On Saturday night, there was a light rain in the sky. Although the weather was still a little cool, it did not affect the beaming atmosphere of the entire QingLong Gang.

The resort is full of lanterns and bright lights. The crystal lamps in the banquet hall emit a dazzling light, and the raindrops beat the floor-to-ceiling windows, as if they are rhythm to the melodious dance music played on the venue.

A black Bentley parked at the gate, a black umbrella opened, and black leather shoes stepped on the wet ground. Qu Cheng bent down and got out of the car, when he heard a loud voice at the entrance of the banquet hall. “Hello, brother!”

Today, in order to cater to the festive atmosphere, he deliberately put on a dress-style suit, the same black and white for thousands of years, which made him even more handsome.

He nodded and walked in with his hands in his pockets. At this time, the banquet hall was very lively, with red ribbons hanging high on the big screen, with four golden characters “Welcome home” written.

“Brother Cheng is really generous this time. Which brother came back from injury before, and there was no such a big battle.”

“No, I counted the number. There are hundreds of people who came today, almost all of them were dispatched. Let alone a party, even a carnival can do it.”

“Cut, there are so many people who have nothing to do with it, and a few hundred of us can’t compare to some people. People with long eyes can see that there is something wrong with Ah Si. Last time, Ah Wei and A Yong died for nothing. Let’s just say it, now Brother Cheng is still leaving such a big thing to him to do, and I don’t know what he has in mind.”

“Hey, keep your voice down, there is not enough evidence for the fourth brother’s matter. No one can identify him as a traitor, he usually does all the big things in the gang, and it is understandable for Brother Cheng to entrust him with the heavy responsibility.”

“Hmph, there is not enough evidence? Yes, if there is evidence, it will be his turn. Is he here showing off his power? In my opinion, Yue Yue’s injury is also inseparable from him. Let’s see, if Brother Cheng continues to trust Ah Si, it is Yue Yue who is unlucky this time, and I won’t know next time. Who’s it?”

“Okay, hurry and shut up!” The person next to him pulled his sleeve hard, but he said more and more vigorously, completely ignoring the person behind him.

“Yue…Yue Yue, you’re here.” The first few people bit the bullet and squeezed out an embarrassed smile, and the man froze when he saw Yue Zhao’s pale face when he turned around.


At this time, Yue Zhao was wearing a white suit, and his hair was neatly combed, but his eyes were a little bleak.

When the man saw his expression, he immediately explained in a panic, “Then what… Yue Yue, I’m talking nonsense, don’t mind, many people in our gang now know that Ah Si is not a good thing, I mean him. I didn’t mean to remind you of sad things.”

Everyone knew that Yue Zhao had been lying in the hospital for two whole months because he was attacked by the Kun Gang, and his mental state had been unstable. In front of him, mentioning the traitor who may have harmed him and his injuries, wouldn’t it mean exposing his scars?

The more the man explained, the more chaotic, he could only try to pour dirty water on Ah Si, trying to make Yue Zhao happy.

After listening,Yue Zhao showed a faint smile and waved his hand, “You don’t have to be like this, I’m not as vulnerable as you think. As for whether Ah Si is a traitor or not, I still need Big Brother Cheng to deal with it, even if he really did something. I’m sorry about the gang, if there is no evidence, you shouldn’t talk about it behind your back.”

Those words are quite meaningful. At first glance, they feel that he is speaking for Ah Si, but after thinking about it carefully, he is clearly implying others. He was also suspicious in his heart, but he didn’t say it like they “bit the tongue”.

Standing not far away, Qu Cheng, who saw this scene, sneered, raised the corner of his mouth and called out, “Yue Zhao.”

Yue Zhao turned around and saw Qu Cheng, his beautiful eyes instantly lit up a little, “Cheng Cheng. Big brother, you’re here, I’ve been waiting for you.”

His tone was very excited, and even the weak aura that he had just discharged from the hospital was a little less. When the people around saw Qu Cheng, the energy that was just chewing on the tongue was instantaneous. When it went out, no one dared to say anything more.

Qu Cheng picked up a glass of wine, shook it in his hand, and handed it to Yue Zhao, “What are you waiting for? You are the protagonist tonight. Even if I don’t come, it won’t affect your group’s carnival, right?”

“But it’s different, today we’re holding the big party, without you, we won’t be able to call the family portrait, and we have to share the blessings and the misfortunes. If I eat delicious and spicy food by myself and you don’t come, then I’d rather go back to the hospital.” He also picked up a glass of wine and stuffed it into Qu Cheng’s hand.

“Blessings and misfortunes are the same…” Qu Cheng repeated in a low voice, the coldness in his eyes flashed, and then Yue Zhao raised his glass and said with a smile, “It’s a good sentence, blessings and misfortunes are the same, this cup I’ll do it first as a respect, just as my big brother wishing me recovery and discharge in advance and good health.”


He picked up the glass and drank it, he drank thousands yuan of wine like he did, it was almost like drinking Roadside draft beer, there’s no different.

Yue Zhao stared at the last drop of red liquid disappearing between Qu Cheng’s lips, and laughed softly, “Brother Cheng, you are still so rude. People pay attention to seeing and smelling red wine before tasting it.”

“Drinking is just for fun, so what are you doing?” Qu Cheng put the empty glass aside, took out his phone to check the time, and then placed it on the dining table, “In half an hour, the banquet will officially start, you have to eat something in advance, otherwise your body won’t be able to bear it if you go crazy.”

Yue Zhao stared at his pocket jacket, shook his head with a wine glass in his hand, “Maybe it’s because of just being discharged from the hospital, I I don’t have an appetite for anything, just eat it, don’t worry about me, I’m not that weak yet.”

Qu Cheng chuckled, “Didn’t you just say that the blessings and the misfortunes are the same, I drank all the wine, you are still full even if you don’t eat, you should always drink some red wine, this will make your complexion look better, your face is too pale.”

He raised his hand and touched his cheek, Yue Zhao’s ears immediately turned red, and he felt a sudden feeling in his heart. When he returned to Qu Cheng and his bodyguard when he was a child, he was so single-minded, unreservedly trusting and caring for himself.

Looking at Qu Cheng’s eyes, he was holding the most slender part of the goblet, his eyes narrowed, and then he poured a sip into his mouth. Just as he was about to put the cup on the table, the two brothers behind him were fighting, one of them was pushed back a few steps and suddenly bumped into him.

There was a flash of light in Yue Zhao’s head, and between the lightning and flint, the injured leg softened, and then the whole person threw into Qu Cheng’s arms. He came out and completely flooded Qu Cheng’s cell phone.

“Cough…cough…” He covered his mouth and coughed violently, and the mouthful of red wine he hadn’t swallowed choked out, soiling Qu Cheng’s clothes.

Qu Cheng’s chest was a mess, his white shirt was covered with red stains, Yue Zhao coughed and panicked as he helped him wipe his clothes, “I’m sorry… Big Brother Cheng, cough cough… I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!”

Qu Cheng shook his head, picked up the mobile phone on the table, picked it up and dripped out of the water, casually pressed a few times, even the screen did not light up.

But he didn’t seem to care about these things, but instead asked with concern, “Why do you suddenly cough and feel uncomfortable?”

Yue Zhao covered his mouth, his face blushing when he coughed, “Probably my throat has become accustomed to light things, cough…cough, now that I’m stimulated by alcohol, my stomach is on fire, and I feel sick and want to vomit. I really didn’t mean to. Brother Cheng, the clothes and mobile phone, I will pay you all, I’m really sorry.”

He kept apologizing, his eyes were red, Qu Cheng brushed off his clothes and said, “Forget it, your body It’s not intentional to be uncomfortable, so you are polite to me. Fortunately, there is still time before the banquet starts, so I will go upstairs to change clothes first.”

“Then I will go with you.”

Yue Zhao followed closely, his eyes were full of guilt, and Qu Cheng didn’t say much, just let him follow.

When they got to the locker room, Qu Cheng was changing clothes inside. Yue Zhao glanced at the mineral water on the table next to him and made sure that the door was locked. When Qu Cheng couldn’t get out for a while, he quietly put the cell phone that soaked in red wine. He took it out, quickly took out the SIM card inside, and threw it into the mineral water.

The magnetic strip was completely ineffective when it encountered the water.

He poured the water into the vase next to him and made sure that Qu Cheng’s mobile phone and SIM card were all damaged, and then he stuffed the mobile phone back into Qu Cheng’s pocket as if nothing had happened.


“Boss Xu, you are really good at doing business, and you’re going to go away with a few words. I’m tens of millions not being kind.”

President Chen of Dawning Bank was holding a glass of wine, his smiling eyes were almost closed, and his face was flushed after a little drunk, obviously he was in a very happy mood.

Xu Cinian, who was sitting opposite, laughed, put down his chopsticks and wiped the corners of his mouth, “President Chen, what you said is wrong, it’s not that I won’t repay the loan, I’ll pay you double the interest, and I can still provide you with a few dollars every year. Tens of millions of deposits, this is obviously a win-win situation, how can I be abducted by you.”

Xu Cinian was quite eloquent, and a few words made President Chen laugh, “You, you, you are more than that kid, Qu Cheng, I’ll pay for nothing, and I have to lose money to make a profit, so you kid just cheat on old man.”

Said to be an old man, President Chen is only in his fifties, it is rare to meet such a business-minded young man Xu Cinian is so young, and he couldn’t help but make friends, “This time you can’t shirk anything. This glass of wine, we must do it! We will sign the contract immediately after drinking, I have made a deal!”

“You are really confused, we have already signed the contract just now, you don’t remember? You should be punished.” Xu Cinian filled President Chen with wine again, and poured the wine glass he handed him down quickly, “Look, I’m all empty, so hurry up and don’t let me break my bill.”

President Chen was already drinking too much, but now he was fooled by Xu Cinian, he became even more confused. Why did he sign a contract with him in a sham, and how could he drank this kid in a daze, but got himself drunk?

He was puzzled, raised his head and drank the empty glass, and stood up swayingly, “Well…drinking too much, I have to go, stinky boy, wait…wait, come back and clean you up.”

President Chen walked out of the private room in three steps. Xu Cinian sat on his seat, the smile on his face disappeared little by little.

He glanced at the two bodyguards outside the door, and dialed Qu Cheng’s phone number, but he couldn’t reach him. As he expected, the phone was turned off, and a cold “Sorry, the number of…” came from the receiver.

Hahh, Yue Zhao was really quick enough to start at the banquet, and he really took great pains to cut off his connection with Qu Cheng.

Xu Cinian sneered in his heart, put the phone back on the table as if nothing had happened, raised his chopsticks and started to eat.

Just now, he have been concentrating on persuading people to drink. Xu Cinian couldn’t help laughing and laughing, for fear that the big clothes wouldn’t cover the little guy’s extravagant movements.

“Okay, my dear son, I’ll eat now. Be honest, go to sleep for a while, and don’t move around. No matter what happens, you have to be good. Can you hear me?”

He touched his stomach, clearly knowing that now DouDou it’s just a mass of flesh with a shape, and he can’t understand what he is saying, but he can’t help but say hello in advance.

After eating a few shrimp balls, and hot soup, his stomach growled less loudly. Even DouDou was quiet, curled up obediently into a ball and didn’t move, as if he could really understand his father’s words.

Knowing that it was a psychological effect, Xu Cinian couldn’t help but laugh, touched his stomach and called out “good boy”, then continued to eat slowly, without the slightest nervousness on his face.

After more than an hour had passed after eating and drinking, President Chen still showed no sign of coming back.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch, with an anxious look on his face just right. After walking around the room a few times, he opened the door and said to the two bodyguards at the door, “I’m not worried about Mr. Chen, go to the toilet to have a look first. You go to the hotel separately, and then ask the security guard at the gate. Maybe he forgot to eat with me after drinking too much, and he might leave early to the car.”

The two bodyguards nodding, one side disappeared into the corridors on both sides. At the same time, a figure dressed as a waiter flashed by in the corner, followed by two bodyguards and left.

Xu Cinian took a quick glance out of the corner of his eye, then as if he didn’t see it, he raised his head and asked the waiter next to him, “Hello, where is the restroom here?”

“Sir, I’ll show you the way, please this way.”

The waiter at the door of the room greeted Xu Cinian warmly, led him through several corridors, and stopped at the toilet door, “Sir, please come inside.”

Xu Cinian nodded, stretched out his hand to open the door, and immediately a strong and choking fragrance floated out, like Indian incense, he sneezed uncontrollably, and even tears flowed out.

Now Xu Cinian’s body is very sensitive wuth smell, the slightest smell will be amplified ten times, and under this strong aroma, there is also a very faint smell of chemicals, which makes him suddenly alert and turns around. He went out, but was blocked by the waiter who led the way, “Xu Cinian, where do you want to go?”

The polite and respectful smile just turned around and disappeared, turning into a grim look, and reached out to hold Xu Cinian and pushed hard into the bathroom, and then locked the door with his backhand. Xu Cinian staggered for a while, and he was relieved to see President Chen who was knocked out in the corner.

“What do you want to do?!” He wanted to laugh a little in his heart, but he still had a panicked expression on his face, “Let me out! Otherwise, I will go to the lobby manager to complain to you immediately!”

“Why are you so naive! You really think I am the waiter here?”

The man laughed, and suddenly raised his fist without any warning.

Xu Cinian lowered his head suddenly, dodged a blow, and quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Qu Cheng’s number.

He already knew that Qu Cheng’s mobile phone was useless, so doing this was just a show. Sure enough, when the person saw that he was about to take the mobile phone, he immediately jumped up, and Xu Cinian took the opportunity and kicked him. On his body, he turned around without reluctance and turned out the window.

Just as he jumped out half of his body, a hand suddenly stretched out behind him and covered his mouth with a white towel.


The pungent smell hit the ground overwhelming, and Xu Cinian’s eyes instantly turned black, his whole body seemed to be drained suddenly, he fell backwards, and was hugged by a person all at once.

At this time, he finally understood why the incense smell in the bathroom was so strong, it turned out to be to cover up the smell on this towel.

His vision began to blur, and he looked up at the ceiling, only to see bright lights and a few black figures.

“This kid is as slippery as a loach and can’t slip away. Today, it can be regarded as planted in our hands.”

A high-pitched voice sounded, causing a group of people to laugh, “That idiot Qu Cheng protected him so well, and he still let the bodyguards follow us all the time, but what happened? The two bodyguards were not killed by us.”

“What about the corpses?”

“What corpses are not corpses, they were thrown directly into the moat next to them, and we were dazed, and their chests were swollen again. It’s no wonder if you don’t die.”

“Okay, you did a good job.” A rough laughter sounded like a sandpaper scraping an iron plate, with a grim tone, “As long as Xu Cinian is in my hands I’m not afraid that Qu Cheng will not obey obediently.”

A pair of greasy and rough hands squeezed twice on Xu Cinian’s face, and then a familiar figure came into sight, not the scarred face that had been hidden for a long time, or who could it be?

It can be regarded as fishing out your turtle grandson.

Xu Cinian sneered in his heart, and tried his best to look like he was “stunned”. He let others tie him up without moving. This time he and Qu Cheng set up a net, just waiting for the junk to go in one by one.

After being tied up, the mobile phone in his pocket was taken out. Scarface saw that the newly dialed number was written “Qu Cheng” and he couldn’t help laughing wildly.

“Xu Cinian, you really don’t forget Qu Cheng all the time, but this time you call him a thousand times, and it is estimated that no one will take care of you, hahaha…”

He turned his phone and slammed to the ground hard, then took out the tracker that Yue Zhao had hidden in it, and threw it into the sewer together with the fragments of the mobile phone. With the press of a button, the water rolled away all the wreckage.

Scarface gave an order, and a group of people carried him out of the back window of the bathroom like a ghost, got into the car without knowing it, and disappeared into the vast night.

After the billowing dust and smoke dissipated, several cars of the QingLong Gang chased after Scarface and Xu Cinian in the direction where they disappeared. In one of the cars, there were two bodyguards who should have been shot by the Kun Gang.

“Damn, it hurts to death from being beaten just now.”

“Fuck, that’s not it. Fortunately, Brother Xu let us wear bulletproof vests today, otherwise we would die. Look, my bulletproof vest has a hole in it. Will this brother be reimbursed?”

“You idiot, it’s Brother Xu who helps us manage the money! It’s no use asking the brother for reimbursement! Just follow the boss’s wife honestly!

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