Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 75: Isn't it the abandonment of God?

Xiao Lang talked a lot with Mu Long Tianzun. Xiao Lang felt close to her family, and Mu Long Tianzun also felt like a maiden family to Xiao Lang. She herself was very gentle. The two chatted for a while, and the feelings were also great. Continue to warm up.

Mu Long asked Xiao Lang some things, and also watched his love killings. After studying carefully for a long time, he didn't find any strange things. It was just that the energy was very special when he felt the way to condense the love killings. She also found some toxins and asked Xiao Lang to kill them with emotion, and found that they could be easily resolved, and she couldn't help feeling miraculous.

Xiao Lang actually felt very miraculous, because the Great God Tianyu had once realized that love killing, but he didn't hear him mention that love killing has detoxification effect. At this moment, the remnant soul of the Great God Tianyu was also completely asleep, and there was no way to know if he wanted to ask.

Xiao Lang asked why Mu Long Tianzun didn't ask the Supreme God to destroy the black hole outside the earth. But Mu Long Tianzun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Who is the Supreme God? That is the super **** who has realized the ultimate avenue. By chance, I cured one of his dear younger generations by coincidence, and forged a good relationship with him. I can use it at will? Once this favor is used, I won't have that lofty position in the Land of Destruction. My wealth is quite rich, and someone will definitely be jealous and murderous."

Hearing these words, Xiao Lang originally wanted to ask her to find the Supreme God to help save Ouyang Lengyan, but he immediately stopped the idea. Think Xiao Lang laughed at himself, what kind of figure is the Supreme God? That is one of the figures standing on the pinnacle in the vast chaos world. It is very difficult to resurrect people. It is estimated that in order to resurrect the Great God of Heaven, Xuanyuan Tianzun's future life will belong to the Supreme God of Asura, and he must have paid a huge price.

If Mu Long Tianzun is the Supreme God, there is still something to do about it. Asking Mu Long to ask the Supreme God will not only waste Mu Long's favor, the Supreme God may not necessarily agree to it, so Xiao Lang will naturally not mention this matter again. Let's go to the Demon Realm for a trip, and I'll talk about it after seeing Meier.

However, Xiao Lang remembered Dulong’s request, and he spoke politely, “Tianzun, I have a friend. What he understands is the way of poisoning. Some poisonous toxins need to be blended. Are there many poisons under the volcano? Can you..."

"This is easy!"

Tianzun Mu Long said indifferently: "I will let Mu Li'er take your friend down the mountain. That avenue tree can attract countless poisons, as long as he doesn't kill all the poisons below."

"Thank you Tianzun."

Xiao Lang said gratefully, and then frowned: "The avenue tree? Is it... the weird tree outside?"

"Hehe, Xiao Lang, you are amazing!"

Mu Long Tianzun said with emotion: "The avenue tree, ordinary people can't find it when turning around on Fengshan Mountain. You found it at a glance? But what gain?"

Xiao Lang scratched his head and smiled bitterly: "I have a sense of something. I don't know what it is, and I don't know what's the use?"

Tianzun Mu Long smiled indifferently: "Slowly understand yourself, everyone in this avenue tree can feel the same, depending on personal chances, those things may be useful to you in the future, which may increase your strength!"

"Great increase in strength?"

When it came to this, Xiao Lang had a headache, and looked at Mu Long Tianzun with eyesight: "Tianzun, haven't you noticed that there is a problem with my physique? I am afraid that this is the only strength in my life..."

"Isn't it the abandonment of God?"

Tianzun Mu Long glanced over, his face became stern, and he said earnestly: "Xiao Lang, this world is extremely fair. There is no absolute waste. It only depends on personal efforts and opportunities. Do you know that the chaotic Xinghai is now the number one? What kind of strength was the One Star King, Xing Tianxing King 100 years ago? Semi-God Realm! He is a waste body, too mixed body! This kind of physique is very difficult to understand the way of heaven, he is still a half **** after 60,000 years of cultivation. But in just a hundred years, he broke through all the way, grew up in the killing, and now stands at the peak of the chaotic sea of ​​stars, second only to the Supreme God in strength!"

"Xing Tian Xingjun?"

Xiao Lang's spirit was shaken, and he immediately understood what Mu Long Tianzun meant. Xing Tianxingjun hasn't given up in such a long period of 60,000 years. He is only in his twenties and his comprehensive strength has reached the realm of the gods. Why is he not satisfied? The body of too mixed is also a waste body. Since Xing Tianxing can break through all the way, can he not break through with the abandoned body of God?

The abandonment of God's body just can't condense the God's body, it can be cultivated, and it can feel the way of heaven. Mr. Xing Tianxing felt that the way of heaven is extremely difficult and has been insisting on it. How could he give up?

"If you want to protect yourself and your family, you must make the enemy fear you. The world of Xiao Lang is so cruel, don't you understand?"

Thinking of Wan Yan Ruoshui's words, Xiao Lang's fighting spirit began to soar. After knowing that he was the abandoned body of the gods, although he didn't seem to care, in fact his mentality was already a little negative, he just wanted to go back and live a little life in peace, ignoring the disputes in the gods. If you say it nicely, you want to be at ease, if you say it badly, it’s self-defeating...

This moment in Mu Long Tianzun's words, made Xiao Lang a kind of confidence, as a warrior, who doesn't want to gain stronger strength? Who doesn't want to stand up to the top of martial arts?

"Refining Suan Beast Yuan Dan!"

Xiao Lang suddenly made a ruthless decision at this moment, no matter whether it worked or not, he would always try it, right? What if you can make yourself stronger, or get a powerful magical power?

"When you return to Xuanyuan City, you will start refining. After the refining, go to the demon domain!"

Xiao Lang thought secretly, but Mu Long Tianzun over there handed Xiao Lang a token, smiled and said: "Xiao Lang, this is my token, this token still has some effect in the Land of Destruction. It is said that you refuse Finished the solicitation of the Yan Family and the Xuanyuan Family? Then I won't solicit you. If you want to stay here for a long time, you can live whatever you want. You want to go around as much as you want. I only have one request!"

Xiao Lang quickly said respectfully: "Tianzun, you say!"

Mu Long Tianzun calmly said with his hand: "That is, no matter where you are, don't weaken the reputation of Huaxia Star Territory! Don't do too much evil, otherwise I don't need others to kill you, I will kill you myself."

"Follow your orders!"

Xiao Lang leaned over with his hands, then straightened his chest, and said proudly: "My lord, don't worry, even if I stand and die, I won't live on my knees!"

Xiao Lang stayed in Feng Volcano, and the poisonous dragon was still fusing poison under the mountain. Xuanyuan Tianxin didn't ask anything, nor did he urge Xiao Lang to rush back to Xuanyuan City.

Xiao Lang practiced the purple sacred stone every day, making the energy gold beads in the one thousand and eight acupuncture points a little bigger. It was okay to chat with Mu Long Tianzun, and life was comfortable.

The poisonous dragon's life was more comfortable. There were tens of thousands of poisons under the mountain, and Mu Li'er helped him watch and was not afraid of being poisoned.

On the eleventh day when Fenghuo lived, Xiao Lang unexpectedly received a letter from a guard captain in Mulong City. After Xiao Lang opened, his murderous aura rose to the sky in an instant, with only the strength of the peak of a demigod on the surface, but the terrifying murderous aura made the early leader of the God Ancestor feel a moment of anger...

There is only one sentence in the letter.

"If you want Xiao Devil God Mu Xiaodao Mo Qingqing and others to survive, immediately come to White Night City alone, dare to ask any foreign aid, and wait for them to collect their bodies!"

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