Seeing Qu Cheng’s weakness as he lowered his head, leaning against the wall and gasping for breath, Yue Zhao said with a smile, “Brother Cheng, I thought you would show some affection towards Ah Si, but I didn’t expect you to really killed him.”

“It’s a pity for a loyal dog, tsk tsk.”

His voice was brisk, his tone was soft, and he even had the playfulness of his usual character, but his beautiful eyes were full of sarcasm and cheerfulness.

Qu Cheng kept his head down and didn’t speak, his body was half-bowed due to the poisoning, his knees landed on the ground, and the muscles in his legs trembled slightly due to the force.

Yue Zhao looked at this man who was always strong in killing and decisiveness, and a distorted desire for conquest surged in his heart, and the muzzle of the gun gently caressed his short black hair, “Why don’t you speak? Did you not expect that one day you would be In my hands?”

Qu Cheng gave a short laugh, his voice hoarse, “Yeah, I didn’t expect that, I suspect that no one has ever doubted you, Yue Zhao, you really surprised me, I would rather be a Kun, I don’t want to be a member of the QingLong Gang either.”

Mentioning this, Yue Zhao’s face suddenly changed color, and the muzzle slammed hard on the back of Qu Cheng’s neck, “Shut up!”

The muzzle was raised. In a split second, Qu Cheng seized the opportunity and suddenly got up and pulled out his gun. The situation suddenly changed. Yue Zhao pulled the trigger instantly. In the past, at the critical moment, the bullet grazed his ear with scorching heat, and the gun in Qu Cheng’s hand also touched Yue Zhao’s chest at this time.

The blood dripped from the ears and slapped against the polished cream tiles, bursting into a piercing red.

Yue Zhao’s complexion changed immediately, his eyes suddenly darkened, and his beautiful face was distorted. He didn’t expect that Qu Cheng could stand up after being poisoned, and he could even point a gun at him!

Bamboo horses, who used to be intimate in the past, are tit for tat at this moment.

“Brother Cheng, you are so good. Back then, when my eldest brother entrusted me to you, I would never have thought that one day you would point a gun at me.”

There was irony in Yue Zhao’s words, Qu Cheng’s face was as pale as paper, he coughed a few times in a low voice, and sneered, “If Brother Long was still alive, he probably would never have imagined that his dear brother, whom he treasured all his life, would one day turn to the enemy and destroy QingLong himself, kill all the brothers who lived and died with him.”

“That’s what you forced me to do, Qu Cheng!” Yue Zhao’s face was ashen, his fingers were tightly hooked on the trigger, and he could explode instantly with just a little force in Qu Cheng’s head.

“Am I forcing you?” Qu Cheng chuckled softly, because the laughter was too loud that his chest hurt, in order to stay awake, a thin layer of sweat was dripping from his forehead, “Yue Zhao, I asked myself right. You are not thin. From childhood to adulthood, how did Brother Long treat you? I will only be worse than him. You are the little brother in the eyes of all the brothers in the gang. They believe in you without reservation, but what have you done to them?”

His voice was calm, and he couldn’t hear any emotion or anger. He just said those words very calmly. Yue Zhao’s face changed, but he showed a bright smile after a while, “Yeah, you are right.” I’m so nice, but I’m not as good as Xu Cinian, and the QingLong Gang treats me well, but in the end, the master they recognize is you Qu Cheng, not me Yue Zhao.”

“So, I swore in my heart a long time ago, one day the whole QingLong gang will be mine, and you will be mine too, no one can take it, no one can!”

The black muzzle swayed violently in front of his eyes, it was obvious that Yue Zhao had been pampered since he was a child. Brother Young Master, he has never used a sword at all. If he hadn’t poisoned the entire QingLong Gang, he would never have dared to jump out at this time.

Qu Cheng listened to him quietly, his black eyes stared at him for a moment, “How long is this ‘long time’? When did you start to join the Kun Gang?”

“I can’t figure out why you chose to Betray of the QingLong Gang, is the Kun Gang so good that it is worth your own destruction of your own home?”

He couldn’t stand up, so he could only lean against the wall, Yue Zhao looked at his weak appearance, laughed at himself, his expression was complicated, mixed with a bit of pride and resentment, “The QingLong Gang is your home, but not mine, I am here with you.”

Ten years ago, my brother died, the QingLong Gang fell apart, all the brothers died of injuries, died in prison, fled for their lives, who still thought about me at that time?”

“I want to follow you wholeheartedly, thinking that even if others don’t want me, you certainly won’t, but what did you do? You know I like you, and only you, but you left me to sit in prison! Have you ever thought that once you go in, you may never get out for the rest of your life, I was only eighteen at the time, and there is no one to depend on, how can you let me live!?”

Qu Cheng take a breath, there was no turbulence in his eyes, “At that time your brother is going to die. I won’t go to jail for him, do you think he died inside?”

“So I should be thrown away by you, right!?” Yue Zhao roared uncontrollably, his beautiful eyes full of unwillingness.

Opening his mouth, his voice even trembled, “You don’t know how I survived all those years, you went to prison, my brother died, I wandered around and had nowhere to go, if it wasn’t for the boss of the Kun Gang, you think I can still live to this day!?”

Referring to the past, Yue Zhao’s beautiful face filled with despair and misery, and he suddenly pulled up his sleeves, exposing the inner side of his arm covered with pinholes, blue and purple on it. Put on some concealer, but still extremely dazzling.

“You didn’t care about me at that time. I was wandering around with the few thousand dollars left in the gang. When I became addicted to drugs, I almost died. It was Brother Li of the Kun Gang who saved me and took me to Y City. Cheng was with him, he gave me a lot of money, I no longer have to worry about not being able to buy goods, where were your so-called ‘family members’ at that time!?”

Qu Cheng smiled coldly, calm and indifferent He looked at him and said, “Since you hate me and the QingLong Gang so much, why are you coming back? It’s okay to stay in the Kun Gang.”

“Oh, I remembered, it wasn’t the so-called Brother Li who kicked you from Kun Gang, right? That’s right, the last drug addict was definitely not interesting. If it was a little more intense, it would be a disappointment for you to die in bed, yes. Didn’t you turn to Scarface after he despised your ass?”

A sentence poked into Yue Zhao’s pain point, causing his face to distort in an instant, he pressed the safety of the pistol with a clatter, and wished he could take a shot. He killed Qu Cheng, but he endured it again. After blowing a whistle, a dozen people from the Kun Gang suddenly poured in at the gate, each with guns in their hands, and the black muzzles pointed directly at Qu Cheng.

For a time, the situation in the entire banquet hall changed in an instant. All the brothers of the QingLong Gang fell. The only standing Qu Cheng was completely surrounded by the people of the Kun Gang, and Yue Zhao’s gun was still on his forehead.

“Brother Cheng, you’d better be honest, even if you have experienced hundreds of battles, you will definitely have no chance of winning, not to mention that you are still poisoned, if you don’t go to the hospital for gastric lavage sooner, your life will be ruined. I really can’t keep it.”

Qu Cheng laughed hoarsely, his tall body was weak and leaned against the wall behind him, his figure was a little dejected, obviously his physical strength had reached the limit, he did not look at the Kun Gang thugs who poured in, just looked at Yue Zhao for a moment and asked, “What benefit did Scarface give you, to let you sacrifice your life for him?”

Seeing that Qu Cheng was like a beast struggling to the death, besieged by so many people, Yue Zhao’s face was relieved a little, and then a smile appeared on his face, “I don’t need to work for him, we are just a cooperative relationship.”

“I came back this time to help him take away the QingLong Gang’s territory and HaoTing, he naturally will give me a lot of money. You also know that Y City is on the border of China and Myanmar. It is easy to get white powder there. In this life, I will never have to worry about not being able to buy any goods. Later, I will also take over the QingLong Gang for you. At that time, you can be considered to have fulfilled my brother’s last wish, everyone is happy, it can’t be better, do you think you are the big brother?”

Qu Cheng took a breath, raised his head and asked, “So from the beginning, you returned to the QingLong Gang to say goodbye?”

Yue Zhao smiled and nodded, “Surprised? Do you think I should be fooled around by you for the rest of my life, like a puppy, rub a few times when you need it, and kick it away immediately when you don’t need it? I tell you Qu Cheng, I have the final say on this gang, now and in the future.”

Qu Cheng was expressionless, as if he was not surprised by the answer, “Since what you want is the QingLong Gang, then I will return it, before why didn’t you when it was given to you?”

Mentioning this Yue Zhao’s smile froze, his beautiful eyes suddenly twisted, he held a gun to Qu Cheng’s head, lowered his head and said in a voice that only two people could hear, “It’s all because of you, as long as I have the slightest conscience, you and the QingLong Gang will not be able to get to where we are today.”

Mentioning this, Yue Zhao’s mind uncontrollably recalled the past.

Although he has no great skills, he is not a fool. When he was attracted by Brother Li to join the Kun Gang, he knew that other people were just doing something new for a while. When he got tired of playing with him, he would immediately kick him away. There is a little truth. In the end, the nightmare really happened. At that time, he was kicked out by Brother Li like a dead dog, and his drug addiction was committed again. With no way out, he could only compromise with the scarred face that had been coveting for a long time.

That man was so disgusting. When he touched him, it took a long time before he spit it out. In order to survive, he had to endure hard until one day when Scarface sent him back to the QingLong Gang to be a traitor. There was a little bit of joy in his heart.

The moment he saw Qu Cheng, he couldn’t hold back the joy. He also wanted to find someone he liked to live a good life. For more than ten years, the only person he liked was Qu Cheng.

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