Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 101: It's not naive that beats you

Xiao Lang wanted to say something about Kneeling on you, Mahler Gobi, but thinking of a little girl film, Xing Tianxingjun treated him well, and he didn't care about her if he didn't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha. But the heart is very depressed, Xing Tian has something to go out? Xuanyuan Tianzun is in retreat. I guess Xuanyuan Tianxin and others are still in the dark. They certainly don't know. Even if Xingtian Temple knows, they dare not provoke this little witch, right?

He quickly turned his mind to figure out a way, but don't really be scrapped by this little girl, that would be a problem!

He stared at Xing Xinyue for a while, and suddenly said with a soft tone: "Let them go down first! Always save me some face, right? How do I say it is a person with a good face."


Xing Xinyue laughed a lot, and there was a wave of turbulence in front of her chest. Xiao Lang was just a head taller than her. In addition, her chest was not too high. At this moment, she felt a little uncontrollable.

Xing Xinyue said with great amusement: "Oh, you have a face and a face? What kind of person is your strength? Come, tell this lady, how good are you?"

The two maids showed a trace of alert and looked at Xiao Lang suspiciously. They are Xing Xinyue's personal maids, so naturally they can't leave easily. With lone men and widows together, don't make any trouble.

Xiao Lang sighed deeply, and said, "Uncle Xuanyuan and Master Shura went through the chaotic Xinghai back then. You should have heard about this? Not to mention Uncle Xuanyuan. My relationship with Zhang Ge Xingjun is pretty good. You can ask about it. ...And...the little princess of the wisteria clan, used to be my god-sister. If you take out any identity, you can scare some people? I said Miss Xing, are you afraid that I will be against you? Or you What kind of chain is parallel imports? As the first lady of Chaos Xinghai, you have the courage?"

Xiao Lang's tone began to soften, making Xing Xinyue think Xiao Lang was going to counsel him, and he said he wanted to save him some face, even more so that Xiao Lang was about to kneel with her. At the back, Xiao Lang's incomparably simple agitation, coupled with a sentence of chaos, Xinghai First Miss, made her feel a little airy.

So she didn't hesitate for too long, waved her hand and said, "Go down!"


The two close maids were anxious, they were not as big-headed as this young lady. They have seen more of the cunning of this world warrior, and naturally they dare not leave. If something happens to Xing Xinyue, the two will undoubtedly die.

When Xing Xinyue saw the two of them still, her expression turned cold, Xiao Lang laughed and said, "Miss Xing, it seems that the prestige is not enough?"

"Go down!" Xing Xinyue's face sank, but she didn't have any aura, like a jade raksha.

"Xiao Lang, you'd better not use your mind, otherwise, don't talk about you, all of you don't want to leave Xingtian Star Region."

A murderous transmission sounded, and the two maids stared at Xiao Lang and walked out of the basement. Xing Xinyue's energy hit the restriction in the basement, opening the restriction in the room, and then mocking Xiao Lang and said: "Okay. It’s a shame for you! Kneel down and apologize, you men, it’s just a bone! There is no good thing."

Xiao Lang cursed inwardly, a man is not a good thing, what is Xing Tianxingjun? What is his father? He sighed and said, "I'm **** all over, how come I kneel? Miss, you are really cute!"

Xing Xinyue furrowed her brows, it seemed that this was the case? She suspiciously said: "I will untie the chain of the trapped god, and then you kneel down and apologize?"

Xiao Lang nodded seriously, "Theoretically, this is the case."


The black whip suddenly drew, leaving a blood mark on Xiao Lang's body again, Xing Xinyue mocked and laughed: "Xiao Lang, do you really think I am an idiot? I unlocked the restraint of the chain of sleepy gods, and your strength is restored. , How am I your opponent?"


Xiao Lang's body trembled instinctively, but the corners of his mouth sneered, "Didn't you say that you are stronger than me? I am now half-crippled by you. I can still be your opponent? If you don't solve it, why should I? Kneel to you?"

"The strength of this lady is naturally higher than that of your trash, otherwise you can be trapped here at this moment?"

Xing Xinyue returned unwillingly to show weakness, but then hesitated, indeed she couldn't kneel down unless she untied the chains of the gods. Xiao Lang's strength is too weird if it is untied, she is not at ease! It was naturally not her ability to be able to catch Xiao Lang here easily, but the result of Xiao Lang being too drunk and the help of two maidservants of the gods.

It didn't matter that Xiao Lang defeated her in front of so many people. The important thing was that Xiao Lang grabbed her neck and made her feel the breath of death. In the end, he insulted her so much that Jun Tianxing didn't help her. This made her very angry, of course she really didn't dare to kill Xiao Lang, even if Xiao Lang was abandoned. If Xiao Lang could really kneel down and apologize, her heart would be extremely happy.


Suddenly, she thought of a way, which was to first untie the trapped **** chain, and then immediately trap Xiao Lang's upper body. The trapped **** chain could automatically suppress the martial artist's energy and soul power. Even if Xiao Lang could move, he couldn't attack!

The corners of Xing Xinyue's mouth curled up slightly, and she was very satisfied with her intelligence. When she turned her eyes, the whip suddenly became rainy and swayed towards Xiao Lang, making Xiao Lang's body tremble constantly, her brows frowned, and a few The bones were all broken.

"call out!"

A burst of energy shot out from her hand quietly, hitting the trapped **** chain. She was indeed a little clever, she wanted Xiao Lang to endure the pain and divert her attention, and then quietly released the restraint of the trapped **** chain, and then tied Xiao Lang's upper body with lightning speed.

When a person is suffering, his attention is certainly not too concentrated, right? With such a serious injury, the reaction speed will be much slower, right? Xing Xinyue's idea is very good, but it is her naive idea of ​​a flower in a greenhouse.

Not to mention that Xiao Lang's body's ability to withstand pain has changed incomparably tai, even ordinary gods and powerful people will seize the opportunity. Xiao Lang's perception has been very strong since she was a child. As soon as Xing Xinyue shot out energy, he guessed what she was going to do.

"call out!"

At the moment when he felt the energy of his body move, Xiao Lang suddenly shot a black light in his eyes.

Sustained Kill Release!

However, he didn't attack Xing Xinyue, and killing this little witch who didn't know the height and the earth would not do any good, instead, he would be chased by Xing Tianxingjun.

Sui Su shot against the restraint on the wall, and such a terrifying attack immediately caused the restraint to shake for a while, and the room was shaken. And restraining the dazzling white light and powerful aura, successfully scared Xing Xinyue.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang shot out, and instantly escaped from the trapped spirit chain. His whole body was full of vigor. The violent murderous intent that had killed countless people rushed out, all shrouded in Xing Xinyue.


Shrouded by this horror and murderous aura again, Xing Xinyue felt the breath of death again. When she woke up, her neck was pinched by a big **** hand, and at the same time the other hand was wrapped around her pretty waist, a violent energy rushed into her physical strength and entered all of her Jinmai, all the energy she just wanted to run into her dantian.

Xiao Lang stared at Xing Xinyue coldly. Their faces were only less than half a centimeter apart. He said coldly, "Miss idiot, it's not innocence that defeated you, but innocence! Don't move, or I won't Mind using energy to destroy your whole body muscles."

Xing Xinyue was frightened, her body was constantly twisting, and she shouted, "What do you want to do? Xiao Lang! This is Xingtian Palace. If you dare to move me, all of you will die!"

The corner of Xiao Lang's mouth was slightly bent, and his whole face became dreadful. He smiled and said, "It was fun to play with me just now? Now it's my turn to play with you! Tsk tsk, the first lady of Chaos Xinghai, it is sure to play. Very exciting..."

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