Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 50: Open conditions

Xiao Lang's action with such fanfare shocked countless people in Youquan Mountain's collar, and many spies from the family were dispatched to investigate the situation. After learning that it was the Fengying family from Midnight Hill who was chasing and killing a group of people, Youquan Hiller's family chose to wait and see.

The Fengying family is not particularly powerful, but their family and Midnight Tianzun have a brother-in-law relationship. The members of their family did not kill the warriors in Youquan, and there was no conflict. Their patriarch sent someone to send a message, Youquan. The big and small families in the collar are willing to give them this face.

The Fengying family powerhouse got the exact information and immediately all flew away at the fastest speed. They did not enter the city to teleport. That would cause misunderstanding to the Youquanling family. Anyway, at their speed, it only takes one or two days to catch up.

Once they catch up, Xiao Lang and others cannot escape!

The situation on Xiao Lang's side was very hot, and hundreds of thousands of people searching for it rushed towards this side, and they wanted to fly directly to the golden stone ant colony to take Xiao Lang. But there are too many golden stone ants, and this golden stone ant can easily eject tens of thousands of meters, and everyone can't fly in at all. They just fight the golden stone ants on the periphery, trying to delay Xiao Lang's footsteps.

Hundreds of thousands of people went to war with countless golden stone ants. The scene was very magnificent, and the entire Youquan Mountain Leader was completely shocked. Countless people are very curious, why is the Fengying family chasing and killing a group of people with such fanfare? After all, this matter is in Youquan Mountain, not in Midnight Mountain.

On the other hand, they are more curious, who is it? Can you control so many stone ants to fight? Such a strange magical power is really unheard of. Millions of stone ants, how powerful is this soul to control?

Although there were hundreds of thousands of great martial artists, it was difficult to resist the progress of the golden stone ants. Xiao Lang and others brought a group of golden stone ants over like a giant tank and took away the bodies of thousands of great martial artists.

"call out!"

Countless Youquan Mountain-led spies followed the large army, and when they saw more than a dozen gods roaring from behind, they suddenly showed excitement. The battle just now wasn't fierce enough, and now it's reluctant to officially start the meal, and it will be considered a big meal when the ancestors and strongmen behind arrive.


The dozen or so gods and warriors who came first rushed into the golden stone ant colony from behind. Xiao Lang detected it early, but his heart was bitter, but he could only control tens of thousands of golden stone ants and kill more than a dozen people. In today's battle, life or death, it must be fought to the last moment.

Surrender, the word never appeared in his dictionary.


Countless stone ants turned into black wind and whizzed in mid-air. Although the breath was not big, they were better than too many stone ants, and they were not afraid of death. They shot away and turned into a wall of wind to hinder these ten. The approach of several strong gods.

"This this…"

The young master had already been scared and his legs were weakened. If it weren't for Xiao Lang's calm face, I'm afraid that the two great **** peak martial artists would have surrendered.

"Let's go! Whether you can get to Wanyan collar, it depends on everyone's luck! Run at full speed, everything has me!"

Xiao Lang's words made everyone like a thirsty fish, smelling the smell of the sea, everyone's spirits were shaken, Xiao Lang glanced at the poisonous dragon and drank: "Release the poisonous mist. Take the young master and flee first. I will come to the house! I will let a group of stone ants **** you."

The poisonous dragon released poisonous mist to envelop everyone in, but instead of answering Xiao Lang's words, he grinned and said: "Master, the poisonous dragon will not speak, but will only die with you!"

Although the poisonous mist was enveloped and it was pitch black, Xiao Lang's mental power could easily sense the firmness on the dull face of the poisonous dragon, and he couldn't help but sigh. Explain a few words to the peak of the two great gods, and then control the golden stone ants to intercept the chasing soldiers, and continue to run wild.


The scenery behind is quite spectacular. More than a dozen gods and martial artists continue to release energy attacks, knocking a group of golden stone ants into the air, but more golden stone ants pounce on them to stop them. The defense of these golden stone ants is extremely powerful, only two gods can kill some golden stone ants, and the rest can only fly out.

These gods wanted to catch up with Xiao Lang and the others, but half an hour later, they reluctantly discovered the fact that they couldn't get close at all and could only wait for reinforcements from behind.

"call out!"

Another half hour passed, and the reinforcements finally came. More than forty gods and martial artists flew in majestic vigor.

The spies of the various families who followed were puzzled, didn't the Fengying family have some powerful ancestors? Why can't you see it? Can these dozens of gods and powerhouses rush in?

the answer is negative!

Although there were dozens of martial artists, Xiao Lang controlled more than one million gold stone ants to intercept, and the black gold stone ants continued to eject, like a black wind, making countless spies frightened.

"You immediately flee to the right!"

The spies didn't know where the ancestors of the Fengying family went, Xiao Lang knew!

The golden stone ant in front of the pathfinder felt a monstrous breath, and he reacted instantly, shouting at the young master: "A great ancestor has come in front of you, run away!"

The young master's face suddenly turned white, Xiao Lang did not escape and stood there, mobilizing the stone ants to prepare to stop him. The two great gods looked at each other, led one person, and fled to the left and right. They want to confuse the audiovisual and give the young master a better chance of returning to Wanyanling!


Not long after walking out, Xiao Lang's voice transmission said, "Come back, you can't escape! There are ancestors on the left and right, we are surrounded."

The young master sat down on the ground, and the great **** pinnacle warrior also stood weakly. Wanyanling is in front, but they can only watch...

"call out!"

Three powerful ancestors flew across the sky, and any golden stone ants that approached would flew out with a single shot. They were not of the same level at all. They stared at the black mist from afar, locking Xiao Lang through the poisonous mist.

"Sure enough, it was for the wild beast! It seems that I was the one who made this little master..."

Xiao Lang secretly said ashamed, but he felt a little emboldened in his heart. He suddenly controlled the Golden Stone Ants to stop attacking the Fengying Family God Sovereign and Great Divine Martial Artist, and locked a divine ancestor powerhouse far away, saying: "You want to get the corpse of the barren beast? Let your people stop, otherwise I will immediately crush the space Quit!"

The space ring is an independent small space. Once the space ring is crushed, the small space inside will collapse, and everything will turn into dust, leaving nothing behind.


The patriarch of the Fengying family frowned slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the group of gods and powerhouses stopped, his eyes faintly locked on Xiao Lang and said: "You are very smart, hand over the corpse of the beast, I will let you go. And I can give you a million purple sacred stones!"

The words of the patriarch of the Fengying family were very tempting, making Xiao Lang's heart moved, as if he felt that this person's words were convincing. But he quickly reacted, squeezing a space in his hand, surrounded by energy in his palms, coldly presiding over the voice of Patriarch Fengying, saying: "Dare to use your hands and feet? Do you have a soul attack? See if you killed me first, or did I break this space ring first?"

The patriarch of the Fengying family's complexion sank, and he didn't expect that he would be discovered after such careful temptation. This person is not a **** body, but his soul is so powerful?

For the 狻猊Beast Yuan Dan, he only gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Young man, you are really a smart person, let's make a request!"

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