Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 63: Eight Wild Fire Dragons

One day later.

The fierce battle finally passed.

The three-tailed demon fox lies in Chu Tian's arms enchantingly, his face full of freedom and shame. The beautiful figure is curvy and full of endless temptations.

Three-tailed demon fox never thought that he would be conquered by Chu Tian. The long and empty body, in the madness of day and night, completely exuded the charming and charming of the fox family. Women of the Fox tribe are inherently charming. After being so tossed by Chu Tian, ​​this familiar body can no longer be separated from him.

It's just that Sanwei still can't let go of her heart, her sixth brother ...

"Don't think about it, come and see what is wonderful in this well."

Chu Tian picked up three tails, and the two walked to the well.

The thoughts alternated and changed, and Chu Tian instantly controlled this ancient well that reflected people's hearts. Although he was confident in his charm, Chu Tian was not confident yet, and once XXX he had both body and mind. After all, the three-tailed and six-tailed Platonic feelings can last for a hundred years.

As usual, Sanao looked into this well.

On the water surface of the well, Chu Tian's thoughts interlaced, sketching out a new picture. A handsome boy who was so handsome and domineering, that is, Chu Tian, ​​appeared in the well.

Chu Tian, ​​thoroughly manipulated this well!

Suddenly, Mio's body shook!


Looking at the people in the well in surprise, Sanwei's brain suddenly lost.

The three thousand-year-old ancient well can reflect the desires of people's hearts. Businessmen will see money, children will see candied fruit, and girls should see their sweetheart ...

In the past, she saw her sixth brother.

But today, she actually saw Chu Tian?

"Why? What did you see?" Chu Tian asked with a smile, two hands making a blame on Sanwei's body.

"I, I ..." Sanwei was blushing, really embarrassed to say it. The person who just had a relationship has conquered her because of the joy of being fit with herself? Could it be said that she is really a lustful woman?

"Okay! Don't you say it! See how I clean up you!"

Chu Tian put the three tails on the well, and the battle fought again ...

After three hours.

The two were finished wearing and were ready to leave the black stone cave.

Sanwei was so cleaned up by Chu Tian that he thought he had fallen in love with Chu Tian, ​​so he just followed Chu Tian away. The demon girl, who dare to love and hate, can't control that much.

As for the future days? With his own means, Chu Tian was certainly simple to accept.

Sanwei snuggled to Chu Tian's side, with a look of happiness. Honey, peach-like complexion, full of luster.

"By the way, Hu'er, I forgot to tell you my identity." Chu Tian said, arms around Sanwei's Jiao.

There is no name for Sanwei, so Chu Tian gave her a vivid name, Hu'er. Anyway, although the idiot is also a fox, but with the name, it should not be mistaken.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are a disciple of Guiwangzong, I know." Sanwei said softly.

"No, you are wrong this time, I am not a disciple of Ghost Wang Zong." Chu Tian smiled mysteriously.

"But Brother Tian, ​​did you just cast Xuan Ming Dao?"

Chu Tian pretended to say: "Yeah, I am using Xuan Ming Tao. I am a ghost king sect, but not a ghost king sect disciple."

"Then, you are--" The three-tailed demon fox looked suspicious. Since he is the person of the ghost king sect, how come there are disciples of the ghost king sect from time to time? Isn't that contradictory?

"Hu'er, you are too stupid, my name is so obvious, you haven't found it? It's a ghost king sect, but not a disciple of the ghost king sect, of course, only the king of the ghost king sect!"

The three-tailed demon fox was startled: "You are the Sect Master of the Ghost King !!"


The three-tailed demon fox surged in the heart!

It was because of the preconceived idea that Chu Tian was only the same name as the ghost king Sect Master, so he did not think about it. However, how could the three-tailed demon fox never think that the ghost king sect master looked so young?

Or is it that after Dao Xing Gao Shen goes back to old age?

However, in any case, this person is actually the master of the ghost king, the most mysterious of the four bosses of the demon. Ghost King Zong turned to commercialism on the surface in the past few years, and all forces were hidden, without any action.

The lord of the ghost king sect is even more mysterious, and few people have seen it.

Miwei did not expect that his own man was actually the master of the ghost king sect.

"Brother Tian, ​​you, you are so powerful!" Sanwei said softly. Chu Tian's power is strong, and Mio also feels very happy, and his heart is as sweet as honey.

Chu Tian also felt very happy!

Such a pretending identity, it is really a sense of accomplishment!

The two continued to whisper for a while, Chu Tian took out the little Xuan Huo Jian from his arms.

Xuan Huo Jian, the treasure of Incense Valley, is almost inferior to Qingyun Gate's Zhuxian sword. The eight wasteland fire dragons summoned have the power to destroy the earth and no one can stop it!

Chu Tian reached out and thrown, Xuan Huo Jian floated in the air, lingering with aura. Around, Chu Tian quickly entered Xuan Huo Jian ...

Sanwei looked at Chu Tian's movements and said in surprise: "Heaven, you are--"

Chu Tian displayed the law while saying, "Hu'er, let you see a good thing!"

Mio looked at Chu Tian strangely.

Chu Tian's finger lightly ticked off, and finally, the last step was completed. On Xuan Huo Jian, there was a burst of warm energy and a strong fire charm, which burst out from above!

The breath of the burning fire seemed to burn everything. Under the powerful pressure, the animals in the whole forest ran away.

Chu Tian has an Aura shield that covers the three tails.

On Xuan Huo Jian, a breath of terror spread, and there seemed to be a deep crack in the air. Something was coming out!

"Eight and eight wild fire dragons! How is it possible, brother Tian you didn't arrange eight fierce mysterious fire arrays!" Sanwei said in surprise.

"The formation is only an appearance, the real essence is the Xuanhuo formation." Chu Tian looked at Xuanhuojian in the air and said. The simple Xuan Huo Jian radiated a brilliant light. The crack in the void is getting bigger and bigger, a huge head is drilled out of it, and the squinting eyes seem to destroy everything!

Chu Tian stared at the fire dragon for a long time, and his eyes showed an excited light!

Fire Dragon!

The real eight wild fire dragons!

Even more powerful than Zhuxianjian array. The eight wild fire dragons are not creatures, but the ultimate fire rules are summoned and brought together!

This is the supreme flame of Zhuxian World!


The eight wild fire dragons roared, and the endless flames scattered everywhere. The entire forest instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the black stone cave under the fire dragon was also burned by the sky fire that burned everything ...

Sanwei gently hugged Chu Tian's arm, a little afraid. Six tails in the black stone cave, three tails did not think about it, nor did they mention it. Silently said in my heart: Sorry, 6th Brother, you go like this, in the future, I will live a good life with Tiange ...

A thunder exploded in the air.

The entire celestial phenomenon was also changed by the Eight Waste Fire Dragons. The Eight Waste Fire Dragons only subconsciously destroyed everything. Feeling the breath of life below, the eight wild fire dragons opened their mouths, and a hot flame rushed towards Chutian.

Chu Tian's face showed a beam of excitement, saying: "Come on, the more the better! Try your best!"

Stretching out with one hand, gently pulling, a large amount of flame was swallowed into the stomach by Chu Tian as food!


Well, everyone go to bed early, the update time is still messy, sorry

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