Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 118: What's so good about God's Abandoned Body?

Xiao Lang was also dumbfounded. The Supreme God called him by name? This is the supreme **** who has nothing to do with it. He and Xuanyuan Tianzun looked at each other, seeing each other's surprise, and they were even more surprised.

The Supreme God summoned the two of them and couldn’t fail to see each other. Xuanyuan Tianzun immediately said to Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others, asking them to find a restaurant to live in. Then he politely said with Lianxin Tianzun, “Brother Lianxin, please lead the way!”

Lianxin smiled slightly, and flew high in the north. Xuanyuan Tianzun and Xiao Lang followed close behind. Countless warriors on the square below showed envious eyes, and many of them here are home lovers. But like the Purple Magic Vine Imperial City, not everyone can meet the Supreme God of Love Song.

The more they fly up to the towering mountain peak, the closer they are to the magnificent palace, the more shocked they are. This palace is not the kind of treasure of the Purple Emperor Palace, but as long as you get closer, you will feel an inexplicable coercion. Create a heart of worship.


Lianxin flew to the front of the palace and opened the door with a casual wave of one hand. He stood at the door and smiled and said, "You two, please come in with me!"

The three of them filed in, and walked into a magnificent hall, but there was no one inside. The two were very surprised, but the heart of love arched his hands to the void: "My lord, the war demon and this little friend have brought it here."

Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianzun quickly knelt down on one knee and said, "See Lord Supreme God."

There was still no one in the hall, whether there was any sound, the two did not dare to move, and after waiting for a moment, they couldn't help but looked up and swept around.


At this moment, the space in front trembled slightly, and a pair of eyes suddenly condensed. Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianzun's bodies shook at the same time. Seeing those eyes, the two seemed to see a sea of ​​stars and the entire chaotic world.

His eyes were extremely indifferent, just glanced at the two of them and then slowly disappeared into the air, leaving a cold and ethereal words: "Go down!"

Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianzun looked at each other and looked at each other. What is the Supreme God of Love Songs doing? Summon the two of them just to take a look, and then let them go down?

But those eyes had disappeared, and the two of them could only stand up and follow Lianxin and walked down. Walking out of the palace Xuanyuan Tianzun couldn't help but asked, "Brother Lianxin, what is it for the Supreme God to summon us?"

Lianxin smiled bitterly and said, "Where do I know? Just now the lord sent me the message, so I invited you up. But it's always a good thing. The lord hasn't called outsiders for many years. Brother Xuanyuan, go to my house to drink several times?"

Xuanyuan Tianzun shook his head and said, "No, this time I went to the Demon Realm to meet the Purple Charm Emperor. I stayed in the Purple Emperor Palace for a few days and begged for a five-color lotus. I must rush back to let Master Shura resurrect my little son. Let’s talk about Brother Lianxin again when I have a chance!"

When Xuanyuan Tianzun said this, his face was very plain, but the meaning of showing off in his words was very obvious, and Love also admired him with a thumbs up, and said with a smile: "That way, I won't keep you, next time I come to love songs Remember to notify me when you are in town."

Xiao Lang and the two flew in, and Xinxin walked into the palace again. Those eyes appeared again, and they murmured a little strangely: "The Emperor Purple Charm actually sent a message, let me see that young man? A godly abandoned body. What catches your eyes?"

Lianxin's face was stunned, and the two people were summoned up for the sake of that boy? Thinking that Xuanyuan Tianzun said just now that he had just returned from the Purple Emperor Palace, does that boy have something to do with the Purple Charm Emperor? But as the Supreme God of Love Song said, how could a God’s Abandoned Body be related to the Supreme Purple Charm Emperor?

The bizarre eyes of the Supreme God of Love Song disappeared again, leaving behind a voice transmission: "No matter what, look at this young man and give some help if necessary. Since the Emperor Zimei has spoken, this face must be given!"

Tianzun Lianxin nodded, saying that he had written down the matter. There were certain things that the Supreme God would definitely not show up, but since he had explained it, he did not dare to take it lightly.

When Xuanyuan Tianxin and others found the restaurant, they received a message from Xuanyuan Tianzun. Everyone set off again. This time it was very fast, because it was sent all the way back, but it only took a few days to return to the land of destruction.

In the westernmost Baitan City, Xuanyuan Tianxin stopped and waved his hands with Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others: "Go back to Xuanyuan Mountain. I will take Xiao Lang to Xiuluo Mountain."

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others nodded. They were not qualified to go up the mountain. The last time Xuanyuan Tianxin was taken and stayed at the bottom of the mountain, he didn't want to be boring.

Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianzun two teleported towards the north. Shura was led by Shura in the north, not far away from Xuemei led. This time the teleportation was faster, but it took a long time to teleport to Mount Asura.


Seeing a black palace atop a huge mountain in the north of the city, Xiao Lang couldn't help feeling sighed, does the Supreme God like the feeling of being cold from a height? Zimei Emperor, the Supreme God of Love Song, and the Palace of the Supreme God of Shura are all high in the mountains, living so high...don’t be afraid of dizziness?

"Participate in Master Xuanyuan!"

A group of guards in the city knelt down, and Xuanyuan Tianzun had a very high status in the eyes of the supreme **** of Shura. Many people in this city of Shura were from the Shura clan. It was evident that he was so respectful.

Xuanyuan Tianzun smiled and nodded. Before he could speak, a powerful man flew up from a huge castle in the distance. Before he came over, he laughed and said, "Blood Ji, look at your smiling face, this time going to the Demon Region is a big gain. Huh? Bloody jealousy, you actually broke through the peak of Heavenly Sovereign? Congratulations, your lord must be very pleased to see it."


Xuanyuan Tianzun glanced at Xiao Lang, and the two flew up to greet the man. Xuanyuan Tianzun laughed and said, "Big Brother Xiujian, this time I have good luck. I have some epiphany breakthroughs by chance. Um... this time. I stayed in the Purple Emperor Palace for half a month, and was given a five-colored lotus by the Queen of the Night. Your lord is in the palace, right?"

"Great! Your lord is in the palace, I'll go report it!"

This strong man is also Tianzun, apparently a steward of Shura Palace like Love Heart. Just after he finished speaking, a vague voice sounded in the sky: "War demon is back? Come on!"


As soon as this sound sounded, countless people in the city immediately knelt down on one knee, bowed in worship, and shouted: "Well, see the Supreme God!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun and Xiu Jian glanced at each other, and both laughed, but Xuanyuan Tianzun sighed helplessly at Xiao Lang: "Xiao Lang, you should go back to Xuanyuan Mountain first. I'm looking for you when I look back."

There was a trace of sadness in Xiao Lang's eyes, the Asura Supreme God obviously would not see him, this Asura City had come for nothing. He pondered for a while and suddenly said, "Uncle Xuanyuan, I'm going back to Tianzhou directly, next time I come to God's Domain, I will go to Xuanyuan Mountain to find you."

Xuanyuan Tianzun patted him on the shoulder and said, "Well, you can go back when you go back. Go to Xuanyuan Mountain first, and let Tianming and Tiangang send you back. Needless to say! If you refuse uncle, you will be angry!"

After talking about Xuanyuan Tianzun, he took out a space ring and handed it to Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang took it over and flew to the teleportation formation below and sent away.

"Who is he?" Seeing that Xuanyuan Tianzun attaches such importance to Xiao Lang, Xiu Jian said curiously.

Xuanyuan Tianzun watched Xiao Lang leave, and then said with emotion: "He is a magical boy..."

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