Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 93: Take a plane


Xiao Lang's body trembled, thinking of the elf-like little girl, and he was in a trance.

Unexpectedly, she is really the little princess of the Zimbabwe family? But thinking that that mysterious remnant soul was Tianzun before his death, Xiao Lang was relieved. Immediately, there were still some doubts. Since Meier has such a noble status, even if there is a civil war in her family, why has been living outside for so many years, no one is looking for it?

Xuanyuan Tianzun had already flown downwards, Xiao Lang could only follow, and a group of people quickly floated down into the palace, leaving a look of envy.

The palace is very large and magnificent. There are beautiful maids and guards all the way in, and the inside is also magnificent, showing the style of the chaotic star sea overlord.

Walking into a large hall, a group of revealingly dressed demon women are dancing, the bells, drums and the piano are constantly rustling, the scene is very **** and heart-stirring.

The dancing demon girl does not know what race she is. She is soft and boneless, with a pretty waist that can be gripped, her chest is white and tall, her skin is smooth and white, her body is only covered by three points, but she is even more seductive. Monarch Ge Xing also had Danfeng eyes, fascinating, at least Xuanyuan Tianming and the others became hot after the first glance.

Xiao Lang is good. He has seen the stunning beauty of the two sisters Wan Yan Ruoshui. Little Demon Mu is also a top-level woman, but he quickly retracted his gaze. Dulongsheng Xing Muna also glanced lightly and lowered his eyebrows.

Zhang Ge Xingjun took the lead, glanced at Xiao Lang with a faint smile, his eyes fell on Xuanyuan Tianming and others, and smiled: "Everyone is Zhang Ge’s distinguished guests from afar. See which woman asks them to sleep in Huh? I know that you are not good enough. Come here, bring up my treasured 50,000-year-old wine. Today, I want a **** brother not to be drunk or return."

When Xuanyuan Tianming and the others heard it, they were suddenly hot, and even Tianxin was a little uncomfortable. After Xuanyuan Tianzun swept away coldly, they all sat in front of their breasts, but their eyes still kept sweeping towards those women...

Xiao Lang was taken by Xuanyuan Tianzun and sat next to him. On the left were their people, and on the right there were many accompanying guests. They were Zhang Ge Xingjun, and his strength was very extraordinary.

Xuanyuan Tianzun picked up a glass of wine and said to Zhang Ge Xingjun in one fell swoop: "Zhang Ge, don’t say too much about it, do everything first. Next time you go to God’s Domain, you must go to my place. I’ll take you to Master Shura. Go for a drink."

"Master Shura?"

Zhang Ge's face suddenly became solemn, his eyes full of reminiscence and worship, and he suddenly drank a glass of wine before exclaiming: "I was fortunate to have seen the peerless appearance of an adult with a manpower fighting in the late stage of 28 Tianzun. Ge can’t forget it. It’s because of Zhang Ge, an adult, that he has a sense of understanding and achieved his current thin name. Brother Xueji is kind and kind, please introduce you to the adult next time you go to God’s Domain. Not to mention drinking is to be able to see you, Zhang Ge is also satisfied."

"One man fights twenty-eight Tianzun late stage?"

Xiao Lang and the others were secretly speechless. Lord Shura was still the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign when he drove through the chaotic sea of ​​stars? He is the land of destruction that he has returned to after breaking through the Supreme God. At the peak of Heavenly Sovereign, the ability to compete with the 28th Heavenly Sovereign's late stage is too terrifying, right?

Xuanyuan Tianxin is the pinnacle of God Ancestor, right? But his ability to fight the twenty-eight ancestors of the late stage? I am afraid that all five are difficult, right?

The two big figures above chatted again for a while, Zhang Ge Xingjun suddenly looked at Xiao Lang, toasted and said with a smile: "Xiao Lang, although Zhang Ge is no longer working for the Zimei Teng family at this moment, you are the little princess. My friend, I still toast you."

Xiao Lang stood up quickly, his face showing trepidation, and he toasted: "Master Xingjun is polite, it should be my respect."

The seven overlords of Chaos Xinghai are all peaks of Heavenly Sovereign, and they each have powerful anti-sky supernatural powers, and their strength can sweep the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, almost at the level of Flowing Fire Heavenly Sovereign. Even if such a strong Xiao Lang wasn't panicked, he still had to act on the surface.

Xuanyuan Tianzun suddenly said, "Xiao Lang, I heard that you and Dulong cooperated to kill a divine ancestor frontally?"


Zhang Ge Xingjun and a group of strong men in the star field all showed a look of surprise. Xiao Lang was Meier's friend, and that was worthy of respect. But it doesn't mean that they recognized Xiao Lang's strength. Xuanyuan Tianzun's words made everyone very surprised. Those who can enter this hall, except for the maids who are at least the powers of the late ancestors, who can't see that Xiao Lang is the abandoned body of the gods?

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Xiao Lang still sighed in his heart. He secretly said that he was really unwelcome, and he smiled modestly: "It's just a fluke, just a fluke."

When Xiao Lang admits this, Xuanyuan Tianzun will not aimlessly, Zhang Ge Xingjun looked at Xiao Lang's gaze softer, nodded and said: "Xiao Lang, God's abandonment is not a big deal, Master Xingtian is still too confused. Isn’t the body still capable of reaching the sky at this moment? As long as you have the heart and heart, you may not be able to stand up to the top. It is said that the little princess once recognized you as the master? Then you are even more remarkable! Even if the wisteria clan are young, they will not recognize Ordinary people are masters. Work hard to cultivate, I look at you very well."

Zhang Ge Xingjun's words made everyone in the hall, including Xuanyuan Tianzun, look at Xiao Lang's eyes softly. If he could be the master of the little princess of the Purple Charm Clan, how could he be a waste in his life?

Xiao Lang hurriedly thanked him, sat down without being haughty or humble, and drank the 50,000-year-old Zhang Ge Tianzun without a word. But she hesitated in her heart, why did Mei'er recognize herself as the master? Is there really something special about yourself? Think about it, Xiao Lang laughed himself, if there is something special about him, then only God’s abandonment...

After drinking for two hours, of course most of the time Xuanyuan Tianzun and Zhang Ge Xingjun were arguing, telling a group of people about the majesty of the year, boasting and flattering each other, and taking a sedan chair. , Drew some emotion and embarrassment.

After the matter was over, Xuanyuan Tianzun first said that the amount of alcohol was not enough to withdraw, and Zhang Ge Xingjun also ordered his men to entertain the distinguished guests and withdrew. When the two big brothers withdrew, the scene suddenly became unbearable.

Zhang Ge’s men immediately waved their hands and separated the thirty or so demonic women who were dancing. Xuanyuan Tianxin and Xiao Lang each had two, and the others had one. They also called one each, and began to prepare for a show. Uncovered cocktail party.

Xuanyuan Tianming Tiangang and others couldn't hold it immediately, reaching out their hands to embrace the hands and feet of the demon woman and enjoying the charm of the foreign beauty. They may have played a lot with the women of the human race, but the beauty of the monster race has never played...

Xuanyuan Tianxin was also quite emotional, but it was difficult for Xiao Lang to start with the younger generation. From his constant gaze at Xiao Lang, it can be seen that if Xiao Lang moves, he is afraid he will immediately take action, right?

"grown ups…"

Two sweet voices sounded, and a demon beauty was kneeling down beside Xiao Lang. Since she was kneeling, her chest was completely exposed. With the addition of two attractive faces, Xiao Lang almost couldn't hold it back.

But in the end Xiao Lang was still suppressed. It wasn't that he was a gentleman. It was just that he had just gone through a few battles and nearly died several times, which made him feel deeply.

Wenrouxiang is a hero's grave. Once you indulge in it, your fighting spirit will inevitably be wiped out. Once the warrior loses the fighting spirit to go upstream, he is afraid that he will come to an end in his life...

He stood up decisively and smiled with Xuanyuan Tianxin, and said, "My lord, I'm a little tired. Go back and rest first."

"Well, you go back first, I will withdraw later!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin nodded solemnly, and after Xiao Lang bowed his hand to say goodbye to walking outside, he immediately peeked around with both hands and hugged the two demon tribe women in her arms, and her big mouth suddenly gnawed at the chest of a demon tribe woman...

Dulong also followed out, and under the leadership of the maid, the two returned to the room arranged by Zhang Ge Xingjun. Walking to the door, Xiao Lang glanced back and smiled: "Dulong, why don't you play?"

"If the master does not play, I will not play! If the master plays, I will play with it!"

The poisonous dragon said stupidly, causing Xiao Lang to roll his eyes. This kid is really an elm-headed man. Could it be that he was flying into the sky, and he followed him?


[Author's digression]: Chapter Five, I came a little late, so sorry.

Seeing the old demon shivering in the middle of the night and typing with cold fingers, everyone forgive the old demon for the unstable update time, okay?

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