On the night of the same day, President Sun of the Provincial Hospital hurriedly rushed with the matching O blood type and the elite team, and finally pulled Wowo back before the gate of hell.

With sufficient blood supply, the operation went very smoothly. After a night of rescue and consultation, Wowo was finally pushed out, and Dean Sun walked out of the operating room sweating profusely.

Qu Cheng, who had been guarding the door, sent Luo Xiaomao to take care of Xu Cinian, he saw Wowo’s pale little face.

“…Wowo, how are you? Open your eyes and look at your uncle.”

Qu Cheng held his little hand, trying to wake up the little guy, but Wowo’s eyes were tightly closed and his little mouth was tightly pursed together, lying there motionless, completely unresponsive to his call, never calling him “Chengcheng” as sweetly as before, threw himself into his arms and smiled at him.

“Wowo, Wowo.” Qu Cheng couldn’t help but gently pushed him, eagerly wanting the little guy to give him some reaction.

At this time, Dr. Sun next to him stopped him and shook his head, “Qucheng, don’t be like this, the little guy’s anesthetic hasn’t passed yet, it’s useless for you to call him now, let him rest in the intensive care unit tonight, you don’t need too worried.”

When Qu Cheng heard this, he raised his head and frowned, “Isn’t he rescued? Why are he still in the intensive care unit? President Sun, how is he now?”

Dean Sun patted him on the shoulder and gave him a consoling look, “Don’t worry, he just lost too much blood, so he was dangerous at one point, and there was no fatal wound on his body, so it wouldn’t be a big problem, he received blood in time. But After all, he is too young, and it is the first blood transfusion, so it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no rejection, so he will stay in the intensive care unit for a few more days, and if the situation is optimistic, he will soon be transferred to the general ward.”

Qu Cheng Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief, his whole body was drained in an instant, exhaustion hit him, he rubbed his sore forehead and nodded to President Sun, “That’s good, thank you very much today. Dean Sun, as long as you use it in my place in Qucheng in the future, feel free to open your mouth, and I will remember this kindness for a lifetime.”

Dean Sun smiled and waved his hand, took off his mask and sighed, “Back then my grandson was kidnapped, thanks to your help, I owe you what I owe you, but you thanked me first. But Qu Cheng, why didn’t you notify me about something as big as a son? If you don’t need me today, are you still going to hide it from me for the rest of your life?”

Qu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then looked at him with a complicated expression and said, “How…how do you think we are father and son?”

“Isn’t it ? Is it?” Dean Sun was also stunned. Before it was urgent to save people, he didn’t have time to ask about the situation, and now said in surprise, “But you two look so similar, especially these eyes, when you were young you look exactly the same, and aren’t you blood type O? Since you’re not his father, why didn’t you just give him a direct blood transfusion? Why are you calling me in such a hurry?”

Qu Cheng was immediately stopped by this question, he was in with a wry smile in his heart, he shook his head, “The situation was so urgent at the time, I forgot about it as soon as I was in a hurry, just thinking that you are a leader in this area.”

Dean Sun obviously didn’t believe his excuse, and gave him a playful look, With a look of “I understand you”, “Okay, okay, I’ll take it seriously. But Qucheng, don’t fool me in the future. You didn’t look down on my daughter before, and said that you like men, There are even excuses for not being able to be hard on women, but now you still have a baby with other women? If you are not married, I will not be hard on you, right?”

Qu Cheng didn’t know how to explain this complicated relationship, so he could only casually say, “This is really not the child I had with a woman.”

“It wasn’t you who gave birth to a woman? Could it still be a man?”

“…..” Qu Cheng was told what was on his mind, and was speechless for a while.

Dean Sun was joking with him, but after seeing his strange face, he restrained his anger and smiled, and said earnestly, “Well, I can’t interfere in your private affairs, but I advise you to check the child’s DNA, there are so many coincidences in this world.”

After speaking, Dean Sun patted his shoulder with a smile, took off his gloves and turned away, leaving Qu Cheng standing alone with a complicated and unpredictable expression on his face. 


When Luo Xiaomao pushed open the door of the ward with a thermos in his hand, he saw Qu Cheng walking towards him at a glance.

He was ashamed and didn’t dare to speak to Qu Cheng, but he was worried about Wowo, and he hesitated for a while and didn’t know how to speak.

Simply Qu Cheng didn’t embarrass him, glanced at him, and said blankly, “Luo Xiaomao, I won’t force you to say anything, but I will investigate the matter of Wowo by myself, and I hope you will be stricter. Be honest, don’t reveal anything to Cinian, and don’t block me again and again, can you hear it clearly?” 

Hearing this, Luo Xiaomao knew that Qu Cheng had guessed the truth, but he breathed a sigh of relief and clicked nodding is the default.

Qu Cheng raised his eyebrows, took the thermos bottle in his hand, and his tone softened a bit, “That’s all for today, after all, you are also a victim, and Wowo has been rescued, you don’t have to worry, you’re tired. Go back home, I will take care of Cinian tonight.”

Luo Xiaomao also knows that he is true this time his sin was unforgivable, and he had no face to stay here. When he heard that Wowo was rescued, his eyes turned red with excitement, and after hesitating for a long time, he finally nodded, “I understand… Then I’ll go see Wowo, I won’t bother you tonight.”

He gritted his teeth and endured the tears of guilt. He glanced at the ward of Xu Cinian uneasy, and then he reluctantly left the ward.

After Qu Cheng stared at his back and disappeared, he sent Ah Si away, went to the heating room to get some hot water, and when he opened the door of the ward, he found that Xu Cinian had already woken up.

With gauze tied around his head, he leaned halfway against the head of the bed, staring out the window motionless, as if he had been sitting in this motion for a long time.

Qu Cheng walked in slowly, he heard the voice coming back, his face was very bad, but he forced a faint smile, “You are here?”

Qu Cheng stopped and stared at his pale face and the gauze on his head, did not speak for a while.

He thought that after experiencing such a blow, Xu Cinian would definitely not be able to bear it. After all, he knew better than anyone how important Wowo was to him. Qu Cheng thought he would cry, but Xu Cinian was almost calm expressionless.


He walked over, put down the thermos, and stretched out his hand to help Xu Cinian lie down, “You just need to rest after the operation, what are you doing sitting up in such a hurry?”

Xu Cinian waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, “Don’t worry, my life is hard. Xu Xinnian didn’t kill me at the beginning, this little thing won’t make me so squeamish.”

Qu Cheng looked at his brows unconsciously and lightly frowned every time he moved, and knew that he liked his tough temper. Being brave, he couldn’t help but sighed, reached out and touched his head, “Does it still hurt here?” 

“It doesn’t hurt, it will be fine in a few days.”

He waved his hand, and even pulled out a smile, Qu Cheng looked at the panic in his heart, and couldn’t help frowning, “You had six stitches on your head, and when you were sent to the operating room, your clothes were soaked through, so you still can’t help it. Are you alright?”

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to be so nervous. When I hid in time, I broke a hole in my head, and my arms and legs are fine. If you don’t believe me, take a look.”

Saying that, he forced himself to sit up, stretched out one leg and was about to fall to the ground.

“Don’t be ridiculous, what can you do at this time? What’s the matter with being soft in front of me?”

Qu Cheng held him down, not allowing him to move, but Xu Cinian didn’t listen to him at all and pushed him away. Really wobbled out of bed.

There were injuries all over his body, and Qu Cheng didn’t dare to exert any force, so he could only hold him firmly, and his tone became anxious, “Xu Cinian, do you know that you just got off the operating table!?”

Xu Cinian’s face turned pale again, but there was still a stiff smile on the corner of his mouth, as if to convince Qu Cheng, he staggered a few steps in place, turned around with a smile and said, “Look, I’m really fine, minor surgery. Forget it, why are you nervous, the smell of disinfectant here is too strong, I want to go out for a walk, you don’t have to follow me.”

He actually gritted his teeth and moved to the door of the ward step by step.

At this time, Qu Cheng finally realized that something was wrong with him, because Xu Cinian didn’t ask a single word about Wowo from the beginning to the end. Qu Cheng knew the weight of the little guy in this peacock’s heart better than anyone else. This car accident caused Xu Cinian to save Wowo and Luo Xiaomao, how could he not ask about his son’s condition just after waking up?

“Cinian, are you going to find Wowo?” Qu Cheng blocked the gate and stared at him.

Xu Cinian was stunned for a moment, then laughed again, “Why do you have to ask where I’m going? You’ve never been such an old man before.”

He stubbornly opened the door, but was pulled back by Qu Cheng. “Xu Cinian, are you fucking crazy!? What are you running around like this? I have been with Wowo after the operation just now. He is fine now. You go to see him not only for him, but also for yourself!”

Xu Cinian didn’t speak or raised his head, just stood at the door holding the doorknob, but he didn’t let go.

Qu Cheng knew that once he made a decision, he would follow through on anything, so he didn’t say anything, just picked him up and walked to the bed, “If I’m here today, don’t think of going out of this door!”

This sentence made Xu Cinian, who had been able to force himself to be calm before, completely unable to bear it. He took a breath with trembling all over his body, and then he could no longer control the collapsed emotions, and shouted sharply, “Fuck you. Let me go! I’m going out! Let me go to see Wowo! You fucking hear!”

“Wowo is in the intensive care unit! No one can get in! It’s no use if you go!

“Qu Cheng couldn’t control his emotions either, and shouted back at Xu Cinian as he was.

Xu Cinian’s face was almost pale, and he grabbed Qu Cheng’s arm tightly, “Do you understand that it was my son who was in a car accident!? I watched him fall out, and watched him bleeding! He is only two years old, you don’t let me see him!?”

“He’s my son too! How can I not understand!?”

“I don’t feel better than you when he has a car accident! You were in a coma before, but I have to worry about you two. Do you know how I feel when I wait for you two to come out outside the operating room?!”

Xu Cinian was stunned, staring at him for a long time, his lips shivering a few times, he suddenly sneered, “Are you serious, any child can be your son.” 

After saying this, he got up and went out again, Qu Cheng got up and held him down again, the two of them were like trapped beasts generally tangled together.

Qu Cheng didn’t dare to exert any force at all, but he still blocked his way of retreat. Xu Cinian’s frail body was not Qu Cheng’s opponent at all. The wounds on his arm were just torn open again by a few struggles, and blood suddenly flowed out.

Qu Cheng held his arm and hugged him all of a sudden, “Listen to me Cinian, Wowo is really good now, he will wake up soon, don’t toss yourself, okay? I never lie. Look at me, believe me for once, okay?”

Xu Cinian raised his head, his face was nearly ashen, his eyes were not half full, but he forced himself not to shed a single tear.

“Qucheng, I’ll just take a look… I beg you, even if I watch the video at the door of the intensive care unit, let me see Wowo… I beg you.”

Begging for someone, now that he said such words for his son, Qu Cheng felt so sad that he didn’t know what to say.

He hugged him tightly, and finally compromised, “…Okay, let’s go, I’ll carry you if you can’t walk.”

Qu Cheng helped Xu Cinian to move into the intensive care unit step by step.

The hallway of the hospital was empty in the middle of the night. Xu Cinian’s legs were weak, and the anesthesia on his body had not yet passed, but he insisted not to sit in a wheelchair, and did not let Qu Cheng carry it on his back. He just gritted his teeth and went up step by step. Climbing, like punishing yourself.

Qu Cheng couldn’t see it a few times. He used both soft and hard means, but he still did not persuade Xu Cinian. He was stubborn and stubborn like a donkey, grabbing the handrail keep silent.

When they finally arrived at the intensive care unit, nearly an hour had passed.

The nurse on duty at the door does not allow family members to visit. Through the heavy metal isolation door, you can’t even see a trace of light in the ward. You can only watch the big video of the slap on the head to see the appearance of Wowo.

The little guy was dripping, covered with a small blue quilt, his little hands grabbed the corner of the quilt unconsciously, and the heartbeat recorder was beating again and again, as if telling the two people at the door that he was alive and well now.   His face was no longer as rosy as before, with the paleness after blood loss, but the corners of his mouth were pursed unconsciously, and occasionally he would open and close when he hit the small gourd, as if he didn’t know anything about the current situation, still like he slept soundly like he was by his father’s side.   

Seeing his son’s appearance, Xu Cinian’s tense nerves finally loosened. At this time, he held the handle beside him as if he had been drained of all his strength, his head was against the wall, and he didn’t say a word for a long time.   

After a while, Qu Cheng heard a faint voice that he could barely catch. He leaned over to Xu Cinian and heard what he was saying in a low voice.   

“…You know, before, Wowo had been holding my hand all the time, and he didn’t want to say anything to be separated from me. I thought he was acting like a spoiled child, so I pushed him away cruelly… If I could have been more careful at that time, Pamper him a little, and things won’t turn out like this.”   

Xu Cinian’s voice trembled, as if he still didn’t dare to recall what happened before, Qu Cheng patted him on the shoulder, “It’s not your fault, no one will thought that someone would attack you.”   

“Is there a difference?” Xu Cinian looked up at him, and he was almost collapsed, “I am his father, his only relative, if I fail to do my job, I will fail my job, even my own children. If you can’t protect them well, why do you shirk your responsibility?”  

“Am I not?”   

Qu Cheng said this in his heart, but his face did not show, and after sitting on the steps with Xu Cinian, he said in a low voice, “Cinian, you have done your best, I can’t blame you, it’s the black hand behind you, damn it. I will handle this matter, you don’t have to worry, no matter who touched you, I will not let him go.”   

Xu Cinian buried his head on his knees and didn’t speak, he was very tired and had no strength in his body. Now, the wound on his body is also aching, but he doesn’t want to leave. If WoWo doesn’t wake up, he will always stay with him like this.   

Qu Cheng looked at him silently. After a long time, he seemed to have suddenly made up his mind. He pretended to say unintentionally, “Cinian, do you…have you ever wanted to go and find Wowo’s biological parents?”

At this moment, Xu Cinian’s head is not very clear, but he still raised his head nervously, “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know what you think, but I think it is always good for children to be with their biological parents. How can you give the child two warmth by yourself?” Qu Cheng looked at Xu Cinian’s face, and slowly said what he had thought about for a long time.

“This time WoWo is in urgent need of blood transfusion. If his parents are around, he can find a suitable blood source by just asking his family, but at that time, no one except you and I was with the little guy, and we can’t help him if we are not his relatives, this time he is lucky, but who can guarantee that every time is so lucky? The child is only two years old, and he has no parents when he comes up. This is really cruel to him, so I think you should go to his family, give him a complete family?”  

Xu Cinian’s eyes flickered twice, he hid his trembling fingers, avoided Qu Cheng’s sight, and pretended to say casually, “Wowo doesn’t need these, I will take good care of him, I have been used to being a father and a mother these years, and Wowo likes this kind of life very much, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it now.”

“But he is not your biological child after all. You can fool him now, but what about in the future? The child will always grow up. After all, the relationship between biological and adoption is different. How can you guarantee that he will not find his biological parent’s behind your back?”

“Because me and you are his relatives!”

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