Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 114: Hurt parting

Xiao Lang never thought he was a good person. He grew up in the wilderness market and Xiao Qingyi basically ignored him. In order to survive, he has contracted a lot of bad habits, but he has a very good advantage, that is, stick to the bottom line.

He was infected by this cruel world, and his heart began to become cold. For example, if pirates were found in the chaotic sea of ​​stars to kill low-level warriors, his first idea was to avoid them, even if his strength was better than pirates. Nor will he go to the road to see injustice and draw his sword to help.

Truth, goodness and beauty!

How many times did he think back at night, when did the three most beautiful qualities of mankind quietly leave him? Why are such good qualities as soft-hearted, benevolent, and empathetic to be cast aside?

He is no longer softhearted, but he still has a lot of affection, although countless people have told him that this will kill him. But he always believed that when humans no longer value feelings, what is the difference with a cold beast?

Therefore, when he learned of the gift from Meier's father of the Supreme Divine Blood, he was furious. He has never scolded Meier once, or even said a serious word, but he scolded it mercilessly.

He hoped that Meier would always remain pure and maintain a heart of truth, kindness and beauty. He didn't want Meier to become a person like him. Or maybe he wants Meier to be a perfect person in his ideals, something he has always wanted to do but couldn't do.

So in the few days he stayed, he stayed with Meier every day, and the two chatted all day long. He instilled a lot of truths in Meier, and instilled some of the truths he had felt about being a person and doing things into her. Of course... of.

This little girl is a piece of white paper, and it is necessary to paint sunshine and beauty on the white paper, not dirty and ugly.

Five days are sometimes long and sometimes short, at least at the moment in the eyes of Xiao Lang and Mei'er.

"Mei'er, I'm leaving! When you reach Tianzun, or your father and queen agree to go out to practice, you can come to God's Domain or Tianzhou to find me. Of course I will work hard. When my strength reaches Tianzun, I will Come to you again, I hope you have become a beautiful big girl by then and can fascinate men in the world."

Parting was always so sad. Xiao Lang stood outside the Zidi Palace and gently touched Meier’s purple hair. Meier had already cried and turned into tears. He didn’t say anything but looked at Xiao Lang foolishly. Ye A group of maids stood behind and said goodbye with a smile.

Seeing these two little hands tightly grasping his thighs and looking at those big teary eyes, Xiao Langqiang endured the reluctance in his heart, knelt down and stroked Mei'er's small face, gently helping her wipe Going to the tears, said seriously: "Don't cry, forget what Big Brother Xiao taught you? People must be strong and self-reliant."

The tears in Meier's eyes were immediately collected, but there was still pain and sadness in a pair of pure eyes, Xiao Lang smiled and said: "There is no banquet in the world, without the sadness of parting, how can there be the joy of reunion? Meier Listen to the words of your father and queen, don’t be self-willed, try hard, brother will miss you."

After that, Xiao Lang leaned over and kissed Meier's forehead, then resolutely turned around and strode away with Xuanyuan Tianzun, his steps were firm, his back was straight, and there was no trace of memorial. Only Xuanyuan Tianzun, who was walking side by side with him, could see that his face was full of gloom and his eyes were closed. It seemed that he didn't want people to see the pain in his eyes...

"Big Brother Xiao..."

Meier had empty hands. She was instinctively about to chase her but she was hugged by one of her arms. After night, she looked at Meier who burst into tears again and said lovingly: "Meier, your Big Brother Xiao said you must learn to be strong. Don't let him see... your fragility!"

Meier didn't cry anymore, she just turned her head and buried her head deeply in her arms after the night, and couldn't bear to look back. After the night watched Xiao Lang walking all the way out of the Purple Emperor's Palace, she suddenly felt a feeling - because Xiao Lang was a castaway from the gods, he did not pay enough attention to it. Was this move right or wrong?

"call out!"

Walking out of the gate, the two appeared outside the Zidi Palace. Zi Qianblade had already taken Xuanyuan Tianxin Poisonous Dragon and they were waiting outside. Xiao Lang did not look back, but just nodded towards Zi Qianbiao and said, "Let's go!"

Zi Qianbeng personally escorted the two flying cloud disks whizzing away. It was only when there were only two small spots left that the purple light flashed outside the Zidi Palace, and Meier appeared outside the palace with Meier after night.

Meier no longer shed tears in her eyes, her small face was full of strength, and she nodded heavily and said: "Big Brother Xiao, when Meier has enough strength, she must go to God's Domain to find you."


Feiyun disk whizzed away, Xiao Lang was not in high spirits or in the mood to chat, he went back to the room alone, and the poisonous dragon went back to practice honestly. The rest of the people were all shocked after learning that the five-color lotus had already gotten their hands. This time they came to Demon Realm. Although ten people died, they also gained a lot of insights and met a lot of people. It’s worth the experience. Up.

Purple Qianblade is personally escorted, and everyone is extremely safe. Purple Qianblade is one of the representatives of the Purple Meivine Clan. Who doesn't know? Without saying anything, just letting out his aura, the demons passing by were all dingy down.

After more than ten days, everyone arrived on the square, Xiao Lang and others went out of Feiyun Pan to say goodbye to Zi Qianbun. Xiao Lang's face was not so good, and after such a long time, Xiao Bai still had no news, and he was completely desperate.

"Xiao Lang, this is the token you asked me to give you after the night. With this token, you can go unimpeded in the Demon Realm! Don't worry about Xiaobai's things, we will look for it seriously, even if we can't find it. There are some clues. And this is a super talisman that can be sent directly to the queen of night. But this jade talisman can only be sent once, you use it carefully."

Purple Thousand Blades handed Xiao Lang two tokens, one was a black token, there was a beautiful purple charm vine on it, and the other was a purple jade symbol. The first token Xiao Lang was not accidental, but the second token was very unexpected. He took it and said gratefully: "Master Qianblade, thank you Yehou! Thank you for helping me find Xiaobai. "

Zi Qianbian said politely: "Xiao Lang, don't be too polite, little princess Mei'er was still thanks to you for taking care of it back then. We should do something small."

Xuanyuan Tianzun smiled and said, "Thank you for the hospitality of Brother Qianbian this time. Next time you go to God's Domain, you must go to the Land of Destruction. Let the blood jealously express your heart."

Zi Qianren also laughed, and said, "Brother Xueji is polite, this time it is still wrong for Qianqiu, you adults do not remember the villain, we admire it very much."

"The green hills will not change, the green water will flow long, there will be a period later!"

Xiao Lang, Xuanyuan Tianzun and others at the same time arched their hands into the Feiyun Disk, and soon the Feiyun Disk broke through the sky and flew into the endless chaotic sea of ​​stars.

Zi Qianren watched them leave, and after a long time he sighed quietly: "Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, you are also a person with a deep blessing, but it is a pity... how come you are a god's abandoned body?"

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