Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 63: A pity a talent

Xiao Lang's arrogant remarks caused a group of people to be astonished. They looked at Xiao Lang in surprise, wondering if he really knew it or wanted to die?

Wanyan Ruoshui’s eyes flickered, but Wanyan Ruyu, who was kneeling next to him, froze. He flopped and stood up and shouted, “Get out, don’t kill me!”

As soon as Wanyan Ruyu went crazy, a few strong men of their faction immediately stood up and looked at Xiao Lang and the others murderously, thinking that Xiao Lang was sent by Elder Longhu or Wanyan Lisha to make trouble...

Wan Yan's vigilant heart was completely removed, but Xiao Lang secretly admired the acting skills of the two sisters. The key thing is that the people of their faction still don't know, that look of hatred can't be hypocritical.

But despite this, Wan Yan Li Sha still said: "Elder Longhu, let them quit, don't toss, let the big brother leave quietly!"

Longhu hesitated, and when he was hesitating, Wanyan Ruoshui suddenly said, "Are you really sure? If it can't be cured, I will kill!"


Xiao Lang laughed: "If the cure is not good, you kill us, but...the cure is good? Do you want to be a concubine for the young master?"


Xiao Lang's arrogance caused a group of people to shrink. No one disliked living for too long. Xiao Lang didn't seem to be a fool, so is he really sure?

The killing intent flashed in Wanyan Lisha's eyes, and if Wanyan Juesha came alive, his good days would come to an end. He hurriedly interrupted: "Come here, drag out this gibberish, and the little demigod actually uttered madness? Is Wanyan really a busy city?"

As soon as Wanyan Li killed his mouth, his people immediately stood up four or five and forced them toward this side. As long as Xiao Lang didn't cooperate with the murderous spirit, it would cause blood to splash five steps.

"and many more!"

Today’s progress is so smooth, why Wan Yan Ruoshui would give up this opportunity, her willow eyebrows erected: "Please let go of the treatment for my father, all conditions are easy to say."

Elder Longhu also suddenly said: "Let him try, maybe it will work."

The leaders of the two major factions have spoken, and Wanyan Lishao couldn't say much. Xiao Lang walked towards the big bed with someone, his eyes swept over Wan Yan Ruoshui's beautiful figure and face, his face was squinted, but secretly he used his eyes to communicate with her, asking when to start and how What kind of hands-on?

Soon Xiao Lang got the answer from Wanyan Ruoshui, and that was to find a chance to get close to Wanyan Lishou, and then let the ten people behind him kill with one blow. As long as you kill Wanyan Li, the overall situation is set.

Xiao Lang had a plan. He asked ten powerful ancestors to line up behind him, but he pretended to walk to the side of the big bed and sit down. He looked at the black face and the toxin all over his body. A hand was put on the hand of Wanyan Lore, running a trace of weak energy, and probed the situation of Wanyan Lore.

Once the situation was investigated, Xiao Lang sighed secretly. The situation is indeed irreversible. The toxin has not only invaded the heart, but also the soul. No wonder that Master Mu Long couldn't crack it. The toxins in the body are easy to deal with, but the toxins in the soul are completely impossible. If one is not good, the soul will collapse and die directly.

"Oh, the situation is terrible!"

Xiao Lang probed for a while and sighed: "This poison is reasonable. It is a little bit stronger than the poison I used to detoxify. However, the toxin in the soul has been fused with the soul. If you want to completely get rid of it, and guarantee The patient’s soul is not damaged, it’s very difficult..."

Xiao Lang said nonsense, which caused a group of people to roll their eyes. The strong guys on the scene could detect these situations, so what do you mean? If you can untie it casually, Wanyan Lore has long been alive and kicking.

"How sure are you?" Wan Yan Ruoshui asked in a cold voice.

"Well..." Xiao Lang paused, and quickly said, "90%!"


The audience was in an uproar, this bear cub can actually solve it?

There was a trace of panic in countless people's eyes, and many people's eyes lit up, and the killing intent in Wanyanli's eyes flashed again. If Wanyan Lore could really save life, many people would be unlucky. Wanyan Lore has always been cruel, and I am afraid that those elders who jumped up and down during this period will not have good fruit...

But no one dared to act presumptuously, because as long as Wanyan Lore could survive, the neutrals would immediately turn their backs. The influence of Wanyan Lore on the family for so many years is not a little bit. At this moment, if Wan Yan Li Sha dares to move, I am afraid that Elder Longhu will be the first to refuse.

Wanyan Ruoshui’s acting skills are very good. Qiu Shui’s eyes are watery, and he looks at Xiao Lang extremely fiercely: “Please don’t hesitate to heal, please mention anything if you need it. If your father can survive,’s not impossible to be your concubine of."

Elder Longhu also quickly echoed: "Yes, yes! If you can cure the Patriarch, you will be the great benefactor of the Wanyan family."

"Pour a cup of tea, I'm thirsty!"

Xiao Lang stretched out his hand in a slow and gentle manner, and countless people hated it. However, a strong man of the late **** ancestor immediately flashed and went out to bring a cup of tea. Xiao Lang took a sip. Said: "Leave the ten strongest warriors to help, and the rest will go out! Within three days, your Patriarch will be alive and well."

Wanyan Ruoshui and Wanyan Ruyu looked at each other, and both of them screamed for Xiao Lang's methods.

An ant-like little warrior from a small domain, facing a group of big people in the land of destruction, not only did not have the slightest stage fright, but was rather bullish. On the way, there was no complete response, and he mixed in easily, and bluffed a group of people. At this moment, it was just arbitrarily mobilizing people out.

Leave the ten strongest fighters?

Among these ten people, Wanyan Likilling ability ranks in the top five, and he will definitely not leave, so he has to see with his own eyes whether Wanyan Lore can save life. And among these ten people, the three factions want to check and balance each other, and there are almost certainly three people on each side. Xiao Lang brought ten **** ancestors in the late stage and killed three people? Isn't that a matter of minutes?

Wanyan Lisha, Elder Longhu and others were really taken aback, and looked at Xiao Lang suspiciously, but thinking of Xiao Lang's strength, the eleven guards were also the strength of the great gods, so naturally they didn't pay attention to them.

However, Wanyan Li Sha still said in a worried tone: "Sir, despite the treatment, I promise that no one will dare to disturb you. I will kill anyone who dares to speak out."

Xiao Lang's eyes turned, he glanced coldly, and sternly said: "You and your people are going out, and the one I am most worried about is you! There was a slight difference when I was detoxifying, and your Patriarch will have a soul collapse. , Who is responsible for something wrong?"


Wanyan Li killed his eyes, his murderous aura surged, and the crushing Xiao Lang couldn't breathe. What is his identity? Don't talk about Xiao Lang, who is stubborn, even Xuanyuan Tianxin would not dare to talk to him like this, right?

"Catch it!"

Wanyan Ruoshui and Wanyan Ruyu looked at each other, both of them smiled. Wanyan Ruyu looked at Xiao Lang's eyes slightly, but thought of his strength, and sighed slightly.

It's a pity a talent!

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