Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 15: Dragon Knight

The cities of God's Domain are very large, with few small cities, and each city can easily house tens of millions of people. Xuanyuan Mountain has some small cities, mainly because Xuanyuan Tianzun wanted to get some hierarchical systems back then, such as not being able to enter the big cities without reaching a certain strength, but he was too lazy to do it afterwards.

The city of Tianzhou was originally called Xuanhuo City. The city owner was a member of the Xuanyuan family. Xuanyuan Tianzun specially vacated this city. Everyone from the Xuanyuan family moved away, and even one hundred nearby small cities were given to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang can be said to have established himself as a country in the Xuanyuan Mountain. Of course, this honor will be given to the Wan Yan Family and Mei Family Mu Family as long as Xiao Lang wants it. A city is nothing, Lianxin said in person, as long as Xiao Lang goes to the land of love songs, he can pick which city he wants.

The Anton tribe, took over the city, selected guards, met with the patriarch of the big family in the city, and other trivial matters Xiao Lang left to Duguxing and Chamu, he let Xuanyuan Tianming and the two follow their town. He carried Xiao Demon God's knife Wuhen to accompany a group of big people.

The two sisters of Wanyan Ruoshui and Mrs. Mei Mu Li'er brought a group of maids, welcomed Hong Dou and others in, and began to decorate the backyard. Each family sent some lavish gifts, which made Hong Dou and others feel flattered.

Xiao Lang accompanied Wanyan to kill, Xuanyuan Tianzun, and Mrs. Mei drinking. Seeing Xiao Lang whose complexion had returned to a calmer and more stable face, everyone was very pleased that he could bring his tribe to Tianzhou and live under the fence of Xuanyuan Tianzun. Xiao Lang was obviously making progress, at least a qualitative leap in his heart.

Madam Mei handed over a ring and said with a smile: "Xiao Lang, this time there are so many things in the family, and I haven't passed it. You fight for the face of our Mei family, this is a little from the family."

Xiao Lang didn't take it politely, and nodded gratefully. Mrs. May's decisiveness last time successfully won his friendship. Wanyan Lore also handed over a ring and said with a smile: "It's for your clan people. It's not easy for your patriarch to do it. You will know in the future."

Xiao Lang didn't need to look at it, he knew that there was a purple sacred stone inside. He was not polite to tens of millions of people. He needed the purple sacred stone for everything. The people of Tianzhou wanted to grow stronger as soon as possible through cultivation, and they also needed the purple sacred stone to stabilize the situation.

Xuanyuan Tianzun smiled lightly and didn't give a gift. He gave a city that was the best gift. Just this big city, Xiao Lang can earn millions of purple sacred stones in one year.

After a lot of busyness and excitement, Wanyan Juesha took the people away, but the two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui stayed behind. Mu Li'er and Madam Mei also took the people away, Xuanyuan Tianzun sat leisurely, anyway, it was only a few steps away from Xuanyuan City.

"Uncle Xuanyuan!"

Xiao Lang thought of emotional anger, and he spoke directly without being polite: "Do you know how to improve your soul quickly? I have realized the seventh state of emotional anger, and the power of emotional anger is very powerful than that of the late **** ancestors! Unfortunately, my soul is too weak. It’s difficult to release anger..."


Xuanyuan Tianzun frowned, and he muttered for a long time before he said, "Your cultivation time is too short and too short. It's normal for your soul to be weak! But in general, the Supreme God Family will fight for the Supreme God Family, and it is generally difficult for us to fight for it. I help. Go and check around to see if there are any ordinary soul treasures..."

With Xuanyuan Tianzun's words, Xiao Lang was very satisfied. His cultivation of the Purple Sacred Stone can actually strengthen a trace of his soul, but unfortunately there is too little, too little. If his soul wants to change the city's Purple Mansion, he must at least refine several billion Purple Sacred Stones. There is no soul treasure who wants to break through, only after a long period of time, continuous cultivation.

Xiao Lang got up and walked towards the backyard regardless of Xuanyuan Tianzun. He didn't have any problems, sitting in the hall and drinking tea leisurely, as if in his own home.

The backyard is very lively. A group of women set up the backyard in Zhang Luo. Of course, the maids do the things. Everyone just directs the maids according to their personal preferences.

Wan Yan Ruoshui, Mu Li'er and Mrs. Mei sent nearly a hundred maids with good looks and good strength. Those maids were obviously trained, although Xiaoyao Hongdoumu and the others were poor and pitiful, but they were extremely respectful and treated them as masters.

Walking into the backyard hall and seeing the sisters Wan Yan Ruoshui ordering the maids to decorate the house, Xiao Lang remembered what she had said in Tianzhou, and saw that the two sisters were ecstatic, and she couldn't help but look a little silly than Huajiao.

And at this moment, Wanyan Ruoshui also looked outside. Seeing Xiao Lang's drunken gaze, a pretty face was red and hot, and he quickly pulled Wanyan Ruyu into the next room.

"Xiao Lang!"

Hongdou was a person who came over. You can see through the mess inside at a glance, but walked out without a smirk, yelled sweetly, and then whispered: "These two girls are really beautiful, people are good! And they seem to have affection for you? Why don't you... take it?"

Xiao Lang rolled his eyes and said, "Don't say anything like this in the future, it won't be good to spread it out. Your husband is not worthy of others. Now a son of the Supreme God is pursuing them. It is said that he is only thirty. The strength has reached the peak of the ancestor..."


Hongdou blinked and was shocked! But soon he smiled and said: "In Hongdou's heart, the husband is always the best."

Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was about to go inside to take a look, but the Demon God Xiao hurriedly came from outside, and he shouted from a distance: "Xiao Lang, someone is here to smash the place!"


Xiao Lang thought he had heard it wrong. Where is Xuanyuan Tianzun still sitting in the hall, who is looking for death?

Devil Xiao said with a gloomy face: "That man calls himself Young Master Dragon Knight!"

"It's him? Go!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes. He had naturally heard that this person was the descendant of the Supreme God who pursued Sister Wanyan. Xuanyuan Tianxin said on the way to be careful of this person to find faults. Didn't he expect that when he arrived at Xuanyuan Mountain, others would come to him? Obviously, the excessive intimacy between Sister Wanyan and him caused dissatisfaction with this peerless son.

Walking out of the hall, Xiao Lang first went to see Xuanyuan Tianzun for instructions. After all, at Xuanyuan Mountain at this moment, everything still depends on what his old man meant.

Xuanyuan Tianzun drank tea lightly, without raising his head. After listening to Xiao Moshen's report, he said: "Xiao Lang, go out and meet you. Be polite, how can I give the Long family a face. Of course... You don't have to give it either!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun spoke, Xiao Lang's confidence greatly increased, and Xiao Demon God and Poison Dragon walked outside.

When I walked to the door, I saw a handsome young man in white clothes standing outside the door, and ten ancestor peak warriors followed him!

"Xiao Lang..."

Cha Mu was still standing at the door, a little embarrassed. I wanted to welcome this young man in. Unexpectedly, he would ignore him and just let Xiao Lang come out to see him.

Xiao Lang glanced at him, his face showed a faint smile, and he said, "Under Xiao Lang, he is the lord of the Tianzhou City. What is the advice of this young man? Why not go in for a cup of tea and talk?"

Young Master Longqi was holding a folding fan in his hand and facing the door. Xiao Lang didn't turn around after he finished speaking. He just smiled and said, "Xiao Lang, it is said that you are a wise man. I have no other intention when I came here today, just hope. You stay smart and leave..."

Young Master Longqi took the people away, but he didn't even look at Xiao Lang directly. The faces of Xiao Devil and Dulong erupted with anger, but Xiao Lang waved his hand and narrowed his eyes!

Inexplicably, there is another enemy, and the background of this enemy is a hundred times that of Lord Moteng. It seems that the future life will be very exciting.



[Author's digression]: New year and new weather, everything goes well for everyone, and the old demon wished you New Year!

With your company, the old demon will never be alone, you must be happy!

ps: Tomorrow evening at 9 o'clock in the evening, WeChat will have a prize-winning response activity, please remember to open WeChat!

Hmm... WeChat ID yaoye588

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