Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 82: Don't want to regret

When Xiao Lang raised this question, it also stunned Xuanyuan Tianzun. He had never seen Xiao Lang's dantian. He carefully inspected Xiao Lang's dantian and found that it had completely shrunk, and it was very difficult to recover.

He pondered for a long time before he comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, Xiao Lang, after returning from the demon world this time, you go to find Mu Long Tianzun to see if there is any way to restore your dantian. If it doesn't work, I will take you there. See Master Shura and see if there is a way."

"Master Shura?"

Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked. Not to mention the help of Lord Shura, he would feel extremely honored even if he could meet him. He was a peerless and powerful man who stood at the peak of the martial artist.

Xuanyuan Tianzun suddenly remembered something, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his divine consciousness was constantly exploring Xiao Lang, before he spoke for a long time, "Well, Xiao Lang, your Prajna palm is actually different from what I practiced. I am running Prajna palm. At the time, you just mobilize the energy into the acupoints and combine them into a large array to increase your combat power. The energy in your acupoints is combined into golden beads. You can figure it out and see if you can condense the acupoints into small dantians. If you can, your combat power will definitely be extremely cruel..."

"Condense the acupoint into a small dantian?"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up, and Xuanyuan Tianzun's thoughts were very good. If he really condenses all the acupoints into small dantians, it would be against the sky. Don't say anything, the energy in the one thousand and eight small dantians is so surging, can you smash the ancestor to death with a casual palm?

Seeing the fiery face of Xiao Lang, Xuanyuan Tianzun poured a bucket of cold water: "Don't be happy too early. The acupuncture points are very important to the human body. Didn't you see that the acupuncture points and the tendons are connected? This one is not good. If it is abolished, you are destined to be a waste in your life, so you must be careful about this, and don't force it. You understand?"

Xiao Lang nodded solemnly, the heat in his heart faded away, but his mind started to spin quickly, looking for a feasible way.

Xuanyuan Tianzun was not talking, and drank tea leisurely, closing the curtain and rested. He was very satisfied with Xiao Lang, and after mentioning so many points, it was up to him to get what kind of results.

Dulong went back to practice early, and his life was dull, and it seemed that there was no fun other than practice. Apart from Xuanyuan Tianxin's control of the Feiyun Disk, the other **** ancestors also went back to practice.

As time passed bit by bit, the flying cloud disk was very fast, and in only three days they completely entered the chaotic sea of ​​stars, surrounded by shining stars. The entire chaotic star sea is extremely beautiful, and it feels dreamlike to be in it.

"call out!"

When Feiyun Disk passed by a star field, dozens of Feiyun Disks flew out of that star field, surrounded by them from all directions, and they were intercepted again...

Xuanyuan Tianzun opened his eyes, his divine sense swept around, his brows clumped and said, "Tianxin stopped flying, you go out and kill everyone."

Xuanyuan Tianxin smiled, controlled the Feiyun Disk to stop, and opened the shield of the Feiyun Disk and shot out. The doors in the countless rooms also opened, and all the twenty **** ancestors peaked out, and they found a Feiyun disk to kill.

Xiao Lang was silent in his thoughts, awakened by the murderous intent nearby, and immediately became excited when he looked around. This is the battle of the **** ancestors, he immediately transmitted the voice to the poisonous dragon, let him come out to watch the battle and learn.

The battle broke out in an instant, countless flying cloud disks disappeared at the same time, a group of warriors stood in the air, all wearing cyan battle armor, even their heads were shrouded in the battle armor, there were more than 100 people. The lowest strength is the gods, the **** ancestors have forty or fifty people, and the **** ancestors peak is also seven or eight.

"They didn't run away?"

Xiao Lang swept away his doubts, and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzun who was sitting leisurely, but saw that there was no trace of aura in him, and he couldn't feel it right next to him. Obviously, the people outside would definitely not realize it. He immediately understood that Xuanyuan Tianzun had hidden his aura, making Xuanyuan Tianxin and others easy to kill.


The battle outside was extremely fierce, with energy attacking the whistling sky, and the space on all sides was torn apart, like a piece of white paper being torn, hideous and ugly. The terrifying coercion and breath made Xiao Lang and Dulong breathless.

Twenty members of Xuanyuan Tianxin, their bodies shuttled and rolled in the air like a dragon, constantly shooting out energy attacks from their hands, and Xiao Lang also saw Xuanyuan Tianxin hit the palm of his hand. The power is really shocking, Xuanyuan Tian's heart **** ancestor peak strength, every time he shoots the space around the palm of the Prajna palm, layer upon layer of cracks, and all the warriors locked by him are shot into blood mist.

The battle situation soon stabilized. The twenty members of Xuanyuan Tianxin were all at the peak of the ancestors. Although there were many people there, there were only seven or eight at the peak of the ancestors. The attacks of those early warriors of the gods and ancestors could not cause harm to Xuanyuan Tianxin and others. And the twenty of them didn't fight head-on with those **** ancestor peaks at all, they just kept wandering and killed the early warriors of the **** ancestor.

After several rounds of confrontation, only one of the twenty people was injured, and more than fifty warriors had died. Countless Space Rings are suspended in the air. After the warrior dies, except for the Space Rings that are exploded together, they will automatically leave the owner and float in the air.


Seeing the peak of the opposing **** ancestor continues, their deaths and injuries will be more serious. The superiority in numbers couldn't have the upper hand at all, and with a sharp shout, he began to flee into the distant star field.

"Want to escape?"

Xuanyuan Tianzun put down the teacup, smiled coldly, and the momentum on his body suddenly whizzed out, covering everyone in. The pressure of Tianzun's later stage was very terrifying, all the opposing gods could not move, the speed of the **** ancestors also became slow, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others were completely unaffected.


Xuanyuan Tianxin and others, all turned into shadows, drawn black lines in the air, this time they did not kill the low-level warriors, their weapons flashed, all released the strongest attack, and locked the peak of the seven or eight **** ancestors. attack.

"Surrender, we surrender!"

As soon as Xuanyuan Tianzun's momentum came out, the opponent's warriors were gone, and many low-level warriors knelt on the ground, begging for mercy. With God, they would die if they didn't surrender today.

The response to them was a more violent attack. If Xuanyuan Tianzun was not present today, perhaps Xuanyuan Tianxin would consider accepting surrender. But he knew very well that this father was the most cruel and merciless.

The battle ended soon, and with the help of Xuanyuan Tianzun's coercive help, the twenty **** ancestor peaks killing the seven or eight **** ancestor peaks was as easy as killing chickens and dogs. The rest of the low-level warriors, casually swept away, burst and finally turned into wreckage suspended in the air...

"Tianzun, I'm going to retreat!"

After watching an extremely thrilling battle of strong men, Xiao Lang Ruo had realized and bowed to Xuanyuan Tianzun and walked into a room.

He opened the restriction of the room, and then immediately took out the corpse of the beast, his eyes were bright and his heart was fiery.

The road to the strong is extremely difficult, and he may not be a real strong in his life, but he decided to try hard.

Regardless of the ending, he didn't want to make himself regret it.

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