Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 36: I'm crazy

Cold field!

No one thought of it, Chu Tian said to start it!

This is no other place, this is Lingbing Pavilion! Moreover, Master Shuiyue is still here, and a disciple actually shot to hurt someone! ?

Too ... crazy!

Lin Jingyu was stunned for a while, and then he was furious!

The people of Longshoufeng were bullied, how could he swallow this breath. Lin Jingyu, who has always been arrogant and proud, has a strong personality, and Qi Hao has taken good care of him over the years. Lin Jingyu cannot stand idly by!


Slash the dragon sword out of the sheath!

The sword is perfectly natural and domineering, as if a giant dragon is roaring. Lin Jingyu grabbed the Dragon Sword and Zhou Xiaguang skyrocketed.

"Chu Tian !!! You are too arrogant !!!"

Lin Jingyu burst into a scream and cut the Dragon Sword to Chu Tian!

A fierce light illuminates the entire Lingbing Pavilion, slashing the dragon sword, and it seems to feel the master's anger. The sword body is buzzing and shaking. The dazzling light floats above the dragon pattern. Immediately, a seven-eight-foot-long spirit practiced toward Chu Tian!

As soon as Lin Jingyu shot, he tried his best!

However, Chu Tian did not move for half a minute.

Standing upright, without even raising his hand. A channel of aura surging around Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian seemed to be in a spherical protective film.

The spherical protective film is very light and thin.

Slashing the Dragon Sword is so powerful that it splits on the protective film.

Lin Jingyu suddenly found that he couldn't move! Even if it's an inch away, you can't cut it in!

Such a thin aura film actually blocked the Jiutian Shenbing's blow easily! Moreover, Lin Jingyu has never seen this type of Taoism, never seen before!


Lin Jingyu shouted, the tricks in his hand twisted, but the Dragon Sword was still the same, and he couldn't make an inch of progress.

At this time, Chu Tian finally moved.

Chu Tian's **** intersects with the index finger, making a shape of ejection, a channel of aura condenses at the fingertip, the volume is very small, so small that it is even one of contempt. As Chu Tian's **** flicked out, this little Reiki projectile also flew out quickly.

Like a rapid bullet, struck Lin Jingyu's sword!


A loud voice echoed throughout the Lingbing Pavilion. Lin Jingyu ’s body and the Dragon Sword could not help but flew back, flying all the way out of the Lingbing Pavilion. Qi Hao outside quickly hugged his hands and held several circles Spread out, dragging Lin Jingyu to hold back.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Can you handle it?"

Wave your hand gently!

Suddenly, Chu Tian's aura film quickly condensed into a ray of light, rushing towards the two outside, with fierce and rushing power, and even a deep crack was hit on the passing ground. Qi Hao stood more than twenty meters away, and felt the compelling momentum!

Suddenly, his face was pale!

Quickly sacrifice the magic weapon "Ice Sword".

Qi Hao's tactics were displayed one after another, and ice walls appeared in front of them. A total of nine ice walls were tightly blocked in front of Qi Hao. Qi Hao still felt that it was not enough. He grasped the ice sword with both hands, and the light on the ice sword was full of light, Qi Hao was alert, watching nervously. The aura sharp arrow that came, "Oh ——————!"


Nine successive ice walls broke one after another, Qi Hao even brought a sword, and Lin Jingyu behind him, they quickly retreated backward, and they retreated several tens of meters before they landed loudly.

Qi Hao straightened up hard and spit out a congestion all at once. When he looked up at the fairy sword in his hand, Qi Hao's expression was stunned.

Above the ice sword, a fine line has been cracked. Although it is not easy to detect, but if you look closely, you can still see it!

The ice sword is made by Qi Hao in the extreme north, made of ten thousand ice crystals. Although it is not comparable to the nine-day **** soldiers such as Dragon Slash and Tianya, it is also the best in the sword!

But in front of Chu Tian, ​​even, after the free-hand attack, it just broke ...?

Even the first seat of Qingyun Gate may not have this strength. Qi Hao was afraid for a while, if Chu Tian would use his weapon again, he might be afraid ...

Lin Jingyu lifted Lin Jingyu, Lin Jingyu saw Qi Hao injured, picked up the dragon sword and said: "Brother! I fight with him--!"

Qi Hao grabbed Lin Jingyu and scolded: "Stop it! Master Shuiyue will give us an account of this matter!"

Lin Jingyu refused to accept: "But he is too arrogant!"

Qi Hao learned: "Have you ever played?"

Lin Jingyu was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he was reckless. Chu Tian's strength is indeed not what he can fight. He stopped the movement in his hand, but the anger in Lin Jingyu's eyes did not diminish. He has always been called a genius, when did he get this kind of anger?

Qi Hao said: "This matter, give it to Senior Brother. Chu Tian this person, arrogant and arrogant, hum! I Qingyunmen, how come out of such a person!"

Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu walked to the Lingbing Pavilion, looked at Chu Tian, ​​did not speak, and said to Shuiyue: "Uncle Shuiyue! At this time, although Qi Hao ... cough! Qi Hao is wrong. Department, but Brother Chu Tian, ​​there seems to be ... cough cough cough cough cough !! "

Qi Hao coughed several times in succession, and vomited several bruises before stabilizing the injury. He said: "Since Brother Chu Tian, ​​Qi Hao hopes Master Uncle can give ... cough!

Shuiyue sat quietly without a word.

Lu Xueqi, who was standing behind, also looked nervously at the scene in front of him. It ’s not a petty crime to hurt the same class.

Unexpectedly, Shuiyue said, "Say? Didn't I let you go long ago? To say, go back to your master Cangsong!"

"Uncle Shuiyue--!"

Master Shuiyue waved his hand, a gust of wind flashed, Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu were unstable, and almost fell!

The two looked at each other in shock.

Shuiyue is so short-sighted?

The two took a deep breath and Qi Hao said: "Uncle Shuiyue, Qi Hao has left!"

Lin Jingyu left without saying a word ...

"Tell you! After you come to Xiaozhufeng once, Lao Tzu will beat you once! What's wrong? Lao Tzu is crazy, what can you do !?" From afar, Chu Tian's voice faintly came from behind Qi Hao ...

Inside the Lingbing Pavilion.

Chu Tian just finished beating, and his mood was particularly cool. Anyway, Qi Hao was beaten by himself when he landed at Xueqi. Presumably Lu Xueqi's proud character would not care about him. Chu Tian stepped forward, took out the "cool bead" in his hand, and said to Lu Xueqi: "Lu Shimei, just now Qi Hao delivered the fake, let me give you this!"

After that, throw it lightly. Lu Xueqi can only reach out and catch Hao——

As soon as Chu Tian's "Qingliang Pearl" started, Lu Xueqi's palm suddenly fell, and in an instant, he understood the key! Qi Hao's cool beads are true! In this way, Chu Tian is really unreasonable ...

"Sister Lu, this is the magic weapon I made, blast sky, don't look round and round, the control is good, the effect is better than the fairy sword! Master, Lu Sister, I'm going, you chat!

Chu Tian thought that Wen Min was still waiting for his teaching, and quickly ran away ...

Lu Xueqi stood behind Shuiyue, hesitating for a while, and asked suspiciously: "Master, brother?"

Shuiyue smiled faintly and said, "Let him go."

The tone was full of spoils.

Lu Xueqi raised some doubts in her heart. Normally the cold and indifferent Master Shuiyue, how can you so indulge to Chu Tian? And Chu Tian ’s Taoism seems to be higher than Master ...

————— Longshoufeng ——————

In the pine room.

Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu stood side by side, talking about what happened today.

Lin Jingyu said sadly and indignantly: "Master! Chu Tian of Xiaozhufeng is too arrogant! Please also ask the master-"

Before he had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Cangsong: "Damn it! No more mentions of this matter in the future! No one should mention it in front of anyone, hear it!"

Lin Jingyu said: "But Master--"

A powerful momentum suddenly appeared on Cangsong's body, which made Lin Jingyu suddenly silent.

Cang Song said: "Don't you listen to what I said !?"

The two quickly fell to their knees: "Dare not dare!"

Cangsong has been taking good care of the two of them, and Cangsong's order naturally follows them. However, in the hearts of the two, they still have no idea: why, even their own masters do not stand up for them!

The two ca n’t understand it, they can only bury their doubts in their hearts ...

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