Since he came back from South Korea, Xu Jianguo, who was lying in the hospital bed, has been talking about “Zhao Family Banquet” every day, although the Xu family can’t make these six dishes, but he can still make a lot of medicated meals. The Zhao family’s private restaurant, which is famous for its booming business, is famous for its fishy herbal meals, so Mr. Xu also wants to follow this practice, for this free medicated meal tasting event, the natural Houttuynia cordata is essential.

But this thing is too rare in the north. Except for the farm in Qingyuan, there is no second business to do this. If you go to the south to buy goods, you will not be able to catch up with the tasting activities on the weekend. In short, the Xu family is in a dilemma. The only way out is to cooperate with Xu Cinian. There is no other way.

After thinking about it, Xu Xinnian finally took a deep breath. With a tone of voice, he was forced to lower his posture helplessly, “OK… Boss Chen, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly, what are your conditions, and how do you agree to cooperate?

This is what Xu Cinian was waiting for, and a calculating, smile slowly appeared on his face.

Putting down the coffee in his hand, he said calmly, “It’s very simple, four times the price, plus 100% more.” Twenty labor costs, and the transportation costs to and from the way are also borne by you.”

Xu Xinnian was stunned for a moment. Four times the price is 80 yuan per kilogram. If you buy tens of thousands of kilograms, plus the labor cost, you will have to pay more than 100,000 yuan at once!

“Boss Chen, you are too cruel.”

Xu Cinian laughed, and the voice came through the voice changer with some playfulness, “Master Xu, I don’t want much at all. You know better than me what’s going on with your Xu family now. Even an outsider like me knows that you have closed several branches in a row recently, and the stock has also fallen in a mess. Do you know how much risk I have to take to supply you at this time? A small businessman like me is incomparable with your Xu family. Hundreds of thousands of payment is a lot of money in my eyes. It’s not good to say it. If you go out of business tomorrow, I will sign with you not to supply others. Agreement, is it possible to accompany you to drink the northwest wind?”

“What’s more, all you want are the freshest seedlings in my field. If you cut them off once, it will take several months for new shoots to grow. During this period, I have no goods to sell. Who should I ask for money?”

Although the tone was relaxed, even with a bit of a smile, but every word was poking at the Xu family’s spine, and between the lines, it seemed that he hoped that the Xu family would go bankrupt soon, but everything he said made sense, and Xu Xinnian even made a mistake. Couldn’t pick it out, instead he was speechless.

Xu’s family is indeed in danger now. In order to turn the salted fish over, he basically took out his old book to hold this tasting event. If he can’t purchase suitable ingredients, everything will be for nothing, and Xu’s family will also become an empty shelf without any oil or water. What’s the use of him after Xu Xinnian’s coming?

His face turned blue and then white, and he seemed to be doing his last struggle.

Xu Cinian looked at him through the camera in a good time, knowing that the big fish was about to take the bait, he silently raised his mouth and continued to persuade him, “I know you think the price is too high, but you get what you get for every penny, I can guarantee that you can’t find a better quality Houttuynia cordata than me in the whole northern market. If you are worried, you can go to the farm to have a look and pay after the inspection.”

“It may not sound good to say that I am a rude person, but as long as we have time we have a pleasant cooperation, and we will naturally be friends in the future. Is the price not easy to negotiate? You should let me sell it with confidence, and I will also be a friend. Everyone benefits from each other. When the time comes, I hope your business is booming and you can buy mine every day. What about that?”

His words were very provocative, and almost completely explained Xu Xinnian’s psychology.

If the tasting activity this time can be successful, the Xu family will be able to relax, and then he will have more family property. One more friend is better than one more enemy. He understands the truth. If the fishy herbal meal can be turned into a must-have in the Xu family through this trial, then he will have to deal with this boss Chen in the future. Better than other restaurants.

Using the small money in front of him in exchange for longer-term benefits in the future is simply beneficial to him without any harm.

After thinking about this level, Xu Xinnian finally loosened up, with a smile on his face, “Boss Chen is a real person, since this is the case, then I will spend money to make friends, and I will need the goods the day after tomorrow.”

The big fish took the bait, Xu Cinian raised his eyebrows, and showed a pleasant and ironic smile, “Of course, Mr. Xu is really refreshing, we… cooperate happily.”

An agreement was reached and the call ended. Chen Jun followed Xu Cinian’s instructions. Take out the contract.

Through the camera, Xu Cinian watched as Xu Xinnian signed his name in black and white, and at the same time stamped the eye-catching official seal of the Xu Group.

As soon as the final decision was made, he breathed a sigh of relief, his stomach started churning after drinking too much coffee, he stood up and stretched, when the door behind him was pushed open by Chen Jun.

“It’s done?”

Chen Jun nodded, came over and put the contract and a check of hundreds of thousands in front of Xu Cinian, with no joy on his face, he hesitated for a while before speaking, “Brother Xu, I don’t understand.”

Xu Cinian looked at the check and put it on the table, “What’s wrong?”

“That Xu Xinnian has hurt you like this, why are you willing to sell it to him? I thought you don’t want to talk to him. I wanted to scold him and tell him to give up and don’t to buy houttuynia cordata in our field, but you not only signed a contract with him, but also took all the houttuynia cordata seedlings in our field. Going to cook for him, what’s the difference between growing other people’s ambition and destroying your own prestige? Could it be that you put down your hatred for the hundreds of thousands of dollars?”

He said with righteous indignation, his face flushed with anger, Xu Cinian look at his appearance, he felt very cute, and reached out to pinch his face, “Okay, how old are you, you are called Manager Chen, why are you still like a child.”

“I’m not a child!” Chen Jun pushed his hand away angrily, “It took me a long time to sell things to him. Xu Cinian I look down on you! You sell for money… You sell my feelings, I…I don’t work with you!”

The more he talked, the more excited he became, but he made Xu Cinian laugh completely, hugging his shoulders and laughing back and forth, not even feeling the churning in his stomach.

“Can you listen to me?”

“…Don’t say anything nice.”

“Hey, Xiaojun, do you still think I’m your eldest brother?”

“I don’t have such a useless eldest brother as you!”

“Hey, you’ve turned the world upside down.” Xu Cinian couldn’t help laughing, and took out a hundred yuan from his pocket Put it into his hands, “Don’t be busy arguing with me, go to the canteen at the entrance of the village to buy 20 bags of salt and come back.”

“Don’t want your stinky money, if you want to buy salt, buy it yourself.” Chen Jun shouted, as a result, he was stunned for a moment, and his head suddenly crashed, “Wait a minute, why are you buying so much salt?”

“Don’t scold me, brat. Let you be disobedient again.”

Xu Cinian stretched out his foot and kicked his ass, sitting On the chair, he put the last apple in his mouth and took a bite. It was so sour and delicious, he couldn’t help eating one after another.

“Oh, it hurts, don’t hit, don’t hit, you can’t finish 20 bags of salt in a year.” Chen Jun was at a loss. At this time, he didn’t have time to choke with Xu Cinian.

“Who said it was for me to eat, I want to eat it for the Xu family.”

Xu Cinian smiled and winked at him, pointed downstairs and said, “Did you see the shallow pond at the door? Go and save everything in the warehouse. Take out the good Houttuynia cordata and soak them in the water, then buy twenty bags of salt and pour them all in.”

Chen Jun still couldn’t understand it for a while, tilted his head to think for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up, “Brother Xu, what do you mean? …?”

Xu Cinian nodded and knocked on his head, “Yes, that’s what you think, hurry up if you understand.”

“Hey, good! I’m going to buy salt now! This is a great trick! Brother Xu, thank you for coming up with it!” Chen Jun, who had come to his senses, was so happy that he rushed out of the room with a hundred dollars.

Xu Cinian shook his head with a smile, staring at the 100,000 yuan check in his hand, feeling quite good.

This time, he not only has to drain Xu Xinnian’s money, but also completely destroy the Xu family. Since Xu Jianguo and Xu Xinnian are both waiting for the salted fish to turn over at the weekend food tasting conference, then he has to carefully prepare a big gift for the two and turn him upside down!

But what exactly is this gift?

Shhh… The Buddha said it was unspeakable, but he knew it when he fell.

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