Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 91: Destroy God Ancestor again

Dulong always listened to Xiao Lang, even if Xiao Lang let him fight alone, he would rush forward without hesitation.

Therefore, after receiving Xiao Lang's order, the poisonous fog on his body began to roll, and the poisonous fog with a radius of nearly 10,000 meters was compressed into kilometers, but the black gas inside was more dense, and Xiao Lang couldn't judge the direction without releasing his spiritual consciousness. .


Xiao Lang couldn't judge the direction. The divine ancestor's divine sense swept away and easily locked the position of the two. With a slap with both hands, the two silver dragons roared out, rushing towards the poisonous dragon in a pinching force. As for Xiao Lang, once again fortunately to be ignored...


The poisonous dragon controlled the poisonous fog to roll, forming two huge black palms, and grabbed the two white dragons. They were black and white. They were very dazzling in the air. Their attacks also caused the space to oscillate and were extremely powerful.

"call out!"

With such an energy attack, Xiao Lang naturally avoided it for the first time. Although he was strong enough now, he would inevitably be injured in the center of the explosion. Now Cao Teng is not by his side, and his combat effectiveness is naturally weakened.


A ray of light from the sun shone as if the sun had exploded. The terrifying shock wave threw both Xiao Lang and the poisonous dragon out. Xiao Lang was only slightly injured when he avoided it. The poisonous dragon seemed silly? Unexpectedly, he did not avoid the explosion of the body armor that was shaken by the explosion, and his body was bloody.

"call out!"

The divine ancestor had already come across the sky, and Xiao Lang burst into horror and shouted, "The poisonous dragon, run away!"

Xiao Lang also had a great **** weapon in his hands, rushing towards the **** ancestor powerhouse desperately. The poisonous dragon seems to wake up? Hastily rolled around and flees in fear.

"Huh, still want to escape?"

Feeling an energy attack from Xiao Lang below, the strong ancestor didn't even glance at it and completely ignored it. Because Xiao Lang's energy attack was too weak, the release of his shield had no effect at all.

He turned into an afterimage and flew towards the poisonous dragon, ready to kill the poisonous dragon while you are sick and kill Xiao Lang.


Poisonous mist appeared on the surface of the poisonous dragon again, his face was full of horror, and his body began to flee wildly with the poisonous mist.


Xiao Lang's attack was as good as an ant biting an elephant, and it had no effect on the shield of the ancestor strong. The ancestor completely ignored him and rushed into the poisonous mist of the poisonous dragon.

Xiao Lang quickly followed and rushed into the poisonous mist of the poisonous dragon. At the moment he entered, there was a weird smile on his mouth, and the whole person became awe-inspiring.

Obviously, this ancestor didn't care about the battle here just now, and didn't know that the poisonous fog was a bit scary, and there was no long-range attack, so he stupidly rushed into the poisonous fog? His acting with Dulong succeeded in deceiving this **** ancestor.


The ancestor didn't feel right as soon as he entered the poisonous mist, and countless qi swords transformed from poisonous mist shot at him. These qi swords were not powerful, but slightly affected his shield. But it was this shaking that went wrong. He felt some toxins penetrate into his shield and began to invade his body.


Just as he was planning to resist the poison, the space in the air shook, and a huge rotating black love letter crashed down. Because of the weird appearance, the **** ancestor was silent in the poison and did not react for a while, thinking Avoidance is already slow.


This love attack was not too powerful, and it made his shield oscillate again. As a result, more toxins have penetrated in, which completely made him panic. If this goes on, there will be more and more toxins in his body. At that time, he will have to resist toxins and attacks. He will be finished.

Right now he ignored the toxins and suddenly shot two silver dragons, one swept towards the poisonous dragon, and the other charged towards Xiao Lang. The strange love word attack just now came from Xiao Lang.

Attack is the best defense!

This ancestor strongman has rich combat experience. If this is the average warrior, he would have been panicked and killed by the two Xiao Lang.

"Poison Dragon Stand!"

Xiao Lang burst into laughter, already creating such a good situation, naturally it is impossible to give up. Right now the energy outside the body surrounded, the body just dodged slightly, and was ready to resist the silver dragon energy attack.

"Kill!" "Thousands of machines are like palms!" "Love is absolutely!" "Phantom unicorn claws!" "Love is gone!"

He threw out all the attacks in one mind, using a style of killing 10,000 enemies and self-defeating 8,000. At the same time, the poisonous dragon on the other side was desperate, and countless poisonous mists rolled and turned into thousands of qi swords to shoot at the divine ancestor. In addition, the surface of the body also used the poisonous mist to prop up a shield and prepared to fight hard like Xiao Lang.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ending was tragic, Xiao Lang and Dulong were both knocked out, and the shield of the divine ancestor burst. Numerous toxins penetrated into his body, and his whole body was black, and his complexion turned blue and black. For the first time, he sat cross-legged in the air and began to resist the toxins.


A long, wanton laugh resounded through the air, Xiao Lang was covered with blood, but his eyes were filled with pleasure, he was right!

Although his bones were shattered in half, his body, which was transformed by the suffocating beast's original pill, was extremely tyrannical. The silver dragon smashed his shield, causing him to be severely injured, but it did not kill him. .

As long as he does not die, it will be the ancestor powerhouse who will die.


The slaying in his eyes was released again, a love word whizzed out behind him, and at the same time, God Splitting's hand flashed with an electric arc, and suddenly grabbed the **** ancestor.

"Miscellaneous, dare you!"

The ancestor powerhouse suddenly opened his eyes and tried to avoid him, but a mouthful of black blood spurted from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes dimmed. The toxin had already invaded his whole body, and at the moment he was so angry that he couldn't resist it.


Qing Jue slammed down suddenly, and the slaying made the ancestor strong, and finally the God Splitting Hand successfully smashed the head of the ancestor.

"Poison Dragon!"

Xiao Lang smoothly grasped the space ring of the **** race in his hand, and his eyes swept away like electricity. The poisonous dragon over there was quietly suspended in the air, its breath was weak and inaudible, and it seemed to be dead.

"Master, I can stand it!"

A weak sound transmission came, and Xiao Lang relaxed. Sweeping his gaze towards Xuanyuan Tianxin, he saw that the battle was still going on, but the three of Xuanyuan Tianxin clearly had the upper hand. Obviously, Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others seized the opportunity because of the influence of the hostile ancestor.

"Die all to me, let me kill the Nine-Day Invincible Samsara!"

As soon as Xiao Lang's eyes turned, his body flew towards the summit of the three ancestors in the air. Numerous love characters floated out of his body, releasing his emotions. Murderous aura in his eyes, with blood covered in blood, he looked like an invincible demon.


Maybe it was because it occupied the bottom, maybe it was because of the changes that happened one after another today, maybe it was the strange love character on Xiao Lang's body. The group of hostile **** ancestors unexpectedly burst into a drink, suddenly attacked the three of Po Tui Xuanyuan Tianxin, and shot away from the distance.

"call out!"

The three of Xuanyuan Tianxin didn't chase them, and they all gathered around Xiao Lang. Tianxin exclaimed, "Xiao Lang, you can always create miracles! The demigod and a divine prince in the early stage actually destroyed a divine ancestor. Early? If this spreads out, countless people's eyes will fall out."

Xiao Lang grinned, but then he closed his eyes and fainted...

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