
Chapter 3:CHAPTER

"OOOUCCCHHhhhhh..." Talky snapped back from his thoughts by this damm pain.

"Hey why did you do that..?" Talky glared at the one who pinched him. A pair of black eyes came to his view cutting him off guard. He wanted to move his gaze but was drawn to her more and more... Like a whirlpool sucking him deeper and deeper with noway to escape...



"Because I was the reason that all these years Elsa didn't get a chance to experience her childhood and many more... It was all because of me that she suffered so much. Not only her but even my big bro suffered a lot... I was the reason... I was... Wait what am I saying...? " Talky regretted saying. He bowed his head to hide his embarrassment. He himself didn't know how adorable he was looking nothing like a twenty one year old youth.

'p'u'i' a sudden laugh echoed in the room.

" Haha haha you... Ha ha ha.... Look so adorable cute... Haha ha ha..." Elsa's laughter made Cheeky raise his lips upwards where as Talky's face was red as monkey's butt.

Seeing his expressions she tried to control herself but of no use...

Looking at obviously controlled red face due to forcibly stopping her laugh....

" What...? You want to laugh then laugh... Hmm!!!" Talky said as got up and left the room.

Still a beautiful smile bloomed on his lips brightening his gloomy face.

How can Cheeky not feel Talky's emotions...

For all these years he kept on blaming himself. Though not showed as his twin brother how can he not understand..?

Chuckling to himself, he turned to look at the girl who was still holding her stomach from the laugh.

Sensing his gaze, Elsa turned and said... " No need to thank me. Don't forget you and him have the same face... So his embarrassments are can also be... Ha ha ha ha ha haha ???? I am sorry but seriously I can't imagine a cold faced person like you having that look..." Now Cheeky really wanted to smack her. But controlled himself not to.

" You take rest. But remember not allowed to sleep... " he warned her before he left.

Elsa just stuck her pink tongue ???? out... Making a 'e'e'e'e'... Sound.

She didn't left the bed, since her body is still udjusting for her control.

She still remembers how they were in one month but now they are grown up adults...

Thinking of growing up she looked at herself...

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