Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 21: Something big

When Xiao Lang arrived in Xuanyuan City, after Xuanyuan Tianzun explained it, Xiao Lang's expression became more solemn.

Things didn't surprise him. This time, a heavy treasure was indeed found. The treasure was in a very evil area of ​​the Chaos Xinghai. The reason why it is said to be very evil is that there is a natural forbidden Tianzun to enter. And it is said that the gravity in this area is 10,000 times that of the outside, and the speed will be suppressed when everyone enters. After Xiao Lang entered, his speed was no different from that of a warrior...

Three days ago, a Ling Meng bird was discovered in a star field near that domain, which was still a great Ling Meng bird. This is the top ten spirit beast in the chaotic space, the chaotic sea of ​​stars is rioting, and there are more than countless warriors in that domain, and the powerhouses in the three ultimate domains are still rushing past.

Seeing Xiao Lang's hesitation, Xuanyuan Tianzun said in a deep voice, "Xiao Lang, if you want to snatch, you have to leave immediately. I will let Tianxin Tianming and ten of them go with you. Whether you can get it depends on your luck. ."

Xiao Lang swept away the worried Xuanyuan Tianxin, and said with a wry smile: "Uncle, I really want this thing! The problem is that there are so many strong people, can we grab it? And if there is a melee, we may all fall. After talking about it, It may not be possible to return to God's Domain safely after going out of that domain."


Xuanyuan Tianzun's eyes widened, and he scolded: "If you don't grab it, how do you know you can't get it? Falling? This time, Tianxin and the others will go to experience it. If they don't experience life and death, they will not be able to break through Tianzun! Now, I will be sad, but if he doesn’t even have the courage to challenge, I will despise him for a lifetime! What are you afraid of if you succeed? The token of Xingtian is in your hands. Who dares to move you clearly in the chaotic sea of ​​stars? When you arrive at the land of love songs, love songs will protect you! You can just send me a message at that time."

Xuanyuan Tianxin stood up abruptly, and said resolutely, "I'll go!"

Xiao Lang also gritted his teeth and stood up, with a cruel expression on his face: "Then let's go! Big brother, please prepare. I will send you a message to explain a few words and set off immediately."

Xuanyuan Tianxin went down to prepare, Xiao Lang took out the teleportation token and started sending messages to Chamu Hongdou and the others, and soon Chamu returned the news to make Xiao Lang feel at ease. He would arrange things in Tianzhou City, and would come to Xuanyuan Tianzun for advice on anything.

"Xiao Lang, you have to remember a little when you go this time."

Xuanyuan Tianzun waited for Xiao Lang to finish the message, and then he confessed: "You can kill anyone in it, and the only thing you can't kill is the descendants of the Supreme God. Even in this case, even if their descendants die, the Supreme God does not It will take care of it. But their family will inevitably bear resentment, and they really met with the Supreme God’s family. In the end, it was basically a dead end. So it doesn’t matter if you damage or something, it doesn’t matter if you abolish it. Don’t kill it, even if you have to kill... Must not leave any clues."

Xiao Lang nodded and remembered in his heart, but he secretly prayed in his heart, Young Master Longqi, don't go this time. Otherwise, once encountered, the ending will be very unfavorable.

Soon Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others finished their preparations. The ten ancestors who had chased Xinghai last time have all gone, and these ten people have been stuck at the peak of the ancestors, and have been eager to break through. This time it seems that they want to break the boat.


Xiao Lang waved his hand, he had nothing to prepare, everything was in the space ring, and he also gave most of the purple holy stone to Chamu. With Xuanyuan Tianzun, he has no worries, just go and give it a go.

Teleporting all the way, Xiao Lang didn't bring the poisonous dragon this time. This time the battle level was too high, and the poisonous dragon would only die. The eleven people did not rest for a while, and the chances of getting the Ling Meng Bird earlier would be higher.

When everyone teleported to Love Song City, the matter had already spread throughout God's Domain, and countless people rushed towards the chaotic sea of ​​stars. That domain has been out of the treasure before, and if Tianzun can't enter, then all the ancestors have a chance to get it.

The most important thing is that at this moment, the price of the Ling Meng Bird has been priced out of the sky. The Supreme God of Tsing Ting has already released his words, anyone who brings a Ling Meng bird, bestows a mountain collar, and protects his family's prosperity and wealth for a million years.

More **** ancestor peaks flew towards the chaotic sea of ​​stars. This time, even if you can't get the Ling Meng Bird, if you can kill a fish in troubled waters and survive, you can get a great deal.

Flurry of demons!

This is the situation in Chaos Xinghai at this moment. Xiao Lang's eleven people have been out of Chaos Xinghai for three days, and they have been intercepted five times. They are also a group of low-powered warriors, and even a group of gods dare to intercept the peak of ten **** ancestors. …

"call out!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin's flying cloud disk quickly pierced through the air, and the ten people's consciousness kept shooting everywhere to prevent someone from intercepting and killing. Xiao Lang was sitting leisurely, his spiritual sense was not as strong as ten. At this moment in this chaotic Xinghai, he really has no worries. If it is an ancestor-level warrior, they can fight. If it is a Tianzun level, no one should dare to show the token of Xingtian?

The domain of the evil door is called the evil domain, which was named by Xing Tian himself. In the middle of Zhang Ge star field and Xingtian star field, there is no big area nearby, this area is fairly large.

After flying for a long time, Xuanyuan Tianxin suddenly controlled the flying cloud disk to fly to the left. After flying tens of thousands of meters, he stopped, his expression became extremely solemn, and Tianming and the others were also respectful.

"what happened?"

Xiao Lang swept to the right suspiciously, but didn't see anything, Tian Xin whispered: "I belong to the Qing family."

"The Qing family? The Qing family?"

Xiao Lang blinked, and his spiritual consciousness quickly detected dozens of flying cloud disks on the right, and each flying cloud disk had a big "green" on it. He immediately understood that this was a child of the Supreme God Family of Cing Ting.

His sense of consciousness casually sensed, but his face became bitter. Because in those Feiyun disks, there are as many as five or six hundred **** ancestors, at least forty or fifty people at the peak of **** ancestors, and Tianzun has three others, obviously here to protect them.

Dozens of flying cloud disks whizzed past, and Xuanyuan Tianxin said solemnly: "This time it seems that the Qing family is determined to win. There is a teenager in their family who is talented and peerless. Qing Tsing loves it very much. I guess I want to get this. The cute bird nurtures him."

"Let's go, never give up until the last minute!"

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth and said, Xuanyuan Tianxin nodded and continued to control the Feiyun disk to fly towards the evil realm.

As a result, flying all the way, he encountered two or three legions of the Supreme God family in a row, and Xiu Jia had also sent people there. What caused Xiao Lang's headache the most was that Longqi had taken people there, and he had a face-to-face encounter on the way.

Feeling the divine consciousness that Longqi had swept over coldly, Xiao Lang, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others sank, and everyone almost wanted to turn around and go back. But thinking of Xuanyuan Tianzun's words, he gritted his teeth and flew towards the west.

But at this moment, everyone felt inexplicably that this trip to the Evil Realm might be a big deal.


[Author's digression]: There are only two chapters today. Recently, my thoughts are a little confused, I originally wrote the third chapter and deleted it.

The old demon rests for a day, think about the plot well, let's have six chapters tomorrow!

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