Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 99: On the Road

Xuanyuan Tianzun's face was crooked, and Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others couldn't hide the smile. The complexion of the people on Xing Tian's side soon turned dark, but Xing Tian Xingjun didn't say anything, he just glanced at Xuanyuan Tianzun lightly and said, "Old boy, I will beat you with a smile, believe it or not? Go and drink at the bar."

After talking about Xing Tian Xingjun strode inward, Xuanyuan Tianzun looked indifferent, and laughed again a few times before leading Xiao Lang to walk in. Xuanyuan Tianxin's group didn't dare to laugh after they followed. Xingtian’s temper is notoriously smelly and hard in Chaos Xinghai. If he really irritates him, he will be beaten in vain...

A group of people walked toward Xingtian Palace, which was more magnificent than Zhang Ge Xingjun's palace, but it was not so luxurious. The color was mainly black. Obviously Xing Tian Xingjun was a very serious person.

There were no dancers dancing inside, and the square tables were filled with good wine and meat. Xing Tian sat on the main seat like a tiger and a dragon, and the aura naturally released from his body gave people a domineering atmosphere.

Xing Tian didn't toast and drank to himself. He looked at Xuanyuan Tianzun indifferently and said, "Old boy, how about Lord Shura? Do you miss the old man?"


Xuanyuan Tianzun just picked up a glass of wine and took a sip, and all spewed it out, and looked at Xing Tian with slanted eyes: "Xing Tian, ​​you think too much of yourself? Even if an adult is thinking about you, you might think that your kid is so hard to be beaten. Thick, not easily beaten to death, right?"

These two are old friends, and there are no good words in their mouths. Xiao Lang and others are still a little uncomfortable at the moment, and they are numb. Each bowed their heads and devoured the good things that God's Domain didn't have.


Xing Tian hummed coldly, and said proudly: "Sooner or later, the old man will prove the Supreme God and go to fight against Lord Shura in order to avenge the old man."

"So bold!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun applauded, tweeted amazement, and then squinted his eyes and said, "'s not that I attacked you, I really don't like you! It has been hundreds of millions of years since the Chaos Space Era, right? How many High Gods was born? There are seven God’s Domains, six Demon Domains, and Six Demon Domains, plus the Xiaoyao King who does not belong to any forces and the mysterious Baihua Fairy, there are only 21, right? The next supreme **** will be born at least a million years later, chaos Do you think it’s possible for the smallest number of 10,000 people at the pinnacle of Space Celestial Lord?"

Xiao Lang and Dulong's eyes lit up, and these things are not something ordinary people can know. There are 21 Supreme Gods in this chaotic world? There are actually two Xiaoyao King and Baihua Fairy who don't belong to any forces? Xuanyuan Tianzun didn't say this, and Xiao Lang probably never had a chance to understand it in his life.

Happy King!

Hearing this name, Xiao Lang instinctively showed a look of reverence. This is real happiness. Achieving the supreme **** does not belong to any forces. It is free and easy, this is a happy life!

Xing Tianxingjun glanced lightly, and still proudly said: "Since others can become the Supreme God, why can't I? Since I can become the first person in the Chaos Star Sea with the body of too mixed, I can become the Supreme God!"

Qiang Qiang's words sounded loudly.

Xuanyuan Tianzun stopped attacking him and did not refute. Everyone in the hall was infected by Xing Tianxingjun's courage, and his strong self-confidence inspired fighting spirit.


Too mixed can be the first person in the chaotic star sea, why can't they set foot on the top? No one is born destined to be the Supreme God, and they are all cultivated the day after tomorrow. Perhaps they are lucky, but what cannot be ignored is the endless history of hardships and blood and tears behind every Supreme God.

If you want to reach the top and achieve the prestige of the world? Which one didn't go all the way up the slaughter? How many efforts did they put behind Tu Shen, how many times they wandered between life and death, who knew?

At this moment, perhaps only Xiao Lang felt the most.

Because he, like Lord Xing Tian Xing, is a waste body, Lord Xing Tian Xing told him with a tyrannical posture-the waste body is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that the human heart is abolished. Without the spirit of never giving up, without the audacity to leave me alone, without the domineering arrogance of looking at the world, without the courage to climb the peak, how can you go straight to the Nine Heavens and stand proudly?

If you are not strong enough, how can you make the world tremble for you? You don’t think you can reach the top. Who can help you in heaven and on earth?

Man's greatest enemy is indeed himself!

The greatest luxury of a beggar in this life is to have a good meal and go into the building to play with some beautiful girls. Even if this beggar develops in the future, he is at best a nouveau riche, the pleasure of this life is probably eating, drinking and having fun. He will never be an emperor.

People must have goals and move forward unswervingly toward them. The end may not be ideal in the end, but you will never regret it, will you? Maybe... when you look back, you will find yourself already standing in a high position.

The more Xiao Lang thought, the wider his heart became, his eyes brightened, and an aura naturally flowed out of his body, and in the end he made an amazing move.

"it is good!"

He stood up, looked around at the crowd, and then said word by word: "Everyone present today as testimony, I Xiao Lang also swears that I will become the Supreme God in this life. If I can't do it, I would rather stop being a human being. !"


A group of people looked at each other, feeling that the world is crazy!

Xing Tianxingjun's strength has reached the peak of Tianzun, and his strength is estimated to be invincible under the Supreme God, and he is at the same level as Liuhuo Tianzun. Such a big man said that he wanted to attack the Supreme God, and outsiders would only think that Xing Tian was really xing and domineering.

But Xiao Lang, the abandoned body of the gods, has this strength, so surely he came to sensationalize? Basically, the people present are all powerful ancestors!

Would rather not be human?

Thinking of this sentence, everyone felt that this kid had a problem with his head. Don't be afraid of being laughed at, let alone put yourself into a dead end? Does he want everyone to treat him as an idiot?

At this moment, even Xuanyuan Tianxin and others felt that Xiao Lang’s remark was improper. You can just talk about it in private. In front of such a big person, it will make people laugh generous...


When everyone's gaze swept towards Xiao Lang, they saw the firmness in his eyes, the confident light on his face, and the inexplicable momentum on his body. Everyone felt it was not funny again, but they all fell silent.

It seems that there is a strange magic in Xiao Lang at this moment, making others think that he is not an idiot, nor is it the two grandstanding, but also gives people a kind of belief, it seems... he can do it?

Xuanyuan Tianzun thoughtfully, but Xing Tianxingjun and Xiao Lang looked at each other, and finally they laughed at each other. Xing Tian's eyes became extremely soft, and he nodded: "Xiao Lang, you are really good! If you can see my little witch, you son-in-law of Xingtian Palace, I want it! There are too many mortals in this world, and I can really understand. There is too little of the original heart. The world slanders me and laughs at me and regrets that I look down on me, so what? The most important original heart of being a human being, the biggest enemy is myself, is the eyes of outsiders really that important?"

Countless people in the audience shook, and there was no sound in the hall, and everyone fell silent, thinking silently.

After a while, Xuanyuan Tianzun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed: "Hahaha, ashamed and ashamed! The old man has cultivated for more than 100,000 years, but his mood is not as good as Xiao Lang? Thank you, Xingtian, and my nephew Xiao Lang! Old man! The bottleneck that has been stuck for so long has completely awakened after your words! Tianxin, you live here first, and I will go to retreat for a month or two. After I leave the barrier, my strength will definitely increase twice again!"


After Xuanyuan Tianzun finished speaking, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and he actually went to find a place to retreat...

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