After a continuous spring rain, the weather finally turned warmer.

The kidnap and murder case that shocked the city of S also came to an end with the arrest of Xu Xinnian. The news was widely reported in the newspapers, and even related to the bloody case of the Xu family eight years ago. The rich and powerful show of grievances, but said nothing about Xu Xinnian being shot in the head by the police.

The former owner of Xu Jianguo also became neurotic because of strong stimulation, and was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. The doctor said that there is almost no possibility of recovery in this life.

Of course, these are not the issues that Xu Cinian is concerned about now. He has been lying in the hospital for more than half a month. It can be said that he walked again on the edge of life and death. In Luo Xiaomao’s words, when he was sent to the hospital, his legs was already bleeding, and even Zhao Rui shook his head and said that the child might not be able to be saved, but fortunately, he protected his stomach very well and did not suffer a fatal blow. It was only the violent exercise that caused the fetal gas, and Qu Cheng threw it again. He don’t know. How much money went in, medicines that were more expensive than gold, smashed in like burning money, rescued for a whole day, and finally kept the ill-fated Doudou.

And Wowo is also lucky in misfortune. Although he was kidnapped, he was always in a deep coma. Except for knowing that he was taken away by an uncle who was very similar to his Dad, he didn’t remember anything. When he woke up, he found himself in the hospital. He didn’t know what the two fathers had gone through at all. They were fooled by Qu Cheng’s words and forgot everything. He should eat and drink normally, and become the carefree big dumplings.

“Two apples, plus two oranges, um… how much is it?” Wowo lay on Xu Cinian’s chest, scratching his hair and counting with his fingers, but the more he counted, the more confused he became.

Xu Cinian leaned against the head of the bed, holding the little guy. The bells and whistles of the “textbook” flicked his forehead with his fingers, “Little idiot, think again, this was taught to you just yesterday.”

“Ugh… I don’t know, I can’t figure it out, counting… math is so annoying. “Wowo usually has a very bright head, but when he encounters math, he becomes a little fool and sticks it on Xu Cinian’s stomach like a fool, “Dad, don’t take the test… Hurry up and sign, the teacher will not found it.”

A soft mass was attached, and the little paws grabbed his fingers like a spoiled child. Xu Cinian laughed all of a sudden, and then immediately tensed his face, “No, if you go to class tomorrow and checked by the teacher, What if you don’t know how to do it? Er Heizi’s father say that when you are so old, people can do addition and subtraction within 20.”

Hearing that Er Heizi is so powerful, Wowo pouted, he began to break his fingers again, and he always felt that this question was more complicated than ham sausage or fried chicken thigh.

Seeing him being so serious, Qu Cheng couldn’t help teasing him, “Wowo, don’t think about it, I’ll ask you a question. If you answer correctly, I’ll sign it for you, okay?”

“Hey, someone’s Wowo legal guardian is here, why are you joining in the fun?” Xu Cinian smiled and knocked on him with his textbook.

Qu Cheng grabbed his hand, completely ignoring that his son was still there, put it in his mouth and bit it, “Your education method is not good, teach children to know how to infer

other things, look at me.”

He poked WoWo’s face and asked, “How many people are me and your father?”

Wowo snapped his fingers, “1+1 equals… 2!”

“Wrong, it’s three, little idiot. Give you one last chance, I add your father, and how many people are you?”

“2+1 equals 3, I will do this.” Wowo smiled proudly, revealing two small dimples.

Qu Cheng sneered, “It’s wrong again, I said that your father and I are three, and why are you still three, little idiot, I won’t sign your math homework today.”

That’s not right… 1+1 Why? would be equal to 3?

Wowo was originally dumbfounded, but now being surrounded by Qu Cheng like this, he became even more confused, and instantly returned all the math problems he learned in class to the teacher.

Looking at his confused expression, Qu Cheng laughed and his shoulders shook, “You forgot that your father has a younger brother in his belly? 2+2=4, do you understand this time?”

“Qucheng, He is only three years old, and if his gender is blurred, what will he do if he goes to the wrong men’s and women’s toilets in the future?” Xu Cinian laughed and threw the book to someone.

Someone caught it all at once, wrapped Xu Cinian’s shoulders, fixed him on the bed, stroked his stomach, his deep eyes were full of tenderness, “Don’t move around, if it’s a big deal, you will go into the women’s toilet, he will be picked up before he is scolded as a hooligan.”


Xu Cinian burst out laughing and pinched his ear, “Okay, the surname is Qu, you are thinking about entering the women’s toilet! Teach my son bad.”

Qu Cheng covered his ears and “falled” on his daughter-in-law’s shoulders, “Ah…you found out.”

“Wow! It’s moving, my brother is moving!”

To the two fathers all the time” “Flirting love” mode, Wowo are used to it, lying on Xu Cinian’s stomach at this time, he suddenly felt a throbbing, and his eyes widened in amazement.

“Really? Let me hear it.” When someone heard this, he instantly stopped arguing with his daughter-in-law and posted it with his eldest son.

Xu Cinian looked down and saw two black heads, one big and one small, in front of him, instantly embarrassed, “You two are enough, he just had an operation, don’t scare him. Qu Cheng, take the lead. Set an example, get up quickly, what should I do if others see it?”

“It’s like a fish, it swims around!”

“DouDou, come here and let father and brother kiss him.” Qu Cheng bowed his head and kissed Xu Cinian’s navel, rubbing the remaining stubble on his face. The sensitive part made Xu Cinian’s ears red.

One big and one small did not hear his words at all, and was immersed in his own world with great excitement, that look was so stupid that he couldn’t bear to look directly.

The door was pushed open with a “click”, Luo Xiaomao walked in with a lunch box, and instantly saw Qu Cheng lying on the bed with his head on Xu Cinian’s body, and immediately “Ouch”, “What am I? I didn’t see it, you guys continue, I went to the wrong door!”

“Luo Xiaomao, don’t go, I’m going to starve to death! Come in quickly!”

Xu Cinian, who was blushing and thick-necked, called Luo Xiaomao back as if he had seen a savior. At this moment, Qu Cheng sat up and adjusted his tie, as if he was calm and sophisticated, as if the homely appearance just now was just someone else’s illusion.

Seeing Luo Xiaomao, Wowo jumped out of bed happily and called out “Uncle Luo” sweetly. Luo Xiaomao coaxed the baby into a lump, took out a handful of candy from his pocket and stuffed him with it, watching the little guy worry about it. With a carefree look, he sighed silently.

When Qu Cheng saw his face, he knew that he had something to ask Xu Cinian, and he immediately picked up the drooling Wowo and said, “Let’s go, dumplings, didn’t you just say you wanted to play with the kitten downstairs for a while? Well , let’s go now.”

“But I want to have dinner with my Dad.” Wowo held his fingers and looked at the lunch box eagerly.

“Your Dad eats more than the little pig now. If you fight for food with him, your brother will have nothing to eat. Dad will take you out for a big meal. Would you like fried chicken legs and ice cream?”

Obediently wrapped his arms around Chengcheng’s neck and walked out of the ward door, still not forgetting to wave to Xu Cinian, “Dad, let my brother eat more, I’ll come back to play with him in a while~”

Qu Cheng rushed to Xu Cinian blinked and closed the door with a smile.

After Luo Xiaomao watched the father and son leave, he turned around and said with a smile, “Brother Cheng is very good at coaxing children, I really didn’t expect it.” Xu Cinian smiled and took a sip of beef and spinach porridge, “Yeah, he hurts Wowo more than I do, and if I say nasty words, he has to protect him.”

“Forget it, if you don’t hurt your son, would you go to see Xu Xinnian by yourself? I think you are really going to die.” Luo Xiaomao snorted, still trembling at the thought of what happened a few days ago, “Fortunately, Wowo is fine, I’m actually really afraid that after such a blow, it will leave a shadow on the child’s heart.”

Mentioning this, Xu Cinian’s expression changed, and he sneered, “Xu Xinnian is relying on Wowo to threaten me, of course he is reluctant to hurt the hostage, not to mention that a child at this age of Wowo already has a sense of danger. I was afraid that the child would cry along the way, so I simply stunned him. This could be regarded as letting Wowo escape and save his life. If he really hurt a hair on Wowo, it would not be like being shot in the head by the police now. It’s easy.”

Luo Xiaomao was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, “Wait a minute… what do you mean by that, is it… that you arranged for the police to shoot?”

Xu Cinian nodded, poured a mouthful of porridge into his mouth, and said with a smile, “This matter is a bit complicated, when I received Xu Xinnian’s transaction address, I was in a hurry, so I just told Qu Cheng. I didn’t expect him to understand it so thoroughly.”

“I didn’t plan to go to see Xu Xinnian alone from the beginning. I know how vicious his methods are, so I can’t take the lives of myself and DouDou. I have a tracker on my body, the purpose is to lead Qu Cheng and the police to find Xu Xinnian. As long as I entangle Xu Xinnian and give Qu Cheng enough time, he will definitely find me.”


“Wait a minute, I…I’m a little confused.” Luo Xiaomao scratched his head and added a piece of beef to Xu Cinian’s bowl, “What’s the matter with the tracker on your body, Xu Xinnian won’t be so stupid that he doesn’t even search your body?”

He smiled and stretched out his hand to reveal the repaired peacock ring on his ring finger, “Remember when you asked me, why did Qu Cheng give me such a big mansion?

“What are you thinking?” Luo Xiaomao shrugged and shook his head, tsk tsk.

Xu Cinian burst out laughing, and the grains of rice were sprayed out, “You have the ability to say this in front of him, and see if he doesn’t break your tiny legs.”

“That guy is a sullen man. He don’t say anything in his heart. I was afraid that the people from the Kun Gang would come to me for trouble, so he took the initiative to transfer HaoTing to my name, and pretended to give a ring, as if I was being attacked as soon as I went out. Like an assassination, I stuffed a tracker into it, I really thought I could hide it from him.”

Referring to this, Xu Cinian’s expression was a little playful and proud, “He didn’t say it secretly, and I naturally did. I won’t be boring and tell him that I originally wanted to throw away the tracker so that he wouldn’t keep spying on me, but this little thing came in handy at a critical time.”

He unbuttoned the button, revealing a knot on his shoulder. Scab’s scar, “Since I dare to take the risk, I will naturally lead Qu Cheng and the police, but hiding the tracker in clothes and mobile phones is simply unreliable. I have to make sure that this thing sticks tightly to me, so a small piece of meat was gouged out on the shoulder with a knife and the tracker was shoved in.”

This sentence is as simple as “I ate an egg at noon today”, and Luo Xiaomao’s heart skips a beat when he hears it, darling, this is how ruthless he is to gouge out a piece of his own flesh…

“Then… Then how did you and Qu Cheng arrange it? How can he… how can he let you take such a big risk alone, in case of a little accident, Wowo, DouDou , and even yourself may die at any time.” At this point, Xu Cinian’s eyes drooped, and the corners of his mouth were tightly pressed together, “I insisted on this matter, Qu Cheng just couldn’t beat me, but I really had no choice at that time.

“In order to survive, Xinnian can kill people like crazy. The four bodyguards of the QingLong Gang can be killed by him, let alone a child who is helpless. Xu Xinnian’s ultimate goal is just to want my money and life. If I don’t show up, don’t give him money, and make this madman anxious, who knows if he will burn all the jade and stone and kill Wowo?”

“Maybe I should be more rational at that time, anyway, Qu Cheng has already investigated when his license plate number was reached, the police also intervened in the investigation, and we just had to wait patiently, it was only a matter of time before we caught him, but at that time I really couldn’t wait any longer…”

Having said that, Xu Cinian wiped his face, his voice had a faint trembling, and he still had lingering fears when he mentioned the events of that day.


“As long as Wowo is in his hands for one second, it will be dangerous for another second. My father, who did not protect him, is already remiss in his duty. If I drag him down again because of myself, and even make him lose his life, will you let me live in my life? Wowo and Qu Cheng are my life, I can’t make this joke.”

Luo Xiaomao patted his shoulder and said softly, “Cinian, I understand what you think, but… …You were not alone at the time, you would rather take the risk to save Wowo, but have you ever thought that if you can’t save it, the price you will pay is three people.”

Xu Cinian nodded and put his hand in his hand. Putting the cooled lunch box aside, he smiled wryly, “How could I not have thought of it, but there was no other choice at that time.”

“Xu Xinnian’s purpose is to deal with me. If I don’t go, Wowo’s life will definitely not be saved, but if I go, at least he still has a chance to survive. I can’t sacrifice him for DouDou, so it’s better to take the initiative. All he sees is my money. As long as I can hang his appetite and insist on not giving him the shares of HaoTing and Xu, for a while, he would not be willing to kill me, nor would he focus his energy on dealing with Wowo, which would be equivalent to buying time for Qu Cheng and the police.”

Any parent can’t choose between their own flesh and blood. The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, and whichever one is cut off is dripping with blood.

Outsiders can laugh at it as stupid… But in In the face of the separation of flesh and blood, when the life of a loved one is between you and yours, who can truly stay sane? As long as there is a chance of survival, no one is willing to exchange one life for another.

Luo Xiaomao sighed deeply. With a sigh, he patted his old friend’s shoulder hard, “Hey…you’ve been bad luck for eight lifetimes, and you have encountered such a big disaster as Xu Xinnian. I want to tell you that it’s too cheap for the police to shoot him in the head. He’s done, he was shot to kill so many people, he should have been shot to death, and then tore off his plastic skin!”

If you want me to say, since you have the recording of Mr. Xu’s life hidden in your hand, you should take it out earlier, give yourself ordinary, send him to prison to get a gun, or be more cruel, it doesn’t matter if you kill him yourself. If you want to be a good person, bad people will not let you go.”

Xu Cinian smiled and shook his head, “No.”

“? The chattering Luo Xiaomao froze for a moment, “No?”

I said, I don’t have any recordings of my grandfather’s life. These words made Luo Xiaomao grow up, and it took a long time for Luo Xiaomao to say a word, “Isn’t it ? What’s going on? How did I hear that you had the recording and let Xu Xinnian listen to it, but it suddenly disappeared, so what did you hear it to him?”

Xu Cinian opened the drawer of the bedside table and took out a broken mobile phone. It looks outdated now, and it was half scorched by the fire, and the shell on the surface was broken.

“This is the last thing Grandpa left me. I always carry the things that I have with me, and I have to take it out every day even when I am hospitalized. You can see for yourself whether this phone is good or bad.”

Luo Xiaomao took the phone suspiciously, and after fiddling with it a few times, he found that there was no response at all, his strength was too much careless, and he almost crushed this precious thing.

“Cinian, what’s the matter?”

Xu Cinian put the phone in his palm and slowly rubbed his lips, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, “When Dong Feng gave me this phone, I was so excited. I don’t know what to do, I thought that this phone was the last proof that my grandfather left me, so that I could redress my grievances, but…sometimes life is such a shit, when I got it with joy, but I found that it was completely broken and had no value for repair.”

“I have been to many mobile phone repair shops, but no one has been able to repair this phone. It has been torn apart and burned by fire. It has been scrapped a long time ago. I thought it would be good to at least keep the chip inside, but unfortunately the chip has been deformed, let alone what happened eight years ago, even if it is used normally.”

“I was so unwilling at that time, I felt that God couldn’t be so unfair to me, and I felt that those maintenance workers were not good at craftsmanship, so I went to Qu Cheng for help. He has many ways, and there will always be a few electronics experts willing to help. At that time, Qu Cheng also said that he would try his best to fix this phone no matter how much money we spend, but unfortunately…”

Xu Cinian laughed at himself, “The destiny is hard to break, and something that breaks is a god. I can’t save it, this phone can’t be used as evidence to accuse Xu Xinnian of being the murderer, it’s just a relic of my grandfather, that’s all.”

After hearing this, Luo Xiaomao was dumbfounded, “So… this is the reason why you delayed killing Xu Xinnian, and just locked him up for Mr. Xu to kneel down and kowtow?”

“Yes.” Xu Cinian nodded, “Those who know about this matter think that I am indecisive and put up evidence. No, I’m still trying to influence that scourge, but it’s not at all, because I haven’t got any evidence of Xu Xinnian’s murder!”

“It’s ridiculous, right?” I’m a layman and a coward. I can’t stand the thought that after killing Xu Xinnian with my own hands, in order to avenge me, I will end up in prison for the rest of my life, or even the death penalty, forever being separated from Qu Cheng, Wowo, and Doudou. ”

“When I took Xu Xinnian in my hands, I had to tell myself every night to stay calm and not be blinded by hatred. But my grandfather’s bloody feud, and the blood debt I carried for eight years, why did I take it with one stroke? I want to overturn the case for myself, be an upright and normal person, and tell everyone that Xu Cinian is not a murderer! You don’t know how much I want to chop him into minced meat to feed the dogs every time I mention Xu Xinnian, but No, and there is no evidence to bring him to court, so we can only imprison him, slowly force him to confess his guilt, and send him to the guillotine with his own hands.”

“Unfortunately… I was a step too late, I didn’t expect him to escape, causing such a catastrophe, I should have killed him with my own hands in the first place, it is better to go to hell with him than to hurt Wowo!”

Xu Cinian covered half of his face in remorse, the little DouDou in his stomach was because he was violent. His emotional ups and downs swam, and seemed to comfort him silently.

Luo Xiaomao had never heard him mention these words, and never thought that Xu Cinian had struggled so fiercely between hatred and happiness.

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