Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 28: Xiao Chutian running away from home

Watching the little Loli Jinpinger go away, Chu Tian's heart was comfortable and cozy. The golden bottle as a child was so cute. However, when this little loli grows up, remembering today's scene, I don't know how it will feel ...

After Chu Tian continued to experience the brand-new flesh for a while, the forest gradually became noisy. Many monks came here with the "exploration treasure" mentality, and the forest that had been silent for a few months suddenly became lively.

Chu Tian's spiritual power gently swayed, skillfully constructed the space wormhole, and stepped into ...

When he appeared again, Chu Tian was already in Huqi Mountain.

In Huqishan, Youji and Xiaochi are teasing a little loli.

Little Loli is wearing a green one-piece dress, with a cute and flexible temperament, like a porcelain doll. Holding a "sad flower" in his hand, shining bright colors.

Although he is only five years old, the blood of Chu Tian, ​​the owner of Baguio, is far from the talents of ordinary people. In addition, Chu Tian collected all the Taoism of each school, and one and two volumes of the book of heaven. Now Baguio, the strength has been comparable to the five masters of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

No one can think of such a little loli with powder and jade carvings.

Of course, there are more hidden ...

"Idiot, I'm back!"

Chu Tian shouted at several people with a smile.

Two big beauties, a little loli, all turned back.

The three stared at Chu Tian, ​​who was two or three years old, and looked closely. Although I heard about the symptoms of Chu Tian before, I still couldn't help being surprised.

I have n’t seen him since he was old, but Chu Tian turned from a young man into a little doll!

It's incredible!

Baguio's bright eyes looked at Chu Tian for a while, suddenly he smiled brilliantly, and ran like a gust of wind!

"Dad! Daddy!"

Baguio hugged Chu Tian with two arms at once, and he was just about to jump, and suddenly realized that her "father" was already shorter than herself and could not hold her.

Little Lori suffocated her mouth and looked sad.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​who was shorter than himself, Baguio thought for a moment, and as soon as his eyes lit up, he seemed to have some new attention. Baguio suddenly gave birth to his arms--

"Baguio! Let go! You little girl, fight?"

"Little girl, not big or small, I am your father!"

"Release! If you don't let go, Dad will beat you fart!"

"... Idiot! Help me--"


Baguio seems to have found a new toy, holding Chu Tian in his arms. Although he is not very old, he has been practicing since he was a child, and holding up Chu Tian is as convenient as holding chopsticks.

Baguio squeezed Chu Tian's face, a curious look: "Dad, how small are you!"

"Baguio! Don't make me angry!"

"Dad, you used to hug Baguio, now Baguio hugs Dad. Baguio grew up, don't hug Dad!"

Baguio hugged Chu Tian and circulated quickly in the house, staring at Chu Tian's face carefully. Although he said he grew up and looked like a good girl, Baguio's movements looked like toys.

Chu Tian can only admit it!

No way, his daughter is too cute. In this case, lie in the arms of her daughter and sleep for a while. Chu Tianfei's two small hands hugged Baguio, his head tilted, and he fell asleep shyly ...

Baguio saw that Chu Tian was asleep, and suddenly stopped.

Sticking out the crystal-clear white jade fingers, Baguio said to Youji and Xiaochi: "Mother, Auntie, don't be noisy, dad sleep ~~~"

The voice was low, Baguio's expression was very serious. Idiots and Youji glanced at each other, but they were helpless. For the shamelessness of Chu Tian, ​​he can only ignore it.

"Daddy sleep, sleep and sleep!"

"Shake, Grandma Bridge!"

"Baguio-Oops! Can't edit anymore! ..."


In this way, Baguio held the baby-sized Chu Tian and wobbled around in the room. From time to time, he used his fingers to tease the sleeping Chu Tian, ​​a curious look.

"Mother ~~~~~, let me take care of my dad tonight!" Baguio suddenly said towards the idiot. With a "toy" just now, how can Baguio be willing to let go?

The corner of Chu Tian ’s mouth suddenly cracked with a bit of lewdness. Laughing, hum! You two didn't save me just now. Now that the sheep are in the tiger's mouth, I will not be polite!

"Okay, Baguio finally grew up."

"Well! I have always been very sensible ..."


Three days later.

Chu Tian embarked on the journey of Qingyun Gate.

There are many reasons to come to Qingyunmen. One is to get close to the beauty of Xiaozhufeng. Secondly, to see the plot, you ca n’t do it in vain!

Third ...

In fact, Chu Tian was originally planning to stay in Huqi Mountain for a few more days. One day early in the morning, Chu Tian, ​​who was playing the "mouth-to-mouth" game with Baguio, was caught by the idiot. His old face was red and he couldn't eat it, so he escaped early ...

Qingyun Mountain is tall and green, and green and pleasant.

It is located in the Central Plains and is the best treasure for Feng Shui. The vegetation of Qingyun Mountain is evergreen all year round, and the aura's richness far exceeds that of the rest, making it the most ideal area for monks to practice.

Chu Tian carrying a small burden, walking slowly on the road.

Such a two-year-old baby, if Qingyunmen suspected to be a spy, would there be a ghost! Coupled with the amazing physical potential of Chutian ’s soul, Jiulian, even the Qingyunmen people know that it is a spy, I am afraid they will do their utmost to introduce him to the right path.

So, Chu Tian was so shocked, carrying a bag, holding the "Shan Hai Yuan You Tiao" personally fried by Gen Shan Hai Yuan chef, took a step, took a bite, hummed an unknown song and walked forward.

After walking a bit, Chu Tian was also tired.

The spirit is not tired at all, after all, the soul is very strong. But the flesh, Chu Tian is the child's flesh, you have to find a place to rest. With a glance at his eyes, Chu Tian saw a small village character at the foot of Qingyun Mountain.

This is Caomiao Village!

Chu Tian walked towards the front, just as there were two little dolls coming to Chu Chutian.

The two were smiling while running.

"Xiaofan! Come, chase me! Chase me!"

"Jing Yu! Slow down!"

"Hahaha !!"


The two hesitated and ran towards Chutian.

Seeing Chu Tian walking alone with such a child's backpack, the two were gradually curious and looked to Chu Tian. Chu Tian also looked at the two.

Look! What to see!

Is the protagonist amazing? I beat you so hard to tell the difference between southeast and northwest!

The activity in Chu Tian's heart went fast, biting on a large fritter, and tearing off a large piece. Nostrils are sky-high, courageous.

Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu licked their tongues. They stared at the big fritters in Chu Tian's hands without blinking, and their saliva almost ran down. Those bright colors, when they lived in the small village at the foot of Qingyun Mountain, when have they seen it!

He swallowed hard.

I really want to take a bite! The two thought.

"Huh? Interesting!" Chu Tianji thought of it, pranking again.

Shaking the "Shan Hai Yuan You Tiao" in his hand, Chu Tian said to Lin Jingyu in an old-fashioned manner: "Hey! Do you want to eat? Go and beat this guy, I will give you!"

After talking, Chu Tian pointed to Zhang Xiaofan behind him, and shook the huge fritters in his hand again. The breeze was bursting, and the scent that aroused people's appetite permeated ...

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