The two men followed the old man all the way up the mountain, bypassing the jungle to a small village.

This small village on the hillside is scattered with several families. The houses are the most primitive. At this time, the rainy night is bleak. All the houses are dark except the old man’s house, which is still burning an oil lamp.

“This house is newly built. It’s very warm at night. There’s only a bed. If you two don’t dislike it, you can use it”

The old man pushed away a newly-built house in his yard and said to Xu Cinian and Qu Cheng with a smile.

Xu Cinian stared at the situation in the room for a moment. “Only one bed?”

“Yes, the wooden way. This is my baby’s and daughter-in-law’s room. Of course, there is only one bed.” The old man narrowed his eyes and grinned very honestly, “aren’t you friends? You are all male. What do you care about?”

Qu Cheng, who had not spoken for a long time, smiled, hugged Xu Cinian and said, “yes, we’re a good friend anyway. It’s not that we didn’t squeeze through the quilt together. It’s a big deal to give you the bed and I’ll make the floor.”

The point is not whether this is good or not. Xu Cinian stared at the room full of red ribbons and felt very embarrassed with the red sheets, red quilt covers and red happiness characters on the bed. (In Chinese new married couple usually use all red color in their room)

“Old man, is this your new house? If your son and daughter-in-law know that the new house has been slept by our two big men… It’s not very good. Otherwise, you can give us a quilt and we can make do with it in the living room.”

“How can that be?” The old man objected and shook his head vigorously. “All the visitors are guests. The tradition of our village is to give guests a new house to live in. If they get a new house, they also need to build a new quilt. If they let people know that my old man let the guests make a floor, they will still have a face in the future.”

“But…” this is the wedding room!”

No, but there are not many people in our village all the year round. It’s a very beautiful thing who wants to have guests. My baby and daughter-in-law are all out of town. The old woman died early. She has been dead for many years. Since it’s fate that we can meet today, you can’t refuse.”

The old man grinned at them. He didn’t even ask about their identity and intentions. He didn’t hesitate to believe that this simplicity and kindness are rare in these days. If he is picky again, wouldn’t he look like he doesn’t know what to do?

After that, he opened his mouth and finally said nothing. Qu Cheng glanced at him and smiled, “it would be nice to have a place to live. Thank you very much, sir!”

The old man was most willing to listen to this sentence. After enthusiastically helping the two people unfold their quilts, he turned and walked out the door. “No thanks, no thanks. Go to bed early. I’m next door. If you need anything, just come to me and tell me.”

The door closed with a snap, leaving only Xu Cinian and Qu Cheng in the room.

Two people look at each other, one helpless, the other pondering.

After a long time, Qu Cheng was the first one who couldn’t help laughing. “Do you think this is a wedding night?”

He lowered his head and leaned over. The water vapor on his body was evaporated by the high body temperature. He threw himself on Xu Cinian’s face and smiled very badly.

Everything in the house was red, with red sheets and bedspreads, red beams and ribbons, and even half burned red candles on the counter facing the door, which was exactly like the ancient wedding candles.

Xu Cinian was more and more embarrassed. He coughed a few times and moved aside. “First, this is someone’s new house. You have to choose an occasion if you want to mess around. Second, I haven’t heard that two big men can still have a wedding.”

Qu Cheng raised his eyebrows and completely ignored Xu’s words. His dark eyes half narrowed and a ruffian smile was on his lips. “Why are you so serious? It’s not the time to protect me just now? Peacock, are you really nervous ?”

Xu resigned from his embarrassment. His face was expressionless. He raised his chin to look at him. “What am I so nervous about? I just don’t want you to pollute the couple’s new house.”As he said this, he stood up, looked around and thought about how to endure the night. As soon as he turned back, his eyes jumped, “Hey, what are you doing?”

“Take off your clothes. You can’t see.” Qu Cheng glanced at him and threw aside his wet shirt, revealing a strong and sturdy chamber.

This small village has no electricity, and still uses the most primitive oil lamps. At this time, red candles are hidden, as if he was plated with an ambiguous red light.

“Your clothes are wet. Isn’t it uncomfortable to wear them? Take them off quickly.”

With that, Qu Cheng began to take off his pants again. His jeans were very uncomfortable. He took off with great effort, leaving only a wet black inner boxer, wrapped with two strong tendon flesh, extending along the model to the straight and strong long legs. The whole person was carrying water vapor and emitting strong male hormones.

Although Xu Cinian was always serious, he liked men after all. At this time, he caught a glimpse of Qu Cheng’s body, his throat began to dry out, and his heart beat faster.

This trembling hooligan!

He scolded in his heart. He looked away from his eyes and moved to the side as far away from Qu Cheng as possible. “You can take off your quilt and leave me alone. I’ll make the bed on the ground for one night.”

After hearing this, Qu Cheng couldn’t help laughing again. “You said you weren’t nervous? You didn’t even dare to look back at me. What’s the matter? Am I a bedbug ant or a rat, snake or scorpion?

You don’t even want to share a bed with me? When you were in prison, everything you should see and touch was finished. What are you ashamed of?”

Xu Cinian kept a stiff face and did not speak. He always felt that the current atmosphere was embarrassing. Qu Cheng laughed louder and louder as he watched his reaction. He hugged him from behind, and the whole body stuck to him, biting his ear as if it were bad. He also whispered “Xu Cinian”.

Xu’s ears became redder and redder. He felt that the body temperature behind him was also soaring, even to an abnormal level. He thought it was his own wishful thinking, and tried to calm his mood. “Why are you…?”

“It’s all right. I’ll call you.”

“How come you are old enough to be spoiled like Wowo?”

Qu Cheng bowed his head and was happy. Xu Cinian glanced at him and did not move. The two just hugged each other one after the other. For a moment, no one spoke.

After half a ring, Qu Cheng called to him again, put away his previous ruffian spirit, and said word by word, “at the end, you don’t know how much I cherish you. Just now you worked hard in the car to protect my appearance, and now my junior feels itchy.”

He whispered, his hoarse voice ringing in his ears, moved forward with his hand around Xu’s waist, and touched Xu’s chamber intimately and emotionally.

“Oh.” Xu’s scalp is numb. His head was touched by him, and his face became more and more red. He even forgot to push him away.

Qu Cheng chuckled, his cavity vibrated, and his heart leaped with Xu’s.

He pulled Xu Cinian’s head, stared at him for a moment, and said, “do you know what was in my mind when scar face came after me? I thought that you hadn’t told me a kind word. That little rabbit wants me to buy him candy. You still wait for me to help you take revenge. If I die now, I will regret that my intestines are green.”

“But I think we didn’t come in vain this time. Even if I met an enemy, I don’t regret it, because I finally know that you also like me. I’m not the only one who has the cheek to pester you. Just now you looked at me with nervous eyes as if you wanted to hide me in your stomach. From this, I think everything is fucking worth it!”

As he spoke, he laughed to himself. Such a tall rough man was smiling like a child. His eyebrows were full of expression. Although his mouth was not sweet talk, it suddenly poked into Xu’s heart.

He turned around and flicked Qu Cheng’s head. After a long time, he smiled and scolded, “stupid.”

Qu Cheng lowered his head and rubbed the tip of his nose. Xu felt warm. He didn’t know whether it was because of Qu Cheng’s hot temperature or his words. He couldn’t even feel his wet clothes.

After hesitating for a while, he took the initiative to go to Qu Cheng for the first time.

The two people’s mouths were gently press together, and they lingered carefully. I don’t know who was the first to stick out the tip of their tongue. The two people exchanged lingering.

After a long time, the two people separated their lips, and both of them had some unstable breath. Qu Cheng’s eyes were as deep as the sea, and the ups and downs of the distance. Just when Xu Cinian felt numb and thought that he would rush forward regardless, he suddenly let go of him, gasped and said, “it’s wrong today. Let go of you first, and I’ll make the house into a bridal chamber when I go back. You won’t want to slip away again at that time!”

Xu Niannian, who was afraid that he would be forced to die when he was crazy, could not believe that Qu Cheng would let go so easily. He felt a sigh of relief for a moment.

He doesn’t want to do this in the young couple’s new house. If the old man hears something, he won’t have the face to be a man in the future.

He coughed awkwardly for two times, smiled and stared at Qu Chengyue to boast about the bulged part, and deliberately poked with his hand, “Hey, why are you so honest today? It’s hard to resist for a while. Are you going out to get wet?”

“Go to bed quickly! Don’t mess with me, or I will kill you!”Qu Cheng growled at the top of his voice. Obviously, he endured it to the extreme. There were water drops on his face. It was red and frightening.

Stretching out his hand, he pulled a quilt from the bed and spread it on the ground. After pulling Xu Cinian to sit on it, he said in a sullen voice, “let’s make the floor together today. If you don’t want to get up tomorrow, stay away from me.”

Xu Cinian was amused and kicked him. “Hey, you dare to shout at me, but you are wrong?”

Qu Cheng turned his back to him and did not speak. He was breathing heavily. Obviously, he was patient.

Xu Cinian smiled helplessly, stretched out his hand to extinguish the oil lamp and candle, and took off his wet clothes in the dark night. Qu Cheng looked back and saw his whole smooth back and two groups of white meat cocked up behind him. His voice immediately became more dry and itchy. He stretched out his hand to pull his ankles back and pressed them on the bed, shouting, “face up, don’t point your two ass at me.”

The angrier he became, the happier Xu is. At this moment, he finally found his place. He deliberately lay next to him and reached out his hand to catch his mouth. “I have to sleep like this. If you can’t bear it, don’t look back.”

As he said, he almost regarded Qu Cheng as a human pillow, or the kind with its own heating function. His hands and feet were wrapped up, and he closed his eyes warmly.

Several times, when he was stabbed by something that someone praised as hard, he would knead it with his feet, half closed his eyes and warned, “look at you honestly, it’s touching the center of my foot. Don’t blame me if I accidentally step on it at night.”

Fuck! You dead bird did it on purpose!Qu Cheng clenched his teeth and scolded secretly in his heart. I don’t understand why he was in control of the overall situation just now, but he was muddled to death by the peacock?

He rubbed his teeth and, tortured by Xu’s death, closed his eyes.

The two of them vaguely didn’t know when they fell asleep. It was particularly cold in the mountains late at night, but Xu felt very warm in his sleep. It seemed as if he was holding a hot kettle around him, constantly throwing heat on him.

He gave a comfortable snort and leaned against the heat source again. He was ready to go back to sleep without opening his eyes. But at this time, he faintly felt the “heat source” around him trembling, a slight tremor and the quilt rising and falling.

The more Xu Cinian thought about it, the more he felt wrong. He suddenly sat up and saw Qu Cheng’s red face through the faint light outside the window. He put his hand on his forehead. It was hot and frightening.”Qu Cheng, Qu Cheng? Wake up.”

He reached out to push him, but Qu Cheng frowned and didn’t respond. His whole body was very hot. It was obvious that he had been burning for a long time.

Remembering that this guy put his only coat on him in the forest while wearing short sleeves in the rain in the mountains, and remembering his abnormal body temperature before going to sleep, Xu Cinian’s drowsiness woke up instantly.

Usually, although Qu Cheng is as hard as a solid rock, and he is very healthy without any disease or disaster, he will have a headache and a fever, not to mention that the two of them have just gone through a thrilling escape, and this guy is braving the severe cold and the rain again, it’s no wonder that you don’t get sick.

“Qu Cheng, wake up, I’ll take you to the hospital, you can’t be like this.”

Qu Cheng was shaken by him and finally regained a little consciousness, frowned, waved his hand, and said hoarsely, “…I’ll lie down for a while. It’s alright, don’t be afraid, you come over and let me hug you, it’s too cold.”

“You’re thirty-nine degrees if you look like this, what’s the use of hug, you will burn me into an idiot, but I don’t care about you.”

Xu Cinian was so impatient, but his mouth was still hard. Qu Cheng laughed and coughed twice, “I’m really…cough…it’s okay, I’ll sleep under the quilt. Okay.”

He stretched out his arms and hugged Xu Cinian, greedily absorbing the temperature from his body, his tall body shrunk, as if draining all his strength.

In Xu Cinian’s eyes, he has always been hard and strong like a mountain that will not collapse, but now he has suddenly become like this, which caught Xu Cinian by surprise, and his worried palms sweated.

He took a steady breath, picked up Qu Cheng and wrapped all the quilts for him, got up and stood up, “Wait for me here, I’ll go and ask the old man next door to order some pills.”

“It’s raining…don’t go.” Qu Cheng Reached out to grab him, but it was empty.

Xu Cinian opened the door and wanted to go out. At this moment, there was a sound of foot step from far. He glanced outside and immediately his pupils shrank.

Although Qu Cheng was seriously ill, his vigilance was not lacking at all. He also heard footsteps in the sound of the rain, and immediately sat up with force, “Are they chasing after?”

“Damn it, they came at the right time.” Xu Nianci clenched his fist, his chest heaved and fell a few times, and his head went blank at that moment.

It’s still raining outside, and Qu Cheng is seriously ill. If scar face comes to the door, they will be unable to fly!

Qu Cheng was so miserable that he became dizzy when he sat up. But there was a banging sound on the door next door, followed by a creaking sound, and then came the old man’s voice, “what are you doing?”

“Old man, have you seen a tall, big man from other places driving a car?”

“Every day when I go down the mountain to sell pepper, I can see a lot of outsiders. Can know which one you mean?”

“Shit, you are old and immortal. Don’t talk nonsense! Brother scar is waiting to arrest us. If you don’t tell the truth, don’t blame us for being rude! We have searched the other stores, and you are the only one left. Search for me!”

“It’s true. You come to collect protection fees every day. How dare I hide it from you. Alas! You can’t come in!”

The old man’s voice came from the next room. Xu Cinian’s heart almost reached his throat. Qu Cheng looked very blue. He quickly looked around the room and saw a large wardrobe in the corner and then the ceiling.

“This way.”He struggled to get up, clenched his teeth and rolled up the bedding on the ground and their clothes. Xu Cinian understood his meaning at a glance. He helped him to push into the wardrobe. He jumped in and just closed the door. The door was kicked open from the outside.

It was dark in the narrow cabinet, and it was difficult to breathe. Qu Cheng was so dizzy that he could hardly breathe, but he clenched his teeth without making a sound. Xu Cinian pressed close to his chest and felt the hot temperature in front of Qu Cheng, he could not control his trembling shoulder and stretched out his hand to tightly hug him. The two people were locked in the cabinet like conjoined animals. Across a thin quilt and the cabinet door, there were scar faced people.

“You don’t believe it. This is my baby’s new house. What do you mean by breaking into it?”

The old man stood at the door, holding an oil lamp in his hand, with a helpless face.

A few people in black frowned and looked around. There was no shadow in the empty room, and there was no trace of movement on the bed. Behind the room was a river. The current was so fast that it was impossible to hide people.

Is it true that Qu Cheng is not here?

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