Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 109: Still the original charm

Xiao Lang was also fascinated. The little girl only stayed with him for three days after her transformation, but he would never forget this face in his life. More than two years have passed, Meier has grown a little taller, but there is still no change in her appearance. There was only this little girl in his eyes at this moment, and everyone and the scenery around him disappeared.

When he was still a teenager, he was knocked out of the bottomless pit by Master Fire Phoenix, and the wisteria entered his body. When the soul awakened, Wisteria drove all the souls away and became his own soul.

Because of Wisteria, he made a big disturbance in the Xiao family and rescued his aunt. Because of Wisteria, his strength progressed rapidly, because of Wisteria, he was able to escape from the Soul Continent, because Wisteria had survived countless times, killing each enemy standing at the peak of Tianzhou.

When Wisteria first evolved, he couldn't sleep with excitement. When Wisteria gained wisdom, he no longer regarded her as a Wisteria, but a person, a little sister. At the moment when the wisteria transforms into shape, he feels that the wisteria has completely become a charm, a living person, he wants to protect his sister for life, even though...the charm does not need him to guard.

The departure of Wisteria made him extremely lost and lonely, and he felt that there was something missing in his body. After many injuries, he would think that it would be better if Meier was there.

So when Xuanyuan Tianzun said that he would bring him to the Demon Region, he didn't hesitate. No matter how he can see the little girl, he will not feel regret. He also once thought that maybe Meier would not recognize him, maybe she was sealed by her family, maybe the two would never meet.

But at this moment, Meier's familiar voice, a familiar "master", excited tears in her big eyes, and trembling voice let him know-Meier is still the original Meier, he didn't misunderstand the person!

He didn't shed tears, he just felt proud. He grinned and said, "Meier, long time no see, you have grown taller!"


The tears in Meier's eyes could no longer help pouring down, spilling into the sky. She broke free of the middle-aged beautiful woman's hand, and her body turned into a purple shadow flying in, completely ignoring Xuanyuan Tianzun and the strong man in the imperial city who were about to fly upwards, and flew straight towards Xiao Lang.

Xuanyuan Tianzun stopped in the air, his face was shocked, and then he laughed. He was right. Xiao Lang didn't disappoint him. Xiao Lang looked at him before he decided to take a gamble. If he loses, everyone will end badly. At this moment, it looks like he has won...

"See the queen of night! See the little princess!"

A group of strong men was taken aback, and then all the gods bowed their hands and bowed, but the ancestors all knelt down and bowed, and even the great commander respectfully bowed to the middle-aged beautiful woman in mid-air.

The middle-aged beautiful woman didn't speak, did not stop Mei'er's actions, just smiled faintly, looking at Xiao Lang with complicated eyes.

"call out!"

Meier flew in, and rushed directly into Xiao Lang's arms very inelegantly, and hugged Xiao Lang like an octopus in the past. Her small body kept moving, crying sullily, her mouth still Constantly murmured: "Master, Master, Meier wants to kill you!

"Wow, Xiao Lang is so lucky!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others were completely dumbfounded. They originally suspected that Xiao Lang really knew this little princess? Even if it's a matter of knowing this little princess whether to recognize him or not, at this moment, I didn't expect to have such a deep relationship? Brothers and sisters are nothing but this, right?

Zi Qianchou and the others were also dumbfounded. Originally thought Xiao Lang was talking bullshit. After all, Xiao Lang was a godly abandoned body, let alone Tianzun, even the gods would look down on it? The explanation that Meier gave after returning was only to stay in a hidden place for a few years, and did not say that he grew up in Tianzhou. They naturally did not believe that Xiao Lang was Meier's friend.

Zi Qianchou was the most shocked, he knew very well how much this little princess was liked by the Purple Charm Emperor and the Queen of Night! If you offend Xiao Lang so much today, if you take revenge on Zi Meier, he will be sad in the future. Although he is also of the Zimeivine family, but it also depends on whether he is a direct line or a side line?

Xiao Lang caressed the little girl in his arms, his heart was soft, he could clearly feel the little girl's feelings and attachment to him. Meier has followed him since she was a child, evolving and growing step by step. Just like his daughter, I'm afraid that his own son Xiao An can't compare with the relationship between him and Meier.

He felt the countless light lock him to wake up, and quickly patted Mei'er on the shoulder and whispered: "Mei'er, don't cry, you won't be pretty if you cry! I'm a guest at your house, you can't let me be Is this standing right? There are outsiders here..."

It’s the nature of all women to love beauty. Meier stopped crying, jumped out of Xiao Lang’s embrace, and smiled sweetly while holding Xiao Lang’s hand: "Go, Master, Meier will take you to visit Meier’s home. After seeing my father and mother, they treated Meier very well."

Xiao Lang smiled awkwardly: "Mei'er, call him Big Brother Xiao, right? Don't call him the master, your identity is different now."


Meier made a grimace, and then secretly said in a low voice: "I listen to the master, calling you Big Brother Xiao in front of an outsider Meier. When secretly, Meier is still used to calling the master."

Mei'er's voice is very low, but the group of people present is not the strong one? Zi Qianchou's face darkened, and the eyes of the rest of Tianzun looking at Xiao Lang changed. The person who can make Zi Mei'er so attached, let alone the abandonment of the gods, must be taken seriously even if it is a lump of shit.

Xiao Lang was embarrassed again and didn't say much. He just pointed to Xuanyuan Tianzun and said, "I also brought some friends and elders, um... we had a little conflict with your family, so I was helpless just now. Calling your name directly."

Zi Meier Bingxue was smart, and she probably understood what happened when she saw the situation in the field. Her face became sharp, her eyes swept across the heavens, and she said in a cold voice: "When I came out just now, it seemed that you were all murderous. Do you want to kill my Big Brother Xiao? Empress, you don't care about them."

A group of Tianzun immediately looked at each other, and the headed Tianzun Pinnacle smiled bitterly: "Little princess, this is a misunderstanding. I knew this little brother is your friend. How could we offend..."

Xiao Lang nodded immediately and said, "It is indeed a misunderstanding, and we are also a little rash."

The middle-aged beautiful woman in the sky smiled indifferently, looked at Xiao Lang appreciatively, and said, "Your name is Xiao Lang, right? Mei'er often nags with me, and her ears become callous. You and Come in, the war demon, and the others Qianbian will take it down and entertain them."

Xuanyuan Tianzun was overjoyed, but his face did not show it, but the necessary courtesy was still given, and he politely said, "Thank you for your face."

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others couldn't hide the joy, but Zi Qianchou and the others looked at Xiao Lang with envy, being led by Zi Meier and flying towards the palace.

Although they are Tianzun, except for the Purple Thousand Blades at the peak of Tianzun, most people are really not qualified to go to the Purple Emperor Palace above.


[Author's digression]: Five chapters.

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