“If you look at Xu Jianguo’s affair this time, if there is no help from the brothers of the Qinglong Gang, nor Qu Cheng buying water troops and hackers to help you control the direction of public opinion, will the Xu family fall so easily? Will Xu Jianguo be sick like that and have no time to clean up after you? For this you also have to return Qu Cheng something, two people live a life, one side can not always pay senselessly, the other party will not change the color of the order, this unequal relationship, sooner or later will be finished.”

Xu Cinian is very slow on the issue of love, his usually shrewd head can not score this point at all, coupled with the bloody love affair with Dong Feng, let him pay attention to it at once.

“Uh… Seriously? If I don’t give him something, will he feel uncomfortable?”

“Of course, in other words, you always suffer losses, are you willing?” Luo Xiaomao saw that Xu Cinian had loosened, and couldn’t help but keep working hard, every time he came to this kind of problem, he had a sense of accomplishment in front of Xu Cinian, this guy was fine like a fox, only the emotional aspect was a piece of wood, especially good fooling.

Xu Cinian hesitated for a moment, feeling as if this was really the truth, and couldn’t help but look at the swim trunks in front of him, “Uh… Do you think he’ll like this style?”

Luo Xiaomao was simply killed by his cute look, a serious ice cube suddenly became a caring person for his own mouth, it was really… I want to bully him hard!

“That must be, men are carnivores, if Qu Cheng puts on such pants and does whatever you want in the water, are you excited?” Doesn’t it feel exciting to think about?”


Xu Cinian silently touched the tip of his nose, the root of his ear was a little red, in fact, he really didn’t love blushing so much, and his usual expression was very small, but it seemed that everything had exceptions when he met Qu Cheng.

Imagine Qu Cheng taking off his suit and shirt in front of him, revealing his strong body and two long legs with straight muscles, and smiling at him in only a pair of black swim trunks…

Belch…… The tip of the nose seems to be a little itchy.

“…… Then buy it, it’s not much money anyway. Xu Cinian coughed twice, took two pairs of swim trunks and went to the cash desk, his face was still a little hanging, and there was a feeling of being a thief.

“Oh, don’t rush to pay, have you chosen the right size?”

Size? Xu Cinian picked up the swimming trunks and looked at them, all of them were L numbers, Luo Xiaomao leaned over to take a look, and couldn’t help but show the same look as an alien, “Are you mistaken, you can wear L, Qu Cheng’s head also wears this size?” What size does he usually wear?”

Xu Cinian was being asked again, and he really found that he knew too little about Qu Cheng. Qu Cheng didn’t know where to find out all his preferences, knew that he liked to eat spicy but didn’t like salty, liked to wear light-colored clothes, didn’t like fur…

However, he didn’t pay much attention to Qu Cheng, except to know that he wasn’t picky about eating, clothes size, and so on, he really didn’t know anything.

“I don’t know, or just buy one, anyway, it’s flexible.” We were about the same height, so I didn’t believe I could wear it, so he couldn’t tuck it in.”

The shrewd Boss Xu was very embarrassed, and decided to get by, Luo Xiaomao was completely speechless by him, “Okay, then you buy it, maybe buy it big, he doesn’t even have to take it off, float up directly in the hot spring, let the people around him visit his body for free.”

Xu Cinian was slightly entangled, glancing at Luo Xiaomao, the appointees walked to the corner and took out his mobile phones.

Just ready to call, only to find that a text message reminder with a balance of less than 19 yuan in arrears came in on the mobile phone, he touched his nose and borrowed Luo Xiaomao’s mobile phone to dial Qu Cheng’s number.

Usually, as long as it is a phone, Qu Cheng will definitely answer it in a few seconds, but today it has been dialed several times in a row, and there has been a busy tone of beeping, and no one has answered.

What’s going on?

Xu Cinian think it was a little strange, tried to dial again, the phone was connected, but it turned out that it was Ah Si who pick up the phone.

“Huh? It’s Brother Xu, Brother Cheng, he’s busy, do you have anything to do with him?”


“He’s busy? If it’s not convenient to answer the phone, forget it.”

“Uh… Nor is it. Ah Si hesitated, as if he didn’t know how to open his mouth, “Brother Cheng met an acquaintance today, and now the two of them are eating, Brother Xu, do you have an emergency?” If there was an emergency, I will find him.”

Xu Cinian frowned, feeling a little strange, usually Qu Cheng saw anyone who would take Ah Si with him, never let him avoid the time, this time to see who, even Ah Si can not follow?

There were some doubts in his heart, but he didn’t say it, “Well, then forget it, I don’t have anything to do, let’s wait until he’s done.”

Saying that Xu Cinian was about to buckle the phone, at this time the voice of Qu Cheng suddenly came out of the phone, Ah Si was just busy giving him the phone, he heard a familiar low voice ringing, and faintly smiled, “Peacock, how did you change your mobile phone to call me?” What about yours?”

Xu Cinian paused for a moment and wanted to ask him who he was with, but after thinking about it and laughing at himself, everyone is an adult, usually they are very busy, why should they ask East and West like a woman?

“The mobile phone is in arrears, borrowed Xiaomao’s mobile phone to call you, I have no place to recharge here, if you are convenient, help me recharge some money first.”

“Huh? That’s it…” Qu Cheng skimmed his lips obviously unhappily, “I thought you were thinking of me.”

His pitiful tone made Xu Cinian laugh, looked at the swimming trunks in his hand and said, “Isn’t we going to Qingyuan together this weekend, what do you want to do, hurry up and help me recharge some money, and send you a surprise on the weekend.”

Qu Cheng let out a low laugh, and a low voice sounded in his ears, with a sexy hoarseness, “Alas… So I wish it was Sunday, surprise me can I pick it myself?”

Xu Cinian drew the corners of his mouth, “Is it still a surprise that you picked?” Don’t talk to me about the conditions, obediently obey.”

Qu Cheng was poked into the laughter point by his “obedient obedience”, and a hearty laugh came out, “I am not a little guy, coaxing the child this set is not, you obediently shout brother, I will charge you for the phone bill.”

Xu Cinian skimmed his lips, remembering that the night of the big Chinese New Year’s Eve, he was squeezed by this guy in the courtyard to call this title, he was depressed, clicked and hung up the phone.

As a result, when he returned the mobile phone to Luo Xiaomao, he remembered that he had forgotten the most important issue of size.

Yes, wait until the cost rushes up and ask again.

Xu Cinian took two pairs of swim trunks, and Luo Xiaomao continued to hang around in the store, and within a few minutes his mobile phone suddenly vibrated, and he took it out to see that it was a recharge text message.

[Hello, your number 138XXXXX, has been recharged 20 yuan, your call balance is 1 yuan, please pay attention to check.]

The corners of Xu Cinian’s mouth twitched, and the black line on his head immediately hung down.

Luo Xiaomao looked at his face was not right, and when he looked at it, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “Boss, what’s going on, why don’t you rush twenty yuan?” Don’t you owe nineteen, a dollar is enough for what?”

“I also want to know if this guy’s head is squeezed by the door.”

Xu Cinian was speechless, picked up the phone and dialed back, Qu Cheng answered quickly this time, smiling and squinting, “Baby, this call should always be thinking of me, right?”

“…” Xu Cinian rolled his eyelids, “Don’t interrupt, I ask you, I owe nineteen yuan, what does it mean that you give twenty?” Boss Qu, your family’s daily turnover account is hundreds of thousands, just send me this little phone bill, okay?”

Qu Cheng suppressed a smile and pretended to be innocent, “Don’t you have a dollar left? It is Enough.”

“One dollar is enough for what?”

Qu Cheng sighed twice, and said with a sly opening, “Baby, you see I’ll count you.” You usually hang around in three places, either Qingyuan Farm or your small restaurant, and one is a small courtyard, all three places are equipped with fixed-line calls, and you don’t need your phone bill at all. Also, your mobile phone package, the main call is 1 cent a minute, is called no money, according to you can not say two sentences on the deduction of my phone’s urine, a dollar is enough to make at least 10 calls, and usually you do not take the initiative to contact me, are I call you, a dollar is not only enough for you to use, and there is enough left to talk to customers about business, but also to prevent you from fooling around with wild men, but also save money, kill two birds with one stone.”

“…..”Xu Cinian almost died of anger when he couldn’t get up.

Luo Xiaomao, who was eavesdropping next to him, couldn’t stop laughing, and the whole person leaned on Xu Cinian’s shoulder and trembled, “Oh hey, hey, I’m laughing to death!” Your man is a living treasure! Hahahahaha…”

Qu Cheng naturally also heard Luo Xiaomao’s laughter, and continued to coax with a smile, “We are both people who want to live together, and if you have money, you have to save some flowers, you see before in order to help you solve Xu Jianguo, I threw in tens of thousands, twenty yuan is my last pocket money, peacock you see how much I love you, the only twenty yuan is also used on the daughter-in-law.”

Xu Cinian’s forehead jumped, “Good daughter-in-law, I thank you, you are really virtuous.”

“Good husband, you’re welcome.”

The two people sang a harmony, fighting with their mouths and fighting happily, but Luo Xiaomao, who was laughing and smoking next to him, hung on Xu Cinian’s body, and even the tears laughed out.

Locking the phone, Xu Cinian looked angry and walked to the cash register with two pairs of L-number swim trunks, and the cashier opposite was frightened by his eyes and quickly asked, “First… Sir, are these two things? Is it the right size? Don’t you need us to recommend it for you?”

“No, thank you, it’s not my pain to strangle the egg anyway.”

The cashier grew his mouth and squeezed out a sentence halfway through, “That… So do you swipe your card or pay cash?”

Xu Cinian took out a gold card and handed it over, without hesitation, swiped the card, took the swim trunks, left, and was full of anger.

He just had a pit in his head before he wanted to give a gift to Qu Cheng! Looking down at the two little pairs of swim trunks in the plastic bag, he snorted coldly, do you have a hot spring on the weekend? Strangle that bitch!

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