Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 22: Evil domain

Everyone's guess is correct, they haven't reached the Evil Realm yet, it's just that a major accident happened not far after Zhang Ge's star realm.

Looking at the dozens of flying cloud disks ahead, feeling a very powerful aura inside, as well as the aura of countless ancestors, everyone's expressions are extremely solemn.

The opponent clearly wanted to intercept and kill, whether it was a pirate legion, or a warrior from various domains disguised as a pirate, today is not good, everyone will become the corpse of others in the space ring.

"Don't move, I'll go out and inform!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin controlled the flying cloud disk to stop, and his body shot out, standing in the air, he drank in a deep voice, "Under Xuanyuan Tianxin, my father, war demon! You are fine, please stay away, otherwise it will be regarded as an attack!"

Sure enough, the opponent's Feiyun Disk stopped, and a voice came from the Feiyun Disk: "War Demon? Can Xuanyuan Xueji be inside?"

Xuanyuan Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief. Since the opponent's Tianzun knew his father, shouldn't he be messy? He bowed his hand and said, "My father is not here. They are all children of our family. I hope that the adults will give way. I can't be thankful enough."


The opponent's Tianzun paused, suddenly released a powerful momentum, and burst into a shout: "Since the war demon is not there, kill them all!"

"call out!"

Dozens of flying clouds shot out innumerable powerhouses, all the energy surrounding them had to be done, Xuanyuan Tianming and others immediately looked at Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth and flew out, shouting, "Wait! Next to Xiao Lang, this is the token of Xing Tian Xingjun, who dares to move?"

Xing Tianxingjun!

The name was very shocking, and everyone immediately dared not move. An elderly white-bearded man in a flying cloud disk immediately flew out, his eyes locked on the token in Xiao Lang's hand, and his consciousness swept away and waved: "Withdraw. !"

All the pirates immediately flew into the flying cloud disk, and the white-bearded old man nodded to Xiao Lang and said: "Since I am a person of Lord Xingtian, I naturally want to give face, but I advise you not to go to the evil realm. The front is intercepted. There are more people, you don't think you will have to die if you can't reach the evil realm!"

Tianzun entered the flying cloud disk, and dozens of flying cloud disks whizzed away. Everyone looked at each other and found that everyone had a cold sweat on their foreheads. If the war really started just now, everyone would die!


Xuanyuan Tianxin's eyes became cold and he started to drink. He knew very well that if he retreated and returned to Xuanyuan Mountain, he was destined to be seen by Xuanyuan Tianzun in this life. Xuanyuan Tianzun had always looked at Xuanyuan Tianyu more seriously, thinking that Xuanyuan Tian's heart was not as good as him. If he didn't even have the courage to fight, he would really have no face to go back.

Xiao Lang's heart became heavier, he was not afraid of death, but he was afraid of hurting Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others. It's just that Xuanyuan Tianxin said so, so naturally he wouldn't say much.

Feiyun disk continued to break through the air, and the result was very tragic all the way, seven or eight battles in just six days. There were two times Xuanyuan Tiangang they almost died, but the legion encountered along the way, as long as the Tianzun Xiao Lang took out the token, it would not be embarrassed. The reputation of the first person in Chaos Xinghai was not blown out, but played out.

"We are about to arrive in the Evil Realm in two days. I hope that nothing will happen in these two days!"

Xiao Lang looked at the map, and prayed secretly in his heart. Xuanyuan Tiangang and the other three had already been injured. If there was another fighting, they might be dead.

Continue to fly, and the closer you leave the Evil Realm, the tighter the hearts of the people, because there are more and more warriors nearby, but fortunately, everyone has some restrictions, and they don't dare to approach casually for fear of causing melee.

Two days later, when Xuanyuan Tianxin explored a huge area from afar, he immediately exclaimed: "Here! Many people, but these people are not going in? Are you planning to go fishing outside in troubled waters?"

As the flying cloud disk approached, Xiao Lang could also see a huge land floating in the air. Seeing the countless flying cloud disks floating in the air nearby, there are tens of thousands of people who casually probed by Divine Sense, and many of them are Tianzun. In the distance, many small star fields are also full of warriors.

"call out!"

More than a dozen flying cloud disks on the left suddenly disappeared into the air, and then flew into the Evil Realm. Xuanyuan Tianxin controlled the Feiyun Disk to pause in the air, and began to investigate the situation.

"Isn't this... Big Brother Tianxin?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Tianxin’s ears, and his divine consciousness immediately followed the probe, with joy on his face, and smiled at Xiao Lang and the others: "Wait, Zhang Ge Xingjun’s people are over there. I will say hello and feel the situation by the way."

"Zhang Ge Xingjun's person?"

Xiao Lang and the others all laughed in surprise, Zhang Ge and Xuanyuan Tianzun were old friends. Presumably where can I get some useful information from their people?

It didn’t take long for Xuanyuan Tianxin to fly back, but his face was heavy. After entering the Feiyun disk, he sighed heavily, “The inside is more dangerous than we thought. According to Zhang Lu... more than five people have entered in this period of time. One hundred thousand strong people are basically above the peak of the gods. And each batch has dozens of hundreds or even thousands of people, and the maximum number of them is three or five! And after they come out, they will be chased and killed by countless warriors, unless they hand over Space ring. So now many people are watching outside and dare not go in. But what is certain is... that Ling Meng bird has not been caught, there are countless caves in this eerie territory, the terrain is strange, even if millions of people enter It takes a certain amount of time and luck to grasp it easily."

Xiao Lang and others looked at each other, and they were secretly shocked, half a million people! I'm afraid there is always war inside, right? Xuanyuan Tianxin sighed slightly again: "This is nothing, mainly because the children of the seven supreme **** families in God's Domain have all entered, and there have also been three from the Demon Region, and the children of the three imperial families from the Demon Region. That's right... Xiao Lang! The Zimei Teng family is here, this is the only good news."

Everyone became silent. There were only eleven of them. They were afraid that they would not be able to beat one of them when they entered. And even if he went in, even if he succeeded in the snatch, wouldn't he be killed immediately by the heavenly master outside?

Xiao Lang was silent for a long time before he said, "Big Brother Tianxin, what do you mean? Or don't we go in? For me, I will feel uneasy for the rest of my life."


Xuanyuantian gave him a heart attack and said, "We can come, do you think it is really for you? We have been stuck at the peak of the ancestors for many years. Isn't this going to come to fight for a breakthrough? Then we can look up in our father's place. ?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang also nodded and said, "Yes, since you have embarked on the road of warriors, death is your destination sooner or later. If you are afraid of death... you will never be able to break through this life."

Xuanyuan Tianming also suddenly said, "Should Xiao Lang you be outside? You go to Zhang Ge Xingjun's legion to wait for us? Your strength is still weak, it is very dangerous to go in."

Seeing that everyone was full of firmness, Xiao Lang went out, gritted his teeth and said: "Then go in! As long as you get the Ling Meng Bird, I will immediately send the message to the night queen! Keep us back to God's Domain."

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others immediately shook their spirits. Xiao Lang still had a trump card in his hand. As long as he came out to send a message to Ye Hou, Ye Hou would definitely send a few Tianzun to move over, and the group of people outside would not have to hesitate.


Xuanyuan Tianxin waved his hand and closed the take-off cloud disk. Everyone quickly flew towards the inside, and soon disappeared into the chaotic space.

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