After more than a month, Dong Feng’s case finally came to a conclusion. He was convicted of possession of drugs and blackmailing Xu Xinnian, and was finally sentenced to more than six months of detention. The execution place happened to be in the detention center at the foot of Mengshan Mountain.

As for Xu Xinnian’s life, after the scandal of the Xu family passed, Xu Jianguo asked him to return to the company. Although he did not recognize his identity as the heir, Xu Xinnian took advantage of this incident to make a good hype. He helped Xu to open three or four star hotels in a row, and the scenery was infinite for a while.

Of course, these things were all within Xu Cinian’s expectations. He was not in a hurry to clean up Xu Xinnian, and waited for the guy to do it slowly. Instead, he happily put all his thoughts on Houttuynia cordata planting.

The water and soil in Qingyuan is good, and Houttuynia cordata grows lushly. The villagers heard that he was going to buy weeds that no one wanted, and they also invited someone to pick them in the field. He even took a lot of millet and rice as a reward to thank him for helping to weed.

With several thousand jins of folded ears, Xu Cinnian was not in a hurry to put them on the market immediately, nor did he plan to sell these things as food, but dried them and stored them, and advertised them online as medicinal materials.

Although Houttuynia cordata is not popular in the north, it still has a certain demand as a medicinal material. Within a week after the advertisement was released, a large Chinese medicine factory took the initiative to come to the door to negotiate, and all the Houttuynia cordata in his hand was sold in one breath. After buying it, after deducting the meager cost used for the acquisition, Xu Cinian made a net profit of more than 20,000 yuan from his first pot of gold.

The first business was off to a good start, and Xu Cinian became even more determined to engage in farming. Except for taking care of Wowo every day, he basically spent all his time in the ground.

That night, after finishing his work in the field, he went home exhausted. He reached for the key, but a small head stuck out from the security window at the top of the gate and waved at him with a smile, “Dad, Daddy, you are fat!”

How did this little guy climb so high himself!?

Xu Cinian was startled, thinking that Luo Xiaomao was working the night shift again today, he broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly opened the door, but the door was opened from the inside, and Qu Cheng was holding Wowo that was riding on his neck. He raised the corners of his mouth, “Yo, it’s really early for His Majesty to retreat this morning.”

Xu Cinian was stunned for a moment, and even forgot to put down his bag, “How did you get in?”

“It’s me, me, me, Chengcheng taught me how to open the door outside, and I learned it in no time!” Wowo’s legs dangled on Qu Cheng’s shoulders, and his little fleshy arms were placed on his head, his eyes glowing with joy.

“…..” Xu Cinian was speechless, raised his hand and patted his little butt, “Little bastard, you really dare to do it, what if a bad guy comes in? Then I’ll turn you into the mountains and sell it, and see who you are coquettish with.”

“No, Chengcheng is a girlfriend, not an outsider.” Wowo always remembers what Qu Cheng said, the one who can kiss and hug his father, and who can often appear in his house is his girlfriend, so the relationship between the enemy and us is divided. is particularly clear and particularly commendable.

“Good boy, give me a kiss.” Qu Cheng was cheeky and didn’t care what Xu Cinian’s face was like at the moment.

“…..” Xu Cinian weakly looked at the two people who were immersed in his own world, and stroked his forehead helplessly, “Qu Cheng, what are you doing here at night?”

Qu Cheng shrugged his shoulders and stared at him in a pretentious manner. He glanced at him and said, “I hate it, I’m here to meet the saint, a husband and wife in one night and a hundred days of grace, how can you put me in the cold palace for two acres and three points? I’m so infatuated with you.”

His virtue directly made Xu Cinian laugh. Now, he stretched out his feet and kicked him, “Enough is enough, my son is still here.”

What he said was very natural. He didn’t think about it at all. Qu Cheng’s eyes narrowed instantly, and the corners of his mouth turned up, “Son? Whose son did you give birth to?

“He coughed violently, and Wowo patted his back with his little hand intimately. Qu Cheng came over with the little guy in his arms, and continued to tease him playfully, “Why are you so excited, I’m right?”

Xu Cinian’s expressionless face concealed his embarrassment, but Qu Cheng actually nodded shamelessly, “Your Majesty is a man, a dragon and a horse, and the concubine sighs to himself. It’s better, I’ll ask you for advice in the future.”

He was deliberately teasing Xu Cinian, looking at his usually cold face because he was red, he felt relieved in his heart, and he was completely cheeky. Don’t care about integrity and face.

It’s a pity that the speaker has no intention of listening, Xu Cinian has a ghost in his heart, so listening to him makes his heart even more guilty, “God, don’t teach bad children, go outside, don’t get bored with me.”

Saying that he went into the kitchen and wanted to get some food for himself, Qu Cheng walked in with a big swing, smiled and said, “Obviously you are not serious, what CAO came to CAO, and blamed me for teaching bad to the little guy, do you have a conscience?” Someone as serious as I am, I don’t know what this word means.”

“What the hell are you doing here? Just to grind my mouth with me?

Xu Cinian can push back any question with sharp teeth, but the problem of Wowo is not good, especially in front of Qu Cheng, so he wisely changed the subject at this time.

Qu Cheng didn’t tease him anymore, he leaned into his ear and laughed loudly, “Hello, are you angry?”

“…..” Xu Cinian ignored him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, how could he get angry so easily, that’s all he had a guilty conscience.

He took out a handful of dried noodles, and he started preparing to cook supper, but Qu Cheng held his wrist behind him, took out a still warm lunch box from the table next to him and handed it over, “Eat this, I’ll keep it for you.”

When he opened the box, it was filled with black fried egg scrambled powder. The eggs were all mushy, and the chopped green onion and ham were even worse, but the smell was okay.

“You did this?” Xu Cinian asked him with a smile.

“Cough… I can’t compare to what you did, but Wowo said it’s still edible.” Qu Cheng was embarrassed and coughed a few times.

Xu Cinian looked at him with a smile, but he didn’t speak, nor did he pick up the lunch box.

Qu Cheng scratched his hair that looked like black stubble, glared his eyes, and shoved it into his hands, “I came here on purpose to bring you food, you are have to eat it! You must not say it is unpalatable even if you eat it, even if you vomit. It’s half done, but you, the father, have to set an example and take the lead, eat!”

Seeing him slumped and trying to maintain his face, Xu Cinian felt a lot more at ease, let you talk to me again, let you shake again, go flirt with Xu Xinnian like a show, and you won’t die from suffocation.

Picking up the spoon and taking a bite, Qu Cheng looked at him nervously, Xu Cinian clenched the corners of his upturned mouth, expressionless, “It’s really unpalatable.”


Qu Cheng’s face darkened, his shoulders slumped, “I obviously made according to the recipe bit by bit… Forget it, don’t eat it if it tastes bad, let’s go out to eat.”

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and took the lunch box in Xu Cinian’s hand, and took him out with the other hand.

Xu Cinian flicked his body and avoided his hand, “Hey, I’ve been working in the field all day, and I’m exhausted. Where do you want me to go?”

Then he picked up the spoon and ate it again. Two mouthfuls of fried rice with eggs, I was picky about the paste, the undercooked one, too much salt, and the onion was not cooked in the pan… I took a spoon and ate it one bite at a time.

“Okay, don’t you need to clean up this sparrow? Dare to play with your brother!” At this moment, Qu Cheng understood that Xu Cinian was deliberately playing with him, and immediately reached out to squeeze his itchy flesh, specifically facing the back waist, collarbone, thighs, armpits.

Xu Cinian’s lower back is very sensitive, and usually it itches badly when he pokes it, but this time he was squeezed so hard by his big hand that he laughed out loud, and the lunch box in his hand was almost overturned, “Hey! It’s okay… Okay, okay… Hey, it’s so itchy, don’t scratch it…”

Qu Cheng grabbed and pinched it, and the taste changed. He wrapped Xu Cinian with his right arm and locked him between the stove and himself. He moved his hands up and down, rubbed the two balls of ass behind him with his palms, and burrowed his palms into the button seam of Xu Cinian’s shirt.

The fiery temperature came up, the peacock smiled with crimson cheeks, and a pair of long and narrow eyes, which suddenly made his breathing a little heavier. Pushing him aside, “Damn, where are you touching! I’m eating, don’t make trouble!”

“It’s slippery here.”

“Fuck…you idiot, can you think about anything other than this kind of thing? I’m sweating all over today, and I’m all dirty, you don’t think it’s disgusting.

“Can’t you?” Qu Cheng chuckled, sticking out his tongue and licking the back of his neck, the entrance was slightly salty, it was the smell of sweat, but it didn’t stink, and it smelled of soap that Xu Cinian often used.

Xu Cinian was amused by him, and kicked him, “I don’t see that you are still a shaker, so you came to my house to bathe me.”

“That’s what you said, I won’t lick your whole body clean today, but It’s not over.” Qu Cheng seized his speech problem, pushed away the lunch box he had prepared before, pressed Xu Cinian against the edge of the pool, and ate with his head down.

In fact, Xu Cinian was also touched by him, and he bit his ears while opening his mouth, “Wait until I’m full! I’ve been busy all day, and I don’t have the energy to deal with you.”

“I’m busy. Busy, when are you not busy? I really don’t know what you think. No matter how important the broken land is, it can’t be so busy. Listen to me. If you don’t go tomorrow, I will feed you and you will have strength. It’s over.”

Qu Cheng pecked his neck while laughing, and was pushed away by Xu Cinian with a smile and a slap, “Go away! Do you understand what it means to be a career? It’s not serious like you.”

“It doesn’t matter, you are tomorrow anyway. If you want to go to the south with me, I have already bought the air ticket, and you have to let me go no matter how busy you are, and we will treat it as a trip.”

Xu Cinian was stunned for a moment, and only now did he understand, “Dare you come today. You are looking for me to talk about this, right?”

Qu Cheng chuckled and stretched out his hand to untie his belt, “This is just one of the goals, and successfully tying you to the plane tomorrow is the ultimate goal.”

“Your head was squeezed by the door. I have a lot of things to do in the field tomorrow, I don’t have time to go crazy with you.” Xu Cinian restrained his trousers to prevent him from pulling them down.

“Oh… peacock~

Qu Cheng’s disgusting slimy heart came up, his face was aggrieved, but the action was not ambiguous at all, like a powerful monster, four times five divided by two, he ripped open Xu Cinian’s half of his clothes, and his knees parted his two legs, rubbing in the middle, “We haven’t seen each other for several weeks, and we haven’t had a good appointment since we were together, can you bear it?” Tomorrow should be a vacation for yourself, go ahead.”

“Less disgusting, serious talk!” Xu Cinian really couldn’t stand his pretentious and shy virtues, and was thundered by the seven meats and eight vegetarians.

“You have to go, there’s no need to discuss, otherwise don’t blame me tomorrow for tying you up on the plane and doing what I say.” Qu Cheng pulled down his pants and lifted them up to his shoulders.

“You fucking…!” Xu Cinian scolded, stretched out his feet to kick him, and his stubborn temper also came up, “Tomorrow the fishy grass will collect the second stubble!” If you are late, you will be frozen to death, I say that I can’t go with you, and it is useless for you to persuade me! ”

“Fuck! I curse the hail tomorrow! Smash your rotten grass!”

Qu Cheng gritted his teeth, a stomach full of resentment, and did not dare to start beating Xu Cinian, he could only vent his strength on his clothes, stab him open his shirt, and try to bite his lip.

Xu Cinian was blocked by him tightly, almost choking to death when he couldn’t breathe, and his body was twisted into a strange posture, and he couldn’t break free for a moment and a half, and he could only reach out his hand to this rogue’s ear.

At this time, the door “clicked” a sound, the two people suddenly froze, the little guy probed into the head, and when he saw this posture, he ran in and dragged Qu Cheng’s pants, “Don’t fight!” Dad said that hitting people is bad, ChengCheng you are bad! Taking off Daddy’s pants is definitely going to get his ass! I’m not going to be nice to you!”

Qu Cheng: “…..”

Xu Cinian: “!!! ”

Unable to bear it, Xu Cinian kicked away a certain scoundrel, covered his son’s eyes and walked out of the kitchen, and Qu Cheng covered the big bird, wanting to cry without tears.

Little bunny cub I hurt you in vain! It’s really time for you to come in!

It turned out that the good spirits did not work badly, and in view of the crow’s mouth in Qu Cheng, it did rain heavily the next day in S City, and it didn’t take long for hail to start falling.

The temperature plummeted, most of the crops in the farmland were smashed to death, and even Qingyuan, a small ravine that has always been humid and warm, was not spared, and the houttuynia cordata that had resigned overnight was almost completely destroyed.

He had been prepared for weather disasters, so he deliberately set up a greenhouse a few days in advance, but the strong wind blew the greenhouse down, and the southern plant of Houttuynia cordata was not cold at all, and all the seedlings to the root system froze to death, and there was no longer any possibility of germination and rooting.

Seeing that the breeding began to take shape, just about to get on the right track to encounter this kind of natural disaster, which can make Xu Cinian sad, braving the wind and rain to go to the field to check the situation, the result is worse than he imagined.

If it is just an ordinary plant, it will not be completely destroyed when frozen, as long as the greenhouse is made strong in the later stage, pay attention to the heat preservation can definitely ease up, but the houttuynia cordata is different, this kind of thing as long as the root is still retained, it can be picked every year to pick new seedlings, once the root is dead, you have to buy seeds again, starting from scratch.

But the problem was that Qingyuan’s houttuynia basically froze to death overnight, and no one had deliberately collected seeds, and if they wanted to start over, they had to go to other places to buy seeds, and this field was undoubtedly a warm and sloppy south, which coincided with Qu Cheng’s rogue plan.

Xu Cinian was extremely depressed, sighed in his heart, and finally got on the thief ship of Qu Cheng.

In order to recover the loss as soon as possible, he could only leave on the same day, Qu Cheng, who got the news, had already bought a ticket to wait for him at the train station, and the old man saw him carrying the luggage and walked over, smiling playfully, “You see, I have long let you go with me, you don’t listen, you have to wait until today, what is the result?” Don’t you still have to go with me?”

“Qu Cheng, you are a crow’s mouth!”

Qu Cheng carried the luggage to him and nodded with a smile.

“I went out to buy seeds, but I didn’t have the kung fu to go sightseeing with you.”

“It’s good to be good.” Qu Cheng smiled and greeted, and when the radio in the waiting hall sounded, he touched the peacock’s ass with a bright light, “The honeymoon journey has begun.”

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