. Father was decadent like mud, mother always had a gentle smile on his face, but tears were always shed from behind.

In this growing environment, Xie Ruhe's temperament became gloomy and quiet. Except for Ji Xiangning, he didn't care about anything and didn't think he would have any future.

He felt it was impossible for him to escape this hell.

Xie Ruhe first discovered that Xie Ji had beaten Ji Xiangning. It was the day when he first met Shunian and returned home with her umbrella.

Introduced by his neighbor's uncle, he skipped class to deliver to Li Hong. I have been busy for a long time, but there is no gain, I only saw a girl who is inexplicable. He is small and has a baby face that will be bullied at first glance, but he seems to think he can save the world.

Walking out of the residential area, only a street light was installed on the secluded path. It was dark and quiet along the way, and there was no one but him. Going all the way to the end, I saw a house with a faint light from the windows.

Xie Ruhe looked at the house and turned his pockets as he walked, only to find a candy.

He then remembered that he did not bring the key when he went out.

Xie Ruhe put the sugar back in his pocket, walked to the door, and knocked gently three times.

There was a sound of footsteps from inside, light and hurried.

The door was opened.

Ji Xiangning was standing in the hallway with a dry towel in his hand, his eyes were red. Her hair is a bit messy, and her body is tightly covered by long clothes and trousers.

"Ahe is back." She muttered.

Xie Ruhe nodded, put the umbrella on the top of the shoe rack, and silently took off his shoes.

Ji Xiangning handed him the towel, and his voice was a little more rustling than usual. It meant something difficult: "Let’s take a bath first. Mom has something to tell you later."

Hearing her tone, Xie Ruhe's eyelids moved.

The house was very quiet, except for the sound of Xie Ji's snoring when she fell asleep from the master bedroom. The warm yellow lights didn't make this old and small house warm.

Xie Ruhe looked at her as if thinking.

After a few seconds, he took the mango gummy from his pocket, wiped it with his clothes, and put it in her hand. Looking at Ji Xiangning's eyes, he finally spoke.

The voice was low and dumb, but with the natural moistness that a teenager had, it was very nice.

"Please have a candy."

When Xie Ruhe came out of the bathroom, Ji Xiangning was sitting on the sofa in the living room doing handwork.

Her head is drooping, her hair is scattered, and she can still see a few gray hairs in the dim light. Wearing dilapidated old clothes on his body, he looked more than ten years old compared to previous years.

There was a freshly heated meal on the table, and Xie Ruhe walked over and sat next to her. He was about to pick up the bowls and chopsticks, the next second, his eyes were stagnant, and he looked at Ji Xiangning's neck blankly.

When Ji Xiangning was in the entrance, Xie Ruhe didn't notice. Sitting next to her at this moment, although the light was dim, he still saw clearly——

On Ji Xiangning's neck was a red mark pinched out.

Xie Ruhe stared at her neck steadily, and said softly: "What's the matter with your neck."

Hearing this, Ji Xiangning subconsciously covered his neck with his hands, and reluctantly said: "It's okay, you can eat quickly, it won't taste good after a while."

Xie Ruhe lowered his head, his dark eyes reflected the candlelight in front of him, and the light suddenly went out: "Did my dad pinch it?"

Ji Xiangning smiled reluctantly: "Your father is just drunk..."

"He won't be drunk someday."

"..." Ji Xiangning shook his head and explained for Xie Ji, "He just misunderstood me a bit, just explain it, there won't be a second time."

Xie Ruhe clenched his fists, feeling incredulous at her understatement, got up and went back to the room.

Soon, Ji Xiangning also followed in, stood beside him, and sighed: "Ahe, if you don't want to stay here, I will contact Grandpa and send you to him, okay?"

Xie Ruhe heard her mention Ji Xinghuai and looked at her: "Are you going?"

"I have no face to go back." Ji Xiangning smiled bitterly, "and your grandfather doesn't like your father, I can't let your father stay here alone, no one takes care of him."

His mother, when she met love, she fought hard and became blind and ridiculous.

She always believed that Xie Ji would wake up, it was only a matter of time. As innocent as a little girl.

Xie Ruhe lay on the bed, covering his eyes with his arms: "Forget it."


"I have to take care of you."

Probably because it hurt Ji Xiangning, after sober, Xie Ji realized that he was wrong and blamed himself. He stopped drinking like before, and gradually came back to life like a human.

Xie Ruhe doesn't have to skip class to make deliveries just like before.

Later, he heard what Shunian said for Xie Ji.

——"I didn't help Xie Ruhe, nor did I speak to his father. I just felt that I couldn't jump to conclusions rashly. This charge is so heavy that no one can afford it."

At least in Xie Ruhe's view.

Xie Ji is indeed a scumbag, but he would not do such a thing.

Xie Ruhe doesn't really care what others think of Xie Ji. But when she saw Shunian being laughed at by her classmates because of this explanation, and conversely comforted him.

He had a very strange feeling.

It was strange, and it fascinated him.

Shunen is always alone.

Afraid of her accident, Xie Ruhe began to follow Shunian.

And slowly got better with her.

After studying with Shu on his sixteenth birthday, when Xie Ruhe returned home, New Year's Eve had already passed, and the early morning of the New Year came.

On that night, for unknown reasons, Xie Ji drank again. He seemed to be in a very bad mood, and he said something awful to Ji Xiangning.

Ji Xiangning urged Xie Ruhe to return to the room quickly.

Xie Ruhe pursed his lips and looked at Xie Ji with a bit of disgust in his eyes.

Xie Ji saw the look in his eyes, his anger came up in an instant, he picked up the cup next to him and smashed it: "Damn! Beast! How do you think of you Lao Tzu? You can't call people?"

This was a sudden move by him.

Xie Ruhe didn't react at all, the glass hit his forehead, knocked out a big hole, the blood slid down his cheeks, dyeing his eyes red.

Ji Xiangning obviously did not react. After a few seconds, she screamed like crazy, and went forward to tear Xie Ji: "Are you crazy?! That's your son!"

Xie Ji directly waved her away and yelled hysterically, "You're so **** crazy, get out of here! I tell you! You **** don't let me get along with the dog man next door, you have to betray me! I just kill You! I killed you directly!!!"

His face was red, like a demon from hell.

The anger was extreme, as if humanity was lost.

Xie Ruhe didn't react much, covering the wound with one hand, walked over and helped Ji Xiangning up.

Ji Xiangning's tears fell straight, she stopped talking, turned out the medicine box, and treated Xie Ruhe's wound. She seemed to wake up in an instant, and the excuses she had made for Xie Ji in the past were all shattered by his actions.

Ji Xiangning can tolerate anything.

She can tolerate Xie Jichengri’s alcoholism and doesn’t make any contribution to the family; she can tolerate him being unconscious, uttering rude words to her, punching and kicking; she can tolerating his distrust of her, and always wondering if she is out there. Other men.

She can bear anything. She can bear it all.

But when these things happened to Xie Ruhe.

Only once, her dream woke up.

She can suffer, but she must not bring Xie Ruhe.

Her only son.

Wrapped a bandage on Xie Ruhe's wound, Ji Xiangning looked back at Xie Ji and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. She still seemed to be embarrassed, but she seemed to have changed back to the rich and aristocratic girl before, saying every word: "We are divorced."

This is the first divorce that Ji Xiangning mentioned. Even Xie Ruhe thought she was just impulsive, but her attitude was extremely determined. No matter how Xie Ji begged, she did both soft and hard, she showed no sign of turning back.

Ji Xiangning moved out with Xie Ruhe and found an apartment for a short period of time.

Worried that Shunen could not find him, she would run to his house.

Xie Ruhe took the initiative to find her at Shunian's house.

The wound on his head was not healed, and the bandage was still bleeding, and it looked serious.

Originally, Shunen was very happy because he came to see her. He smiled instantly when he saw the wound on his forehead, and said, "Why are you hurt..."

Xie Ruhe did not answer her question: "I recently moved with my mother to the apartment at the corner of the street. If you have something to ask me, go to 304 on the third floor and don't go to my previous home."

"..." Shunen pressed her lips hard and asked again, "Why are you hurt."

Xie Ruhe raised his hand and touched the wound. Without telling the truth, he honestly said: "My dad smashed the cup with it."

Shunen stared at his wound, anxious, and the volume became louder: "I didn't believe Chen Hanzheng about your father's domestic violence before. He is against the law like this! Even if you are his son, he can't do it casually. Hit people!"

Xie Ruhe didn't say a word.

Shunen had never encountered such a thing.

She had seen some uncles and aunts beat their children with clothes hangers when they were anxious, but they were not as serious as Xie Ruhe. Her tears fell as she spoke: "Do you have to call the police..."

Xie Ruhe said, "No, I moved out."

"Will he come to hit you again..." Shunen cried out in a bewildered voice, and stood on tiptoe to see his wounds, "What to do, how come there are such people..."

Xie Ruhe repeated: "It's okay."

"What's all right?!" Shunen whimpered, her voice soft but firm, "I have to go and tell your dad that he is wrong. How can I hit someone with a cup! It will be deadly!"

Xie Ruhe felt a little weird, seeing Shunian crying like this, he was in a very good mood.

He stopped her: "Aren't you afraid of him hitting you?"

"What's so scary of me." Shunen sniffed. "If he dares to hit me, I will call the police. I can tell my dad to go with me. He must not beat my dad."

She was still in tears, her eyes were shiny and round like a glass ball washed with water. The rims of the eyes are red, and the cheeks are slightly bulging, like a small rice cake.

Knowing that he would be injured, he did not hesitate for him.

Seeing the wetness on her face, Xie Ruhe had an impulse inexplicably. His eyes darkened, and the corners of his mouth were slightly bent, calming her softly.

But there are other things in my mind.

He wanted to lick her tears, wanted to taste the taste.

This is Shunian's tears for him.

Xie Ruhe thought little by little, all for his own.

It must be sweet.

It's like, it's the taste of suffering.

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