The last dish of Houttuynia cordata was hand-picked by Xu Jianguo, in order to compete with the signature dish of Zhao’s private kitchen. As long as this dish is successful, Xu Xinnian will be a great contributor to this event, and he will be able to enter the core of the main Xu Group again

Just when everything was ready and Xu Xinnian was full of joy, the warehouse staff suddenly ran in in a hurry, “Master, something happened! All our Houttuynia cordata are rotten!”

Hearing this news, everyone was stunned, Xu Xinnian was in a trance for a moment, and then stood up suddenly, “Why? Why did it suddenly rot? More than 10,000 kilograms are rotten!?”

The man wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his flustered face changed, “I don’t know what happened, the grass was still oily yesterday. The green ones have suddenly rotted today, and there are hairs growing on them, so they can’t eat them at all.”

Xu Xinnian’s face turned pale instantly, and someone behind him came in with a box of Houttuynia cordata, he hurriedly pulled it apart, The brain was stunned for a moment.

The original green plants have completely turned black and yellow, the roots are almost rotten, and there are mildew spots, exuding a rotten smell.

All the Houttuynia cordata were carefully inspected by him when they were purchased, and there was no problem at all. They were all fresh with water vapor, and now is the season of cold spring, so two days will not let the plants rot like this!

“What the hell did you do! Let you take good care of these ingredients, and you get me some dead branches and rotten leaves!?”

“Master… We really don’t know, the warehouse is always dry, and there are temperature control devices, we all act according to the rules, how dare we make a mistake!”

Several warehouse employees were sweating anxiously, and their fingers were shaking with fear. Very clear, but now that all the ingredients are rotten, and they are rotten in the warehouse they are guarding, how can they afford this guilt?

“Then explain to me why it’s like this!” Xu Xinnian didn’t expect that things would suddenly go downhill and suddenly turned into such an uncontrollable situation. He will strangle these employees.

All of his hopes are in this event, and it will fail because of this little mistake! ?

Several employees were too frightened to speak, and Xu Xinnian kicked over with an angry kick. All of them were planted on the ground. The entire back kitchen was silent, and no one dared to say a word at this time.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and the waiter outside urged, “Why isn’t the food served yet? Everyone outside urged me to serve Houttuynia cordata quickly.”

The head chef sighed with a sad face, and just wanted to say that this Houttuynia cordata could not be made, but before he opened his mouth, Xu Xinnian suddenly stopped him, “I see, Houttuynia cordata is ready soon, let them take a moment. Wait a moment.”

When the waiter heard the voice of the young master, he stopped urging him, turned and ran out to continue his work, leaving the entire kitchen to look at each other.

“Master, the Houttuynia cordata has rotted to such a degree that it is useless at all, how can I cook it?” The head chef who was stopped just now couldn’t help but asked.

Xu Xinnian’s face was gloomy, he pursed his lips and did not speak. After a long time, he turned his head and asked, “How much Houttuynia cordata is still available in the warehouse now?”

The man shook his head and stammered, “No … nothing, everything is rotten, even if there are a few usable, even a plate of dishes can’t be put together.”

The lively music outside was in stark contrast to the dead silence in the kitchen. “Or we’ll go buy some more emergency response, young master, where did you say you bought it, I’ll take someone with me.”

“Idiot! If there are any for sale in S city, I’ll run all the way there. If It is in Qingyuan How?” Xu Xinnian glared at him, pacing anxiously in place.

It takes at least two hours by car from Qingyuan to get here, and he bought the whole farm before, but now he can’t buy Houttuynia cordata, not to mention that his funds are not enough. Even if you take 10,000 steps back and say that you really buy it back, who can the diners outside wait for more than two hours?

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, anxious but didn’t know what to do. The chef was experienced, and when he saw the situation, he decisively said, “Master, let’s change the dishes. Although all the ingredients are used up now, at least It is still very easy to go to the market to buy some common vegetables, it is better than the current dry consumption.”

“No!” Xu Xinnian vetoed.


“If we don’t change the dishes, what are we going to do?” the chef argued.

“If I say no, then no, it’s not your turn to make a decision here!” Xu Xinnian narrowed his eyes, his face ashen.

The dish of Houttuynia cordata was hand-picked by Xu Jianguo, and it was publicized long before the event started. The so-called “traditional and authentic” is comparable. If you don’t get Houttuynia cordata, it means everything is in vain.

He had boasted about it in front of Xu Jianguo before, and this event was the best chance for him to turn over. If the old man knew that there was a problem with the Houttuynia cordata he was responsible for purchasing, how could he still be in the Xu family in the future? foothold?

The more Xu Xinnian thought about it, the more his heart skipped a beat, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his head, and his eyes suddenly sank.

“Xiao Zhang, go and remove all the Houttuynia cordata from the warehouse, remove the rotten roots, and wash the remaining leaves with clean water. The rest prepare rice vinegar and soy sauce, and pickle the Houttuynia cordata for a while. Cover the deteriorated color with the sauce, and finally put it in boiling water and cook it. After a while, it will be made according to the original plan.”

“No, Master! Even if the rotten roots are removed, how can the leaves be used? Anyway, we can’t afford it!” The head chef’s expression changed, and he stopped everyone at once.

Xu Xinnian also knew that this method was risky, but he had no other way, “Let me ask you a question, will the leaves that are not completely spoiled will eat dead people after they are boiled with water? ”

It’s true that will not eat dead people… but these are no longer fresh. The Xu family always pays attention to ingredients, and…”

“No and.” “Xu Xinnian glanced at him coldly, “It doesn’t matter if it’s not fresh, as long as it don’t die, can you pay for the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars?”

The head chef’s face froze and he was speechless.

“If this event is messed up, you are the sinner of the Xu family. You need to figure out if your monthly income is enough to lose this money.”

Cold sweat broke out on the chef’s forehead, and he didn’t say anything more. He turned around and started to deal with Houttuynia cordata.

Xu Xinnian breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his aching forehead, and looked at the busy employees with their heads lowered, tightly clenched his fist.

It was just a few yellow and black leaves. Before he was reborn in the Xu family, he had been begging on the roadside since he was a child. He had never eaten any spoiled things in the trash can, and a few rotten leaves were cooked. What kind of thing can he do?

He sneered and walked out of the kitchen indifferently, but he couldn’t guess what would happen to him…

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