Deity of the Emperor

Chapter 1804: Who can destroy my Yan family?

Before long, the room was dark and suddenly opened, and a figure slowly walked out.

The man who appeared was a burly man with gray hair and a feather crown, wearing a purple robe, showing a touch of luxury.

And his face was a bit stern, after Enron stepped out of the dark grid, sitting on a chair in front of Yan Rong and Yan Yao, the old **** was there.



Yan Rong and Yan Yao are giving salute at this moment.

"What's the matter, let's say!"

The old man said slightly.

"Qi's father!"

Yan Rong arched at the moment: "The baby went to Qingzhou and found Yang Qingyun, but this son, although he is in the realm of the Divine Five Spirits, he is proud and does not want to cooperate with my Yan family, so the baby brings it back. "

"However, this son can make Qingzhou gradually show a unified trend with the realm of earth and sacred realm. It is enough to see that his means are unique, so the disciples will bring it back, hoping that his father will use the spell of magic to control the son and make him unified Qingzhou is used by my Yan family. "

Yan Jingyu frowned slightly when she heard this.

"A place of holy spirit, can't you hold it?"

Yan Rong was ashamed: "Baby incompetent!"

Yan Jingyu waved her hand and said, "That's all. In this case, let me take a shot."

"In a few days, your third brother may be back. By then, let him take charge of this matter!"

After hearing this, Yan Rong and Yan Yao, both of them were not very good-looking.

Supreme Supreme! As the five elders of the Yan family, Yan Jingyu has a noble status and has three sons.

Yan Rong! Yan Yao! Supreme Supreme! Yan Rong and Yan Yao are both born with seven qualities, and their talents are actually not weak.

However, compared to their younger brother, Supreme Master Yan, the two are far behind.

However, when they heard his father's words, the two were quite helpless, dare not refute, nodded and said yes.

"Well, let's go out, just bring Yang Qingyun tomorrow."

Yan Jingyu waved her hand slightly, returned to the dark grid, her figure disappeared.

At this moment, Yan Rong and Yan Yao walked out of the room.

"Brother ..." Yan Yao said with a look of shame: "You made preparations for Qingzhou for a few months, explored clearly, and arranged for the right manpower, and you will send Yang Qingyun to take over and you can continue to perform, but Now, my father gave this matter to Yan Wushang ... "" Second Brother! "

At this moment, Yan Rong had a bit harsh voice, saying: "The third brother is indeed stronger than you and me, and younger than us, but he has already reached the level of Ten Saints. Perhaps this time he can go to Yan Tian City and reach Saint King level. "

"At that time, in our vein, there will be an extra holy king, and the right to speak will be greater."

As soon as the words came out, Yan Yao looked ugly, and whispered, "I don't agree."

"Brother, you have delayed your practice for the sake of us, big things, small things, and everything. Yan Supreme Supreme, who only cares about practice, naturally enters the country very fast."

Yan Rong heard that and patted his second brother on the shoulder, and laughed: "Everyone is a family, don't have to!"

"Well ..." Yan Yao sighed at this moment and turned away.

At this moment, Yan Rong's face gradually cooled down.

"Father's preference, how do I not know ... but ... what can I do!"

Yan Rong appeared a touch of indifference on her face at this moment, her fists clenched and murderous.

Step by step, leave the courtyard and return to your home.


The guard outside the door arched, "The eldest son has sent that fairy yin to the uncle's room."


Yan Rong nodded and entered the courtyard.

Closing the gate, the gloom in Yan Rong's eyes turned into a greed at this moment.

Between three steps and two steps, Yan Rong came outside the door and gently opened it.

The room was brightly lit.

And at this moment, on the bed, Mrs. Xian Yin was dull, with a dull face.

However, the appearance of this pair made Yan Rong's heart feel a flame hard to extinguish.

Beauty is pitiful! This is probably not the case.

At this moment, Yan Rong slowly closed the door and stepped forward.

"Mrs. Fairy Yin?"

Yan Rong said with a smile: "The name of the fairy is the name of Yin Yin."

Xian Yin heard the words, but she still looked calm and cold.

"I lost my wife in the early years. I have never been married in these years, but I was oppressed by my father. Therefore, I have a grudge in my heart!"

"Whenever such grievances occur, I want to invite people to vent, but I find that ordinary women can't let me vent, and women with husband's women let me vent!"

"The more you are so, the happier I am, thinking of your helpless appearance, and I bless you, your husband's pain, your pain, the feeling of occupying others as your own, makes me very happy!"

Yan Rong said, stepping forward step by step, gently raised Madam Xian Yin's jaw with her fingers, and said lightly: "The colder you are, the more you show despair and resentment in your heart, the more happy I will be ..." At this moment, Yan Rong gently faded her gown.

"You can rest assured that I will not kill you, nor will I kill Yang Qingyun. When I am tired of you, I will send you back and reunite your husband and wife."

"At that time, Yang Qingyun knew exactly what I did, but because of the shackles, I had to bow to my knees."

"At that time, if I missed you, I would go to you occasionally!"

"If you think about it, the resentment in my heart is to resolve some points!"

At this moment, a smile appeared on Yan Rong's face, strange, and ridiculous.

Madam Xian Yin raised her head slightly, looking at Yan Rong, her voice indifferent: "You will die, your Yan family will perish, you have caused the disaster, but you do not know it, ridiculous!"

After hearing this, Yan Rong smiled slightly, but then laughed.

"I will die?"

"The demise of the Yan family?"

"Ha ha ha ..." Yan Rong ha ha laughed: "You know, the Yan family is the overlord of Yanzhou and one of the great strengths of Tianhong Holy Land. Who can destroy my Yan family?"

"I tell you, the entire Yanhong sanctuary, the Yan family, is invincible."

"You tell me, who can destroy my Yan family?

For a trivial Yang Qingyun, who? "

Yan Rong was quite funny at the moment.


However, when its voice dropped, the door of the room was pushed gently at this moment.

I saw a figure in white clothes standing in front of the door at this moment.

The youth in white, with long hair and two strands of hair, showed a little messy appearance, a handsome face, and could not fault it.

Between the long white pendulum, a few blue clouds were carved and looked indifferent.

With a cyan belt around her waist, tied with a paper fan, she carried her hands behind her back and stood outside the door like that.

And beside the youth, a pure and beautiful woman stood.

A brown-backed, white-haired dog sits quietly, his tongue dripping with sweat, seemingly extremely tired.

But the dog was weird with double horns.

And on the young man's shoulder, a small vulture on the left side, with red plumes, was plump and abnormal, and was full of energy and sharp eyes.

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