Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 126: Asura Supreme God

Xuanyuan Tianzun dared to show off his horses and chariots and set off for Xiao Lang. This has surprised everyone. After all, Xiuyuan is said to be the grandson of the Supreme God of Asura. You are the supreme god. Even if one of your subordinates is fighting with your grandson, even if you don't care about it, it will inevitably be uncomfortable, right?

With Xuanyuan Tianzun coming forward, today's battle is impossible to fight. The Destroyed Land is second only to Liuhuo's fierce man. He is so stiff that no one dares to tear his face with him. The strength of Xiuyuan can be done. he?

Now that the love heart came out, it also showed that the love song was named by the Supreme God, and no one dared to move. Even if Xiu Yuan didn't have the right to say that the Supreme God of Asura named him by name.

The corners of Xiu Yu'er's mouth twitched, but she didn't dare to say anything. She could be bullish outside, but now she really doesn't dare to bully. Coming from the family of the Supreme God, she understood many things, and it seemed that she couldn't get out of this tone today. She looked at Xiao Lang bitterly, originally thinking that her backing was large enough to easily crush this mess, but she didn't expect that the backing of God's Abandoned Body was stronger and bigger than her...

Xiuyuan curled his lips, trying to say a few words hard, but in the end he didn't say anything. Lianxin is the representative of the Supreme God of Liange, he is not qualified to talk to Lianxin at all, unless Liuhuo Tianzun comes.


The space was suddenly distorted again, whoever wanted to come, a tall man with blood-red hair like a devil appeared in the sky, and the aura of Naha's world enveloped the entire Red Dragon City.

Xuanyuan Tianzun frowned, Lianxin smiled with a faint glance, and Xiuyuan woke up with a look on his face, then he began to drink: "Liuhuo, you came just right."

"Participate in Master Liuhuo!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin Wanyan Juesha and others knelt down on one knee. This is the first person under the Supreme God of Destruction, and the only person who can represent the Supreme God. Naturally, he must be given enough respect.

"Liuhuo Tianzun?"

Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed slightly. Is this a peerless powerhouse who has realized the state of "soul travel" like him? Sure enough, his aura is strong, he is of Xingtian level at first glance. If he and Xingtian fight, who can win?

Liuhuo Tianzun did not pay attention to the cultivation of fate, but fixed his eyes on the love heart, and his eyes were full of warfare. He glanced at the heart and said: "Love heart, the destruction of the land, I still don't bother your family lovers to worry about things here. I will deal with it, you go back."

Lianxin smiled and ignored the flow fire. Instead, she turned to Xiao Lang and said, "Xiao Lang, the Land of Love Songs will always welcome you. If you come, I will give you a seat."

"call out!"

Lianxin turned around and danced with his hands in the air, and a black hole appeared in the air. He turned his head and nodded to Xuanyuan Tianzun, and flew in and disappeared. His purpose of coming today has been achieved. Since Liu Huo is here, it doesn't make sense for him to stay. Naturally, he has to give Liu Huo and Asura the Supreme God face.

Xuanyuan Tianzun stood leisurely in the air looking at Liuhuo Tianzun, waiting for the result of his treatment. In fact, at the moment Liu Huo appeared, he already understood some things, but he deliberately didn't break it, wanting to see a joke.

Seeing that Liuhuo Tianzun didn't respond to him, Xiuyuan seemed to understand a little bit, but he still said unwillingly, "Liouhuo, let's comment on this matter today. Yu'er has suffered a lot."

When Xiu Yu'er saw that she mentioned her, he hurriedly cried and said to Liuhuo Tianzun, "Grandpa Liuhuo, you can help Yuer..."

Liu Huo still glanced at everyone in silence, and finally fixed his gaze on Xiao Lang. He said in a deep voice, "You follow me and the rest of the people are separated. This is the end of today's affairs. This is what the sir meant."

My lord!

This sentence is enough, Liu Huo is the first person under the Supreme God, his adult can only be Shura. The Xiu Yuer Xiuyuan of the Sky Demon Race and the others were immediately discouraged. Xuanyuan Tianzun, Wanyan Tianxin and the others smiled with perfect face, but Xuanyuan Tianzun knew the result a long time ago. If love can come today, the Supreme God of Asura will definitely give some face.

The Demon Race and Xiu Yu'er immediately led people to send away, and Xiu Yuan also sent back to Shura City. Xiao Lang and others stood quietly watching everyone leave. Xiao Lang secretly shook his head when he saw Xiu Yu'er's bitter glance before leaving. This young lady had too few eyes, and she was afraid that she would be looking for trouble in the future...

"You, follow me!"

Liu Huo pointed at Xiao Lang again, and his body quickly moved and disappeared into the air when he grabbed Xiao Lang. Xuanyuan Tianzun also waved his hand and said, "Tianxin, take them to Xuanyuan Mountain. I have to go to the Asura Palace. Xiaoyu has been resurrected but is still asleep. It is estimated that I will be able to bring him back in a month or two."

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others suddenly became extremely excited. If it weren't for the Shura Palace that he was not qualified to enter, he would definitely rush over immediately. At the moment, he took the knife demon Qing Xiao Demon God and the others all the way to Xuanyuan Mountain.

A storm faded with the wind after the Supreme God intervened. However, the impact of this incident has just begun. The incident has become so big that countless spies in Chilong City have spread the incident throughout the land of destruction.

A divine abandoned body led people into the Tianma City, and kidnapped Master Moteng to rescue the two detained from the Mei family caravan. Then he teleported all the way to the north, and was intercepted by Xiu Yuan in Chilong City. Finally, Master Liu Huo came forward and took it away, and passed down the words of the Supreme God, and the matter ended there.

Regardless of what Xiao Lang was taken by Liuhuo Tianzun, at least the name Xiao Lang became popular. It is already very shocking to be able to make trouble in the Tianma City. After the trouble, the people of Shang Xiu's family will not die? This is against the sky! It is said that he also took out the token of the Purple Meivine Clan, and the token of Xing Tian Xingjun, the first person in Chaos Xinghai? And the Supreme God of Love Song called to protect him?

Originally, the name of Mr. Xiao only rose to fame in the Land of Destruction, and now it is considered to be a complete success. At least no family in the Land of Destruction dared to move Xiao Lang, not to mention the strength of Xuanyuan Xueji at the moment, just say that you moved Xiao Lang, and you dare to go to the land of love songs in the future, and dare to go to the chaotic Xinghai?

Things quickly spread throughout God's Domain, mainly the words of Lianxin and Xingtian's token. Xiao Lang was considered a human being in the entire God's Domain. A god's abandoned body has been missed by so many big people, this gap is too big, and it is naturally easy for people to remember.

Xiao Lang didn't have time to take care of these things. He was very nervous at this moment, because he found that Liuhuo Tianzun had taken him to the front of a palace, and he once looked at the palace from a distance. This is the Shura Palace.


Liuhuo Tianzun unleashed a burst of energy, and the palace door opened quietly. He looked at Xiao Lang, but didn't actually go in, but said to Xiao Lang: "Go in, Xiao Lang, your lord wants to see you."

Xiao Lang's inner head was extremely nervous and nervous, although he knew that the Supreme God of cultivation would not kill him. But this time it is the overlord who meets the Destroyed Land alone, so whoever can't be calm, right?

He nodded towards Liuhuo Tianzun, gritted his teeth and flew inward. As soon as he entered the gate, a flash of white light was transmitted to a beautiful valley. On the face is a huge lake. There is a flat boat on the lake with a man fishing.

Although Xiao Lang could only see a back figure, and the man did not release any breath, he immediately concluded that this man was the Supreme God of Asura.

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