Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 3: Pay attention to the impact

Xuanyuan Tianming picked up the stone and took a closer look and found nothing special. He observed for a while before throwing it to Xuanyuan Tiangang. As a result, Tian Gang didn't look surprising at first, and finally he threw it to Xiao Lang and said, "Look at it?"

Xiao Lang took it, looking left and right, but he still didn't find anything special. He asked in surprise, "What is this?"

"We don't know..."

Xuanyuan Tianming shook his head, and the two explored again, but in the end they found nothing. The two groaned for a while, and said to Xiao Lang, "How about? Excavate all the brown blood stones and black blood stones? Investigate them carefully?"

Xiao Lang pondered for a moment and nodded. The three of them immediately separated pieces of black bloodstone and brown bloodstone with magic soldiers and put them into the space ring. The three of them only spent half an hour digging up all the black bloodstones and brown bloodstones, but they found nothing, but the spiritual consciousness could easily sweep the nearby spiritual veins at this moment.

"The problem seems likely to appear on this stone!"

Xuanyuan Tianming groaned and gave the answer. Xiao Lang took out the stone and threw it to the ground: "Let's go back first? See if there will be black bloodstones and brown bloodstones here after a while?"

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan Tianming and Tiangang nodded their heads, their spiritual senses could probe over at any time, and the problem could be discovered after a probe. Anyway, the two do not plan to go back for the time being, and plan to go back in a month or two.

The three of them walked out of the spirit veins and checked again, and after making sure that they had not found anything, they returned the same way and returned to Xiaodi City.

"Xiao Lang, these are black blood stones and brown blood stones!"

Returning to the Shenhun Pavilion, the two immediately took out the stone from the space ring and made it clear that they did not dare to ask for it at all. Xiao Lang also took out the stone he had dug from inside, and then divided it into two parts and installed them in the space ring.

"I said one person and half, it's not that you can't find out! Whether you divided it between the Xuanyuan family or the two of you, I don't care about it."

Xiao Lang handed a space ring to Xuanyuan Tianming, without allowing him to refuse, turned and left. The two had to look at each other with a wry smile, and put away the gift that weighed two billion purple sacred stones.

In the following period, Xiao Lang, Xuanyuan Tianming and the others searched every other time, but found nothing. The black stone was the same as the ordinary stone on the ground, without the slightest vision, and the nearby spiritual veins did not change in any way.

Xiao Lang didn't check when he got there, and began to comprehend the map of Daoshu's sentiment, and he had nothing to accompany his wife, taking Xiao An Xiao Ping around.

Two months later, Xuanyuan Tianming and others probed the two stones, but they gave up completely without any discovery. After careful investigation in Tianzhou more than ten times, he still didn't find it, and Xiao Lang didn't want to return to God's Domain for the time being. The two decided to leave, Xuanyuan Tianyu was resurrected, and it was always outrageous that they didn't go back.

Xiao Lang has been back for a few months, and he hasn't seen any enemies touch the door. Moreover, Emperor Xuanyuan didn't send a message, which shows that there was nothing unusual, otherwise so many spies in the Xuanyuan family would have discovered it long ago. The two can leave without worry.

Of course, the most important thing is that the two believe that after the last Chilongcheng incident, who would dare to move Xiao Lang? That's not to fight the supreme **** of Shura, the love song of the supreme god, and the face of the Xingtian Zimeivine clan!

In the backyard of Shenhun Pavilion, many Tianzhou experts came to see off, and the Feiyun disk was taken out early and suspended in the air. The beauties that the two were about to bring back were also brought in early. At this moment, they stood outside the flying cloud disk, and said goodbye to Xiao Lang: "Xiao Lang, don't keep shrinking in Tianzhou, otherwise the adults will come in person. Tianzhou took you back. Although Tianzhou is comfortable, God's Domain is the battlefield of warriors. For the future development of Tianzhou, you must also go to God's Domain to conquer a territory."

Xiao Lang nodded and said, "I remember the words of the two big brothers! When I get bored in Tianzhou, I will definitely go to God's Domain to find two big brothers to drink. Of course, if the two big brothers have time, they can come to heaven. Xiao Lang welcomes you at any time."

Feiyunpan whistled and left, Xiao Lang secretly sighed, waved his hand to let everyone go back. He really didn't have the thought of going to God's Domain at the moment, mainly because he didn't realize that the strength of the vein map had not progressed, and he couldn't do much when he went to God's Domain. It's better to stay at home comfortably.

Mu Shangui didn't leave. After waiting for everyone to leave, he suddenly said, "Xiao Lang, you have to persuade Xiaodao, what age are you still not getting married? My hair turns white when I wait for my great-grandson!"

Xiao Lang stood behind with his hands, turned his head and smiled faintly: "Your hair was white many years ago, okay?"

Mu Shangui gave a wry smile, and said with a frown, "You, brother, have to think of a way, right?"


Xiao Lang nodded and said, "Don't introduce the woman from Tianzhou. He probably doesn't like it. I have time to go to God's Domain in the future. I will help him find one."

Mu Shangui was dumbfounded, and quickly shook his head and said, "Wait for you to go to God's Domain? How long is this? If you don't go to God's Domain for ten and a half years, you won't be able to drag it for ten or eight years? Let him get married."

This time it was Xiao Lang's turn to smile bitterly. He could only sigh, "Well, you go find one. By the way... Look for the kind of big butt, big boobs, small and exquisite, which he absolutely doesn't like."

"Good!" Mu Shangui walked out quickly, but he kept muttering, "This kid, actually tastes exactly the same as mine..."

Xiao Lang paused for a moment and released his spiritual sense to probe the black stone underground. After finding that the black stone nearby had not changed, he shook his head and prepared to go back to the backyard.

"Big brother!"

Suddenly, a pleasant surprise sounded, and Xiao Lang felt very familiar and quickly turned his head back, but his eyes were filled with surprise.

A young girl in snow white fox fur rushed over. She was twenty-eight years old, her eyebrows were like a mountain, her face was exquisite and comparable to that of Little Demon Mu, she was not tall, her chest was only slightly raised, but the breath of a young and beautiful girl rushed towards her face Come on, this is a little beauty comparable to Little Demon Mu.

"Little childish?"

Xiao Lang asked with some uncertainty, but the girl turned into a gust of wind and rushed directly into his arms, pouting her cute little mouth, and said with a bit of resentment, "Big brother, you are not naive when you come back? Naive this morning. Only when I left the customs, I saw that the city of Hongdi was beaming with joy. Then I knew that you were back, big brother, don't you like naivety anymore?"

"Like, like! Your grandpa said that you are closed, I didn't wake you up..."

Xiao Lang was embarrassed for a while. If he was holding childishness before, he wouldn't think it was a little loli that hadn't started to develop. At this moment, the little childishness became the big childishness, and he was slowly opening up, becoming a big beauty, and he felt a little guilty in his arms.

"I know that Big Brother is the best, so naive, so happy!",

Little childish smiled sweetly, his eyes bent into crescent moons, and suddenly he kissed Xiao Lang's cheek with his toes, and said contentedly: "Big brother, what do you think about childish strength? I broke through this retreat , Is about to reach the Heavenly Emperor Realm."

"No, yes, cough!"

Xiao Lang's face blushed, and after he looked around to make sure there was no one, he immediately lowered his head and confessed in a low voice: "You are childish, you are now a big girl, you can't just be relatives anymore, do you know whether men and women should know? ."

"I know!"

Ouyang nodded suspiciously and said, "Big Brother, I don't just kiss others casually. You are different! Naive but vowed to marry you!"


Xiao Lang softened and fell to the ground!

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