The rain that had been raining all night finally stopped, the sky cleared, and the sun came from when the light came in from the window, Xu Cinian opened his eyes and found himself lying on the floor, covered with a thick red satin quilt.

His head was still a little confused when he just woke up. He rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up against the ground, but there was a pain in his lower back, the quilt slipped down, and he saw the mottled kiss on his chest. He immediately remembered everything that happened last night.

The high body temperature, the lingering intertwining, and the violent confrontation and poking…

Everything came like a tide, making Xu Cinian unable to help close his eyes and cursed secretly.

Qu Cheng, that goddamn bastard!

He turned over laboriously. The sticky feeling on his body last night was gone. It was refreshing. It was obvious that someone was taking advantage of him to sleep.

He helped him clean it up at the time, opened his eyelids and glanced at the large wardrobe in the corner that had been subjected to “violent” treatment all night. There were still water marks on it that were not dry, and it was obvious that they had been wiped many times.

At this time, the door creaked, and he didn’t need to look to know who was coming in. He closed his eyes and lay still on the ground. The sound of steady footsteps came. After the sound of the water, a piece of cotton cloth washed with water began to move. Wipe the back of his hand little by little, from the crevice to the tip of the finger, not a single detail fell.

Xu Cinian opened his eyelids and saw Qu Cheng, who was on top of the red quilt. He was in high spirits at the moment, his tall body was half-squatting beside him, the strong lines of his back and shoulders were undulating and powerful, and he couldn’t see the slightest morbidity last night.

Sure enough, he’s a beast, and the resilience is fucking terrible.

Xu Cinian rolled his eyes in his heart, and lay there like an uncle, motionless, even if Qu Cheng treated the wet T-shirt last night as a towel, and scrubbed him on him, he just ignored him.

Qu Cheng knew for a long time that Xu Cinian was awake, and he must be still angry if he didn’t speak at this moment, so he smiled, deliberately lifted the quilt, and took a cool towel to rub Xu Cinian’s collarbone and armpit.

At this time, he suddenly felt that his butt was kicked by someone neither light nor heavy, Xu Cinian opened his eyes and said, “Did you touch it there? My foot was injured in the cabinet yesterday, you rub it for me.”

The instructions he gave were extremely reasonable, he lay down on the red quilt, put one foot on Qu Cheng’s shoulder, and closed his eyes calmly.

Qu Cheng understands that this peacock was forced by him to do that kind of thing last night, and he is not happy, and he has nowhere to go to find something to do for him, but he likes his hypocritical arrogance, looking at him. Xu Cinian closed his eyes halfway, revealing a long and narrow collarbone, and he felt particularly beautiful when he commanded his virtue.

Shaking the water on his hands, he rubbed his hands together and started to slowly rub Xu Cinian’s ankles.

There are no two or two flesh on the thin feet, and blue blood vessels under the fair complexion that rarely see sunlight. The arches of his feet move unconsciously with his movements.

Qu Cheng couldn’t help but stare at his feet in confusion. The memory of last night came, and he felt that his body began to heat up again.

At this time, Xu Cinian opened his eyelids and asked him, “Your illness is cured?”

“Well.” Qu Cheng couldn’t help laughing, “I sweated a lot last night, and the fever subsided before dawn in the morning.”

Xu Cinian glared at him. At a glance, he was extremely suspicious that Qu Cheng was deliberately fooling him last night. Why is this guy still alive and jumping at thirty-nine degrees the next morning, so he can only lie on the bed and struggle to even move?

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Qu Cheng couldn’t help laughing softly, “Hey, do you want to take a bath? While the old man next door is still awake, I’ll go get some water to wash you, although I’ve already wiped it for you twice, but I know that you love cleanliness, and you can’t stand the fishy smell of my seed. ”

It’s okay not to mention this, but saying this completely ignited all the anger of Xu Cinian.

He closed his eyes and remembered last night that this guy had to come in, beat him and scold him, and finally pulled it out. When he came out, he fucked him all over, and he can still taste that smell even now!

“You still know how to clean me, why didn’t you have such a brain when you were small? Don’t think that I will forgive you because you were sick last night, Qucheng, wait for me, next time I have to tie you up like Zongzi, let you have a taste of this too!”

He stretched out his foot and kicked the big bird in Qucheng, but he was tangled up again. The wound in between, he fell back on the quilt with a “hiss” in pain.

Qu Cheng tried his best to hold back his laughter, but he still couldn’t hold back his laugh, “It’s alright, I love to eat, I’m sure I’ll lick every drop of your face, and I’ll repay you the same way next time you’re sick. You!”

“You slapped your nose on your face, didn’t you?”

Xu Cinian reached out and slapped him in the face, with a loud slap, and made a red mark on Qu Cheng’s left cheek.

Hearing the sound, Xu Cinian was also stunned. He didn’t expect it to be so hard. Qu Cheng pressed his tongue against half of his face and rubbed his face with his teeth, “Damn, are you really hitting me, peacock? I’m still sick… Yesterday, you were almost caught and killed, and you are so willing.”

Xu Cinian was really reluctant.

He has always been a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted man, but now, seeing Qu Cheng’s grinning face, his anger has subsided for the most part.

After a while, he gave him a sullen look, “Does it still hurt?”

In fact, Qu Cheng didn’t feel any pain at all. What kind of slap was this rough-skinned feel? He just wanted to get used to Xu Cinian, With his skills, ten Xu Cinian are not opponents, he is not angry, he deliberately pretended to cover his face, and nodded pitifully, “Yeah… I just had a fever, and I was beaten by you again after I was busy all morning. With a slap, my head is buzzing and a little dizzy at the moment.”

Xu Cinian twitched the corners of his mouth and reached out to rub his cheek, “Okay, you can help me up, and I’ll rub it for you so it won’t hurt.”

Qu Cheng was already getting ready for Xu Cinian’s stormy bombardment, but a slap in the face with no pain or itching at the moment can make this peacock calm down, it’s like winning the jackpot.

At this moment, he is really thankful that he is really sick!

Hooking the corners of his mouth and holding back a smile, he put on Xu Cinian’s clothes and ate a few pieces of tofu, before he helped him to the chair next to him and sat down. When he turned around and was about to roll up the quilt, the room was knocked.

“Are you awake? I’ll push the door and come in.”

Xu Cinian’s scalp went numb in shock, so he hurried looking around for fear of revealing any clues, Qu Cheng did not expect the old man to wake up so quickly.

“Why is there no movement? I said are you there?”

The old man’s voice sounded from the door again. This time even the door was pushed and creaked several times. Xu Cinian scratched his hair, but he could only stiffen. He ran over to open the door, “Wake up, I was talking just now, I didn’t hear you calling the door, you got up really early, sir.”

The door opened, and the old man came in with a plate of porridge and side dishes with a smile on his face, glanced at Xu Cinian and Qu Cheng, “Breakfast, of course, you have to eat early. Did you sleep well last night?”

Xu Cinian felt embarrassed and ashamed when he remembered what happened last night. How to explain to people.

Can it be said: old man, yesterday we had a shot in the cupboard of your son’s new house, I’m sorry, don’t you mind?

It’s pretty shameless to think about, okay?

Seeing his blushing and pale face, Qu Cheng quickly took over the words, “Of course I slept well, thank you very much last night, if it wasn’t for your help, we might have been captured by those people by now.

“Speaking of which, since you know that someone is going to arrest us, old man, why don’t you ask us where we came from? Are you not afraid of attracting bad people? And the situation last night was so dangerous, why did you help us?”

Qu Cheng asked the most doubtful in his heart. At the same time, it also transferred Xu Cinian’s embarrassment.

He woke up before dawn this morning, and he has been thinking about this question. An old man in the deep mountains, even if he is simple and kind, doesn’t make sense to help two strange men to cover up casually, right?

The old man nodded with a smile, sat at the dining table and beckoned to Xu Cinian and Qu Cheng, and said while drinking porridge, “What’s there to be afraid of, although my old man has lived in the mountains all his life, he has lived such a long life. Age, good people and bad people can still be distinguished. The people who came to you last night are notorious bullies in our place, and they don’t deserve a good thing, so I don’t doubt your identity at all, because the bad people are the good people.”

“Besides… you look at this doll, with thin eyebrows and long eyes, and at first glance it looks like a child raised by a good family. Knowing that my quilt has been soiled, I am embarrassed to say anything, what’s more, my family is so poor, even if I meet a bad person, how much money can I get robbed?”

As soon as these words came out, Xu Cinian’s face immediately turned red from his forehead to the base of his neck, as if someone had poured a pot of boiling water on it.

The old man smiled and looked at the embarrassed two people, as if he liked to play tricks on them.

Xu Cinian coughed for a long time before he could say a word, “Old man… Since you have already guessed it… Then, don’t you think that the relationship between the two men is very abnormal?”

The old man laughed and smiled kindly. On the round face, both eyes were smiling.

While arranging the tableware for Qu Cheng and Xu Cinian, he said calmly, “You don’t have to be nervous, I have never seen anything in my life. To be honest, my daughter-in-law is a boy.”

After hearing that Qu Cheng and Xu Cinian was stunned, unable to speak for a while, what a fate it was for him and Peacock to meet such a good old man.

“I couldn’t stand it before. People in the village pointed at us when they saw us. As a result, my baby went away with my daughter-in-law and didn’t come back in five or six years. When I was alone, I thought about everything, boy baby. The girls are all the same, the two of them can live happily or not. Unfortunately, when I think about it and build a new house for them, the baby will not come back. Therefore, the new house is the same for everyone, and the most important thing is to live a good life.”

Xu Cinian couldn’t say a word after listening to it for a long time, and he couldn’t tell what it was like. If his father could treat him half as much as the old man treats his son, he thought he would not leave to this point today.


Seeing the old man’s kind-hearted look, he immediately thought of his grandfather. At that time, the old man had said the same thing to him when he was still alive. Unfortunately, when he think about it now, he feel extremely sad and almost cry.

Qu Cheng smiled at him gently, comforting, as if he could see through his mood at a glance.

Xu Cinian twitched the corners of his mouth and held the old man’s hand tightly, “Old man, really… Thank you, we don’t know what to say, anyway, thank you.”

“Okay, you two melons, What are you doing this early in the morning, and it reminds me of sad things again, eating and eating, my old man’s pickled vegetables are delicious, try it now.”

Qu Cheng grabbed Xu Cinian’s shoulder and comforted him silently. He turned his face and took a bite of a wild pepper, exhaling exaggeratedly, “Wow! It’s spicy and delicious, sir, your craftsmanship is superb!”

Xu Cinian, he knew that he was deliberately relaxing the atmosphere and didn’t want him to remember the past with the old man, so he ate breakfast together, and the old man was even more complimented by Qu Cheng’s words.

The three of them chatted and laughed and finished breakfast, and it was time to leave.

The old man couldn’t see strangers easily, and it was rare to meet two male dolls who could talk to each other. He was very reluctant to put them in a pile of fruits and vegetables, and sent them all the way down the mountain.

“Doll, come to play often when you have time, I can’t walk because of my legs and feet. If you have a chance to see my doll, let him go home and see!”

The old man wiped his tears as he spoke, Xu Cinian looked sad, nodded vigorously, and waved as he walked. When he could no longer see the old man, he couldn’t help but turn his head.

“Okay, there is no lasting feast in the world, it’s time for us to go home.” Qu Cheng took his hand and strode forward.

In order to avoid being chased by Scar face, both of them changed into the clothes of the local ethnic group in Y City. At this time, he was wearing the shirt of the local ethnic group in Y City, with a blue-green turban on his head, holding a gift from the old man in his hand things, talking while walking.

He looks like a man hunting in the woods.

Xu Cinian wore the same clothes as him, looked back at the man beside him who had been with him all the time, remembered what the old man said before he left, and suddenly stopped, feeling a little feverish.


the word sounds really appealing.

“What’s wrong?” Qu Cheng looked back at him.

Xu Cinian smiled and suddenly made a decision, “Hey, do you want to go home with me?”

“Aren’t we going to go back?” Qu Cheng laughed out of nowhere.

Xu Cinian shook his head, “It’s not going back to S city, but to my hometown to see my mother.”

Just like Xu Cinian’s words, he was never sloppy, and he was resolute and easy. There will be a little hesitation.

He thought that what the old man said was right, some things can’t be done after regretting it. After seven years of wandering, he finally settled down. He longed for an affirmation, even if it was just a tombstone, and wanted to proudly tell his family, look, This is my love.

Qu Cheng stared into his eyes, his heart suddenly beat wildly uncontrollably, still not sure if this sentence meant what he understood, “You… are you serious?”

Xu Cinian smiled softly , holding Qu Cheng with his backhand.

The two of them intertwined their fingers, and he raised his face, his eyes full of smiles, “Of course, there is no more seriousness than now.”

With a loud voice, Qu Cheng felt that he was worth everything at this moment.

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