Xu Xinnian raised his head hazy, struggled to straighten up, and continued to kneel with both hands on the ground. The scars on his face were covered with snow, and the body temperature turned into a stream of water that flowed down his chin, like tears he left behind.

“Don’t persuade me Uncle Zhang… I beg you to let me kneel… I know you feel sorry for me, but when I leave like this, my father will misunderstand me again, I just want to see him today, as long as Dad is in good health, I’ll take a look and leave immediately.”

The ruined face and crippled leg made Xu Xinnian look too miserable, Uncle Zhang couldn’t bear it, and sighed, “Forget it, I’ll do it again. Go to the master and tell him, young master, wait a while.”

He left the umbrella to Xu Xinnian, turned around and walked into the house. At this time, Xu Jianguo was still lying on the bed, and the heating in the room was very hot, and it was completely different from the ice and snow outside. Just different two world.

“Master, go see the young master. He is so skinny that he has lost one of his legs. Do you have the patience for him to lose another leg and be completely paralyzed because of you?”

Xu Jianguo had never fallen asleep. Hearing Zhang Bo’s words, he slowly opened his eyelids and his expression became even more gloomy.

“He did it himself. Who’s to blame? If he had resigned from his brother, he wouldn’t have ended up like this.”

The housekeeper didn’t know what to say. But how did you treat him when he was still in the Xu family?

“Master, when the eldest young master was alive and dead in prison, you gave him up yourself, why do you still mention him now? Do you really want to die another son? ”

“Bang!” “A vase smashed at Uncle Zhang, and fell to the ground in pieces.

“Presumptuous! When is this family’s turn to speak! ?

Uncle Zhang shuddered and immediately fell silent.


Just the act of smashing the vase made Xu Jianguo coughed out his lungs and sat on the head of the bed, clutching his chest and coughing violently, Uncle Zhang hurried forward and brought a glass of water.

Xu Jianguo only felt more comfortable after drinking the water. His chest heaved violently. He glanced out the window again, and happened to see Xu Xinnian collapsed to the ground. The empty trouser leg on the right was squashed by the thick snow.

“You don’t have to talk nonsense, let him continue to kneel, and I’ll consider seeing him again when he loses both legs.

After saying this, he got into the quilt again, and this time he directly instructed Uncle Zhang to close the curtains, so that he could not be bothered.

Two hours later, one of Xu Xinnian’s legs was completely numb, like a necrosis. He didn’t feel anything either, his hands were blue and purple, and his pale complexion made him look like an evil spirit jumping out of a grave.

His lips were trembling constantly, and he stared at the closed door with hatred. Grit his teeth.

Xu Jianguo, you are cruel, don’t blame me for being unkind, sooner or later I will push you down the stairs like I killed old man Xu, and let you and Xu Cinian’s reunite in the Palace of the King of Hell!

He shivered. He took out the mobile phone he had prepared in advance, and pressed a number that he had saved.

After a while, several media who received the notice came with long guns and short cannons. As soon as they saw the Xu family compound, the scene of kneeling in the ice and snow, those gossip lit up instantly, and there was a frenzy of filming in front of the Xu family gate. There is no news these days, and news must be made. Even if it is not the privacy of a movie star, it must be a wealthy family. The bloody grievances.

No, the dignified Xu family has made such a lively incident one after another, and some people deliberately broke the news, and the big exclusives will not be robbed, and there will be new gossips to write on the headlines of the social page tomorrow!

The flashing lights flashed, Xu Xinnian pretended to be frightened and screamed, and hurriedly covered his face with his hands, but the reporters still came up to him and bombarded him wildly.

“I said I don’t know! What the hell are you guys doing!? There’s none to shoot, hurry up! Get out!”

He pushed the reporter angrily, trying to play the role of the victim well. He has always given up.

The noisy sound rang in the originally cold yard. Xu Jianguo had been sleeping lightly, but he finally fell asleep, and was woken up by the noise in the yard. He couldn’t help frowning and shouting at the door, “What’s going on outside. Why is it so chaotic!”

A maid rushed in in a panic, “Master, I don’t know where there are so many reporters, and now the young master is surrounded… Would you like to go out and have a look?”

“Those security guards are all useless, why can those people come in too?”

Xu Jianguo scolded, covering his chest while coughing and slapped the table, opened the curtains and looked out, Xu Xinnian had been pushed to the ground by the reporter, frozen. The mind is a little unclear.

“Call security, and drive those people away from the door!”

Xu Jianguo’s expression changed, he walked a few steps back and forth in the room, and put on his clothes in resentment. If he could still speak coldly to Xu Xinnian just now, but now that the reporters are here, the matter has already become known to everyone. If he doesn’t show up at this moment, the Xu family’s face will be completely lost!

The security soon arrived, stopping all the noisy reporters outside the gate, and the empty courtyard was suddenly left with only Xu Xinnian, who was still gritting his teeth and kneeling on the ground motionless.

Zhang Bo helped Xu Jianguo out of the gate, the wind and snow struck, he tightened his neckline, coughed a few times, saw Xu Xinnian’s miserable look, and suddenly felt a little trance.

The impression of that young and intimate little son, how… what did he look like?

The moment Xu Xinnian saw him, the tears immediately could not be held back, and he staggered to stand up, but forgot that he only had one leg left, and suddenly fell to the ground, “Daddy… You’re finally willing to see me.”

His frozen whole body was numb, he couldn’t stand up, he could only use his only leg to crawl forward in the snow a little bit, his thin body left a meandering mark in the snow, and when he climbed to Xu Jianguo’s feet, he finally showed a smile, “Daddy… I’m sorry, I’m so cold… I can’t stand up, you don’t blame me.”

His tears fell down, the corners of his mouth had a smile but the eyes were red, the people who saw next to him were sad, for a while no one thought about what wrong he had done, just wanted to quickly help him up and stop suffering.

After all, it was the only son left, Xu Jianguo was even more iron-hearted, somewhat loose, and then saw the reporter who kept taking pictures in the distance, let Zhang Bo help him up, rub his forehead and say, “What are you still back for?” The Xu family does not have a son like you. ”

Xu Xinnian froze for too long, the bottom was already full of numbness, the two people could not stand it, he suddenly fell to the ground again, reached out to grab Xu Jianguo’s clothes corner, “… I’m not begging you to forgive me… I haven’t seen you for a long time, but… As a son, I have not yet kowtowed to you in the New Year, I feel bad in my heart, today after I saw you… I’ll be gone in a moment.”

He tried to stabilize his body, knelt down and slowly prostrated his head at Xu Jianguo, squeezing out a little smile in anger, “Daddy… Happy New Year, the son is not filial piety… You should have never given birth to me…”

Emotionally, he choked up a word could not say, the surrounding servants and housekeepers were all moved to tears, thinking about it, they all felt that Xu Jianguo had done too much, his own son, but it was a drunk driving accident, how did it reach the point of unforgivability?

People’s hearts are long, a sentence “Daddy Happy New Year” suddenly moved Xu Jianguo, he did not forget how he spent his life in the lonely and cold Chinese New Year’s Eve, at that time he was looking forward to someone to accompany him, and now Xu Xinnian can also be regarded as a conscience.

Thinking about the situation of the company today and the media’s hype on the Xu family, he sighed a long sigh, “That’s it, what is the matter with coming in, it’s too cold outside.”

Xu Xinnian gritted his teeth and waited for this sentence, and now that he heard it with his own ears, he nodded his head vigorously and choked up unable to speak, and at the moment when he raised his hand to wipe his tears, no one saw a smile that he had evoked as he wished.

This time stepping into the Xu family again, he must take the unfinished and lost everything into the palm of his hand, who blocks the killing of God, the Buddha blocks the killing of the Buddha!

Closing the newspaper, Xu Cinian sneered, looked up at the car window, and laughed without saying a word.

Qu Cheng, who was driving the car, heard the movement and turned back, “What’s wrong?” Inexplicably laughing at what?”

Xu Cinian drew the corners of his mouth, leaned on the backrest and stretched out a lazy waist, “Nothing, just lament the scourge left behind for a thousand years, the ancients sincerely do not deceive me.”


Qu Cheng smirked, turned the steering wheel and turned the car into the path, “Don’t you rip the ancient text for me, I don’t know if I’m old and uneducated, which scourge is provoking you?”

“Xu Xinnian, I think there should be a small strong genus in the zodiac, exclusive to my dear good brother.”

Xu Cinian smiled at the corner of his mouth and opened his mouth, obviously not putting the other party in his eyes at all, “His life is really good enough, he can be reborn in a new shell when he dies, and the lightest person in such a serious car accident must be a vegetative person, he is good, he crippled one leg and is still bouncing around, and now those tabloid reporters who are fooling him have fried him into an innocent white lotus, fooling the old man to take him back to the Xu family.”

At this time, just in time to catch the red light, Qu Cheng stopped the car, picked up the newspaper and glanced at it and immediately laughed out loud, “Yo, this bitter meat calculation is really emotional, no wonder you were able to abduct Dong Feng’s two or five eyes, but speaking of it, when you could look at Dong Feng, your eyes were not much better.”

Xu Cinian smiled angrily, and put his hand on the driver’s seat to Qu Cheng’s ear, “Yes, I am blind, otherwise I would not be able to look at you.”

“Hey! Don’t drag, drive! In case we hit a tree, we will have three lives in one car!”

“Huh? Aren’t there just two of them? Xu Cinian raised an eyebrow in doubt.

Qu Cheng smiled mischievously and glanced at Xu Cinian’s stomach in the rearview mirror, “Isn’t there another one in your stomach?”

“Get out! There is no such thing.”

“This can be.”…

The couple quarreled while driving on the road. Neither of them took Xu Xinnian’s return seriously. It was a disaster. He dared to use the Yin move again, and he would use the soldiers to block the water and cover the earth. Evil is more than right. Who is afraid of who?

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