Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 79: Go to demon domain

The events of White Night City spread out before the night, and the entire land of destruction was a sensation. Xuanyuan Tianzun brought a group of powerful people all the way, and it had attracted the attention of countless families a long time ago. Even if you want to hide it, you can't help it.

The four big families slaughtered a family for the sake of one person. This person is still Mr. Xiao, who has just risen to fame in the Land of Destruction! The most important thing is that Mr. Xiao is the pinnacle of the demigod. Such a burst of news naturally caused many people who like to gossip around.

There is no doubt that the Mei Family, Wanyan Family, and Xuanyuan Family are powerful, and the unique position of Tianzun Mulong makes many families take this matter seriously. Mr. Xiao's name spread throughout the land of destruction overnight, and all the big and small families remembered this name, this name that must not be provoke.

Xiao Lang left the Midnight Mansion and arrived at Wuyuan City, where he stayed in one of the most luxurious restaurants in the city. It caused a sao movement in Wuyuan City. They just moved in. Wuyuan Tianzun immediately sent someone to send an invitation to his son to entertain Xiao Lang himself. Wuyuan Tianzun didn't know where Xiao Lang Niuchan was? But the four big families attach so much importance to it, it is always right to win a relationship.

Xiao Lang tactfully rejected the members of the Wu family and expressed his admiration for Wuyuan Tianzun. After chatting with the members of the Wu family for a while, they returned with satisfaction. Xiao Lang only then returned to the room and saw a group of people looking at him like strangers, blinked and smiled: "What's the matter? You don't recognize me anymore? You don't recognize me as a brother?"


The knife grinned and gave Xiao Lang a bear hug. Devil Xiao also walked over and gave Xiao Lang a punch, sincerely admiring him: "Xiao Lang, I know you can fly into the sky no matter what the situation."

"My lord!" Wuhen yelled, without saying anything, the two looked at each other, everything was silent.

Mo Qingqing said with emotion: "Xiao Lang, we still want to work hard and try our best to take care of you and Tianzhou. I didn't expect to see you for more than a year, you are so awkward. Xuanyuan Tianzun is with us, Tianma The ancestors of the same clan are all equally famous, and it was difficult for my father to meet the ancestors..."

Xiao Lang smiled slightly. He was very happy to see the three best brothers and Mo Qingqing. He waved his hand and did not answer the conversation. Instead, he asked concerned: "Are you okay at Mei's house?"

Wuhen nodded and said, "Okay, Mrs. Mei has treated us well. Our current treatment is considered to be the commander level, and Devil Xiao has become a leader now!"

"Devil Congratulations!"

Xiao Lang probed Xiao Devil God and found that he had reached the peak of the Great God easily. Even though Mrs. Mei was nurtured, Demon Xiao Xiao's aptitude and hard work were also evident. Mo Qingqing was still at the peak of the Great God at this moment. It is not surprising that Mrs. Mei can give everyone a commander level treatment. Being able to mention Demon God Xiao as a commander shows that Demon God Xiao's combat power has soared, and commanders can generally only be seated by gods and martial artists.

"The knife is not bad too, Your Highness and Wuhen will work hard!"

Xiao Lang turned his head again to check the strength of the people, the knife broke through the great god, and Xiao Lang's complimented his cheeks. Wuhen and Mo Qingqing are a little embarrassed. They haven't made any breakthroughs for more than a year, wasting a lot of Madam May's resources.

Xuanyuan Tianxin, Gaoshan and others were not in this room, but the poisonous dragon was always there. At this moment, he suddenly said: "Everyone really has to work hard, otherwise I am afraid that they will not be able to catch up with the master. The master's comprehensive strength is now comparable to the gods..."


Xiao Lang turned around reproachfully and said something, but Xiao Moshen Wuhen and others were shocked, and Mo Qingqing asked in surprise: "Xiao Lang, are you not the castaway of the gods? How can your strength rise so quickly?"

Xiao Lang casually explained: "God's Abandoned Body is just that it can't condense the Divine Body, and it's not that it can't cultivate and feel the way of heaven. I left Xuemei City with the poisonous dragon and entered a caravan as a guard..."

Xiao Lang's understatement of the description, but everyone was shocked, and in the end they all felt happy for him sincerely. He became stronger and everyone's life in God's Domain was easier.

This is not!

After Xiaodao listened to it, he immediately opened his mouth and said, "Brother, I don't care. I will follow you in the future. Since you are carrying the poisonous dragon, why can't you take me with you?"

Xiao Moshen and Wuhen's eyes became fiery, living with Xiao Lang is always so exciting, even if they die, they don't care. Although there are a lot of resources in the Mei family, and Mrs. Mei also values ​​a few people, she always feels that something is missing...

Mo Qingqing also spoke, "Actually, Xiao Lang, with your current status, you can completely occupy a city at will."

Xiao Lang understood the meaning of Mo Qingqing, and knew everyone’s thoughts, but he decisively shook his head and said, “It’s impossible to occupy the city. Our strength is still too weak. If you are in Xuemei collar, Wanyan collar, Xuanyuanshan or Mu Longling, even if it is occupied, it is also given by someone else. What's the point of relying on others to cover the wind and rain for a lifetime? Even if I occupy it, I have to fight it myself, relying on our own strength to fight it. And what's the point of capturing a city? If you want to fight, hit a mountain collar! Let the people of Tianzhou come to God's Domain have a place to stay."

"This can be!"

Wuhen stood up with excitement, and his eyes were hot, as if he saw the scene of Tianzhou leader arrogantly in God's Domain.

Xiaodao didn't have much interest in attacking the city. He just cared whether Xiao Lang would take him. Seeing that Xiao Lang had not responded, he cried out urgently, "Brother!"

"What's the hurry, you're not young, right? Why are you still like this? Can you be more mature?"

Xiao Lang gave his knife a glance, and then explained: "You go back to Mei's house to practice hard, I will go to the Demon Realm with Xuanyuan Tianzun soon, do you think it will bring you reality? After I come back, if I am strong If you become strong enough to get down the mountain collar, I will take you over. Of course, you can also go to the Wanyan family, Xuanyuan family, and Mu family to practice. I just need to talk to Mrs. Mei!"

"Demon Realm?"

Several people looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, Mo Qingqing nodded and said: "Then let's take it at Mei's house. It is quite comfortable to stay in Xuemei City."

After staying overnight, Xiao Lang gave the people 300,000 purple sacred stones to send them back to Xuemei City on the second day. He took the poisonous dragon Xuanyuan Tianxin Gaoshan and others all the way to Xuanyuan Mountain.

Back in Xuanyuan City, Xiao Lang told Gao Shan and Gao He to return to Wanyan City, and told them to tell Wanyan Lore. He would go to the Demon Realm with Xuanyuan Tianzun, and then visit the meeting after returning.

At the same time, he asked Xuanyuan Tianxin to send someone to send a message to Mu Long and Madam Mei, and he went into the main castle to meet Xuanyuan Tianzun to discuss when to leave.

Xuanyuan Tianzun said that he could set off at any time, mainly depending on Xiao Lang's meaning.

Xiao Lang hesitated, and finally said sincerely: "Tianzun, I want to refine a desolate beast Yuan Dan. I wonder if it will take too much time?"

Xuanyuan Tianzun and Tian Xin glanced at each other and smiled: "Desolate beast Yuan Dan, is it the Yuan Dan of the stubborn beast? Haha! Your kid is really good, and hundreds of families desperately make it cheaper for you kid. You still refine on the road. It takes at least half a year to refine the essence pill, and at least one or two years for us to go back and forth to the demon domain."

Xiao Lang groaned and nodded, "Okay, let's set off tomorrow, go to the demon domain!"

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