Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 20: Save the Yinglong

Chu Tian and Nu Wa kissed me and me for a while, and it was near noon, and then I left Leshan slowly.

All the way south.

Looking down from a height, the whole earth is prosperous and peaceful. Human development is better than expected.

Under the absolute power of Chutian, Shenzhou achieved unification. There was no war for thousands of years, prosperity, and you can guess without thinking!

You should know that the history of the petty fights, the fighting between various ethnic groups, the local rebellion, the change of the dynasty, etc., but there are only three places! The destruction of society by war is the most serious.

But under Chutian's rule, there was no war.

In the world, I do not know how many times it is more comfortable and richer than the same period in history. Under the comfortable environment, many civilizations and creations have appeared ...

Long time left Lushan.

When we were about to reach the South China Sea, a little bit of difference suddenly occurred.

The streets became gradually deserted, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians. Although there are still many buildings, there are not many people. Only sporadic officers and soldiers walked back and forth on the road.

It seems to be a no-man's land.

[The catastrophic loveless people are sentimental, stay away from floods, cherish life]

[Life is the first, money is the second, the government and the people are single-minded and evacuate quickly]

Flags fluttered in the air.

The few remaining people, led by officers and men, gradually left here. Chu Tian's eyes looked toward the sea, and an increasing wave of waves was still coming.


However, it is not a natural disaster.

Waves of this level are obviously cast by mana. Otherwise, Chu Tian will not run over in person.

Looking at the ground below, Chu Tian's eyes swept away, and all the casualties were clear at a glance. Nodding his head, Chu Tian praised: "Yes, it is a personal talent to evacuate the masses so systematically during the flood."

Chu Tian immediately spread the word, and has been taking the distant capital city:

"It is said that the governor of Fuzhou will see you in Beijing after three months. The emperor personally cast a spell to add 20 years of Yangshou to it. The rest of the specific rewards will be implemented in accordance with the [Big Chu Official Award Rewards]."

Officials in the capital immediately knelt to the ground.

"Strictly follow His Majesty's order !!!"

Nodding freely, Chu Tian took Nvwa's jade hand, turned into streamer again, and flew to the distant sea ...



On the surface of the sea, waves of waves fluttered and made a startling sound.

The whole sea seemed to sway, the waves waved one after another and kept coming towards the ground. The huge wave even swallowed a hundred miles away.

Under the impact of the waves, the land kept shaking and shaking.

Deep in the sea, there was a roar of roar, gradually changing from a strange sound to Longyin. A series of majestic forces spread throughout the world ...

"Someone is going to cultivate into Yinglong." Chu Tian looked at the sea and said.

Nu Wa En gave a nod, nodded her head, her slender jade arm stretched out, and emptiness emptied:


The misty voice just fell, and the aura between heaven and earth instantly solidified!

An invisible barrier that is difficult to break through appears at the junction of the sea and the land. No matter how fast or how violent the waves are, it is difficult to cross this blockade.

Land and sea seem to be divided into two worlds!

After Chu Tian's Yin and Yang double cultivation and various instructions, Nu Wa's current strength has already surpassed the level of the Three Emperors. Some methods are so different from Nu Wa at that time!

Chu Tianzhu praised:

"Okay, Nuwa girl, this hand resonates and works well! The power of physical methods and laws, taking into account at the same time, has achieved the maximum effect at the smallest cost, really smart!"

Nu Wa smiled sweetly: "It's good that Tian Ge taught."

After talking, gently grabbed Chu Tian's hand and leaned in Chu Tian's arms.

The two stared at the sea below, waiting for the giant dragon to appear ...



The loud noise is getting louder and louder.

In the vast sea, suddenly, a huge vortex appeared, and the spirit of the whole sea instantly became irritable several times. The sea was violently surging and spinning continuously.

In the center of the huge whirlpool, a dragon yin radiated from the sky.


A huge Yinglong screamed up from the sea.

The huge body is long, and the scales on the body exude a vicissitudes of ancient breath. A stream of air is wrapped around the dragon. It is constantly running, temporarily, not yet stable.

This is a dragon that has just evolved into Yinglong!

The monstrous water column stood on Ying Long's body.

Ying Long's huge figure slowly became smaller and smiled. After a few minutes, he finally managed to control it steadily, the light shining, the dragon disappeared, and turned into a man's image.

The man looked around and was in a good mood.

"I'm so lucky that I finally cultivated into Yinglong ————!"

When the sky shouted, the man was very excited.

A rush of spirits kept pouring out on the man. It seems that after venting the hard practice over the years. I am extremely happy, very happy. Really, I have cultivated into Yinglong!

"I'm so ill. In the future, I will be considered a hegemony. Who dare to underestimate me! Who dares to bully Changqin! Huh! The revenge, my shame, and the injury of Changqin, I will not forget! !!! "

Ji Yu stood on the sea and said to herself. The sea water around me became particularly intense with the irritable mood ...

"Oh? Do you still want revenge?"

Chu Tian in the sky said suddenly, his voice was soft and light, but yet another irresistible majesty. Sui looked at the Yiyu with his eyes, and Chu Tian's face was full of casual smiles.

"You, you are--!"

Su Yi raised his head, his eyes suddenly sharpened. Looking at Chu Tian, ​​memories of thousands of years ago, again, "It's you! It's you!"

"It's you! Don't think that the set is almost free of penalty. Evolution Yinglong, you can just run somewhere else? Dare to sprinkle on my chassis, tired of you!"

"Do you know how much tax will be paid every year along the coast? Do you know how much money the maid draft will require? Do you know that there is no good food, a little girl who can't grow a sign-don't say don't know, the entire Dachu My chassis! It ’s so daring to make waves in my chassis! "

"Sister, look for death, look for smoking, wait for me to peel your skin, and then you ..."

Chu Tianjiao quack, non-stop talking.

The fact is that Chu Tian suddenly tickled his hands after seeing a Yinglong for many years without seeing him fighting. Of course, the large amount of taxes that were originally used to draft and build palaces was also the reason for Chu Tian ’s hands ...

"You, really are as arrogant as they were! It's me who should get angry. It's time for the accounts of those years to be counted together!"

Yu Yi looked up at Chu Tian and said.

The flame of anger burning in his eyes, the revenge of the arrow at that time, but the memory of Lu Yi was clearly remembered.

A violent force permeates the whole body of Yu Yi, and the fighting spirit and anger of Yu Yi are constantly improving in Chu Tian's scolding ...


And at this time.


One day in the sky, one year on the ground. ①

After Fu Xi ascended to heaven, he and the gods were busy with all kinds of things in the heavenly realm. After all, the place where the fairy lives cannot be worse than the ordinary, the construction of various palaces, etc., even the gods are very troubled ...

Today, the vast project is finally over.

Changqin finally let go of his task and continued to go to the human world with Vulcan Zhurong to perform their unfinished tasks. Thinking of one day in the realm and one year in the human world, Prince Changqin suddenly missed the good friend.

The two heard that there was a flood in the south, and in the hope of supporting the world, they rushed to the beach ...


Gu Jian's world view is like this, more popular.

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