Luo Xiaomao has been coaxing WoWo to sleep since he got off work, but this little guy didn’t hear his father’s bedtime story, and he didn’t sleep either alive or dead , stared at him with big eyes and a bun face, so that he had to take out his wig and lipstick and the like for him to play with.

As a result, Wowo didn’t buy it, kicked the little cream-yellow quilt aside, curled himself into a ball with his little butt, and tucked his head into the pillow, “Don’t bother, I want Dad.”

“Your dad went out to set up a stall, He won’t be back until late, dear, go to bed first.”

“No, I want Dad.” He pouted and protested solemnly.

“Sleep first!”

“I want daddy!”

“Little bunny, you’ve turned the sky upside down! Hurry up and go to bed!” Luo Xiaomao jumped in anger, carrying the little guy to place on the children’s bed surrounded by guardrails.

“Huaaa … Uncle Luo is bad … you want to sell me ~ I want to tell Dad!” Wowo chimped on Luo Xiaomao and started to dry up. Two small feet locked tightly, the small buttocks twisted and turned around .

“My little ancestor, you are really my father!” Luo Xiaomao’s ears were deafened by the cry, and he really wanted to cry without tears. We all know that and the ghost idea is still a big push. If he doesn’t get his dad back at this time, he won’t want to sleep that night.

Just as he was coaxing with his little ancestor in his arms, the doorbell suddenly rang. Luo Xiaomao ran to the door like a gust of wind, carrying the little guy, and he shoved the child into his arms without anyone seeing the door clearly. , “Cinian, ​​you are back! Hurry up and get your son away, my ears will be deaf when he howls!”

“…..” Silence, weird silence.

Wo Wo, who was held in mid-air, stopped making trouble now, tilted his head and blinked, staring at the strange uncle who appeared in front of him.

Qu Cheng stared at the chubby and soft ball that was tucked into his arms. He couldn’t react for a while. The tall figure suddenly stiffened, and he didn’t dare to move his hands when he made a gesture of support, for fear that he would be too strong. Let’s crush this bun to death.

Luo Xiaomao was dumbfounded when he looked at him, the boss who opened his mouth couldn’t close for a long time, darling, isn’t this the boss of their Hao Ting Club, why did he suddenly appear here!

In the middle of the night, standing here wearing a black suit, and there is such a cool and handsome arrogant route with a bun in his hand, there seems to be something wrong with the style of painting!

By the way, my identity in the clubhouse has always been a woman. What if he finds out now? Could it be that he was originally a gay, and he saw through my identity a long time ago, and he came here in the middle of the night because he had a crush on me!?

Just when Luo Xiaomao couldn’t stop thinking about it, Xu Cinian behind him couldn’t hold his breath anymore. He stretched out his hand and hugged Wowo into his arms. He raised his head and gave Luo Xiaomao a hard look. At this moment, he didn’t know what to say.

When he left the Haoting Club, he had already guessed that Qu Cheng’s character would definitely not give up, so when he caught up, he was not surprised at all, and even made a wishful thinking in his heart.

Anyway, Luo Xiaomao usually wears women’s clothes, and Wowo has always had a good relationship with him, so it’s definitely no problem for them to fool Qu Cheng.

So when Qu Cheng insisted that he come to see Wowo, he didn’t object at all, and he was even a little happy, but it was obviously not the case when he arrived at the door of the house, because Luo Xiaomao didn’t wear women’s clothes today, but a man. Dress up, don’t even fucking wear a wig.

“Farewell, won’t you introduce me?” Qu Cheng stared at Wo Wo, and Wo Wo also looked at him, the two stared at each other with wide eyes, and the atmosphere was a little joyful.

“There’s nothing to introduce. You’ve seen it, and you should believe that I didn’t lie to you. Can you leave now?”

Xu Cinian never planned to let Wowo see Qucheng in his life. Originally, the two of them were two worlds. He doesn’t want to put too much pressure on WoWo since he was a child, and he doesn’t plan to develop any relationship with Qu Cheng. He just wants to raise WoWo well, but life is so bloody, when you don’t want it to happen. the more it will happen.

Qu Cheng looked down at Wowo, the little guy’s eyes were round and big, and there were two dimples on his round face. Except for the fact that his eyelashes were very long, they were not very similar to Xu Cinian, which made him even more puzzled. I wanted to see what the woman Xu Cinian would like with all her heart would be like.

“He doesn’t look like you.”

Xu Cinian’s face froze, and he was most afraid that others would say this, because Wowo was indeed not like him, and he couldn’t see it when he was just born, and the older he grew, the more he felt like Qucheng, but he didn’t want to admit it.

He was nervous in his heart, but still said lightly on his face, “He’s like the mother. Boys usually follow their mothers a little more.”

Qu Cheng didn’t know about it, but Luo Xiaomao next to him knew everything. His eyes rolled between the two, and he felt more and more that the conversation between the big boss and Xu Cinian was very ambiguous. Let’s take a closer look at how similar Qu Cheng and Wowo are. His cheeks moved, and he felt as if he had penetrated something incredible.

Come on, it’s not what he thinks, is it? Then, then… should I make room for the child’s mother right now?

“Then what… I can rest assured when you come back to Cinian. I’m going to be late for an appointment with my friends at the bar.” Luo Xiaomao scratched his head, looking like he was in a hurry to leave.

Qu Cheng glanced at him suspiciously, “He lives with your wife and son?”

“Uh…” Xu Cinian rarely got stuck, and Luo Xiaomao quickly took over, “No, no, how can I do it! I’m one of his friends, today he won’t be at home to watch the child for him for a while, I have to leave when the time is up, urge me over there, talk slowly, don’t think of me!”

He rubbed his head and smiled. He turned around and left, his speed was terribly fast, as if he would be chased by Qu Cheng if he slowed down.

However, although his excuse was good, he forgot that he was still wearing pajamas and cotton slippers, dressed at home, not like going to a club.

At this time, Qu Cheng’s attention was all on Xu Cinian and Wowo. He didn’t plan to expose Luo Xiaomao’s lies for a while. Xu Cinian walked into the house with his son in his arms, and he followed.

“You have seen it, and we have made it clear, how long will you be following me?”

As soon as Xu Cinian being alone with Qu Cheng under the same roof, he felt more and more uneasy, and hugged his son tightly.

Qu Cheng was unmoved, pressed the door of the house and squeezed into the house, completely ignoring what Xu Cinian was saying, and said, “Didn’t you say you have a wife? I’ll leave after saw her.

“now, didn’t you see it?

Xu Cinian scolded a few words in his heart, but his face was still expressionless, “She’s working the night shift and won’t come back at night, do you want to stay here for one night?”

Qu Cheng was amused, and leaned on the sofa and said , “Look at your place is good, I don’t plan to leave tonight.”

“I’m sorry there is no free bed for you, no sofa, only a baby cot, you won’t be cheeky to fight for a bed with a child, right?”

Qu Cheng sneered, put his hands on the sofa cushion, and said, “I don’t mind sharing a bed with you. Let you compare me and your girlfriend with better bed skills.”

Xu Cinian rolled his eyes fiercely, and was about to reply, but Qu Cheng suddenly frowned, and took out a pink lady’s lace bra from the gap of the sofa cushion, and the expressions of the two of them were extremely wonderful.

Qu Cheng didn’t believe Xu Cinian’s words at all. Any wife or son was definitely an excuse to prevaricate him, so he had the cheek to come to his house to find out. He could still deceive himself when he saw Wowo, but he really couldn’t calm down when he saw this lady’s bra.

What the hell is this called!

Xu Cinian’s face was no better than his. If Luo Xiaomao was in front of him at this time, he would definitely hit someone without hesitation. He was really a pig teammate who had more than enough success!

Although he scolded in his heart, his face was still as calm as water, he reached out and took the things and stuffed them into the drawer next to him, then said calmly, “Sorry, this is my wife’s thing, she is a little sloppy and likes to mess around. You don’t mind if you put things away.”

He said that it was completely natural for a woman’s things to appear here, which directly made Qu Cheng’s face darken completely.

Just when the atmosphere was embarrassing and stalemate, a milky voice sounded, “Dad, why are you touch uncle Luo Xiaomao’s uuuum-!”

Wowo’s mouth was covered by his father, and his soft voice was sunk in . In his stomach, he puffed out his cheeks with a puzzled face, grabbed at the corner of Xu Cinian’s clothes and shook it, Dad, you are so fierce…

Xu Cinian glanced at Wowo, reached out and gently pinched his little butt, warned him not to talk more, otherwise he would not have a bedtime story to listen to at night.

But the little guy didn’t understand it, he just felt today his father is very strange and has a stinky temper. The uncle on the opposite side doesn’t seem to be very happy, but people used to laugh when they saw him. Why doesn’t this uncle laugh, doesn’t he like me?

He has always been raised by Xu Cinian like a pistachio. At this time, he suddenly felt that he had a long way to go and made the uncle who was a guest on the opposite side laugh. Maybe Dad would be happy too, right?

Thinking of this, WoWo poked his father’s leg, raised his head and blinked, meaning that I will be good, and listen to my father’s words the most.

Xu Cinian couldn’t stand his son’s watery eyes the most, so he let go of the little guy as soon as his heart softened, and at the end he rubbed his little head distressedly.

At this time, Wowo suddenly rushed to the opposite side without any warning, climbed up along Qu Cheng’s thigh, climbed all the way to Qu Cheng’s arms, kissed his face hard twice, and deliberately said ” muachh”, with a small dimple and a sweet smile, “Kiss…smile…”

Qu Cheng, whose face was ashen and ready to attack at any time, only felt a soft mass running into his arms, and then wet kissing him and rubbing his face with saliva and snot, this soft and slippery feeling…it’s really…a bit strange, and he couldn’t help raising the corners of his mouth.

At this time, he didn’t even have time to question Xu Cinian, he lowered his head and nodded his little nose and asked, “Little guy, what’s your name?”

“Wowo is from the same family as bastards (wonton stew) and toes (dumplings). Qu Cheng couldn’t help but laughed out loud, and the original anger disappeared a lot. Seeing that he finally laughed, Wowo tilted his head and couldn’t help asking, “What’s your name uncle?”

“My name is Qu Cheng.

“Chengcheng.” Wowo nodded pretentiously, bent his eyes and laughed, completely ignoring his father who was beside the cannon fodder.

Qu Cheng laughed and used his beard to prick his face with a wobble. Xu Cinian rolled his eyes and broke Luo Xiaomao’s eyeliner with one hand without anyone knowing…

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